2/1/2020 1:06:55 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:06:56 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:06:57 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:06:58 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:06:59 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:00 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:01 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:02 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:03 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:04 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:05 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:06 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:07 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:08 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:09 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:10 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:11 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:12 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:13 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:14 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:15 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:16 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:17 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:18 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:19 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:20 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:21 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:22 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:23 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:24 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:25 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:26 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:27 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:28 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:29 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:30 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:31 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:32 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:33 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:34 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:35 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:36 PM Error in thread for execution context 'executionContext' ArgumentOutOfRangeException Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 41 106 0 0 ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 0 34 0 0 CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel 132 418 0 0 DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim 2842 8906 0 0 b__2 1 51 0 0 DoForFactions 18 107 0 0 DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread 102 682 0 0 DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread 432 1242 0 0 Execute 186 418 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.CheckForIncreasingGeneralMarkLevel (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.External.AISentinelsExternalData factionExternal) [0x00084] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_AI.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00b1a] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__2 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction) [0x00001] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForFactions (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00012] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldSecondLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00066] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001b0] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x000ba] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:07:41 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 1:18:59 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:18:59 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4560s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0480s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2990s) 2/1/2020 1:19:00 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1370s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Briefly Panic (0.4480s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3580s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1310s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1290s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:01 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Inverting Death (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Purging ROFs (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Designing Fleets (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:19:02 PM Sweet-Talking Starfields (0.3360s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Verifying Distant Planets (1.2881s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Organizing Commands (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:19:04 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:19:05 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:19:05 PM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.1211s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Gathering Nuclear Power (3.0822s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Infusing (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0790s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 1:19:08 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 1:19:10 PM Load Surrogates (1.6111s) 2/1/2020 1:19:10 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:19:10 PM 10.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Sweet-Talking Starfields (0.3s) Verifying Distant Planets (1.3s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.1s) Gathering Nuclear Power (3.1s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 1:19:10 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:19:13 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:19:13 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:19:14 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 1:19:17 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:19:17 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 1:19:42 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at :0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <32ab88ecd2054b65bbd421e650e0eed9>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:19:42 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at :0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <32ab88ecd2054b65bbd421e650e0eed9>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:20:36 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:20:36 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:20:49 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:20:49 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 1:20:51 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:20:52 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 1:24:35 PM Exception in BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic stage 700 System.Exception: Minor Faction AI tracking will not work correctly due to mismatched Command Station entity xml and ExternalConstants xml for the amount of AIP to generate. Please reconcile them in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.HandleAIPIncrease (System.Boolean debug, System.Boolean aipDebug, System.Int32& debugStage, System.Int32 aipOnDeath, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction factionThatKilledEntityOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction pFactionThatKilledEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00196] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numExtraStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001f9] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numExtraStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnAnyDeathInCombatLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnDeathInCombatLogic_OnlyAferFullStackDeath (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnDestructionLogic (System.Boolean PreventReversionToNeutral, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Boolean wasAlive, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.TakeDamage (System.Int32 Damage, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotThatHitOrNullOnlyUsedForKnockback, System.Boolean IsSelfDamage, System.Boolean PreventReversionToNeutral, System.Boolean HonorFiniteHitCountAOE, System.Int32 MaxStacksAllowedToKill, System.Int32& ActualDamageDone, System.Int32& DamageAbortCode, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoShotHitLogic (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem OriginSystemForShot, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad Target, System.Boolean HonorFiniteHitCountAOE, Arcen.Universal.FInt PercentOfTotalAttackPowerForThisHit, Arcen.Universal.FInt& PercentOfTotalAttackPowerUsedForThisHit, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoShotHitLogic (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem OriginSystemForShot, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad Target, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot.DoEntityStepLogic_Shot (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.Universal.FInt EffectiveDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__6 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot entity) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoCombatStepForPlanet (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:28:52 PM Exception in BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic stage 700 System.Exception: Minor Faction AI tracking will not work correctly due to mismatched Command Station entity xml and ExternalConstants xml for the amount of AIP to generate. Please reconcile them in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.HandleAIPIncrease (System.Boolean debug, System.Boolean aipDebug, System.Int32& debugStage, System.Int32 aipOnDeath, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction factionThatKilledEntityOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction pFactionThatKilledEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00196] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numExtraStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x001f9] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.DoOnAnyDeathLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numExtraStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnAnyDeathInCombatLogic_AfterFullDeathOrPartOfStackDeath (System.Boolean IsFromOnlyPartOfStackDying, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnDeathInCombatLogic_OnlyAferFullStackDeath (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoOnDestructionLogic (System.Boolean PreventReversionToNeutral, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, System.Boolean wasAlive, System.Int32 numStacksKilled, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.TakeDamage (System.Int32 Damage, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem FiringSystemOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotThatHitOrNullOnlyUsedForKnockback, System.Boolean IsSelfDamage, System.Boolean PreventReversionToNeutral, System.Boolean HonorFiniteHitCountAOE, System.Int32 MaxStacksAllowedToKill, System.Int32& ActualDamageDone, System.Int32& DamageAbortCode, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoShotHitLogic (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem OriginSystemForShot, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad Target, System.Boolean HonorFiniteHitCountAOE, Arcen.Universal.FInt PercentOfTotalAttackPowerForThisHit, Arcen.Universal.FInt& PercentOfTotalAttackPowerUsedForThisHit, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoShotHitLogic (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot ShotOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem OriginSystemForShot, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad Target, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot.DoEntityStepLogic_Shot (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.Universal.FInt EffectiveDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation+<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__6 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot entity) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Shot+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoCombatStepForPlanet (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.EntitySimLogicImplementation.DoWorldStepLogic_FromSimBGThread (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimExecution.Execute () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenExecutionContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 1:33:11 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4630s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0470s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:21 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:34:22 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3030s) 2/1/2020 1:34:22 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1510s) 2/1/2020 1:34:22 PM Briefly Panic (0.3510s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3320s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1240s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0770s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0730s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0950s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Purging ROFs (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:34:23 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Designing Fleets (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:24 PM Fearing Starfields (0.3230s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Mopping Up Distant Planets (1.2771s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Organizing Commands (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 1:34:25 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 1:34:26 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:34:26 PM Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (1.0731s) 2/1/2020 1:34:29 PM Feeding Random Generator Monkeys (3.0352s) 2/1/2020 1:34:29 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:34:29 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:34:29 PM Infusing (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 1:34:29 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:34:30 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 1:34:30 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 1:34:30 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 1:34:31 PM Load Surrogates (1.6521s) 2/1/2020 1:34:31 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:34:31 PM 10.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Fearing Starfields (0.3s) Mopping Up Distant Planets (1.3s) Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (1.1s) Feeding Random Generator Monkeys (3.0s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 1:34:32 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:35:02 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:35:02 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:35:03 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 1:35:05 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:35:06 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 1:40:33 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 1:40:47 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4770s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0650s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1050s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0580s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 1:40:48 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1440s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Briefly Panic (0.3820s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3420s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1460s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:40:49 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0720s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0830s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0620s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Inverting Death (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0980s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Purging ROFs (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Designing Fleets (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:40:50 PM Miming Starfields (0.3170s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Discovering Distant Planets (1.3131s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Organizing Commands (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 1:40:52 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 1:40:53 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:40:53 PM Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.1001s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Investigating Meaning Of Life (3.0522s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Infusing (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0580s) 2/1/2020 1:40:56 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 1:40:58 PM Load Surrogates (1.6411s) 2/1/2020 1:40:58 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:40:58 PM 10.