1/11/2020 6:49:27 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:27 PM World Created, Launching Server 1/11/2020 6:49:29 PM Successfully opened host socket 1/11/2020 6:49:30 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:30 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:49:30 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:31 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:49:49 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:51 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:49:52 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:52 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:49:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:49:56 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:50:14 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 6655321 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:50:14 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:50:18 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:50:18 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:50:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/11/2020 6:50:41 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:52:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 23 factions 1/11/2020 6:52:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:52:11 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 23 factions 1/11/2020 6:52:11 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:52:30 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 23 factions 1/11/2020 6:52:30 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:52:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 23 factions 1/11/2020 6:52:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/11/2020 6:55:12 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 23 factions 1/11/2020 6:55:12 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 1/11/2020 7:14:38 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Teach a Man to Fish... because we think it's already there. 1/11/2020 8:31:24 PM Logged Achievement To Steam FOR SCIENCE! 1/11/2020 8:34:25 PM Error occurred in sim planning context perSecondNonSimPlanningLongRangeContext NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object ===STACK FRAMES (with file info)=== FILE METHOD IL_OFFSET NATIVE_OFFSET LINE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER GenerateMercenaryObjectives 44 186 0 0 CheckForMinorFactionObjectives_BackgroundThread 54 154 0 0 Generate 29 98 0 0 RegenerateAllObjectives 142 496 0 0 DoCentralLoop 35 266 0 0 Execute 17 74 0 0 InnerRun 65 216 0 0 ===RAW STACK TRACE=== at Arcen.AIW2.External.MinorFactionObjectivesGenerator.GenerateMercenaryObjectives () [0x0002c] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.MinorFactionObjectivesGenerator.CheckForMinorFactionObjectives_BackgroundThread () [0x00036] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.CoreObjectiveGenerator.Generate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x0001d] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ObjectiveGeneratorTable.RegenerateAllObjectives (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x0008e] in <907ba1a81c114df7917387c9b7011088>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.PerSecondNonSimPlanning.DoCentralLoop () [0x00023] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.PerSecondNonSimPlanning.Execute () [0x00011] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00041] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogException (System.Exception e, System.String message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <46fa522b90e7422aad805338d8dc0dc3>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 1/11/2020 8:38:58 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 1/24/2020 10:02:26 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 1/24/2020 10:02:26 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.5016s) 1/24/2020 10:02:26 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 1/24/2020 10:02:26 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1605s) 1/24/2020 10:02:27 PM Game Version: 1.309 1/24/2020 10:02:27 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8476s) 1/24/2020 10:02:27 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 1/24/2020 10:02:27 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2845s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1506s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1147s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Generating Framerates (0.0304s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2184s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1494s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0972s) 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM No resolution change was required. 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 1/24/2020 10:02:28 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 1/24/2020 10:02:29 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.4898s) 1/24/2020 10:02:30 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.1970s) 1/24/2020 10:02:30 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0500s) 1/24/2020 10:02:30 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0724s) 1/24/2020 10:02:32 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8239s) 1/24/2020 10:02:34 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1408s) 1/24/2020 10:02:40 PM Briefly Panic (6.2034s) 1/24/2020 10:02:41 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4081s) 1/24/2020 10:02:41 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3205s) 1/24/2020 10:02:41 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0897s) 1/24/2020 10:02:41 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0939s) 1/24/2020 10:02:42 PM Disengaging Constants (0.6573s) 1/24/2020 10:02:43 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.1464s) 1/24/2020 10:02:43 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1640s) 1/24/2020 10:02:43 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0616s) 1/24/2020 10:02:43 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2807s) 1/24/2020 10:02:43 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0579s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1426s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0539s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0346s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1023s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0851s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0751s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0951s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0830s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0785s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0786s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0720s) 1/24/2020 10:02:44 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1237s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0621s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0783s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0887s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0891s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Inverting Death (0.0800s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Linear Field Variance (0.3388s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Charging Marks (0.0368s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0739s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Range Manifolds (0.0804s) 1/24/2020 10:02:45 PM Purging ROFs (0.0977s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0763s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0805s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0885s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0675s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Designing Fleets (0.2542s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.1054s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0359s) 1/24/2020 10:02:46 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.2441s) 1/24/2020 10:02:47 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1094s) 1/24/2020 10:02:47 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0841s) 1/24/2020 10:02:51 PM Viewing Starfields (4.8052s) 1/24/2020 10:03:13 PM Rejecting Distant Planets (21.6102s) 1/24/2020 10:03:13 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.3850s) 1/24/2020 10:03:13 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0664s) 1/24/2020 10:03:14 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0179s) 1/24/2020 10:03:14 PM Organizing Commands (0.2871s) 1/24/2020 10:03:14 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0172s) 1/24/2020 10:03:23 PM Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (8.6996s) 1/24/2020 10:04:22 PM Ejecting Data Cores (59.4907s) 1/24/2020 10:04:22 PM Issuing Orders (0.0637s) 1/24/2020 10:04:22 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1108s) 1/24/2020 10:04:22 PM Infusing (0.1455s) 1/24/2020 10:04:22 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0124s) 1/24/2020 10:04:23 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2977s) 1/24/2020 10:04:23 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0360s) 1/24/2020 10:04:24 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 856 1/24/2020 10:04:26 PM Load Surrogates (3.8014s) 1/24/2020 10:04:27 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0713s) 1/24/2020 10:04:27 PM 122.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.5s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8s) Check For Extra Modules (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (0.5s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.2s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1s) Briefly Panic (6.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.7s) Late Axionic Computations (1.1s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Linear Field Variance (0.3s) Designing Fleets (0.3s) Viewing Starfields (4.8s) Rejecting Distant Planets (21.6s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.4s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (8.7s) Ejecting Data Cores (59.5s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.3s) Load Surrogates (3.8s) 1/24/2020 10:04:28 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <510733ef6c034308be070d76235894cd>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <510733ef6c034308be070d76235894cd>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <510733ef6c034308be070d76235894cd>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 1/24/2020 10:05:05 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:05:05 PM World Created, Launching Server 1/24/2020 10:05:06 PM Successfully opened host socket 1/24/2020 10:05:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:05:40 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:05:55 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:05:55 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:06:11 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:06:11 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:06:23 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:06:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:06:42 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:06:42 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:06:59 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:07:00 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:07:11 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:07:11 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:07:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 100 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:07:22 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:07:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:07:43 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:07:52 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:07:52 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:08:19 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:08:20 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:08:23 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:08:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:08:27 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 17 factions 1/24/2020 10:08:27 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:09:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 21 factions 1/24/2020 10:09:08 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:10:26 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:10:26 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:10:34 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:10:35 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:10:46 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:10:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:11:12 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:11:13 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:11:55 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:11:56 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:12:38 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 22 factions 1/24/2020 10:12:38 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:13:06 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 23 factions 1/24/2020 10:13:07 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:16:05 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Simple and seed 293028406 and planet count 150 and 24 factions 1/24/2020 10:16:05 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 1/24/2020 10:21:23 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/7/2020 3:45:37 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/7/2020 3:45:37 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0970s) 2/7/2020 3:45:38 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/7/2020 3:45:38 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0943s) 2/7/2020 3:45:39 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/7/2020 3:45:39 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.0339s) 2/7/2020 3:45:39 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/7/2020 3:45:39 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2260s) 2/7/2020 3:45:40 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/7/2020 3:45:40 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (1.4776s) 2/7/2020 3:45:40 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0854s) 2/7/2020 3:45:40 PM Generating Framerates (0.0534s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2710s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1490s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0664s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM No resolution change was required. 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0254s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3618s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0482s) 2/7/2020 3:45:41 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0701s) 2/7/2020 3:45:44 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0963s) 2/7/2020 3:45:46 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1366s) 2/7/2020 3:45:52 PM Briefly Panic (6.0456s) 2/7/2020 3:45:52 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4069s) 2/7/2020 3:45:52 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3663s) 2/7/2020 3:45:53 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0856s) 2/7/2020 3:45:53 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0996s) 2/7/2020 3:45:53 PM Disengaging Constants (0.5459s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6578s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1077s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1386s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2285s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.1002s) 2/7/2020 3:45:54 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0323s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0753s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0670s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1035s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0848s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0760s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0832s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0940s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0789s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0892s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0602s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1249s) 2/7/2020 3:45:55 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0615s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0790s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0889s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0997s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Inverting Death (0.0571s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1938s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Charging Marks (0.0168s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1283s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Range Manifolds (0.0329s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Purging ROFs (0.1011s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0857s) 2/7/2020 3:45:56 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0821s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0786s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0807s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Designing Fleets (0.1954s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0699s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0251s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1294s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0753s) 2/7/2020 3:45:57 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0656s) 2/7/2020 3:46:03 PM Wiping Down Starfields (5.4736s) 2/7/2020 3:46:23 PM Mapping Distant Planets (20.6315s) 2/7/2020 3:46:23 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1422s) 2/7/2020 3:46:23 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0661s) 2/7/2020 3:46:23 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0268s) 2/7/2020 3:46:24 PM Organizing Commands (0.1549s) 2/7/2020 3:46:24 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0189s) 2/7/2020 3:46:34 PM Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (10.1454s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Compensate for Neutrino Variance (63.9733s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Issuing Orders (0.0916s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1131s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Infusing (0.1486s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0138s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1493s) 2/7/2020 3:47:38 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0321s) 2/7/2020 3:47:39 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 856 2/7/2020 3:47:41 PM Load Surrogates (2.7219s) 2/7/2020 3:47:41 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0093s) 2/7/2020 3:47:41 PM 124.