using Arcen.Universal; using Arcen.AIW2.Core; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; namespace Arcen.AIW2.External { public static class DracoUtilities { public interface IHasArcenPoint { ArcenPoint galaxyLocation { get; set; } } public static Planet FindNearestPlanetInList(List outerRing, Planet plnt) { int dist = int.MaxValue; Planet ret = null; foreach(Planet pl in outerRing) { int d = pl.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(plnt.GalaxyLocation, false); if(d < dist) { dist = d; ret = pl; } } return ret; } //adds an ellipse of points public static List addElipticalPoints(int numPoints, ArcenSimContext Context, ArcenPoint ellipseCenter, int ellipseMajorAxis, int ellipseMinorAxis, double rotationRad, ref List pointsSoFar) { float startingAngle = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(1, 359); List pointsForThisCircle = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { float angle = (360f / (float)numPoints) * (float)i; // yes, this is theoretically an MP-sync problem, but a satisfactory 360 arc was simply not coming from the FInt approximations and I'm figuring the actual full-sync at the beginning of the game should sync things up before they matter angle += startingAngle; if(angle >= 360f) angle -= 360f; double angleRad = angle / 180 * Math.PI; ArcenPoint pointOnRing = ellipseCenter; double tan = Math.Sin(angleRad) / Math.Cos(angleRad); double x = ellipseMajorAxis * ellipseMinorAxis / Math.Sqrt( ellipseMinorAxis * ellipseMinorAxis + ellipseMajorAxis * ellipseMajorAxis * tan * tan); //not using Mat.SqrtFast because of need for double precision if (angle >= 90) x = -x; if(angle >= 270) x = -x; double y = x * Math.Sin(angleRad) / Math.Cos(angleRad); double xn = x * Math.Cos(rotationRad) - y * Math.Sin(rotationRad); double yn = x * Math.Sin(rotationRad) + y * Math.Cos(rotationRad); pointOnRing.X += (int)xn; pointOnRing.Y += (int)yn; pointsForThisCircle.Add(pointOnRing); pointsSoFar.Add(pointOnRing); } return pointsForThisCircle; } //adds a circle of points public static List addCircularPoints(int numPoints, ArcenSimContext Context, ArcenPoint circleCenter, int circleRadius, ref List pointsSoFar) { float startingAngle = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(1, 359); List pointsForThisCircle = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { float angle = (360f / (float)numPoints) * (float)i; // yes, this is theoretically an MP-sync problem, but a satisfactory 360 arc was simply not coming from the FInt approximations and I'm figuring the actual full-sync at the beginning of the game should sync things up before they matter angle += startingAngle; if(angle >= 360f) angle -= 360f; ArcenPoint pointOnRing = circleCenter; pointOnRing.X += (int)Math.Round(circleRadius * (float)Math.Cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180f))); pointOnRing.Y += (int)Math.Round(circleRadius * (float)Math.Sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180f))); pointsForThisCircle.Add(pointOnRing); pointsSoFar.Add(pointOnRing); } return pointsForThisCircle; } /* This returns a matrix where matrix[i][j] == 1 means point i and point j should be connected Has the same algorithm as createMinimumSpanningTree, but a seperate implementation */ public static int[,] createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(ReadOnlyCollection pointsForGraph) { int[,] connectionArray; connectionArray = new int[pointsForGraph.Count, pointsForGraph.Count]; if(pointsForGraph.Count < 1) return connectionArray; for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < pointsForGraph.Count; j++) { connectionArray[i, j] = 0; } } List verticesNotInTree = new List(); List verticesInTree = new List(); // ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Creating minimum spanning tree now", Verbosity.DoNotShow); for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++) verticesNotInTree.Add(i); //Pick first element, then remove it from the list int pointIdx = verticesNotInTree[0]; verticesNotInTree.RemoveAt(0); verticesInTree.Add(pointIdx); //initialize adjacency matrix for Prim's algorithm //the adjacency matrix contains entries as follows //pointIdxNotInTree //In the body of the algorithm we look at this matrix to figure out //which point to add to the tree next, then update it for the next iteration int[,] spanningAdjacencyMatrix; spanningAdjacencyMatrix = new int[pointsForGraph.Count, 3]; for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++) { spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 0] = i; spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 1] = -1; spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 1] = 9999; } //loop until all vertices