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Miming Starfields (0.3s) Discovering Distant Planets (1.3s) Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.1s) Investigating Meaning Of Life (3.1s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 1:40:58 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:41:00 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:41:00 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:41:01 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 1:41:02 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:41:02 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 1:46:47 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4780s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0480s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:50:00 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3100s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1420s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Briefly Panic (0.3410s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3170s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1790s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:50:01 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0830s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0950s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0620s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 1:50:02 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:50:03 PM Medicating Starfields (0.3240s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Screening Distant Planets (1.2381s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Organizing Commands (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 1:50:04 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:50:05 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:50:05 PM Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.0561s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Download Extra RAM (3.0102s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Infusing (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 1:50:08 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 1:50:10 PM Load Surrogates (1.6161s) 2/1/2020 1:50:10 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:50:10 PM 10.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Medicating Starfields (0.3s) Screening Distant Planets (1.2s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.1s) Download Extra RAM (3.0s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 1:50:10 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:50:12 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:50:12 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:50:12 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 1:52:58 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 1:52:58 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 1:53:29 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4480s) 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:57:39 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0490s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3020s) 2/1/2020 1:57:40 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1420s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Briefly Panic (0.3350s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3290s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1240s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 1:57:41 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0940s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Purging ROFs (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Designing Fleets (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:57:42 PM Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.3080s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Breaking Distant Planets (1.1791s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 1:57:43 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:57:44 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:57:44 PM Error in RecalculateBalanceStats for HarvesterDrone: ForMark is null 2/1/2020 1:57:44 PM Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (1.0301s) 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'NaturalObject' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'Player' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'AI' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'SpecialFaction' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Rewire Lower Decks (2.9862s) 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Infusing (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Error: table 'GameEntityTypeDataTable' does not have data for the following rows, which were referenced somewhere: HarvesterDrone 2/1/2020 1:57:47 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:57:48 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 1:57:48 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:57:48 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:41 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 1:59:41 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4530s) 2/1/2020 1:59:41 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 1:59:41 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0890s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0980s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0500s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3030s) 2/1/2020 1:59:42 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1330s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Briefly Panic (0.4100s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3280s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1220s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0790s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0650s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:43 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0940s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Charging Marks (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Designing Fleets (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 1:59:44 PM Digging Up Starfields (0.3080s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Combing Distant Planets (1.1931s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 1:59:45 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 1:59:46 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 1:59:47 PM Error in RecalculateBalanceStats for HarvesterDrone: ForMark is null 2/1/2020 1:59:47 PM Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (1.0641s) 2/1/2020 1:59:49 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'NaturalObject' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'Player' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'AI' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'SpecialFaction' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Breaking Nuclear Bonds (3.0182s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Infusing (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Error: table 'GameEntityTypeDataTable' does not have data for the following rows, which were referenced somewhere: HarvesterDrone 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0770s) 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 1:59:50 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4530s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1030s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0550s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0670s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:28 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1520s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Briefly Panic (0.3580s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3310s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1250s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:29 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0820s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Range Manifolds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Designing Fleets (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 2:02:30 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:02:31 PM Brandishing Starfields (0.3370s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Screening Distant Planets (1.3141s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 2:02:32 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:02:33 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:02:33 PM Error in RecalculateBalanceStats for HarvesterDrone: ForMark is null 2/1/2020 2:02:33 PM Developing New Ship Parts (1.0591s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'NaturalObject' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'Player' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'AI' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'SpecialFaction' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Smooth All Plasma Cells (3.0822s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Infusing (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Error: table 'GameEntityTypeDataTable' does not have data for the following rows, which were referenced somewhere: HarvesterDrone 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0770s) 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:36 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4720s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1170s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0580s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0680s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:02:59 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 2:03:00 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1420s) 2/1/2020 2:03:00 PM Briefly Panic (0.3640s) 2/1/2020 2:03:00 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3990s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1260s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0830s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1060s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Range Manifolds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Purging ROFs (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0610s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Designing Fleets (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 2:03:01 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:03:02 PM Propping Up Starfields (0.3200s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Browsing Distant Planets (1.2311s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 2:03:03 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:03:04 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:03:04 PM Error in RecalculateBalanceStats for HarvesterDrone: ForMark is null 2/1/2020 2:03:04 PM Breaking In New Ship Parts (1.0671s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'NaturalObject' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'Player' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'AI' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM No VisualsByFaction for faction 'SpecialFaction' for game entity type 'HarvesterDrone'. at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.InitOnceOnlyEverOrBadThingsHappen () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Draw Power From Black Holes (3.0982s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Issuing Orders (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Infusing (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Error: table 'GameEntityTypeDataTable' does not have data for the following rows, which were referenced somewhere: HarvesterDrone 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1030s) 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:03:07 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupTypeExtensionMethods.Matches (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityRollupType Item, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData Data) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData.ComputeMatchingRollups () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeDataTable.CalculateMatchingRollupsVeryLate () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+d__34.MoveNext () (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4520s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0460s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0810s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 2:06:03 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1820s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Briefly Panic (0.3960s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3430s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1340s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:04 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0710s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Inverting Death (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0890s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Designing Fleets (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:06:05 PM Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.3370s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Detecting Distant Planets (1.1931s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Organizing Commands (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 2:06:07 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 2:06:08 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:06:08 PM Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (1.1121s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Jettisoning VIPs (3.0932s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Issuing Orders (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Infusing (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Error: table 'Balance_SpeedDirectTable' does not have data for the following rows, which were referenced somewhere: Stationary 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 2:06:11 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 2:06:13 PM Load Surrogates (1.6111s) 2/1/2020 2:06:13 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:06:13 PM 10.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.3s) Detecting Distant Planets (1.2s) Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (1.1s) Jettisoning VIPs (3.1s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 2:06:13 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4530s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0610s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:06:36 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3020s) 2/1/2020 2:06:37 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1890s) 2/1/2020 2:06:37 PM Briefly Panic (0.3560s) 2/1/2020 2:06:37 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3840s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1720s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0830s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0940s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Purging ROFs (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 2:06:38 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:06:39 PM Medicating Starfields (0.3140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Gazing At Distant Planets (1.2421s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Organizing Commands (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 2:06:40 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 2:06:41 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:06:41 PM Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (1.0461s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Break Target Into Component Compounds (3.0382s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Infusing (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 2:06:44 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 2:06:46 PM Load Surrogates (1.6241s) 2/1/2020 2:06:46 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:06:46 PM 10.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Medicating Starfields (0.3s) Gazing At Distant Planets (1.2s) Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (1.0s) Break Target Into Component Compounds (3.0s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 2:06:46 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:06:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:06:48 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 2:06:48 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 2:07:15 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:07:15 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 2:07:48 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4570s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0490s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:09:30 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2990s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1460s) 2/1/2020 2:09:31 PM Briefly Panic (0.3400s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3410s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1210s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1040s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:09:32 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:09:33 PM Surrounding Starfields (0.3210s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Digitising Distant Planets (1.2231s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 2:09:34 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 2:09:35 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:09:35 PM Finding Old Ship Parts (1.0631s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Harvesting Magnetic Monopoles (3.0372s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Infusing (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:09:38 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 2:09:39 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 2:09:39 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 2:09:40 PM Load Surrogates (1.6061s) 2/1/2020 2:09:40 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:09:40 PM 10.