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.0s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (1.5s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.4s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.1s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1s) Briefly Panic (6.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Wiping Down Starfields (5.5s) Mapping Distant Planets (20.6s) Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (10.1s) Compensate for Neutrino Variance (64.0s) Load Surrogates (2.7s) 2/7/2020 3:47:42 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/7/2020 3:49:45 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 12. 2/7/2020 3:49:45 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 12. 2/7/2020 3:49:45 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/7/2020 3:49:45 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 18 factions 2/7/2020 3:49:46 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:51:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 17 factions 2/7/2020 3:51:43 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/7/2020 3:52:02 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 21 factions 2/7/2020 3:52:02 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:52:09 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 21 factions 2/7/2020 3:52:09 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:52:20 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 21 factions 2/7/2020 3:52:21 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:54:05 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:54:05 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:54:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 17 factions 2/7/2020 3:54:24 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/7/2020 3:54:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:54:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:55:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:55:15 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:55:26 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:55:26 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:55:45 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:55:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:55:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:55:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:55:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:55:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:56:13 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:56:13 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:56:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:56:25 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:56:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:56:44 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:57:14 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:57:14 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:57:20 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:57:21 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/7/2020 3:57:42 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 157963113 and planet count 80 and 23 factions 2/7/2020 3:57:43 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/7/2020 4:05:34 PM Donating team Fireteam 8 has 1 units with strength 26. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Bittencourt: 1 to hunter, path A 2/7/2020 5:05:45 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/7/2020 7:14:43 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/7/2020 7:14:43 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.4339s) 2/7/2020 7:14:43 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/7/2020 7:14:43 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1524s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4422s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0771s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1594s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1439s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Generating Framerates (0.0327s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1434s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0478s) 2/7/2020 7:14:44 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1597s) 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM No resolution change was required. 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6167s) 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1736s) 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0444s) 2/7/2020 7:14:46 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0908s) 2/7/2020 7:14:48 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9131s) 2/7/2020 7:14:50 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9032s) 2/7/2020 7:14:54 PM Briefly Panic (4.0303s) 2/7/2020 7:14:55 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4308s) 2/7/2020 7:14:55 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3288s) 2/7/2020 7:14:55 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0847s) 2/7/2020 7:14:55 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0977s) 2/7/2020 7:14:55 PM Disengaging Constants (0.3017s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5793s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0562s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0824s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1703s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0774s) 2/7/2020 7:14:56 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0473s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0734s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0639s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1055s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0742s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0863s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0838s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0844s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0887s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0784s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0714s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1247s) 2/7/2020 7:14:57 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0640s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0703s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.3659s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1947s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Inverting Death (0.0991s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2060s) 2/7/2020 7:14:58 PM Charging Marks (0.0177s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1214s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Range Manifolds (0.0339s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Purging ROFs (0.1089s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0733s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0818s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0695s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0974s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Designing Fleets (0.1989s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0730s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0175s) 2/7/2020 7:14:59 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1235s) 2/7/2020 7:15:00 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1124s) 2/7/2020 7:15:00 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.1048s) 2/7/2020 7:15:03 PM Taunting Starfields (3.1519s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Browsing Distant Planets (18.0090s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1203s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0772s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0188s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Organizing Commands (0.1613s) 2/7/2020 7:15:21 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0131s) 2/7/2020 7:15:27 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (5.4976s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (34.9579s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Issuing Orders (0.0689s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1143s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Infusing (0.1743s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2010s) 2/7/2020 7:16:02 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0410s) 2/7/2020 7:16:03 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 856 2/7/2020 7:16:05 PM Load Surrogates (2.4298s) 2/7/2020 7:16:05 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0080s) 2/7/2020 7:16:05 PM 83.1 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (4.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Faction Diagnostics (0.4s) Taunting Starfields (3.2s) Browsing Distant Planets (18.0s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (5.5s) Download Memories To Dark Obelisk (35.0s) Load Surrogates (2.4s) 2/7/2020 7:16:06 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/7/2020 7:19:20 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/7/2020 9:02:53 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/7/2020 9:02:55 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/11/2020 9:05:31 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/11/2020 9:05:31 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.4084s) 2/11/2020 9:05:31 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/11/2020 9:05:31 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1277s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Game Version: 1.321 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8187s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.3653s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1514s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1569s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Generating Framerates (0.0444s) 2/11/2020 9:05:32 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1544s) 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0899s) 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0746s) 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM No resolution change was required. 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/11/2020 9:05:33 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.3194s) 2/11/2020 9:05:34 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.6057s) 2/11/2020 9:05:34 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.8260s) 2/11/2020 9:05:34 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0692s) 2/11/2020 9:05:37 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0491s) 2/11/2020 9:05:39 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2921s) 2/11/2020 9:05:49 PM Briefly Panic (10.3078s) 2/11/2020 9:05:51 PM Install Confidence Routines (1.6216s) 2/11/2020 9:05:51 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.5319s) 2/11/2020 9:05:51 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0999s) 2/11/2020 9:05:51 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1008s) 2/11/2020 9:05:52 PM Disengaging Constants (0.6573s) 2/11/2020 9:05:53 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.9462s) 2/11/2020 9:05:53 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1084s) 2/11/2020 9:05:53 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0621s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Degaussing Advice (0.3271s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0556s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0888s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0633s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0558s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1031s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0854s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1102s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0819s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0607s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0792s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0787s) 2/11/2020 9:05:54 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0695s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1259s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0618s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0779s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0895s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1002s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Inverting Death (0.0564s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2278s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Charging Marks (0.0171s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1155s) 2/11/2020 9:05:55 PM Range Manifolds (0.0444s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Purging ROFs (0.1029s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0847s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0819s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0788s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0802s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Designing Fleets (0.1739s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0684s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0355s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1126s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0950s) 2/11/2020 9:05:56 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0538s) 2/11/2020 9:06:00 PM Berating Starfields (3.2560s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Dissolving Distant Planets (18.9489s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1522s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0365s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0639s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Organizing Commands (0.1496s) 2/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0174s) 2/11/2020 9:06:25 PM Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (5.7150s) 2/11/2020 9:07:12 PM Investigate Tachyons (47.6342s) 2/11/2020 9:07:12 PM Issuing Orders (0.0800s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1217s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM Infusing (0.1337s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0129s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1567s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0370s) 2/11/2020 9:07:13 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 856 2/11/2020 9:07:15 PM Load Surrogates (2.4903s) 2/11/2020 9:07:15 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0837s) 2/11/2020 9:07:15 PM 106.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8s) Check For Extra Modules (0.4s) Refresh Optical Lensing (0.3s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.6s) Boot Audio Comms (0.8s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3s) Briefly Panic (10.3s) Install Confidence Routines (1.6s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.5s) Disengaging Constants (0.7s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Berating Starfields (3.3s) Dissolving Distant Planets (18.9s) Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (5.7s) Investigate Tachyons (47.6s) Load Surrogates (2.5s) 2/11/2020 9:07:17 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/11/2020 9:08:26 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/11/2020 9:48:24 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Tech Tree 2/11/2020 9:51:23 PM Donating team Fireteam 12 has 1 units with strength 26. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Staztuva: 1 to hunter, path A 2/11/2020 10:26:19 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/11/2020 10:26:21 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/22/2020 5:59:29 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/22/2020 5:59:29 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.1388s) 2/22/2020 5:59:30 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/22/2020 5:59:30 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1289s) 2/22/2020 5:59:30 PM Game Version: 1.332 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.9236s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2296s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1530s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1639s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Generating Framerates (0.1021s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1961s) 2/22/2020 5:59:31 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1289s) 2/22/2020 5:59:32 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0655s) 2/22/2020 5:59:32 PM No resolution change was required. 2/22/2020 5:59:32 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/22/2020 5:59:32 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/22/2020 5:59:32 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.3656s) 2/22/2020 5:59:33 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.3487s) 2/22/2020 5:59:33 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0558s) 2/22/2020 5:59:33 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0945s) 2/22/2020 5:59:35 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9958s) 2/22/2020 5:59:38 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3187s) 2/22/2020 5:59:48 PM Briefly Panic (10.6652s) 2/22/2020 5:59:49 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.9846s) 2/22/2020 5:59:50 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.5296s) 2/22/2020 5:59:50 PM Motivate All Crews (0.2401s) 2/22/2020 5:59:50 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1653s) 2/22/2020 5:59:51 PM Disengaging Constants (0.8061s) 2/22/2020 5:59:53 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.9503s) 2/22/2020 5:59:53 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1999s) 2/22/2020 5:59:53 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0738s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Degaussing Advice (0.5535s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.1840s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0686s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0637s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0509s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1180s) 2/22/2020 5:59:54 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0861s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0762s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1650s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0564s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0685s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0900s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0446s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1154s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0872s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0680s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1095s) 2/22/2020 5:59:55 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1298s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Inverting Death (0.0537s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2320s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Charging Marks (0.0445s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1172s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Range Manifolds (0.0329s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Purging ROFs (0.0966s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0875s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0800s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0743s) 2/22/2020 5:59:56 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0939s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Designing Fleets (0.2299s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0787s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0170s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1478s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0834s) 2/22/2020 5:59:57 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0405s) 2/22/2020 6:00:01 PM Miming Starfields (3.7580s) 2/22/2020 6:00:21 PM Resizing Distant Planets (20.0435s) 2/22/2020 6:00:21 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.4647s) 2/22/2020 6:00:21 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0603s) 2/22/2020 6:00:21 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0258s) 2/22/2020 6:00:22 PM Organizing Commands (0.1572s) 2/22/2020 6:00:22 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0110s) 2/22/2020 6:00:30 PM Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (8.4637s) 2/22/2020 6:02:20 PM Install Replacement Weapons (110.1489s) 2/22/2020 6:02:20 PM Issuing Orders (0.2495s) 2/22/2020 6:02:21 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1436s) 2/22/2020 6:02:21 PM Infusing (0.3100s) 2/22/2020 6:02:21 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0146s) 2/22/2020 6:02:21 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.3953s) 2/22/2020 6:02:21 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0382s) 2/22/2020 6:02:22 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 861 2/22/2020 6:02:35 PM Load Surrogates (13.7889s) 2/22/2020 6:02:35 PM Load Historical Documents (0.1864s) 2/22/2020 6:02:37 PM 188.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.9s) Refresh Optical Lensing (0.4s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3s) Briefly Panic (10.7s) Install Confidence Routines (1.0s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.5s) Disengaging Constants (0.8s) Late Axionic Computations (2.0s) Degaussing Advice (0.6s) Miming Starfields (3.8s) Resizing Distant Planets (20.0s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.5s) Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (8.5s) Install Replacement Weapons (110.1s) Infusing (0.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4s) Load Surrogates (13.8s) 2/22/2020 6:02:46 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/22/2020 6:03:12 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/22/2020 6:26:42 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Tech Tree 2/22/2020 6:27:39 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard 2/22/2020 6:44:31 PM Donating team Fireteam 20 has 32 units with strength 1916. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Staztuva: 31, Uknowit: 1 to hunter, path A 2/22/2020 6:47:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 15 has 3 units with strength 799. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Tedoga: 3 to hunter, path A 2/22/2020 7:02:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 16 has 24 units with strength 1093. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Apocostar: 24 to hunter, path A 2/22/2020 7:11:51 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/22/2020 7:11:53 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/28/2020 11:09:25 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/28/2020 11:09:25 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3043s) 2/28/2020 11:09:25 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/28/2020 11:09:25 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1382s) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Game Version: 2.004 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.9718s) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1868s) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2317s) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1402s) 2/28/2020 11:09:26 PM Generating Framerates (0.0576s) 2/28/2020 11:09:27 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2354s) 2/28/2020 11:09:27 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1187s) 2/28/2020 11:09:27 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.2919s) 2/28/2020 11:09:28 PM No resolution change was required. 2/28/2020 11:09:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/28/2020 11:09:29 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/28/2020 11:09:29 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.5464s) 2/28/2020 11:09:29 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2066s) 2/28/2020 11:09:29 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0698s) 2/28/2020 11:09:29 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1401s) 2/28/2020 11:09:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8133s) 2/28/2020 11:09:34 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (3.2400s) 2/28/2020 11:09:43 PM Briefly Panic (9.4896s) 2/28/2020 11:09:44 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.8446s) 2/28/2020 11:09:45 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3541s) 2/28/2020 11:09:45 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1273s) 2/28/2020 11:09:45 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1102s) 2/28/2020 11:09:45 PM Disengaging Constants (0.5611s) 2/28/2020 11:09:47 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.8060s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.2885s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0937s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2669s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0842s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0322s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0983s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0590s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1002s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0737s) 2/28/2020 11:09:48 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0749s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1310s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0466s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0814s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0761s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0732s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1126s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0897s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1150s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0712s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0792s) 2/28/2020 11:09:49 PM Inverting Death (0.0599s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2321s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Charging Marks (0.0158s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1178s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Range Manifolds (0.0395s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Purging ROFs (0.0940s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0949s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0721s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0843s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1035s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Designing Fleets (0.1912s) 2/28/2020 11:09:50 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0581s) 2/28/2020 11:09:51 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0588s) 2/28/2020 11:09:51 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1283s) 2/28/2020 11:09:51 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0646s) 2/28/2020 11:09:51 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0430s) 2/28/2020 11:09:54 PM Berating Starfields (3.5560s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (20.5704s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1533s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0696s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0210s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Organizing Commands (0.1547s) 2/28/2020 11:10:15 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0116s) 2/28/2020 11:10:24 PM Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (8.6814s) 2/28/2020 11:16:30 PM Upgrade /dev/null (366.1757s) 2/28/2020 11:16:31 PM Issuing Orders (0.8555s) 2/28/2020 11:16:32 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.6732s) 2/28/2020 11:16:33 PM Infusing (1.0226s) 2/28/2020 11:16:33 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.1114s) 2/28/2020 11:16:34 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.9211s) 2/28/2020 11:16:34 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1085s) 2/28/2020 11:16:36 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 922 2/28/2020 11:16:45 PM Load Surrogates (10.7358s) 2/28/2020 11:16:45 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0233s) 2/28/2020 11:16:45 PM 441.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.0s) Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (3.2s) Briefly Panic (9.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.8s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.6s) Late Axionic Computations (1.8s) Connecting to Fleet Command (0.3s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Berating Starfields (3.6s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (20.6s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (8.7s) Upgrade /dev/null (366.2s) Issuing Orders (0.9s) Augmenting Infusers (0.7s) Infusing (1.0s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.9s) Load Surrogates (10.7s) 2/28/2020 11:16:52 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/28/2020 11:43:17 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 584883897 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/28/2020 11:43:17 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/28/2020 11:43:18 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/28/2020 11:44:23 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/29/2020 2:39:26 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 2/29/2020 2:39:26 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.4984s) 2/29/2020 2:39:26 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 2/29/2020 2:39:26 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1739s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Game Version: 2.006 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5647s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1728s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1232s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1341s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Generating Framerates (0.0557s) 2/29/2020 2:39:27 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1333s) 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0448s) 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0622s) 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM No resolution change was required. 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/29/2020 2:39:28 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1359s) 2/29/2020 2:39:29 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.7019s) 2/29/2020 2:39:29 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0514s) 2/29/2020 2:39:30 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0635s) 2/29/2020 2:39:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8167s) 2/29/2020 2:39:34 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.6070s) 2/29/2020 2:39:43 PM Briefly Panic (8.7421s) 2/29/2020 2:39:43 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3994s) 2/29/2020 2:39:43 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2961s) 2/29/2020 2:39:44 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1836s) 2/29/2020 2:39:44 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1259s) 2/29/2020 2:39:44 PM Disengaging Constants (0.6166s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6165s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0361s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0808s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Degaussing Advice (0.3326s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0314s) 2/29/2020 2:39:45 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0765s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0854s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0727s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1088s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0744s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0868s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0702s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0950s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0807s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0773s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0950s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0796s) 2/29/2020 2:39:46 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0701s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1025s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1192s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0592s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Inverting Death (0.0737s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1746s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Charging Marks (0.0206s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0940s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Range Manifolds (0.0683s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Purging ROFs (0.0978s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0979s) 2/29/2020 2:39:47 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0686s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0962s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0902s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Designing Fleets (0.1918s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0456s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0467s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1241s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1087s) 2/29/2020 2:39:48 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0408s) 2/29/2020 2:39:52 PM Pining For Starfields (3.4833s) 2/29/2020 2:40:11 PM Combing Distant Planets (19.5309s) 2/29/2020 2:40:11 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1424s) 2/29/2020 2:40:11 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0625s) 2/29/2020 2:40:11 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0330s) 2/29/2020 2:40:12 PM Organizing Commands (0.1703s) 2/29/2020 2:40:12 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0167s) 2/29/2020 2:40:21 PM Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (9.5345s) 2/29/2020 2:44:19 PM EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (237.7714s) 2/29/2020 2:44:19 PM Issuing Orders (0.5278s) 2/29/2020 2:44:20 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1507s) 2/29/2020 2:44:21 PM Infusing (1.4292s) 2/29/2020 2:44:21 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.1441s) 2/29/2020 2:44:22 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7122s) 2/29/2020 2:44:22 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.2207s) 2/29/2020 2:44:24 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 2/29/2020 2:44:30 PM Load Surrogates (7.7687s) 2/29/2020 2:44:30 PM Load Historical Documents (0.1644s) 2/29/2020 2:44:30 PM 305.