The humans have banded together, with extremely strong resistance fighters joining their High Command to snatch planets from the distracted AI, as the Dark Spire is fuelled by Macrophages nibbling away at the machine, their worlds drenched in red. Every battle, big or small, is flooded by the AI, but the Wardens can't be in two places at once. Friendly Human Marauders strike and distract, while worlds are reclaimed one by one, and beyond it all... the Fallen Spire looms. Will it be enough to save an encouraged humanity from the Scourge? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AI(7) Bar Fighter (Base Warden 7, Kitemaster 5) and 7 Scourge square off against: Player DoorKicker & Minelayer with maximum settlements and crypods. Human Resistance Fighters (10) Human Marauders, allied (6, Intelligent) Dark Spire (7) Fallen Spire (7) Macrophage (4, Intelligent) Nanocaust, Sealed (6, Brute Force) Additionally, Threat Fleets are enabled from the start, and scouting has been reduced to 6. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Your main concern is absolutely the Scourge, but the Bar Fighter is going to make life difficult for everyone. It's been hobbled a bit, making defense a bit easier. You can manipulate the various factions through careful strikes, and perhaps upgrade them to more directly contend with the AI. Your fleet is ideal for overcoming initial defenses, but is poorly suited to protracted engagements against the Bar Fighter. Luckily, the Nanocaust if you release them and the Macrophages are ideally suited to protracted engagements, and could greatly benefit if you soften up their opponent. Good luck.