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Surrounding Starfields (0.3s) Digitising Distant Planets (1.2s) Finding Old Ship Parts (1.1s) Harvesting Magnetic Monopoles (3.0s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 2:09:40 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:09:42 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:09:42 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 2:09:43 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 2:09:51 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:09:51 PM Error when trying to import from the directory 'FleetNames/GalcticConquest': System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\AI War 2\GameData\Configuration\FleetNames\GalcticConquest'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError (System.Int32 errorCode, System.String maybeFullPath) [0x000f7] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].HandleError (System.Int32 hr, System.String path) [0x00006] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].CommonInit () [0x00054] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource]..ctor (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.IO.SearchResultHandler`1[TSource] resultHandler, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x000d6] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableFactory.CreateFileNameIterator (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00009] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames (System.String path, System.String userPathOriginal, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern) [0x0001c] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenXML.ImportIntoStringList_Directory (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] TargetList, System.String FolderName, System.Boolean IsPostInitReparse, System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch StopwatchToRunAndReport) [0x000a2] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetNameTypeData.GetPossibleNames (System.Int32 index) [0x000ec] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetNameTypeData.GetPossibleNames (System.Int32 index) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.SetNameFromMobileNames (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.Core.SpecialEntityType SpecialType) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.CreateNew (Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction PFaction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeData, System.Int32 CurrentMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetOrNullIfNotShip, System.Int32 UniqueTypeDataDifferentiatorForDuplicatesOrZero, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint StartingLocation, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Mapgen_Base.SeedNormalEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.Core.MapTypeData mapType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Tutorial+TutorialPlanetOwnershipAndSpawning TutorialPlanetOrNull) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.CreateGalaxies (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Mapgen.WorkThreadOnly_GenerateNewGame () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.WorkThreadOnly_StartNewGame () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass60_0.b__0 (System.Object ) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 2:09:52 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 2:10:33 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4530s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:51:22 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0910s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3020s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1350s) 2/1/2020 2:51:23 PM Briefly Panic (0.3380s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3390s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1240s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0750s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0950s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Purging ROFs (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Designing Fleets (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:51:24 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:51:25 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:51:25 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 2:51:25 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:51:25 PM Dropping Starfields (0.3220s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Reconstituting Distant Planets (1.2401s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 2:51:26 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 2:51:27 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:51:27 PM Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (1.0721s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Redefine Best Practices (3.2522s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Issuing Orders (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Infusing (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0790s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 2:51:31 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 2:51:32 PM Load Surrogates (1.6721s) 2/1/2020 2:51:32 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:51:32 PM 10.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Dropping Starfields (0.3s) Reconstituting Distant Planets (1.2s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (1.1s) Redefine Best Practices (3.3s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 2:51:33 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:51:35 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:51:35 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 2:51:36 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 2:51:45 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4590s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0880s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:52:02 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:52:03 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 2:52:03 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1460s) 2/1/2020 2:52:03 PM Briefly Panic (0.3660s) 2/1/2020 2:52:03 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3420s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1210s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0770s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0820s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Charging Marks (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 2:52:04 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 2:52:05 PM Medicating Starfields (0.3110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Destroying Distant Planets (1.2041s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Organizing Commands (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 2:52:06 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:52:07 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 2:52:07 PM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.0461s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Install Replacement Weapons (2.9842s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Issuing Orders (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Infusing (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 2:52:10 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 2:52:12 PM Load Surrogates (1.6271s) 2/1/2020 2:52:12 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 2:52:12 PM 10.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Medicating Starfields (0.3s) Destroying Distant Planets (1.2s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.0s) Install Replacement Weapons (3.0s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 2:52:12 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 2:52:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:52:15 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 2:52:15 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 2:52:23 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 2:52:23 PM Error when trying to import from the directory 'FleetNames/GalcticConquest': System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\AI War 2\GameData\Configuration\FleetNames\GalcticConquest'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError (System.Int32 errorCode, System.String maybeFullPath) [0x000f7] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].HandleError (System.Int32 hr, System.String path) [0x00006] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].CommonInit () [0x00054] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource]..ctor (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.IO.SearchResultHandler`1[TSource] resultHandler, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x000d6] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableFactory.CreateFileNameIterator (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00009] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames (System.String path, System.String userPathOriginal, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern) [0x0001c] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenXML.ImportIntoStringList_Directory (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] TargetList, System.String FolderName, System.Boolean IsPostInitReparse, System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch StopwatchToRunAndReport) [0x000a2] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetNameTypeData.GetPossibleNames (System.Int32 index) [0x000ec] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetNameTypeData.GetPossibleNames (System.Int32 index) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.SetNameFromMobileNames (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.Core.SpecialEntityType SpecialType) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.CreateNew (Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction PFaction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeData, System.Int32 CurrentMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetOrNullIfNotShip, System.Int32 UniqueTypeDataDifferentiatorForDuplicatesOrZero, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint StartingLocation, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Mapgen_Base.SeedNormalEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.Core.MapTypeData mapType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Tutorial+TutorialPlanetOwnershipAndSpawning TutorialPlanetOrNull) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.CreateGalaxies (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Mapgen.WorkThreadOnly_GenerateNewGame () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.WorkThreadOnly_StartNewGame () [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass60_0.b__0 (System.Object ) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 2/1/2020 2:52:23 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 2:52:24 PM Thread 'aiwcGravityContext' is in state Running after 250 seconds, so killing it now 2/1/2020 2:52:41 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4860s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0970s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:17:56 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 4:17:57 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:17:57 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:17:57 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 4:17:57 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1880s) 2/1/2020 4:17:57 PM Briefly Panic (0.3520s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3520s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1470s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0790s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1630s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:17:58 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1070s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Purging ROFs (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:17:59 PM Cleansing Starfields (0.3320s) 2/1/2020 4:18:00 PM Crawling Distant Planets (1.3571s) 2/1/2020 4:18:00 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 4:18:00 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:18:01 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:18:01 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 4:18:01 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 4:18:02 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 4:18:02 PM Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.1311s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Realigning Flow (5.4423s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1100s) 2/1/2020 4:18:07 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 4:18:08 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 4:18:09 PM Load Surrogates (1.7521s) 2/1/2020 4:18:09 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 4:18:09 PM 13.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Cleansing Starfields (0.3s) Crawling Distant Planets (1.4s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.1s) Realigning Flow (5.4s) Load Surrogates (1.8s) 2/1/2020 4:18:10 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 4:18:17 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:18:17 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 4:18:17 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 4:18:28 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4760s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0540s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1090s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:21:24 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0810s) 2/1/2020 4:21:25 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:21:25 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:25 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 4:21:25 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1640s) 2/1/2020 4:21:25 PM Briefly Panic (0.4080s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3410s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1230s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0770s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0940s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Purging ROFs (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:21:26 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Designing Fleets (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:21:27 PM Taunting Starfields (0.3220s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Detecting Distant Planets (1.2451s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 4:21:28 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:21:29 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 4:21:29 PM Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (1.0491s) 2/1/2020 4:21:32 PM Re-inverting All Vacuum Chambers (3.0862s) 2/1/2020 4:21:32 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:21:32 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:21:32 PM Infusing (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 4:21:32 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:21:33 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 4:21:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 4:21:33 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 4:21:34 PM Load Surrogates (1.6391s) 2/1/2020 4:21:34 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:21:34 PM 10.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Taunting Starfields (0.3s) Detecting Distant Planets (1.2s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (1.0s) Re-inverting All Vacuum Chambers (3.1s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 4:21:34 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 4:22:03 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:22:03 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 4:22:04 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 4:24:43 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:24:44 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 4:39:10 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:39:10 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 4:39:55 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4900s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1040s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0550s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:40:28 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 4:40:29 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3030s) 2/1/2020 4:40:29 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4000s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Briefly Panic (0.5390s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3390s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1280s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1610s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:40:30 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1330s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Charging Marks (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Purging ROFs (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Designing Fleets (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 4:40:31 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 4:40:32 PM Exploding Starfields (0.6090s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Combing Distant Planets (1.2771s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 4:40:33 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 4:40:34 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 4:40:34 PM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.1161s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Upgrade Blast Capacity (3.8992s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1250s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 4:40:38 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 4:40:40 PM Load Surrogates (1.6851s) 2/1/2020 4:40:40 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 4:40:40 PM 12.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Exploding Starfields (0.6s) Combing Distant Planets (1.3s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.1s) Upgrade Blast Capacity (3.9s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 4:40:40 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 4:40:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:40:43 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 4:40:44 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 4:40:46 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 4:40:46 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 4:43:42 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 5:06:28 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4550s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0680s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3030s) 2/1/2020 5:06:29 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1370s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Briefly Panic (0.3870s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3230s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1270s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0760s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:30 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1040s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Designing Fleets (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:31 PM Gazing Into Starfields (0.3430s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Dissolving Distant Planets (1.2351s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 5:06:33 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 5:06:34 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 5:06:34 PM Finding Old Ship Parts (1.0461s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Draw Power From Black Holes (3.8482s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Infusing (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0810s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 5:06:38 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 5:06:39 PM Load Surrogates (1.6371s) 2/1/2020 5:06:39 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 5:06:39 PM 11.