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.5s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.6s) Briefly Panic (8.7s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.6s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Pining For Starfields (3.5s) Combing Distant Planets (19.5s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (9.5s) EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (237.8s) Issuing Orders (0.5s) Infusing (1.4s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7s) Load Surrogates (7.8s) 2/29/2020 2:44:50 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 2/29/2020 2:46:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 227165946 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:46:48 PM World Created, Launching Server 2/29/2020 2:46:52 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/29/2020 2:47:20 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 112014977 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:47:20 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:47:39 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 112014977 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:47:39 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:47:52 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 112014977 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:47:52 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:47:57 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 112014977 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:47:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:48:10 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 483604703 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:48:11 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:48:21 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 483604703 and planet count 80 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:48:21 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:48:39 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 483604703 and planet count 90 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:48:39 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:49:00 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:49:00 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:49:05 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:49:05 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:49:14 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:49:15 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:49:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 20 factions 2/29/2020 2:49:25 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:50:02 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 24 factions 2/29/2020 2:50:03 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:50:09 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 24 factions 2/29/2020 2:50:10 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:50:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 25 factions 2/29/2020 2:50:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:51:37 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 26 factions 2/29/2020 2:51:38 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 2/29/2020 2:53:26 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 147769447 and planet count 90 and 27 factions 2/29/2020 2:53:27 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 2/29/2020 3:07:42 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Research Grant because we think it's already there. 2/29/2020 3:38:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:38:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:39:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:40:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:41:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000c0] in :0 2/29/2020 3:48:48 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/29/2020 3:50:12 PM No resolution change was required. 2/29/2020 3:50:12 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 2/29/2020 3:50:12 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 2/29/2020 3:51:07 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 2/29/2020 3:51:07 PM Successfully opened host socket 2/29/2020 4:00:36 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 2/29/2020 4:00:38 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 11:55:27 AM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/1/2020 11:55:27 AM Boot up FleetOS (1.6910s) 3/1/2020 11:55:28 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/1/2020 11:55:28 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1973s) 3/1/2020 11:55:28 AM Game Version: 2.006 3/1/2020 11:55:28 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6928s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.1377s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2027s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Remembering Alamo (0.1234s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Generating Framerates (0.0399s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2474s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1006s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0653s) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM No resolution change was required. 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 11:55:29 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1001s) 3/1/2020 11:55:30 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2953s) 3/1/2020 11:55:30 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0630s) 3/1/2020 11:55:30 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1331s) 3/1/2020 11:55:33 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.2462s) 3/1/2020 11:55:36 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (3.0025s) 3/1/2020 11:55:45 AM Briefly Panic (9.1742s) 3/1/2020 11:55:46 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.4623s) 3/1/2020 11:55:46 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2611s) 3/1/2020 11:55:46 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0984s) 3/1/2020 11:55:46 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0957s) 3/1/2020 11:55:47 AM Disengaging Constants (0.3831s) 3/1/2020 11:55:47 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.5832s) 3/1/2020 11:55:47 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0775s) 3/1/2020 11:55:47 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0728s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Degaussing Advice (0.2548s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0630s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0418s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.0868s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0778s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0923s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0744s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0858s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0917s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0751s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0905s) 3/1/2020 11:55:48 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0786s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0830s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Calibrating Formations (0.1124s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0620s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0800s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.1060s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0949s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Inverting Death (0.0501s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Linear Field Variance (0.1761s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Charging Marks (0.0293s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0925s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Range Manifolds (0.0457s) 3/1/2020 11:55:49 AM Purging ROFs (0.1001s) 3/1/2020 11:55:50 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.1005s) 3/1/2020 11:55:50 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0831s) 3/1/2020 11:55:50 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0952s) 3/1/2020 11:55:50 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1509s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Designing Fleets (0.6179s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.1181s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0138s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1489s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0826s) 3/1/2020 11:55:51 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0332s) 3/1/2020 11:55:54 AM Initiating Starfields (3.2947s) 3/1/2020 11:56:12 AM Scanning Distant Planets (18.0430s) 3/1/2020 11:56:12 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1460s) 3/1/2020 11:56:12 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0410s) 3/1/2020 11:56:13 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0556s) 3/1/2020 11:56:13 AM Organizing Commands (0.1572s) 3/1/2020 11:56:13 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0108s) 3/1/2020 11:56:26 AM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (12.9682s) 3/1/2020 11:59:51 AM Replicating Terminal (205.7005s) 3/1/2020 11:59:52 AM Issuing Orders (0.4719s) 3/1/2020 11:59:53 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.7294s) 3/1/2020 11:59:54 AM Infusing (1.5776s) 3/1/2020 11:59:54 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.3084s) 3/1/2020 11:59:56 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (1.5925s) 3/1/2020 11:59:56 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.3113s) 3/1/2020 11:59:59 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/1/2020 12:00:04 PM Load Surrogates (7.4887s) 3/1/2020 12:00:04 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0851s) 3/1/2020 12:00:04 PM 278.1 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.7s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.2s) Calculate Odds Of Success (3.0s) Briefly Panic (9.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Designing Fleets (0.6s) Initiating Starfields (3.3s) Scanning Distant Planets (18.0s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (13.0s) Replicating Terminal (205.7s) Issuing Orders (0.5s) Augmenting Infusers (0.7s) Infusing (1.6s) Post-Proton Surge (0.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (1.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (7.5s) 3/1/2020 12:00:10 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/1/2020 12:01:25 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1000x600 3/1/2020 12:01:25 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:01:25 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:03:02 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1000x600 3/1/2020 12:03:02 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:03:02 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:03:37 PM Resolution changed to fullscreen 900x1600 3/1/2020 12:03:37 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:03:37 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:03:48 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:04:48 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1000x600 3/1/2020 12:04:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:04:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:04:56 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 12:04:56 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:07:06 PM No resolution change was required. 3/1/2020 12:07:06 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:07:06 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:07:18 PM No resolution change was required. 3/1/2020 12:07:18 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:07:18 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:07:31 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 12:07:31 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:08:05 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1920x1080 3/1/2020 12:08:05 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:08:05 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:08:14 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 12:08:14 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:08:14 PM OnLoad: Fixed positions of 0 ship(s), 1 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 3/1/2020 12:09:26 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1600x900 3/1/2020 12:09:26 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:09:26 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:09:34 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 12:09:34 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:09:34 PM OnLoad: Fixed positions of 0 ship(s), 1 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 3/1/2020 12:10:28 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 12:29:47 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/1/2020 12:29:47 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2725s) 3/1/2020 12:29:48 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/1/2020 12:29:48 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.6612s) 3/1/2020 12:29:49 PM Game Version: 2.006 3/1/2020 12:29:49 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.4503s) 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0565s) 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.4821s) 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Remembering Alamo (0.2893s) 3/1/2020 12:29:50 PM Generating Framerates (0.0491s) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2035s) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1208s) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0712s) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Resolution changed to windowed 1600x900 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0981s) 3/1/2020 12:29:51 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3056s) 3/1/2020 12:29:52 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.9174s) 3/1/2020 12:29:52 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0831s) 3/1/2020 12:29:54 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.4418s) 3/1/2020 12:29:56 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.7105s) 3/1/2020 12:30:08 PM Briefly Panic (11.6282s) 3/1/2020 12:30:09 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.7797s) 3/1/2020 12:30:09 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4046s) 3/1/2020 12:30:09 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1806s) 3/1/2020 12:30:09 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0581s) 3/1/2020 12:30:10 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2618s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.3751s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0473s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0913s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1384s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0169s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0258s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0275s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0401s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0416s) 3/1/2020 12:30:11 