are in the tree while(verticesNotInTree.Count > 0) { //update the adjacency matrix //for each element NOT in the tree, find the closest //element in the tree for(int i = 0; i < verticesNotInTree.Count; i++) { int minDistance = 9999; for(int j = 0; j < verticesInTree.Count; j++) { int idxNotInTree = verticesNotInTree[i]; int idxInTree = verticesInTree[j]; ArcenPoint pointNotInTree = ((IHasArcenPoint)pointsForGraph[idxNotInTree]).galaxyLocation; ArcenPoint pointInTree = ((IHasArcenPoint)pointsForGraph[idxInTree]).galaxyLocation; int distance = Mat.DistanceBetweenPointsImprecise(pointNotInTree, pointInTree); if(distance < minDistance) { spanningAdjacencyMatrix[idxNotInTree, 1] = idxInTree; spanningAdjacencyMatrix[idxNotInTree, 2] = distance; minDistance = distance; } } } //now pick the closest edge // s = System.String.Format("Examine the remaining {0} vertices to find which to add", // verticesNotInTree.Count); // ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow); int minDistanceFound = 9999; int closestPointIdx = -1; int pointToAdd = -1; for(int i = 0; i < verticesNotInTree.Count; i++) { pointIdx = verticesNotInTree[i]; // s = System.String.Format( "To find closest edge, examine {0} of {1} (idx {4}), minDistance {2} dist for this point {3}", // i, verticesNotInTree.Count , minDistanceFound, spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2], pointIdx); // ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2] == 0) { //don't try to link a point to itself continue; } if(spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2] < minDistanceFound) { minDistanceFound = spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2]; closestPointIdx = spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 1]; pointToAdd = pointIdx; } } // s = System.String.Format( "Adding point idx {0} closest neighbor ({1}. distance {2} to tree", pointToAdd, // closestPointIdx, minDistanceFound); // ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow); //Now let's add this point to the Tree verticesNotInTree.Remove(pointToAdd); verticesInTree.Add(pointToAdd); spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointToAdd, 2] = 9999; connectionArray[pointToAdd, closestPointIdx] = 1; connectionArray[closestPointIdx, pointToAdd] = 1; } return connectionArray; } public static bool DoesPointOverlapPlanet(ArcenPoint pt, int v, ReadOnlyCollection currentlist) { foreach(IHasArcenPoint ap in currentlist) { if(pt.GetDistanceTo(ap.galaxyLocation, false) <= v) { return true; } } return false; } public static byte[] ReadBitmapFile(string path, out int width, out int height) { bool debug = false; if(!File.Exists(path)) { string origPath = path; path = "AIWar2/" + path; if(!File.Exists(path)) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Warning: " + origPath + " does not exist", Verbosity.DoNotShow ); width = -1; height = -1; return null; } } FileStream f = File.OpenRead(path); byte[] info = new byte[54]; f.Read(info, 0, 54); width = info[19] * 256 + info[18]; height = info[23] * 256 + info[22]; int w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(width * 3 / 4f) * 4); int size = w * height; if(debug) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("size of image: " + width + "*" + height, Verbosity.DoNotShow); byte[] input = new byte[size]; byte[] colors = new byte[size]; f.Read(input, 0, size); f.Close(); for(int c = 0; c < size; c++) { colors[c] = input[c]; } return colors; } public static int GetProbabilityAt(byte[] colors, int x, int y, int w, int h) { w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(w * 3 / 4f) * 4); return Math.Max(Math.Max(colors[(y * w + x * 3)], colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 1]), colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 2]); } public static Color GetColorAt(byte[] colors, int x, int y, int w, int h) { w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(w * 3 / 4f) * 4); return new Color(colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 2], colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 1], colors[(y * w + x * 3)]); } } public class Mapgen_D18_Mesh : Mapgen_Base { //Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) { //numberToSeed = 30; //let's override the number of planets desired to something small and manageable ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Mesh generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //AngleDegrees thirty = AngleDegrees.Create(FInt.FromParts(30, 0)); //AngleDegrees threethirty = AngleDegrees.Create(FInt.FromParts(330, 0)); int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets; PlanetType planetType = PlanetType.Normal; List allPlanets = new List(); List openPlanets = new List(); ArcenPoint originPlanetPoint = Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter; Planet originPlanet = galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, originPlanetPoint, Context); openPlanets.Add(originPlanet); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("populate PlanetPoints list\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); for(int i = 0; i < numberToSeed - 1 && openPlanets.Count > 0; i++) { Planet extendFrom = openPlanets[Context.RandomToUse.Next(0, openPlanets.Count)]; Planet newplanet = null; ArcenPoint newpos; bool recheck = false; int maxCheck = 30; do { recheck = false; newpos = extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetRandomPointWithinDistance(Context.RandomToUse, 30, 150); extendFrom.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { float deg = extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(item.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(newpos)); recheck = recheck || (deg < 30); return DelReturn.Continue; }); int minDistSeen = int.MaxValue; recheck |= this.wouldCollideWithLinks(allPlanets, extendFrom, newpos); //GetWouldLinkCrossOverOtherPlanets(pl, newpos); if(!recheck) { foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) { int dist = p.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(newpos, false); recheck |= dist < 30; if(dist < minDistSeen) { minDistSeen = dist; } } } maxCheck--; } while(recheck && maxCheck > 0); if(recheck && maxCheck <= 0) { openPlanets.Remove(extendFrom); i--; continue; } planetType = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(0, 1) > 0.2 ? PlanetType.Normal : PlanetType.Star; newplanet = galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, newpos, Context); newplanet.AddLinkTo(extendFrom); allPlanets.Add(newplanet); openPlanets.Add(newplanet); foreach(Planet plnt in openPlanets) { if(newplanet.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 4) { int dist = plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(newplanet.GalaxyLocation, false); if(dist >= 30 && dist <= 150) { bool canConnect = true; float deg = newplanet.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(extendFrom.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(newplanet.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(plnt.GalaxyLocation)); canConnect = canConnect && deg >= 30; plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { deg = plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(item.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(newplanet.GalaxyLocation)); canConnect = canConnect && deg >= 30; return DelReturn.Continue; }); bool wouldCollide = this.wouldCollideWithLinks(allPlanets, plnt, newplanet); if(canConnect && !wouldCollide) { newplanet.AddLinkTo(plnt); } } } } if(extendFrom.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4) { openPlanets.Remove(extendFrom); } if(newplanet.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4) { openPlanets.Remove(newplanet); } openPlanets.RemoveAll(x => x.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4); } galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, ArcenPoint.Create(1000, 1000), Context); return; } private bool wouldCollideWithLinks(List toCheck, Planet one, Planet two) { bool ret = false; foreach(Planet plnt in toCheck) { plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(plnt == one || plnt == two || item == one || item == two) return DelReturn.Continue; ret |= Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(one.GalaxyLocation, two.GalaxyLocation, plnt.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 10); return ret ? DelReturn.Break : DelReturn.Continue; }); if(ret) return true; } return false; } private bool wouldCollideWithLinks(List toCheck, Planet one, ArcenPoint two) { bool ret = false; foreach(Planet plnt in toCheck) { plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(plnt == one || item == one) return DelReturn.Continue; ret |= Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(one.GalaxyLocation, two, plnt.