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Gazing Into Starfields (0.3s) Dissolving Distant Planets (1.2s) Finding Old Ship Parts (1.0s) Draw Power From Black Holes (3.8s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 5:06:41 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 5:06:42 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:06:42 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:06:43 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 5:06:51 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:06:52 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:08:09 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:08:09 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:08:15 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:08:16 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:08:46 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:08:46 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:08:54 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:08:54 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:09:29 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:09:29 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:09:35 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:09:36 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:10:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:10:01 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:10:07 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:10:08 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:10:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:10:33 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:10:38 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:10:39 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:10:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:10:56 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:11:02 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:11:02 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:11:38 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:11:38 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:11:44 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:11:45 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:11:57 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:11:57 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:12:03 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:12:03 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:12:26 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:12:26 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:12:34 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:12:34 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:12:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:12:47 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:12:55 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:12:56 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:13:23 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:13:23 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:13:30 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 5:13:31 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:13:41 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4400s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0980s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0610s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:45 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:46 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 5:26:46 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4000s) 2/1/2020 5:26:46 PM Briefly Panic (0.4100s) 2/1/2020 5:26:47 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3500s) 2/1/2020 5:26:47 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2830s) 2/1/2020 5:26:47 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 5:26:47 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 5:26:47 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.4310s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1460s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.2350s) 2/1/2020 5:26:48 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.4800s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.4150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Inverting Death (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0520s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Purging ROFs (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 5:26:49 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 5:26:50 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 5:26:50 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:26:50 PM Berating Starfields (0.8851s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Detecting Distant Planets (1.2211s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0320s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Organizing Commands (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 5:26:52 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 5:26:53 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 5:26:53 PM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.0621s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Re-attaching Front Part (4.1702s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1530s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 5:26:57 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 5:26:59 PM Load Surrogates (1.6391s) 2/1/2020 5:26:59 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 5:26:59 PM 14.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.4s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Thinking Of Objectives (0.5s) Synthesizing Vocals (0.4s) Berating Starfields (0.9s) Detecting Distant Planets (1.2s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.1s) Re-attaching Front Part (4.2s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 5:27:00 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 5:27:02 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:27:02 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:27:03 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 5:27:16 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:27:16 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:28:58 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 5:50:23 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 5:50:23 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4640s) 2/1/2020 5:50:23 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 5:50:23 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0830s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 5:50:24 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Briefly Panic (0.3890s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3330s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1250s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0920s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 5:50:25 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Charging Marks (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Range Manifolds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Purging ROFs (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Designing Fleets (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 5:50:26 PM Stabbing Starfields (0.3190s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Scouring Distant Planets (1.2071s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0310s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 5:50:28 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 5:50:29 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 5:50:29 PM Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.0341s) 2/1/2020 5:50:32 PM Accounting For Decay (3.6072s) 2/1/2020 5:50:32 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 5:50:32 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 5:50:32 PM Infusing (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 5:50:32 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 5:50:33 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1170s) 2/1/2020 5:50:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 5:50:33 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 5:50:34 PM Load Surrogates (1.6201s) 2/1/2020 5:50:34 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 2/1/2020 5:50:34 PM 11.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Stabbing Starfields (0.3s) Scouring Distant Planets (1.2s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.0s) Accounting For Decay (3.6s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 5:50:35 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 5:50:39 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:50:39 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 5:50:40 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 5:50:41 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 5:50:41 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 5:51:22 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4600s) 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 6:03:24 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2350s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0780s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Generating Framerates (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0570s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0480s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0670s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3020s) 2/1/2020 6:03:25 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1460s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Briefly Panic (0.3220s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3090s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1300s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0790s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:26 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0940s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Purging ROFs (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Designing Fleets (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 6:03:27 PM Initiating Starfields (0.3100s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Scouring Distant Planets (1.2291s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 6:03:29 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 6:03:30 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 6:03:30 PM Violating Ship Part Bylaws (1.0681s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Reticulate Splines (3.4292s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Issuing Orders (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Infusing (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0840s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 6:03:33 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 6:03:35 PM Load Surrogates (1.6081s) 2/1/2020 6:03:35 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 6:03:35 PM 11.1 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Initiating Starfields (0.3s) Scouring Distant Planets (1.2s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (1.1s) Reticulate Splines (3.4s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 6:03:36 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 6:03:39 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 6:03:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 6:03:47 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 6:03:48 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 6:03:49 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 6:04:06 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 6:04:06 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 6:04:13 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 18 factions 2/1/2020 6:04:14 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 6:05:03 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4770s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0470s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Generating Framerates (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 7:55:11 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 7:55:12 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4470s) 2/1/2020 7:55:12 PM Briefly Panic (0.4070s) 2/1/2020 7:55:12 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3210s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1280s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Inverting Death (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Charging Marks (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Designing Fleets (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 7:55:13 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:14 PM Berating Starfields (0.8700s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Mopping Up Distant Planets (1.2991s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 7:55:16 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 7:55:17 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 7:55:17 PM Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (1.0401s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Investigating Parabolic Thrust (6.3284s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Issuing Orders (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Infusing (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0880s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 7:55:23 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 7:55:25 PM Load Surrogates (1.6581s) 2/1/2020 7:55:25 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 2/1/2020 7:55:25 PM 14.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Berating Starfields (0.9s) Mopping Up Distant Planets (1.3s) Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (1.0s) Investigating Parabolic Thrust (6.3s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 7:55:26 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 7:55:28 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:55:28 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 7:55:28 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 7:55:30 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:55:30 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 7:56:05 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5100s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0900s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 7:56:55 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 7:56:55 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3910s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Briefly Panic (0.5180s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3250s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1360s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0460s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1570s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 7:56:56 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0730s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0980s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Designing Fleets (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 7:56:57 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 7:56:58 PM Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.8751s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Reconstituting Distant Planets (1.2871s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 7:56:59 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 7:57:00 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 7:57:00 PM Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (1.0421s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Destroying Nanotech Chamber (6.2044s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Infusing (0.0400s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 7:57:07 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 7:57:08 PM Load Surrogates (1.6181s) 2/1/2020 7:57:08 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 7:57:08 PM 14.