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0512s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0582s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0985s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0285s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0236s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0745s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1288s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0423s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0392s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0697s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0448s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0732s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Inverting Death (0.0544s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2053s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Charging Marks (0.0217s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0430s) 3/1/2020 12:30:12 PM Range Manifolds (0.0163s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Purging ROFs (0.0135s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0432s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0495s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0569s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0829s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Designing Fleets (0.1387s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0331s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0291s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0391s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0442s) 3/1/2020 12:30:13 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0170s) 3/1/2020 12:30:18 PM Hugging Starfields (4.6027s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Destroying Distant Planets (25.2483s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1746s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0524s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0145s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Organizing Commands (0.0750s) 3/1/2020 12:30:43 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0123s) 3/1/2020 12:30:50 PM Fumbling With Ship Parts (7.0593s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Eject And Reinsert Warp Cores (112.5120s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Issuing Orders (0.1157s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1274s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Infusing (0.2981s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0258s) 3/1/2020 12:32:43 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1156s) 3/1/2020 12:32:44 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0563s) 3/1/2020 12:32:44 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/1/2020 12:32:48 PM Load Surrogates (4.6646s) 3/1/2020 12:32:48 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0102s) 3/1/2020 12:32:48 PM 182.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.5s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.5s) Remembering Alamo (0.3s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3s) Boot Audio Comms (0.9s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.7s) Briefly Panic (11.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.8s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (1.4s) Hugging Starfields (4.6s) Destroying Distant Planets (25.2s) Fumbling With Ship Parts (7.1s) Eject And Reinsert Warp Cores (112.5s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (4.7s) 3/1/2020 12:32:51 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/1/2020 12:33:10 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 12:34:20 PM Resolution changed to fullscreen 1080x1920 3/1/2020 12:34:20 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 12:34:20 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 1:10:09 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Research Grant because we think it's already there. 3/1/2020 1:17:23 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/1/2020 1:17:25 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 4:55:08 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/1/2020 4:55:08 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.9759s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1082s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Game Version: 2.006 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2999s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0797s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1287s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0898s) 3/1/2020 4:55:09 PM Generating Framerates (0.0190s) 3/1/2020 4:55:10 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3337s) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.6493s) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0474s) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM No resolution change was required. 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0442s) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1804s) 3/1/2020 4:55:11 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0187s) 3/1/2020 4:55:12 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0903s) 3/1/2020 4:55:13 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7051s) 3/1/2020 4:55:15 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8729s) 3/1/2020 4:55:23 PM Briefly Panic (7.8555s) 3/1/2020 4:55:23 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4712s) 3/1/2020 4:55:24 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.7743s) 3/1/2020 4:55:24 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1777s) 3/1/2020 4:55:25 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.2474s) 3/1/2020 4:55:25 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2413s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6958s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0583s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1043s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0986s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0140s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Remembering Speeds (0.3152s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1246s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0223s) 3/1/2020 4:55:26 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0885s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0883s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0907s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0877s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0726s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0860s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0708s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0918s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0872s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0724s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1167s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0694s) 3/1/2020 4:55:27 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0862s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Inverting Death (0.0716s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1840s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Charging Marks (0.0747s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0422s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Range Manifolds (0.0721s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Purging ROFs (0.0823s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0871s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0795s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0982s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1023s) 3/1/2020 4:55:28 PM Designing Fleets (0.1458s) 3/1/2020 4:55:29 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0400s) 3/1/2020 4:55:29 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0604s) 3/1/2020 4:55:29 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0945s) 3/1/2020 4:55:29 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1012s) 3/1/2020 4:55:29 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0551s) 3/1/2020 4:55:33 PM Miming Starfields (3.9438s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Pillaging Distant Planets (20.2542s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1144s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0422s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0453s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Organizing Commands (0.1182s) 3/1/2020 4:55:53 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0458s) 3/1/2020 4:56:00 PM Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (6.5225s) 3/1/2020 4:57:47 PM Ejecting Data Cores (106.7382s) 3/1/2020 4:57:47 PM Issuing Orders (0.3542s) 3/1/2020 4:57:47 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1654s) 3/1/2020 4:57:48 PM Infusing (0.5354s) 3/1/2020 4:57:48 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0139s) 3/1/2020 4:57:48 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2396s) 3/1/2020 4:57:48 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1140s) 3/1/2020 4:57:49 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/1/2020 4:57:57 PM Load Surrogates (9.4077s) 3/1/2020 4:57:58 PM Load Historical Documents (0.2891s) 3/1/2020 4:57:58 PM 170.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (7.9s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.8s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Remembering Speeds (0.3s) Miming Starfields (3.9s) Pillaging Distant Planets (20.3s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (6.5s) Ejecting Data Cores (106.7s) Issuing Orders (0.4s) Infusing (0.5s) Load Surrogates (9.4s) Load Historical Documents (0.3s) 3/1/2020 4:58:07 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/1/2020 4:58:17 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 5:11:08 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Research Grant 3/1/2020 5:35:29 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/1/2020 5:35:31 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.9358s) 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1613s) 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Game Version: 2.006 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2681s) 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1121s) 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/1/2020 8:05:50 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2387s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0971s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Generating Framerates (0.0410s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1603s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0910s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0247s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM No resolution change was required. 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0668s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1817s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0481s) 3/1/2020 8:05:51 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0560s) 3/1/2020 8:05:54 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.1807s) 3/1/2020 8:05:56 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0610s) 3/1/2020 8:06:00 PM Briefly Panic (3.6605s) 3/1/2020 8:06:00 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3750s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1469s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0917s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1002s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Disengaging Constants (0.1415s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5180s) 3/1/2020 8:06:01 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0269s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1028s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0769s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0408s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0844s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0945s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0708s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0835s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0894s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0911s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0873s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0834s) 3/1/2020 8:06:02 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0760s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0747s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0981s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0677s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0998s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0855s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0917s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0854s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Inverting Death (0.0730s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1725s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Charging Marks (0.0279s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0803s) 3/1/2020 8:06:03 PM Range Manifolds (0.0684s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Purging ROFs (0.0830s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0849s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0816s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0851s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1364s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Designing Fleets (0.1036s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0229s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0862s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0724s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1021s) 3/1/2020 8:06:04 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0696s) 3/1/2020 8:06:08 PM Sucking In Starfields (3.6202s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Detecting Distant Planets (18.9090s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0958s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0558s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.1640s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Organizing Commands (0.0406s) 3/1/2020 8:06:27 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0439s) 3/1/2020 8:06:35 PM Violating Ship Part Bylaws (7.8185s) 3/1/2020 8:08:15 PM Rewire Lower Decks (100.2878s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Issuing Orders (0.1086s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0997s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Infusing (0.1341s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0125s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1295s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0839s) 3/1/2020 8:08:16 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/1/2020 8:08:19 PM Load Surrogates (2.9681s) 3/1/2020 8:08:19 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0074s) 3/1/2020 8:08:19 PM 150.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.9s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.2s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1s) Briefly Panic (3.7s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Sucking In Starfields (3.6s) Detecting Distant Planets (18.9s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (7.8s) Rewire Lower Decks (100.3s) Load Surrogates (3.0s) 3/1/2020 8:08:21 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/1/2020 8:09:41 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/1/2020 8:43:12 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! 3/1/2020 9:13:05 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/1/2020 9:13:08 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0220s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1803s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Game Version: 2.006 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2742s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0872s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2283s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1031s) 3/2/2020 7:54:08 PM Generating Framerates (0.0195s) 3/2/2020 7:54:09 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1272s) 3/2/2020 7:54:09 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0853s) 3/2/2020 7:54:09 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1222s) 3/2/2020 7:54:10 PM No resolution change was required. 