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 10); return ret ? DelReturn.Break : DelReturn.Continue; }); if(ret) return true; } return false; } } public class Mapgen_D18_LinkedRings : Mapgen_Base { //Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Linked Rings generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets; int numMoons = (numberToSeed / 10); if(numberToSeed > 24) numberToSeed -= numMoons * 2; else numMoons = 0; int outerRingCount = 12; if(numberToSeed > 80) { outerRingCount = (int)((numberToSeed / 80f) * 12f); } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Base ring size " + outerRingCount, Verbosity.DoNotShow); //first guess on how many sub-rings we need int numCircles = (numberToSeed - outerRingCount) / 8; //how many rings we can make of 8 stars int numPerStar = (numberToSeed - outerRingCount) / 6; //how many stars we'd need per ring int pointsPerLoop = 8; int numLoops = 6; if(numCircles <= 6) { numLoops = numCircles; } else { pointsPerLoop = numPerStar; } int numMainLoop = numberToSeed - (numLoops * pointsPerLoop); int numMainLoopBase = numMainLoop; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy needs (pass 1) " + numLoops + " loops and " + pointsPerLoop + " planets per loop.", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //re-evaluate numCircles = (numberToSeed - numMainLoop) / 8; //6 numPerStar = (numberToSeed - numMainLoop) / (numMainLoop / 2); //8 if(numCircles <= numMainLoop / 2) { numLoops = numCircles; } else { pointsPerLoop = numPerStar; numLoops = numMainLoop / 2; } numMainLoop = numberToSeed - (numLoops * pointsPerLoop); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy needs (pass 2) " + numLoops + " loops and " + pointsPerLoop + " planets per loop.", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int sizeOfBigLoop = 350; int sizeOfSmallLoops = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfBigLoop * Math.PI * 2 / numMainLoopBase * .8); int moonLoopSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfSmallLoops * Math.PI * 2 / pointsPerLoop * .4); if(moonLoopSize < 20) { numMainLoop += numMoons * 2; numMoons = 0; sizeOfSmallLoops = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfBigLoop * Math.PI * 2 / numMainLoopBase) - 25; } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Small loops are " + sizeOfSmallLoops + " units around (" + numMainLoopBase + ")", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Star, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyCenter, Context); List planetPoints = new List(); //DracoUtilities.addElipticalPoints(30, Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, (int)(sizeOfBigLoop*.7), 30f / 180f * Math.PI, ref planetPoints); BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(Math.Max(numMainLoop, 12), Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, ref planetPoints); Planet origin = null; Planet prev = null; List outerRing = new List(); foreach(ArcenPoint pt in planetPoints) { Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pt, Context); if(origin == null) origin = p; if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p); prev = p; outerRing.Add(p); } origin.AddLinkTo(prev); //outerRing[0].AddLinkTo(outerRing[outerRing.Count - 1]); if(numberToSeed <= 12) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Main loop has minimum number of planets. Returning\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); return; } //List baseCircle = new List(); for(float q = 0; Math.Ceiling(q) < planetPoints.Count; q += (float)numMainLoop / numLoops) { List eachRing = new List(); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Adding point #" + (int)q + "(" + q + ")", Verbosity.DoNotShow); ArcenPoint pt = outerRing[(int)q].GalaxyLocation; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Exapnding around " + pt, Verbosity.DoNotShow); prev = origin = null; List newPoints = new List(); BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(pointsPerLoop, Context, pt, sizeOfSmallLoops, ref newPoints); foreach(ArcenPoint npt in newPoints) { Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, npt, Context); if(origin == null) { origin = p; //p.AddLinkTo(outerRing[(int)q]); } if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p); prev = p; eachRing.Add(p); } origin.AddLinkTo(prev); foreach(Planet rng in eachRing) { Planet outer = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(outerRing, rng); if(outer.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(rng.GalaxyLocation, false) < sizeOfSmallLoops * 0.6f) { rng.AddLinkTo(outer); } } } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Seeding " + numMoons + " moons", Verbosity.DoNotShow); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Moon loop size: " + moonLoopSize, Verbosity.DoNotShow); List allMoons = new List(); List inSubRing = new List(); inSubRing.AddRange(galaxy.Planets); inSubRing.RemoveAll(x => outerRing.Contains(x)); List tooClose = new List(); foreach(Planet p in inSubRing) { p.DoForPlanetsWithinXHops(Context, 2, delegate (Planet item, int Distance) { Planet inOutRing = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(outerRing, item); if(outerRing.Contains(item) || inOutRing.