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.9s) Reconstituting Distant Planets (1.3s) Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (1.0s) Destroying Nanotech Chamber (6.2s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 7:57:10 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 7:57:12 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 7:57:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 634676768 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:57:25 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 7:57:31 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:57:32 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 7:57:36 PM Start Generate Partial Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:57:36 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 7:57:38 PM Start Generate FULL Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 7:57:38 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 8:06:01 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 8:13:47 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 8:13:47 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4830s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1570s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1060s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0520s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0600s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Generating Framerates (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0910s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 8:13:48 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/1/2020 8:13:49 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4470s) 2/1/2020 8:13:49 PM Briefly Panic (0.4970s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3530s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1710s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0930s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0460s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1550s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 8:13:50 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Designing Fleets (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 8:13:51 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:13:52 PM Stabbing Starfields (0.8751s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Screening Distant Planets (3.3622s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 8:13:55 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 8:13:56 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 8:13:56 PM Remembering Lost Ship Parts (1.2881s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Transgressing Quanta (6.3074s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Issuing Orders (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Infusing (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1000s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 8:14:03 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 8:14:05 PM Load Surrogates (1.7131s) 2/1/2020 8:14:05 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 8:14:05 PM 17.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Stabbing Starfields (0.9s) Screening Distant Planets (3.4s) Remembering Lost Ship Parts (1.3s) Transgressing Quanta (6.3s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 8:14:06 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 8:14:23 PM Start Generate Partial Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:14:23 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 8:14:23 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 8:16:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with ClustersMicrocosm and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:16:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 8:16:27 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:16:27 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 8:16:38 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:16:38 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 8:38:30 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5280s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0460s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1100s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0720s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:39:55 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1600s) 2/1/2020 8:39:56 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:39:56 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 8:39:56 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3140s) 2/1/2020 8:39:56 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4550s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Briefly Panic (0.4730s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3400s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1440s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0520s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 8:39:57 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0990s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1600s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1110s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Range Manifolds (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0650s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Designing Fleets (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 8:39:58 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 8:39:59 PM Cooking Starfields (0.8610s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Cleaning Distant Planets (3.4142s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 8:40:03 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 8:40:04 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 8:40:04 PM Breaking In New Ship Parts (1.4231s) 2/1/2020 8:40:10 PM Investigating Proton Farm (6.3164s) 2/1/2020 8:40:10 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 8:40:10 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 8:40:10 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 8:40:10 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 8:40:11 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1040s) 2/1/2020 8:40:11 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 8:40:11 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/1/2020 8:40:11 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 8:40:12 PM Load Surrogates (1.6281s) 2/1/2020 8:40:12 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 8:40:12 PM 17.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.5s) Briefly Panic (0.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Cooking Starfields (0.9s) Cleaning Distant Planets (3.4s) Breaking In New Ship Parts (1.4s) Investigating Proton Farm (6.3s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/1/2020 8:40:13 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 8:40:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:40:15 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 8:40:15 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 8:40:17 PM Start Generate FULL Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 8:40:17 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 8:40:26 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 9:37:11 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 9:37:11 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4740s) 2/1/2020 9:37:11 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 9:37:11 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0470s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0690s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:12 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3760s) 2/1/2020 9:37:13 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4370s) 2/1/2020 9:37:13 PM Briefly Panic (0.5810s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3370s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1360s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0490s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1980s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0760s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Inverting Death (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1040s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:14 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0410s) 2/1/2020 9:37:15 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:37:16 PM Cleansing Starfields (0.9331s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Resizing Distant Planets (2.9732s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 9:37:19 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 9:37:20 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 9:37:20 PM Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (1.0471s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (6.3334s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Issuing Orders (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Infusing (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0910s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/1/2020 9:37:26 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 9:37:28 PM Load Surrogates (1.6691s) 2/1/2020 9:37:28 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 9:37:28 PM 17.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Cleansing Starfields (0.9s) Resizing Distant Planets (3.0s) Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (1.0s) Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (6.3s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 9:37:29 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 9:37:30 PM Start Generate Partial Map with X and seed 573746389 and planet count 40 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 9:37:30 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 9:37:31 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 9:39:45 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 573746389 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:39:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:26 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 250279451 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:27 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:35 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 52697485 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:35 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 693284118 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:41 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 910246174 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:45 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 957726524 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:47 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:40:50 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 496320757 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:40:50 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 795651971 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:10 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 252823772 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:10 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:18 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 333490977 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:19 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 522716683 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:23 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 5480080 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:26 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:39 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 594962522 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:39 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:42 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 381882656 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:42 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 654866710 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:41:45 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:41:59 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 268007193 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:00 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:42:03 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 237208956 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:04 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:42:06 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 357797720 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:06 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:42:13 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:14 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:42:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:22 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:42:27 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 32 factions 2/1/2020 9:42:28 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/1/2020 9:43:23 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/1/2020 9:43:24 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4850s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1000s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0520s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Generating Framerates (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0260s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0240s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0520s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:50:49 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:50:50 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3080s) 2/1/2020 9:50:50 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4540s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Briefly Panic (0.4600s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3440s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1380s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0430s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0480s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1510s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0270s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 9:50:51 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Purging ROFs (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Designing Fleets (0.0290s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/1/2020 9:50:52 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/1/2020 9:50:53 PM Burying Starfields (0.9481s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Dissolving Distant Planets (3.2432s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Organizing Commands (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 9:50:56 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 9:50:57 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 9:50:58 PM Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (1.2961s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Restrain Self From Stating The Odds (6.2124s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Infusing (0.0380s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/1/2020 9:51:04 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 9:51:06 PM Load Surrogates (1.8031s) 2/1/2020 9:51:06 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 9:51:06 PM 17.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.5s) Briefly Panic (0.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Burying Starfields (0.9s) Dissolving Distant Planets (3.2s) Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (1.3s) Restrain Self From Stating The Odds (6.2s) Load Surrogates (1.8s) 2/1/2020 9:51:09 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 9:51:10 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/1/2020 9:51:10 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/1/2020 9:51:11 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 9:51:14 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 9:51:15 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 9:56:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 19 has 4 units with strength 116. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Lommand: 4 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:23:43 PM Donating team Fireteam 23 has 1 units with strength 36. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Mote: 1 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:33:00 PM Donating team Fireteam 27 has 1 units with strength 68. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Dansik: 1 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:41:51 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at :0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <32ab88ecd2054b65bbd421e650e0eed9>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 10:41:51 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at :0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <32ab88ecd2054b65bbd421e650e0eed9>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 10:54:17 PM Donating team Fireteam 37 has 12 units with strength 875. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: DeMarco: 12 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:54:17 PM Donating team Fireteam 35 has 1 units with strength 362. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: DeMarco: 1 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:54:23 PM Donating team Fireteam 35 has 3 units with strength 82. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: DeMarco: 3 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 10:57:04 PM Donating team Fireteam 39 has 4 units with strength 155. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Jurafsky: 4 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 11:02:20 PM Reconquest Seeding for Saif: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 10 actually seeded: 10 2/1/2020 11:09:08 PM Reconquest Seeding for Bastille: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/1/2020 11:13:13 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/1/2020 11:13:14 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 11:14:30 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/1/2020 11:14:30 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4740s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0420s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1000s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0670s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0210s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0330s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM No resolution change was required. 