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6913s) 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1205s) 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0185s) 3/2/2020 7:54:11 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0867s) 3/2/2020 7:54:12 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7258s) 3/2/2020 7:54:14 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8814s) 3/2/2020 7:54:20 PM Briefly Panic (6.1513s) 3/2/2020 7:54:21 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3779s) 3/2/2020 7:54:21 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1866s) 3/2/2020 7:54:21 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0955s) 3/2/2020 7:54:21 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0650s) 3/2/2020 7:54:21 PM Disengaging Constants (0.1842s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5180s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0265s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1039s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0757s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0463s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1478s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0366s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0661s) 3/2/2020 7:54:22 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0830s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0951s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0718s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1068s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0835s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0610s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0945s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0730s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0817s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0850s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1075s) 3/2/2020 7:54:23 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1017s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0774s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Inverting Death (0.0705s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1720s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Charging Marks (0.0222s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1596s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Range Manifolds (0.0137s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Purging ROFs (0.0747s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0848s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0816s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0913s) 3/2/2020 7:54:24 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1074s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Designing Fleets (0.1162s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0326s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0765s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0917s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1140s) 3/2/2020 7:54:25 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0392s) 3/2/2020 7:54:29 PM Propping Up Starfields (3.6297s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Gazing At Distant Planets (18.2647s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0839s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0693s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0445s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Organizing Commands (0.1502s) 3/2/2020 7:54:47 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0158s) 3/2/2020 7:54:53 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (5.6292s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Rewire Lower Decks (95.9342s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Issuing Orders (0.1100s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1348s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Infusing (0.1124s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0271s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2089s) 3/2/2020 7:56:29 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0702s) 3/2/2020 7:56:30 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/2/2020 7:56:34 PM Load Surrogates (4.3061s) 3/2/2020 7:56:34 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0068s) 3/2/2020 7:56:34 PM 147.2 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (6.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Propping Up Starfields (3.6s) Gazing At Distant Planets (18.3s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (5.6s) Rewire Lower Decks (95.9s) Load Surrogates (4.3s) 3/2/2020 7:56:36 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/2/2020 8:03:07 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/2/2020 8:03:34 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! because we think it's already there. 3/2/2020 8:14:04 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard because we think it's already there. 3/2/2020 8:42:24 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/2/2020 8:42:26 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/3/2020 6:29:54 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/3/2020 6:29:54 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3497s) 3/3/2020 6:29:54 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/3/2020 6:29:54 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1820s) 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Game Version: 2.006 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4471s) 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0982s) 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1276s) 3/3/2020 6:29:55 PM Remembering Alamo (0.2482s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Generating Framerates (1.6641s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0966s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0395s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0681s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM No resolution change was required. 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0564s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2229s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0620s) 3/3/2020 6:29:57 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0538s) 3/3/2020 6:29:59 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7753s) 3/3/2020 6:30:01 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8786s) 3/3/2020 6:30:06 PM Briefly Panic (4.7699s) 3/3/2020 6:30:06 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3861s) 3/3/2020 6:30:06 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1905s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0959s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0850s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Disengaging Constants (0.1530s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5292s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0256s) 3/3/2020 6:30:07 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1272s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0757s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0379s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0846s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0967s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0686s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0838s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0915s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0909s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0875s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0724s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0862s) 3/3/2020 6:30:08 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0728s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0903s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0758s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0848s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1039s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0799s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0967s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Inverting Death (0.0730s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1727s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Charging Marks (0.0177s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0989s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Range Manifolds (0.0573s) 3/3/2020 6:30:09 PM Purging ROFs (0.0827s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0854s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0811s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0910s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1101s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Designing Fleets (0.1163s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0334s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0752s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1676s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0497s) 3/3/2020 6:30:10 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0429s) 3/3/2020 6:30:15 PM Miming Starfields (4.9045s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Detecting Distant Planets (19.7123s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1083s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0336s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0528s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Organizing Commands (0.1908s) 3/3/2020 6:30:35 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0132s) 3/3/2020 6:30:43 PM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (7.5539s) 3/3/2020 6:33:12 PM Re-Scan For Hostile Intelligences (149.5030s) 3/3/2020 6:33:15 PM Issuing Orders (2.7794s) 3/3/2020 6:33:17 PM Augmenting Infusers (1.8490s) 3/3/2020 6:33:22 PM Infusing (5.3063s) 3/3/2020 6:33:22 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.1249s) 3/3/2020 6:33:25 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (2.7255s) 3/3/2020 6:33:25 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.2721s) 3/3/2020 6:33:32 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/3/2020 6:33:44 PM Load Surrogates (18.6218s) 3/3/2020 6:33:44 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0311s) 3/3/2020 6:33:44 PM 231.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Generating Framerates (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (4.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Miming Starfields (4.9s) Detecting Distant Planets (19.7s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (7.6s) Re-Scan For Hostile Intelligences (149.5s) Issuing Orders (2.8s) Augmenting Infusers (1.8s) Infusing (5.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (2.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (18.6s) 3/3/2020 6:33:52 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/3/2020 6:36:43 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/3/2020 6:37:12 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! 3/3/2020 6:37:12 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard 3/3/2020 6:55:56 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Research Grant 3/3/2020 6:56:41 PM Error in PreFillFactionBasedData inner entity loop innerDebugStage: 300 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.SpecialFaction_DysonSphere.GetShouldAttackNormallyExcludedTarget (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad Target) [0x00029] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetDamageForbiddenToThisTargetByTargetingRules (Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction AttackerFaction, System.Boolean IsDirectOrder) [0x000ae] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetDoesThisTargetPassBasicEligibilityTests (Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction AttackerFaction, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem AttackerSystem, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] ExcludedTargetIDs, System.Boolean IsDirectOrder, Arcen.AIW2.Core.RangeCheckType RangeCheck) [0x000d9] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning+<>c__DisplayClass22_1.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad defenderEntity) [0x00102] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <33395bf9783d4ffb9fb8cf648a1d044f>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning+<>c__DisplayClass22_1.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad defenderEntity) [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities_DebugOnly (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning.PreFillFactionBasedData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction PFaction) [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning.FindTopEntriesForSystem (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad AttackerEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem AttackerSystem, System.Int32 SystemIndex) [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning.DoEntityFramePlanningLogic_TargetPrioritizing_SpecificSystem (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad AttackerEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntitySystem AttackerSystem, System.Int32 SystemIndex) [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning.DoEntityFramePlanningLogic_TargetPrioritizing (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad AttackerEntity) [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.TargetListPlanning.Execute () [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenSimPlanningContext.InnerRun () [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenThread.InternalActualThreadFunction () [0x00000] in <447aade8bd02421d9646533e0c0a3f92>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 3/3/2020 7:25:30 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/3/2020 7:25:32 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/4/2020 6:48:10 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/4/2020 6:48:10 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.9828s) 3/4/2020 6:48:10 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/4/2020 6:48:10 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1304s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Game Version: 2.008 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3912s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0675s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2485s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1161s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Generating Framerates (0.0210s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1182s) 3/4/2020 6:48:11 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1449s) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.6213s) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM No resolution change was required. 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0208s) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0979s) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0681s) 3/4/2020 6:48:13 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0524s) 3/4/2020 6:48:15 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7092s) 3/4/2020 6:48:17 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8772s) 3/4/2020 6:48:24 PM Briefly Panic (6.9666s) 3/4/2020 6:48:24 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4412s) 3/4/2020 6:48:24 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1811s) 3/4/2020 6:48:25 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0947s) 3/4/2020 6:48:25 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0755s) 3/4/2020 6:48:25 PM Disengaging Constants (0.1859s) 3/4/2020 6:48:25 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6180s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0373s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0812s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1102s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0356s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0814s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1025s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0636s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0835s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0965s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0804s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0768s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0943s) 3/4/2020 6:48:26 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0701s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.1653s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0353s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0487s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0848s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1100s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0677s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0856s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Inverting Death (0.1097s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1476s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Charging Marks (0.0159s) 3/4/2020 6:48:27 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0821s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Range Manifolds (0.0807s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Purging ROFs (0.0839s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0844s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0816s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0847s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1361s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Designing Fleets (0.1459s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0200s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0898s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0652s) 3/4/2020 6:48:28 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1362s) 3/4/2020 6:48:29 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.2521s) 3/4/2020 6:48:34 PM Stabbing Starfields (5.7993s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Scouring Distant Planets (21.1372s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1141s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0464s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0575s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Organizing Commands (0.1282s) 3/4/2020 6:48:56 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0405s) 3/4/2020 6:49:05 PM Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (8.7983s) 3/4/2020 6:50:47 PM Notify Next Of Kin (102.1907s) 3/4/2020 6:50:47 PM Issuing Orders (0.1012s) 3/4/2020 6:50:47 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1364s) 3/4/2020 6:50:48 PM Infusing (0.2537s) 3/4/2020 6:50:48 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0182s) 3/4/2020 6:50:48 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2116s) 3/4/2020 6:50:48 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0633s) 3/4/2020 6:50:49 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/4/2020 6:50:52 PM Load Surrogates (4.0201s) 3/4/2020 6:50:52 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0071s) 3/4/2020 6:50:52 PM 162.