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(item.GalaxyLocation, false) < moonLoopSize * 1.5) { tooClose.Add(item); } return DelReturn.Continue; }); /*p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(outerRing.Contains(item)) { tooClose.Add(item); } return DelReturn.Continue; });*/ } inSubRing.RemoveAll(x => tooClose.Contains(x)); for(int m = 0; m < numMoons; m += 2) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Moon " + m, Verbosity.DoNotShow); prev = origin = null; Planet parent; int maxCheck = 20; do { int r = Context.RandomToUse.Next(0, inSubRing.Count); parent = inSubRing[r]; maxCheck--; } while((allMoons.Contains(parent) || outerRing.Contains(parent)) && maxCheck >= 0); if(maxCheck < 0) { continue; } allMoons.Add(parent); parent.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { allMoons.Add(item); return DelReturn.Continue; }); List newPoints = new List(); List eachRing = new List(); BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(6, Context, parent.GalaxyLocation, moonLoopSize, ref newPoints); foreach(ArcenPoint npt in newPoints) { Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, npt, Context); if(origin == null) { origin = p; //p.AddLinkTo(outerRing[(int)q]); } if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p); prev = p; allMoons.Add(p); eachRing.Add(p); } origin.AddLinkTo(prev); inSubRing.Remove(parent); foreach(Planet rng in eachRing) { Planet outer = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(inSubRing, rng); if(outer.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(rng.GalaxyLocation, false) < moonLoopSize * 1.9f) { rng.AddLinkTo(outer); } } inSubRing.Add(parent); } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete!\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); foreach(Planet plnt in galaxy.Planets) { if(!outerRing.Contains(plnt)) { Planet conflictEndpoint1, conflictEndpoint2; if( this.DoesPlanetLieOnRing(outerRing, plnt, out conflictEndpoint1, out conflictEndpoint2)) { conflictEndpoint1.RemoveLinkTo(conflictEndpoint2); plnt.AddLinkTo(conflictEndpoint1); plnt.AddLinkTo(conflictEndpoint2); } if(!inSubRing.Contains(plnt) && this.DoesPlanetLieOnRing(inSubRing, plnt, out conflictEndpoint1, out conflictEndpoint2)) { conflictEndpoint1.RemoveLinkTo(conflictEndpoint2); plnt.AddLinkTo(conflictEndpoint1); plnt.AddLinkTo(conflictEndpoint2); } } } } private bool DoesPlanetLieOnRing(List outerRing, Planet plnt, out Planet conflictEndpoint1, out Planet conflictEndpoint2) { bool ret = false; Planet o1 = null; Planet o2 = null; foreach(Planet rng in outerRing) { rng.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(rng.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, plnt.GalaxyLocation, 10)) { o1 = rng; o2 = item; ret = true; return DelReturn.Break; } return DelReturn.Continue; }); } conflictEndpoint1 = o1; conflictEndpoint2 = o2; return ret; } } public class Mapgen_D18_Ellipses : Mapgen_Base { //Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Swirl generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets; float angleOffset = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat((float)Math.PI); //numberToSeed = 12; //int numPointsPerRing = numberToSeed / 8; int numRings = Math.Max(((int)Math.Sqrt(numberToSeed)) + 1,6); int numPointsPerRing = numberToSeed / numRings; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("numPointsPerRing " + numPointsPerRing + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int sizeOfBigLoop = 20; List planetPoints = new List(); Planet origin = null; Planet prev = null; int angleMod = 0; int planetsPlaced = 0; for(int j = 0; j < numRings; j++) { angleMod += 2; float angle = j * 12 + angleMod; sizeOfBigLoop += 38 + j * 3; float mod = (sizeOfBigLoop + j * 5) / 175f; planetsPlaced += Math.Max((int)(mod * numPointsPerRing), 7); DracoUtilities.addElipticalPoints(Math.Max((int)(mod * numPointsPerRing), 7), Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, (int)(sizeOfBigLoop * .7), angle / 180f * Math.PI + angleOffset, ref planetPoints); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Ring " + j + ": " + planetPoints.Count + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); foreach(ArcenPoint p in planetPoints) { Planet q = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, p, Context); if(origin == null) origin = q; if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(q); prev = q; } origin.AddLinkTo(prev); origin = prev = null; planetPoints = new List(); if(planetsPlaced > numberToSeed) { break; } } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Total planets: " + galaxy.Planets.Count + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); List allPlanets = new List(); allPlanets.AddRange(galaxy.Planets); foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) { List nearby = allPlanets.FindAll(x => x.