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0340s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/1/2020 11:14:32 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3970s) 2/1/2020 11:14:32 PM Briefly Panic (0.4430s) 2/1/2020 11:14:32 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3230s) 2/1/2020 11:14:32 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1290s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0450s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0390s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1480s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0160s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0190s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Inverting Death (0.0090s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1170s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Designing Fleets (0.0250s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/1/2020 11:14:33 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0620s) 2/1/2020 11:14:34 PM Berating Starfields (0.8670s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Browsing Distant Planets (3.2352s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0230s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/1/2020 11:14:38 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/1/2020 11:14:39 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/1/2020 11:14:39 PM Finding Old Ship Parts (1.1121s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Routing Emergency Power (6.4134s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Infusing (0.0570s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1020s) 2/1/2020 11:14:45 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/1/2020 11:14:46 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/1/2020 11:14:46 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/1/2020 11:14:47 PM Load Surrogates (1.6531s) 2/1/2020 11:14:47 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 2/1/2020 11:14:47 PM 17.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Berating Starfields (0.9s) Browsing Distant Planets (3.2s) Finding Old Ship Parts (1.1s) Routing Emergency Power (6.4s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/1/2020 11:14:48 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/1/2020 11:14:52 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/1/2020 11:17:44 PM Donating team Fireteam 47 has 6 units with strength 217. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Aurora: 6 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 11:27:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 39 has 3 units with strength 524. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Zanovar: 3 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 11:27:22 PM Donating team Fireteam 50 has 8 units with strength 331. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Zanovar: 8 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 11:39:07 PM Reconquest Seeding for Korell: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/1/2020 11:43:28 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hughes: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/1/2020 11:44:14 PM Donating team Fireteam 63 has 1 units with strength 36. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Presidio: 1 to hunter, path A 2/1/2020 11:46:34 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hoare: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/1/2020 11:59:02 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/1/2020 11:59:04 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 12:08:22 AM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 12:18:23 AM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 12:18:23 AM Boot up FleetOS (0.4800s) 2/2/2020 12:18:23 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 12:18:23 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0470s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1090s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Remembering Alamo (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0250s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0320s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2980s) 2/2/2020 12:18:24 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4200s) 2/2/2020 12:18:25 AM Briefly Panic (0.6570s) 2/2/2020 12:18:25 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.3330s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1260s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0430s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Disengaging Constants (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.1620s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0680s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Linear Field Variance (0.0960s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Charging Marks (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Designing Fleets (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 12:18:26 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 12:18:27 AM Cleansing Starfields (0.8911s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Milking Distant Planets (3.4552s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Organizing Commands (0.0330s) 2/2/2020 12:18:31 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:18:32 AM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 12:18:32 AM Breaking In New Ship Parts (1.3241s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Calculate Closest Relative Dimensions (6.4684s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0830s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 12:18:39 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 12:18:41 AM Warning, unrequested attributes found in XML content; writing details (which may be very large) to (game directory)/PlayerData/UnrequestedXMLAttributes.txt 2/2/2020 12:18:41 AM Load Surrogates (1.7051s) 2/2/2020 12:18:41 AM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 12:18:41 AM 17.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.7s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Cleansing Starfields (0.9s) Milking Distant Planets (3.5s) Breaking In New Ship Parts (1.3s) Calculate Closest Relative Dimensions (6.5s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/2/2020 12:18:42 AM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM Boot up FleetOS (0.4610s) 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0960s) 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 12:20:23 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0320s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0610s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3000s) 2/2/2020 12:20:24 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1380s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Briefly Panic (0.3660s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.3510s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1210s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Disengaging Constants (0.0570s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.1330s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Degaussing Advice (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0580s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:25 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Linear Field Variance (0.0960s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Designing Fleets (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:20:26 AM Sweet-Talking Starfields (0.3180s) 2/2/2020 12:20:27 AM Dissolving Distant Planets (1.2341s) 2/2/2020 12:20:27 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 12:20:27 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:20:27 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:20:28 AM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 12:20:28 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 12:20:29 AM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 12:20:29 AM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.1831s) 2/2/2020 12:20:32 AM Investigate Tachyons (3.7182s) 2/2/2020 12:20:32 AM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:20:32 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM Infusing (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 12:20:33 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 12:20:34 AM Warning, unrequested attributes found in XML content; writing details (which may be very large) to (game directory)/PlayerData/UnrequestedXMLAttributes.txt 2/2/2020 12:20:34 AM Load Surrogates (1.6711s) 2/2/2020 12:20:34 AM Load Historical Documents (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:20:34 AM 11.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Sweet-Talking Starfields (0.3s) Dissolving Distant Planets (1.2s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.2s) Investigate Tachyons (3.7s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/2/2020 12:20:36 AM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 12:22:21 AM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 12:22:21 AM Boot up FleetOS (0.4700s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1900s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1090s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0560s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Remembering Alamo (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0330s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2990s) 2/2/2020 12:22:22 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1570s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Briefly Panic (0.3350s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.3390s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1280s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Disengaging Constants (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.0850s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Degaussing Advice (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:23 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Linear Field Variance (0.1070s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Charging Marks (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Purging ROFs (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0250s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Designing Fleets (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:22:24 AM Berating Starfields (0.3260s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Detecting Distant Planets (1.2351s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 12:22:26 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 12:22:27 AM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 12:22:27 AM Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (1.0521s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Download Extra RAM (4.1452s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Issuing Orders (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0780s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 12:22:31 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 12:22:33 AM Load Surrogates (1.8521s) 2/2/2020 12:22:33 AM Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 2/2/2020 12:22:33 AM 12.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Berating Starfields (0.3s) Detecting Distant Planets (1.2s) Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (1.1s) Download Extra RAM (4.1s) Load Surrogates (1.9s) 2/2/2020 12:22:34 AM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 12:22:37 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:22:37 AM World Created, Launching Server 2/2/2020 12:22:37 AM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 12:22:45 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 661965849 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:22:45 AM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:22:48 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 517578855 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:22:49 AM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:22:55 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 233262121 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:22:55 AM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:23:04 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 30672443 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:23:05 AM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:23:10 AM Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 30672443 and planet count 200 and 17 factions 2/2/2020 12:23:10 AM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:25:50 AM Start Generate FULL Map with Clusters and seed 30672443 and planet count 200 and 31 factions 2/2/2020 12:25:51 AM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/2/2020 12:36:37 AM Donating team Fireteam 5 has 1 units with strength 362. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kostya: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 12:36:40 AM Donating team Fireteam 5 has 5 units with strength 1609. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kostya: 4, Locris: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 12:39:12 AM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/2/2020 12:39:13 AM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 12:39:14 AM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 1:49:00 AM Donating team Fireteam 57 has 2 units with strength 34. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Plecal: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:28:57 AM Donating team Fireteam 68 has 1 units with strength 39. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Jennisek: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:30:06 AM Reconquest Seeding for Murra: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 2:31:13 AM Reconquest Seeding for Backus: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 2:48:18 AM Reconquest Seeding for Meiji: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesHarshly scheduled: 5 actually seeded: 5 2/2/2020 2:49:30 AM Donating team Fireteam 41 has 1 units with strength 99. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:50:00 AM Donating team Fireteam 65 has 2 units with strength 794. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:51:43 AM Reconquest Seeding for Boole: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 3:09:10 AM Reconquest Seeding for Galdin: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 3:22:19 AM Donating team Fireteam 100 has 1 units with strength 1486. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 3:25:37 AM Hit exception in BuildShipsLookup debugCode 300 exception System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Fireteam.BuildShipsLookup (System.Boolean includeShipsInTransit, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet destinationOrNull) [0x000d4] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 2/2/2020 3:27:13 AM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 3:27:14 AM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 3:27:14 AM OnLoad: Fixed positions of 0 ship(s), 6 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 2/2/2020 3:34:32 AM Reconquest Seeding for Dham: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 3:36:47 AM Donating team Fireteam 104 has 1 units with strength 164. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Arden: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 3:37:43 AM Reconquest Seeding for Creighton: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 3:38:50 AM Reconquest Seeding for Murra: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 3:40:41 AM Reconquest Seeding for Karmarkar: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 3:44:35 AM Donating team Fireteam 110 has 1 units with strength 368. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 4:02:03 AM Donating team Fireteam 58 has 3 units with strength 782. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Bal: 3 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 4:03:17 AM Donating team Fireteam 188 has 5 units with strength 485. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Bastille: 5 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 4:34:49 AM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5020s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0440s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1390s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0650s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0970s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0900s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 1:00:47 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 1:00:48 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.4030s) 2/2/2020 1:00:48 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4510s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Briefly Panic (0.6210s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3380s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1770s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0550s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0630s) 2/2/2020 1:00:49 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.2280s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0840s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1050s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0660s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Designing Fleets (0.0330s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 1:00:50 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 1:00:51 PM Brandishing Starfields (1.0741s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Cleaning Distant Planets (3.6092s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Organizing Commands (0.0310s) 2/2/2020 1:00:55 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 1:00:56 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 1:00:56 PM Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.4391s) 2/2/2020 1:01:03 PM EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (6.9284s) 2/2/2020 1:01:03 PM Issuing Orders (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 1:01:03 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 1:01:03 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 1:01:03 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 1:01:04 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0800s) 2/2/2020 1:01:04 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 1:01:05 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 1:01:05 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 1:01:07 PM Load Surrogates (3.2002s) 2/2/2020 1:01:07 PM Load Historical Documents (0.1220s) 2/2/2020 1:01:07 PM 20.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.5s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Brandishing Starfields (1.1s) Cleaning Distant Planets (3.6s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.4s) EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (6.9s) Load Surrogates (3.2s) 2/2/2020 1:01:09 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 1:01:29 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 1:10:27 PM Reconquest Seeding for Olle: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 1:20:03 PM Donating team Fireteam 218 has 1 units with strength 34. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Plecal: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:20:03 PM Donating team Fireteam 219 has 2 units with strength 68. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Plecal: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:20:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 218 has 1 units with strength 34. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Plecal: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:20:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 219 has 1 units with strength 34. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Plecal: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:20:42 PM Reconquest Seeding for Jacobson: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 1:40:42 PM Reconquest Seeding for Iverson: guard post placer: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 10 actually seeded: 10 2/2/2020 1:46:09 PM Donating team Fireteam 250 has 1 units with strength 35. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:46:09 PM Donating team Fireteam 251 has 3 units with strength 138. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Bastille: 2, Fortnoi: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:47:59 PM Donating team Fireteam 122 has 5 units with strength 198. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Bal: 4, Sten: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:53:55 PM Donating team Fireteam 79 has 2 units with strength 68. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:54:12 PM Donating team Fireteam 127 has 1 units with strength 64. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:54:39 PM Reconquest Seeding for Prism: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 1:55:36 PM Donating team Fireteam 132 has 2 units with strength 58. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:55:51 PM Donating team Fireteam 135 has 1 units with strength 37. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:55:52 PM Donating team Fireteam 82 has 18 units with strength 2001. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Wallach: 18 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:55:52 PM Donating team Fireteam 83 has 2 units with strength 511. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Wallach: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 1:55:55 PM Donating team Fireteam 136 has 27 units with strength 1569. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Wallach: 27 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5320s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0420s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1080s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0310s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Generating Framerates (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0280s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0670s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 2:01:32 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 2:01:33 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/2/2020 2:01:33 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3840s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Briefly Panic (0.6360s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3320s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1270s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0490s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0590s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.2430s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0260s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 2:01:34 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0450s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Charging Marks (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Designing Fleets (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 2:01:35 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 2:01:36 PM Grappling Starfields (0.8700s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Mopping Up Distant Planets (3.3592s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 2:01:39 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 2:01:41 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 2:01:41 PM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.4021s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Upgrade /dev/null (6.9044s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1060s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 2:01:48 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 2:01:50 PM Load Surrogates (1.6421s) 2/2/2020 2:01:50 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 2/2/2020 2:01:50 PM 18.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Grappling Starfields (0.9s) Mopping Up Distant Planets (3.4s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (1.4s) Upgrade /dev/null (6.9s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/2/2020 2:01:51 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 2:01:56 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 2:06:42 PM Donating team Fireteam 79 has 2 units with strength 68. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 2 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:07:01 PM Donating team Fireteam 129 has 1 units with strength 64. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Noether: 1 to hunter, path A 2/2/2020 2:09:02 PM Reconquest Seeding for Prism: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 2:13:44 PM Reconquest Seeding for Sten: guard post placer: GuardingMetalDeposits scheduled: -8 actually seeded: -8 2/2/2020 2:21:58 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hearth: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 2:47:08 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4980s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0390s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1010s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0510s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0250s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 3:42:40 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 3:42:41 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3220s) 2/2/2020 3:42:41 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:41 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 3:42:41 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3340s) 2/2/2020 3:42:41 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4090s) 2/2/2020 3:42:42 PM Briefly Panic (0.5720s) 2/2/2020 3:42:42 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3230s) 2/2/2020 3:42:42 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1710s) 2/2/2020 3:42:42 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/2/2020 3:42:42 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0310s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0570s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1560s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0990s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Range Manifolds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Purging ROFs (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Designing Fleets (0.0310s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 3:42:43 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:44 PM Brandishing Starfields (0.8660s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Destroying Distant Planets (3.4152s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Organizing Commands (0.0320s) 2/2/2020 3:42:48 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 3:42:49 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 3:42:49 PM Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.2781s) 2/2/2020 3:42:55 PM Calculate Improbability (6.4974s) 2/2/2020 3:42:55 PM Issuing Orders (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 3:42:56 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 3:42:56 PM Infusing (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 3:42:56 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 3:42:56 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0880s) 2/2/2020 3:42:56 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 3:42:57 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 3:42:57 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 3:42:59 PM Load Surrogates (3.0922s) 2/2/2020 3:42:59 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 3:42:59 PM 19.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Brandishing Starfields (0.9s) Destroying Distant Planets (3.4s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.3s) Calculate Improbability (6.5s) Load Surrogates (3.1s) 2/2/2020 3:43:00 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 3:43:05 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 3:45:13 PM Reconquest Seeding for Murra: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 3:52:26 PM Reconquest Seeding for Dijkstra: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 4:04:59 PM Reconquest Seeding for Dham: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 4:11:24 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hearth: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 4:12:07 PM Reconquest Seeding for Dayan: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 4:12:23 PM Reconquest Seeding for Bal: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 4:24:17 PM Reconquest Seeding for Prism: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 4:32:19 PM Reconquest Seeding for Jacobson: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 4:34:26 PM Reconquest Seeding for Bal: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 4:37:44 PM Reconquest Seeding for Karmarkar: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 4:46:25 PM Reconquest Seeding for Sten: guard post placer: GuardingMetalDeposits scheduled: -8 actually seeded: -8 2/2/2020 4:53:06 PM Reconquest Seeding for Dorsai: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 4:53:08 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Losses: For The Greater Good 2/2/2020 4:54:33 PM Reconquest Seeding for Prism: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 5:02:22 PM ----------- Exception: window: Window_NotificationsDisplay System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_Human+PrivateAstroTrainNotifier.MouseoverHandler () [0x00046] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.NotificationNonSim.HandleMouseover () [0x0000e] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+btnNotification.HandleMouseover () [0x00012] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_ImageButton.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x0019a] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x000f4] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime) [0x0016e] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00083] in :0 Stack Trace: Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) ArcenGameController.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 5:02:22 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- Exception: window: Window_NotificationsDisplay System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_Human+PrivateAstroTrainNotifier.MouseoverHandler () [0x00046] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.NotificationNonSim.HandleMouseover () [0x0000e] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+btnNotification.HandleMouseover () [0x00012] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_ImageButton.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x0019a] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x000f4] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime) [0x0016e] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00083] in :0 Stack Trace: Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) ArcenGameController.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 5:02:56 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/2/2020 5:02:57 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4840s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1330s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1020s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Generating Framerates (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0460s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 5:43:17 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 5:43:18 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3020s) 2/2/2020 5:43:18 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4280s) 2/2/2020 5:43:19 PM Briefly Panic (0.6980s) 2/2/2020 5:43:19 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3860s) 2/2/2020 5:43:19 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1520s) 2/2/2020 5:43:19 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0700s) 2/2/2020 5:43:19 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0480s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0740s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.2980s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0260s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1010s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Range Manifolds (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Designing Fleets (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 5:43:20 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0430s) 2/2/2020 5:43:21 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0880s) 2/2/2020 5:43:21 PM Wiping Down Starfields (0.9101s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Breaking Distant Planets (3.3652s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Organizing Commands (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 5:43:25 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 5:43:26 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 5:43:26 PM Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.3301s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Dreaming Of Quantum Computers (6.8454s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Infusing (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0330s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0750s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0320s) 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 5:43:33 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 5:43:35 PM Load Surrogates (1.8171s) 2/2/2020 5:43:35 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 2/2/2020 5:43:35 PM 18.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.7s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Wiping Down Starfields (0.9s) Breaking Distant Planets (3.4s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (1.3s) Dreaming Of Quantum Computers (6.8s) Load Surrogates (1.8s) 2/2/2020 5:43:36 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 5:43:54 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 5:48:55 PM Reconquest Seeding for Jacobson: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 5:59:51 PM Reconquest Seeding for Backus: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 6:12:26 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hearth: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 6:13:19 PM Reconquest Seeding for Boole: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 6:14:44 PM Reconquest Seeding for Prism: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 6:18:04 PM ----------- Exception: window: Window_NotificationsDisplay System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_Human+PrivateAstroTrainNotifier.MouseoverHandler () [0x00046] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.NotificationNonSim.HandleMouseover () [0x0000e] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+btnNotification.HandleMouseover () [0x00012] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_ImageButton.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x0019a] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x000f4] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime) [0x0016e] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00083] in :0 Stack Trace: Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) ArcenGameController.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 6:18:04 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- Exception: window: Window_NotificationsDisplay System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_Human+PrivateAstroTrainNotifier.MouseoverHandler () [0x00046] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.NotificationNonSim.HandleMouseover () [0x0000e] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+btnNotification.HandleMouseover () [0x00012] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_ImageButton.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x0019a] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x000f4] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime) [0x0016e] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00083] in :0 Stack Trace: Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () (at :0) ArcenGameController.