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (7.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Replicating Ion Colors (0.3s) Stabbing Starfields (5.8s) Scouring Distant Planets (21.1s) Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (8.8s) Notify Next Of Kin (102.2s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (4.0s) 3/4/2020 6:50:53 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/4/2020 6:53:37 PM Active Windows: Window_MainMenu (100_Window_MainMenu) IsConsideredActive: 1 UISpaceWidth: 1040.00000 UISpaceHeight: 150.00000 Rect: (x:-520.00, y:0.00, width:1040.00, height:150.00) InPreventsInputList: 0 InAllowsInputList: 1 Window_DebugInfo (1100_Window_DebugInfo) IsConsideredActive: 1 UISpaceWidth: 500.00000 UISpaceHeight: 50.00000 Rect: (x:-500.00, y:-50.00, width:500.00, height:50.00) InPreventsInputList: 0 InAllowsInputList: 1 Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelWide (1200_Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelWide) IsConsideredActive: 1 UISpaceWidth: 1.00000 UISpaceHeight: 1.00000 Rect: (x:0.00, y:-1.00, width:1.00, height:1.00) InPreventsInputList: 0 InAllowsInputList: 1 Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelBesideSidebar (1200_Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelBesideSidebar) IsConsideredActive: 1 UISpaceWidth: 1.00000 UISpaceHeight: 1.00000 Rect: (x:0.00, y:-1.00, width:1.00, height:1.00) InPreventsInputList: 0 InAllowsInputList: 1 Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelNarrow (1200_Window_AtMouseTooltipPanelNarrow) IsConsideredActive: 1 UISpaceWidth: 1.00000 UISpaceHeight: 1.00000 Rect: (x:0.00, y:-1.00, width:1.00, height:1.00) InPreventsInputList: 0 InAllowsInputList: 1 3/4/2020 7:10:15 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/4/2020 7:11:02 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! 3/4/2020 7:11:02 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard 3/4/2020 9:44:35 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.5598s) 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.0988s) 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Game Version: 2.008 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4438s) 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/5/2020 9:10:40 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1169s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1223s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1772s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Generating Framerates (0.0533s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0852s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0381s) 3/5/2020 9:10:41 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1801s) 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM No resolution change was required. 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6145s) 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1289s) 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0717s) 3/5/2020 9:10:43 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0561s) 3/5/2020 9:10:45 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7503s) 3/5/2020 9:10:47 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9096s) 3/5/2020 9:10:52 PM Briefly Panic (5.7217s) 3/5/2020 9:10:53 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4180s) 3/5/2020 9:10:53 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1811s) 3/5/2020 9:10:53 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0946s) 3/5/2020 9:10:53 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0533s) 3/5/2020 9:10:53 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2190s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5849s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0252s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1278s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1190s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0211s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0657s) 3/5/2020 9:10:54 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1004s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0886s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0611s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0955s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0901s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0985s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0611s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0861s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0711s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0934s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0845s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0712s) 3/5/2020 9:10:55 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1182s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0874s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0744s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Inverting Death (0.0682s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1697s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Charging Marks (0.0141s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0875s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Range Manifolds (0.0790s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Purging ROFs (0.1048s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.1455s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0113s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0853s) 3/5/2020 9:10:56 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1090s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Designing Fleets (0.1147s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0484s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.1184s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.4118s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0704s) 3/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0493s) 3/5/2020 9:11:02 PM Sucking In Starfields (4.3970s) 3/5/2020 9:11:21 PM Milking Distant Planets (19.6097s) 3/5/2020 9:11:22 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.3959s) 3/5/2020 9:11:22 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0456s) 3/5/2020 9:11:22 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0450s) 3/5/2020 9:11:22 PM Organizing Commands (0.1155s) 3/5/2020 9:11:22 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0505s) 3/5/2020 9:11:30 PM Finding Old Ship Parts (8.2274s) 3/5/2020 9:13:52 PM Reboot Warp Drives (141.4733s) 3/5/2020 9:13:52 PM Issuing Orders (0.3366s) 3/5/2020 9:13:52 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.4794s) 3/5/2020 9:13:53 PM Infusing (0.7312s) 3/5/2020 9:13:53 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0192s) 3/5/2020 9:13:54 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4774s) 3/5/2020 9:13:54 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0662s) 3/5/2020 9:13:55 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/5/2020 9:14:02 PM Load Surrogates (8.3878s) 3/5/2020 9:14:02 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0358s) 3/5/2020 9:14:02 PM 204.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.6s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (5.7s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Injecting Galactic Variables (0.4s) Sucking In Starfields (4.4s) Milking Distant Planets (19.6s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.4s) Finding Old Ship Parts (8.2s) Reboot Warp Drives (141.5s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Augmenting Infusers (0.5s) Infusing (0.7s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.5s) Load Surrogates (8.4s) 3/5/2020 9:14:06 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/5/2020 9:14:18 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/5/2020 9:15:15 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! because we think it's already there. 3/5/2020 9:15:15 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard because we think it's already there. 3/5/2020 9:52:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:52:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:53:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:19 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Research Grant 3/5/2020 9:54:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:54:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:55:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:56:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:57:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:58:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 9:59:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:00:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:01:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:02:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:03:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:04:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:27 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:05:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:06:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:44 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:07:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:10 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:40 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:46 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:56 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:08:59 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:02 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:14 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:28 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:30 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:34 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:37 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:50 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:53 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:09:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:04 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:07 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:18 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:22 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:25 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:29 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:31 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:32 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:33 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:35 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:36 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:38 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:39 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:41 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:42 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:43 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:45 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:47 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:48 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:49 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:51 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:52 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:54 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:55 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:57 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:10:58 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:00 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:01 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:03 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:05 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:06 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:08 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:09 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:11 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:12 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:13 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:15 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:16 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:17 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:19 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:20 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:21 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:23 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:24 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:11:26 PM In PerSecond_UpdateFleetData, debugCode 600 System.Exception: For Viral Shredder Copy no base unit type was defined in the XML at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet.PerSecond_UpdateFleetData (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenSimContext Context) [0x000bb] in :0 3/5/2020 10:22:50 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/6/2020 8:55:29 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/6/2020 8:55:29 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0441s) 3/6/2020 8:55:29 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/6/2020 8:55:29 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1817s) 3/6/2020 8:55:30 PM Game Version: 2.008 3/6/2020 8:55:30 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8850s) 3/6/2020 8:55:30 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/6/2020 8:55:30 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1988s) 3/6/2020 8:55:31 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/6/2020 8:55:31 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3830s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Remembering Alamo (1.6995s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Generating Framerates (0.0429s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1285s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0472s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0641s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM No resolution change was required. 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0482s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2286s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1151s) 3/6/2020 8:55:33 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0631s) 3/6/2020 8:55:35 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7173s) 3/6/2020 8:55:37 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0568s) 3/6/2020 8:55:43 PM Briefly Panic (6.1647s) 3/6/2020 8:55:44 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4293s) 3/6/2020 8:55:44 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2359s) 3/6/2020 8:55:44 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1007s) 3/6/2020 8:55:44 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0799s) 3/6/2020 8:55:44 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2418s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6514s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0255s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1270s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1090s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0323s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0532s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1233s) 3/6/2020 8:55:45 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0431s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0832s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0952s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0722s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1164s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.1507s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0314s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0678s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0675s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0915s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0765s) 3/6/2020 8:55:46 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1021s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0979s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0745s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Inverting Death (0.0800s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1693s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Charging Marks (0.0153s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0907s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Range Manifolds (0.0698s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Purging ROFs (0.0834s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0839s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0821s) 3/6/2020 8:55:47 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0857s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1150s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Designing Fleets (0.1145s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0446s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0754s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0804s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0953s) 3/6/2020 8:55:48 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0677s) 3/6/2020 8:55:52 PM Wishing On Starfields (3.6096s) 3/6/2020 8:56:12 PM Blowing Up Distant Planets (20.8093s) 3/6/2020 8:56:13 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.2160s) 3/6/2020 8:56:13 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0475s) 3/6/2020 8:56:13 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0368s) 3/6/2020 8:56:13 PM Organizing Commands (0.1349s) 3/6/2020 8:56:13 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0275s) 3/6/2020 8:56:20 PM Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (6.8204s) 3/6/2020 8:58:40 PM Breaking Nuclear Bonds (140.2955s) 3/6/2020 8:58:40 PM Issuing Orders (0.1532s) 3/6/2020 8:58:40 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2484s) 3/6/2020 8:58:41 PM Infusing (0.3734s) 3/6/2020 8:58:41 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0211s) 3/6/2020 8:58:41 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2422s) 3/6/2020 8:58:41 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1441s) 3/6/2020 8:58:42 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/6/2020 8:58:46 PM Load Surrogates (4.6064s) 3/6/2020 8:58:46 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0533s) 3/6/2020 8:58:46 PM 197.