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(p.GalaxyLocation, false) < 48); foreach(Planet q in nearby) { bool linkValid = true; foreach(Planet plChk in allPlanets) { if(plChk != p && plChk != q) { plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(item != p && item != q) { linkValid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(p.GalaxyLocation, q.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5); } return linkValid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break; }); } if(!linkValid) break; } if(linkValid && p != q) p.AddLinkTo(q); } } /*List toKill = new List(); foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) { //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Planet " + p.GalaxyLocation + " has " + p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() + " outbound connections", Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() == 2) { bool doesNeedRemove = true; p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(item.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 2) { p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item2) { if(item2 != p) { if(item2.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 2) { doesNeedRemove = false; } } return DelReturn.Continue; }); } else { doesNeedRemove = false; } return DelReturn.Continue; }); if(doesNeedRemove) { toKill.Add(p); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Planet " + p.GalaxyLocation + " needs to be removed", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { // p.RemoveLinkTo(item); // return DelReturn.Continue; //}); } } } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Removing all " + toKill.Count + " unlinked planets...", Verbosity.DoNotShow); for(int k = 0; k < toKill.Count; k++) { Planet rem = toKill[k]; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" removing #" + k, Verbosity.DoNotShow); rem.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { rem.RemoveLinkTo(item); return DelReturn.Continue; }); //galaxy.Planets.Remove(rem); ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" #" + k +" removed", Verbosity.DoNotShow); }*/ } } public class Mapgen_D18_Bubbles : Mapgen_Base { private class BubbleArrangement : DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint { public int radius; public ArcenPoint center; public int numPlanets; public List region; public ArcenPoint galaxyLocation { get { return; } set { = value; } } public BubbleArrangement(ArcenPoint _center, int _radius) { this.radius = _radius; = _center; this.numPlanets = Math.Max((int)( this.radius / 9f), 5); } } public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Bubbles generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets; int numBlobs = numberToSeed / 10; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Creating " + numBlobs + " blobs", Verbosity.DoNotShow); List regionCenters = new List(); int seededPlanets = 0; for(int s = 0; s < numBlobs; s++) { ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-300, 300), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-300, 300)); BubbleArrangement bub = new BubbleArrangement(pt, Context.RandomToUse.Next(15, 75) + Context.RandomToUse.Next(15, 75)); regionCenters.Add(bub); seededPlanets += bub.numPlanets; } if(seededPlanets < numberToSeed) { ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-500, 500), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-500, 500)); BubbleArrangement bub = new BubbleArrangement(pt, 0); bub.numPlanets = Math.Max(numberToSeed - seededPlanets, 5); bub.radius = bub.numPlanets * 9; regionCenters.Add(bub); } bool needsRecheck = false; int maxDepth = 150; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Spreading blobs out... ", Verbosity.DoNotShow); do { needsRecheck = false; //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Spreading groups out... " + maxDepth, Verbosity.DoNotShow); for(int i = 0; i < regionCenters.Count; i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < regionCenters.Count; j++) { ArcenPoint pt1 = regionCenters[i].center; ArcenPoint pt2 = regionCenters[j].center; if(pt1 != pt2 && pt1.GetDistanceTo(pt2, false) <= regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius + 75) { if(pt1.GetDistanceTo(pt2, false) <= regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius + 50) { needsRecheck = true; } ArcenPoint rel = ArcenPoint.Create(pt1.X - pt2.X, pt1.Y - pt2.Y); double d = 1;// Mat.SqrtFast(rel.X * rel.X + rel.Y * rel.Y); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Shifting " + pt1 + " & " + pt2 + " by " + rel, Verbosity.DoNotShow); pt1.X += (int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.X / d))); pt2.X += -(int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.X / d))); pt1.Y += (int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.Y / d))); pt2.Y += -(int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.Y / d))); regionCenters[i].center = pt1; regionCenters[j].center = pt2; } } } maxDepth--; } while(needsRecheck && maxDepth > 0); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Spreading Complete", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //Dictionary> allPlanetsMap = new Dictionary>(); Planet origin, prev; foreach(BubbleArrangement pt in regionCenters) { origin = prev = null; List cirlce = new List(); int rad = pt.radius; int planetsNeeded = pt.numPlanets; ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Blob " + pt + " has radius " + rad + " and " + planetsNeeded + " planets", Verbosity.DoNotShow); DracoUtilities.addCircularPoints(planetsNeeded, Context,, rad, ref cirlce); pt.region = new List(); foreach(ArcenPoint pl in cirlce) { Planet plt = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pl, Context); pt.region.Add(plt); if(origin == null) origin = plt; if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(plt); prev = plt; } origin.AddLinkTo(prev); //allPlanetsMap.Add(pt, circPl); } //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" Circles added", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int[,] connectionMatrix = DracoUtilities.createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(new ReadOnlyCollection(regionCenters.Cast().ToList())); for(int i = 0; i < regionCenters.Count; i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < regionCenters.Count; j++) { //List region1, region2; //allPlanetsMap.TryGetValue(regionCenters[i], out region1); //allPlanetsMap.TryGetValue(regionCenters[j], out region2); Planet a = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[i].region, regionCenters[j].region[0]); Planet b = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[j].region, a); a = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[i].region, b); if(j >= regionCenters.Count) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(connectionMatrix[i, j] == 1) { if(regionCenters[i] == null | regionCenters[j] == null) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow); } else { a.AddLinkTo(b); } } else if(regionCenters[i].center.GetDistanceTo(regionCenters[j].center, false) < 150 + regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius) { //a.AddLinkTo(b); bool isvalid = true; foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) { if(plChk != a && plChk != b) { plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(item.PlanetIndex > plChk.PlanetIndex && item != a && item != b) { isvalid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5); } return isvalid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break; }); } } if(isvalid) a.AddLinkTo(b); } } } ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow); } } public class Mapgen_D18_DensityFile : Mapgen_Base { private bool debug = false; private class MSTArrangement : DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint { public readonly Planet planet; public readonly int bitmapVal; public ArcenPoint galaxyLocation { get { return this.planet.GalaxyLocation; } set { //Planet. = value; } } public MSTArrangement(Planet p, int v) { this.planet = p; this.bitmapVal = v; } } public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) { int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets; int mapExtents = 300; if(numberToSeed > 80) { mapExtents = (int)Math.Round(( Mat.SqrtFastAnyThread( numberToSeed-80)/15 +1) * mapExtents); } string path = "./GameData/Configuration/MapType/map_c.bmp"; if(debug) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Density Map generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow); int width; int height; byte[] colors = DracoUtilities.ReadBitmapFile(path, out width, out height); if(colors == null) return; List allPoints = new List(); float xDiv = mapExtents * 2f / width; float yDiv = mapExtents * 2f / height; for(int n = 0; n < numberToSeed;) { ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-mapExtents, mapExtents), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-mapExtents, mapExtents)); if(DracoUtilities.DoesPointOverlapPlanet(pt, 20, new ReadOnlyCollection(allPoints.Cast().ToList()))) { continue; } int y = DracoUtilities.GetProbabilityAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((pt.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((pt.