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 6:26:42 PM Reconquest Seeding for Jurafsky: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 6:32:02 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/2/2020 6:32:06 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5350s) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0470s) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1160s) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1320s) 2/2/2020 8:50:27 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Generating Framerates (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0830s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 8:50:28 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:29 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4800s) 2/2/2020 8:50:29 PM Briefly Panic (0.7580s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3390s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1510s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0440s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0450s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1760s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2550s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 8:50:30 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0590s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Range Manifolds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Purging ROFs (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0530s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Designing Fleets (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 8:50:31 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 8:50:32 PM Eating Starfields (0.9351s) 2/2/2020 8:50:35 PM Scanning Distant Planets (3.5072s) 2/2/2020 8:50:35 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 8:50:35 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 8:50:35 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 8:50:35 PM Organizing Commands (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 8:50:36 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 8:50:37 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 8:50:37 PM Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.2791s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Notify Next Of Kin (6.8154s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Infusing (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0770s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 8:50:44 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 8:50:45 PM Load Surrogates (1.6451s) 2/2/2020 8:50:45 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 8:50:45 PM 18.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.5s) Briefly Panic (0.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Eating Starfields (0.9s) Scanning Distant Planets (3.5s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.3s) Notify Next Of Kin (6.8s) Load Surrogates (1.6s) 2/2/2020 8:50:47 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 8:50:52 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 8:50:52 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 8:56:46 PM Reconquest Seeding for Romo: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 9:05:40 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/2/2020 9:05:41 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 9:05:43 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 9:05:43 PM OnLoad: Fixed positions of 0 ship(s), 2 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 2/2/2020 9:05:43 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 9:07:07 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hahn: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 9:08:25 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 9:08:27 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 9:08:27 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 9:08:46 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 9:08:48 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 9:08:48 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 9:12:53 PM Reconquest Seeding for Romo: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 2/2/2020 9:16:40 PM Reconquest Seeding for Codd: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 9:20:05 PM Could not find savegame: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/GC NextGen/Autosave.22800.save at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.World.DeleteSaveGame (System.String FullSaveName) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_DeleteSaveGame.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 9:20:05 PM Could not find metadata: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/GC NextGen/Autosave.22800.savemet at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.World.DeleteSaveGame (System.String FullSaveName) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_DeleteSaveGame.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 9:22:34 PM Reconquest Seeding for Sparta: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 9:30:50 PM Reconquest Seeding for Hahn: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 9:32:40 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5330s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0410s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1080s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0250s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0480s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 9:32:50 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/2/2020 9:32:51 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4410s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Briefly Panic (0.8200s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3760s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1460s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0470s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:32:52 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0990s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1730s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0480s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0240s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Inverting Death (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0970s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Charging Marks (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Range Manifolds (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Designing Fleets (0.0280s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 9:32:53 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:32:54 PM Initiating Starfields (0.8861s) 2/2/2020 9:32:57 PM Discovering Distant Planets (3.3522s) 2/2/2020 9:32:57 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0280s) 2/2/2020 9:32:57 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:32:58 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:32:58 PM Organizing Commands (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 9:32:58 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 9:32:59 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 9:32:59 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (1.3211s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Draw Power From Black Holes (6.2754s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Infusing (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0960s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 9:33:05 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 9:33:07 PM Load Surrogates (1.6621s) 2/2/2020 9:33:07 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 9:33:07 PM 17.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (0.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Initiating Starfields (0.9s) Discovering Distant Planets (3.4s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (1.3s) Draw Power From Black Holes (6.3s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/2/2020 9:33:07 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 9:33:17 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 9:33:17 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 9:39:37 PM Reconquest Seeding for Sten: guard post placer: GuardingMetalDeposits scheduled: -8 actually seeded: -8 2/2/2020 9:40:56 PM Reconquest Seeding for Codd: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 9:41:45 PM Reconquest Seeding for Vardi: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 2/2/2020 9:45:10 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.5160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0420s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1050s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0170s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0250s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0500s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:45:19 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3730s) 2/2/2020 9:45:20 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4640s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Briefly Panic (0.6040s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3420s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1320s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0460s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0460s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1570s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0340s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0350s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:21 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Inverting Death (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1000s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Charging Marks (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Range Manifolds (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Purging ROFs (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0230s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Designing Fleets (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Errors in reading TechUpgradeTable internal name 'Light' occured more than once (Path: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/GalacticConquest//TechUpgrade/CMP_Techs.xml) Light: is missing int attribute sort_group Light: is missing int attribute sort_index internal name 'Medium' occured more than once (Path: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/GalacticConquest//TechUpgrade/CMP_Techs.xml) Medium: is missing int attribute sort_group Medium: is missing int attribute sort_index internal name 'Heavy' occured more than once (Path: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/GalacticConquest//TechUpgrade/CMP_Techs.xml) Heavy: is missing int attribute sort_group Heavy: is missing int attribute sort_index internal name 'Turret' occured more than once (Path: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/GalacticConquest//TechUpgrade/CMP_Techs.xml) Turret: is missing int attribute sort_group Turret: is missing int attribute sort_index 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 9:45:22 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:23 PM Initiating Starfields (0.8771s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (1.9161s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0730s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Organizing Commands (0.0310s) 2/2/2020 9:45:25 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 9:45:26 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 9:45:26 PM Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.1271s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Unscrewing Unessential Parts (4.2282s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Issuing Orders (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Infusing (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0810s) 2/2/2020 9:45:30 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0360s) 2/2/2020 9:45:31 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 9:45:31 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 9:45:32 PM Load Surrogates (1.6631s) 2/2/2020 9:45:32 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 9:45:32 PM 13.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.5s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Initiating Starfields (0.9s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (1.9s) Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.1s) Unscrewing Unessential Parts (4.2s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/2/2020 9:45:32 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 9:45:55 PM Current directory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/2/2020 9:45:55 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.4650s) 2/2/2020 9:45:55 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphicsDeviceID: 5058 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] graphicsMemorySize: 3992 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 8 processorFrequency: 4689 systemMemorySize: 12267 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 2/2/2020 9:45:55 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0390s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1050s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0400s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Installed Mods: GalacticConquest (10000) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0270s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Generating Framerates (0.0080s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0260s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM No resolution change was required. 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0810s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3010s) 2/2/2020 9:45:56 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1490s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Briefly Panic (0.3850s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3470s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1200s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0420s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Disengaging Constants (0.0380s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.0780s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0200s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:57 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0210s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Inverting Death (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0990s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Charging Marks (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0160s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Range Manifolds (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Purging ROFs (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0120s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0130s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0220s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Designing Fleets (0.0330s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0110s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0190s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0570s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0090s) 2/2/2020 9:45:58 PM Challenging Starfields (0.3220s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Combing Distant Planets (1.2601s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0280s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0100s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Organizing Commands (0.0290s) 2/2/2020 9:46:00 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0060s) 2/2/2020 9:46:01 PM Overwrote old entry for AITeslaNuke in SelfSacrificingStrikecraft 2/2/2020 9:46:01 PM Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (1.1531s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (3.2022s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Issuing Orders (0.0140s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0150s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Infusing (0.0370s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.0790s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0320s) 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM Found null GameEntityTypeData for UniversalStarterFleet: ship_membership itemForLater CoordinatorTransportFlagship 2/2/2020 9:46:04 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/2/2020 9:46:06 PM Load Surrogates (1.6511s) 2/2/2020 9:46:06 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0180s) 2/2/2020 9:46:06 PM 10.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.3s) Challenging Starfields (0.3s) Combing Distant Planets (1.3s) Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (1.2s) Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (3.2s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) 2/2/2020 9:46:06 PM Hello Steam user 'Sir Limbo' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 9:46:14 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/2/2020 9:46:14 PM OnLoad: Detected 10 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 10 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x10 2/2/2020 9:48:13 PM Reconquest Seeding for Cafiro: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 2/2/2020 9:52:54 PM Reconquest Seeding for Pravoka: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM : ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM : ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM : ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM : ----------- Exception when checking for sim step: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 Stack Trace: at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.Create_Wormhole (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad ForSquad, System.Int32 RelatedIndex, System.Boolean shouldOverrideBehavior, System.Boolean RefuseToWait, Arcen.AIW2.Core.OrderSource Source) [0x0002c] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_SetWormholePath.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00289] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00053] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000d9] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00662] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x0022d] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x0034f] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/2/2020 10:03:06 PM command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint! GameCommand Details:MoveManyToOnePoint RelatedFactionIndex:-1 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand command, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext context) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameCommand.Execute (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnClient_ExecuteGameCommandsReceivedFromServer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.SimPlannerImplementation.DoActualSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.Boolean& mayUpdateVisuals) [0x00000] in <792f8cfdd6564f12bf6d11be839db59a>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessSimStep (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections) [0x00000] in <1b40fc44c696462896947c577309b0de>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0