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height); int r = Context.RandomToUse.Next(256); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" " + pt + ": " + r + " > " + y, Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(r < y) { allPoints.Add(new MSTArrangement(galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pt, Context), y)); n++; } } int[,] connectionMatrix = DracoUtilities.createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(new ReadOnlyCollection(allPoints.Cast().ToList())); for(int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count; i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < allPoints.Count; j++) { Planet a = allPoints[i].planet; Planet b = allPoints[j].planet; if(j >= allPoints.Count) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(connectionMatrix[i, j] == 1) { if(allPoints[i] == null | allPoints[j] == null) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow); } else { a.AddLinkTo(b); } } else if(allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < (330 - Math.Max(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 3 || (allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) > (70 + Math.Min(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 6 && allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < (16+Math.Min(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 4)) { Color ci = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height); Color cj = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[j].galaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[j].galaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height); float H, S, V; Color.RGBToHSV(ci, out H, out S, out V); ci.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32; ci.g = 0; ci.b = 0; Color.RGBToHSV(cj, out H, out S, out V); cj.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32; cj.g = 0; cj.b = 0; //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" a: " + allPoints[i].galaxyLocation + ": " + ci, Verbosity.DoNotShow); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" b: " + allPoints[j].galaxyLocation + ": " + cj, Verbosity.DoNotShow); if(ci == cj && allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < 70) { bool isvalid = true; foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) { if(plChk != a && plChk != b) { isvalid &= !Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, 10); plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) { if(item.PlanetIndex > plChk.PlanetIndex && item != a && item != b) { isvalid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5); } return isvalid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break; }); } } if(isvalid) a.AddLinkTo(b); } } } } List lowConnectivity = new List(); List semiLowConnectivity = new List(); foreach(Planet p in galaxy.Planets) { if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() == 1) { lowConnectivity.Add(p); } if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 2) { semiLowConnectivity.Add(p); } } if(debug) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(lowConnectivity.Count + " low connectivity nodes, attempting outbound linkages...", Verbosity.DoNotShow); //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("semi-low con: " + semiLowConnectivity.Count, Verbosity.DoNotShow); foreach(Planet p in lowConnectivity) { if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 1) continue; //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(" checking " + p.GalaxyLocation, Verbosity.DoNotShow); int dist = int.MaxValue; Planet ret = null; Color ci = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((p.GalaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((p.GalaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height); float H, S, V; Color.RGBToHSV(ci, out H, out S, out V); ci.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32; ci.g = 0; ci.b = 0; //find closest in same color region without overlapping other planets foreach(Planet pl in semiLowConnectivity) { if(p == pl || p.GetIsDirectlyLinkedTo(pl)) continue; int d = pl.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(p.GalaxyLocation, false); if(d < dist) { Color cj = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((pl.GalaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((pl.GalaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height); Color.RGBToHSV(cj, out H, out S, out V); cj.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32; cj.g = 0; cj.b = 0; if(ci == cj) { bool isValid = true; foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) { if(plChk != p && plChk != pl && Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(p.GalaxyLocation, pl.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, 15)) { isValid = false; break; } } if(isValid) { dist = d; ret = pl; } } } } if(ret != null) { p.AddLinkTo(ret); } } if(debug) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow); } } }