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.9s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1s) Briefly Panic (6.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Wishing On Starfields (3.6s) Blowing Up Distant Planets (20.8s) Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (6.8s) Breaking Nuclear Bonds (140.3s) Infusing (0.4s) Load Surrogates (4.6s) 3/6/2020 8:58:47 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <0e92c1bf510e4807a6b0ec8650662ed4>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/6/2020 8:59:20 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Tutorial_01 and seed 123456 and planet count 80 and 12 factions 3/6/2020 8:59:20 PM World Created, Launching Server 3/6/2020 8:59:21 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 3/6/2020 8:59:22 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/6/2020 9:03:42 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/14/2020 11:00:36 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/14/2020 11:00:36 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2771s) 3/14/2020 11:00:36 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/14/2020 11:00:36 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1207s) 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Game Version: 2.009 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8007s) 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1073s) 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1631s) 3/14/2020 11:00:37 PM Remembering Alamo (0.2309s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Generating Framerates (1.3441s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1525s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0471s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0966s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM No resolution change was required. 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0896s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1884s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0342s) 3/14/2020 11:00:39 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0689s) 3/14/2020 11:00:41 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7300s) 3/14/2020 11:00:43 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2629s) 3/14/2020 11:00:53 PM Briefly Panic (9.5433s) 3/14/2020 11:00:53 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4453s) 3/14/2020 11:00:54 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1972s) 3/14/2020 11:00:54 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0953s) 3/14/2020 11:00:54 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0528s) 3/14/2020 11:00:54 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2830s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5985s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0251s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1267s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0869s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0186s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0837s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0957s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0691s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0829s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0929s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0896s) 3/14/2020 11:00:55 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0982s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0622s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0869s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0713s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0848s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0931s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0739s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1035s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0884s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0847s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Inverting Death (0.0799s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1691s) 3/14/2020 11:00:56 PM Charging Marks (0.0197s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0867s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Range Manifolds (0.0692s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Purging ROFs (0.0812s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0855s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0802s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0860s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1173s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Designing Fleets (0.1142s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0337s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0881s) 3/14/2020 11:00:57 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0801s) 3/14/2020 11:00:58 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1055s) 3/14/2020 11:00:58 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0427s) 3/14/2020 11:01:01 PM Ignoring Starfields (3.6668s) 3/14/2020 11:01:20 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (18.8330s) 3/14/2020 11:01:21 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.4891s) 3/14/2020 11:01:21 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0427s) 3/14/2020 11:01:21 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0452s) 3/14/2020 11:01:21 PM Organizing Commands (0.1527s) 3/14/2020 11:01:21 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0122s) 3/14/2020 11:01:27 PM Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (6.2030s) 3/14/2020 11:04:39 PM Ejecting Data Cores (192.3340s) 3/14/2020 11:04:40 PM Issuing Orders (0.4895s) 3/14/2020 11:04:40 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.3378s) 3/14/2020 11:04:41 PM Infusing (1.1116s) 3/14/2020 11:04:41 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.1618s) 3/14/2020 11:04:42 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6811s) 3/14/2020 11:04:42 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.3040s) 3/14/2020 11:04:46 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/14/2020 11:04:55 PM Load Surrogates (12.0850s) 3/14/2020 11:04:55 PM Load Historical Documents (0.1224s) 3/14/2020 11:04:55 PM 260.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8s) Generating Framerates (1.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3s) Briefly Panic (9.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Ignoring Starfields (3.7s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (18.8s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.5s) Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (6.2s) Ejecting Data Cores (192.3s) Issuing Orders (0.5s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (1.1s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (12.1s) 3/14/2020 11:05:01 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/14/2020 11:05:30 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/14/2020 11:06:46 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! because we think it's already there. 3/14/2020 11:06:46 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard because we think it's already there. 3/14/2020 11:12:31 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Research Grant 3/14/2020 11:14:29 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Tech Tree 3/14/2020 11:29:10 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 3/14/2020 11:29:12 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 3/19/2020 6:28:28 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/19/2020 6:28:28 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0975s) 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.1662s) 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Game Version: 2.009 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4475s) 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1217s) 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/19/2020 6:28:29 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2087s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Remembering Alamo (1.6232s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Generating Framerates (0.0580s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1183s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0513s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0624s) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM No resolution change was required. 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 3/19/2020 6:28:31 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0865s) 3/19/2020 6:28:32 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1970s) 3/19/2020 6:28:32 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0227s) 3/19/2020 6:28:32 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0957s) 3/19/2020 6:28:34 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8807s) 3/19/2020 6:28:36 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9933s) 3/19/2020 6:28:45 PM Briefly Panic (9.4266s) 3/19/2020 6:28:46 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.8497s) 3/19/2020 6:28:46 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2570s) 3/19/2020 6:28:46 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1034s) 3/19/2020 6:28:46 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0909s) 3/19/2020 6:28:47 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2394s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.0321s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1424s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1695s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Degaussing Advice (0.3267s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0928s) 3/19/2020 6:28:48 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0947s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1768s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0768s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0146s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1200s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.2227s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1754s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0539s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0739s) 3/19/2020 6:28:49 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0801s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0933s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0651s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0598s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1395s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0655s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1102s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Inverting Death (0.0548s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2590s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Charging Marks (0.0145s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0909s) 3/19/2020 6:28:50 PM Range Manifolds (0.0647s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Purging ROFs (0.0832s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0846s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0837s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0829s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1197s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Designing Fleets (0.1264s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0357s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0741s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0711s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1195s) 3/19/2020 6:28:51 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0642s) 3/19/2020 6:28:56 PM Berating Starfields (4.1533s) 3/19/2020 6:29:14 PM Digitising Distant Planets (18.6090s) 3/19/2020 6:29:14 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0916s) 3/19/2020 6:29:14 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0399s) 3/19/2020 6:29:14 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0540s) 3/19/2020 6:29:14 PM Organizing Commands (0.1358s) 3/19/2020 6:29:15 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0370s) 3/19/2020 6:29:22 PM Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (7.7001s) 3/19/2020 6:35:49 PM Download Extra RAM (386.6354s) 3/19/2020 6:35:49 PM Issuing Orders (0.5806s) 3/19/2020 6:35:50 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.9634s) 3/19/2020 6:35:52 PM Infusing (1.5535s) 3/19/2020 6:35:52 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0543s) 3/19/2020 6:35:53 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7022s) 3/19/2020 6:35:53 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.3182s) 3/19/2020 6:35:55 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 924 3/19/2020 6:36:01 PM Load Surrogates (7.6315s) 3/19/2020 6:36:01 PM Load Historical Documents (0.2252s) 3/19/2020 6:36:01 PM 453.5 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (9.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.8s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (1.0s) Degaussing Advice (0.3s) Linear Field Variance (0.3s) Berating Starfields (4.2s) Digitising Distant Planets (18.6s) Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (7.7s) Download Extra RAM (386.6s) Issuing Orders (0.6s) Augmenting Infusers (1.0s) Infusing (1.6s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (7.6s) 3/19/2020 6:36:09 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <511c44847eee4879abb6c08ff946f102>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 3/19/2020 6:40:07 PM Successfully opened host socket 3/19/2020 6:41:49 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Snap Out of It! 3/19/2020 6:41:49 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard 3/19/2020 6:41:54 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/16/2020 8:44:32 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 4/16/2020 8:44:32 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0083s) 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.9181s) 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM Game Version: 2.026 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5443s) 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 4/16/2020 8:44:34 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0818s) 4/16/2020 8:44:35 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 4/16/2020 8:44:35 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2509s) 4/16/2020 8:44:36 PM Remembering Alamo (1.6279s) 4/16/2020 8:44:36 PM Generating Framerates (0.1013s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0922s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0689s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0533s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM No resolution change was required. 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0468s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2310s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0258s) 4/16/2020 8:44:37 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0917s) 4/16/2020 8:44:39 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8129s) 4/16/2020 8:44:41 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2232s) 4/16/2020 8:44:48 PM Briefly Panic (6.9822s) 4/16/2020 8:44:48 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3898s) 4/16/2020 8:44:49 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2392s) 4/16/2020 8:44:49 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0893s) 4/16/2020 8:44:49 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1149s) 4/16/2020 8:44:49 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2404s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.8965s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0810s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1468s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0547s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0369s) 4/16/2020 8:44:51 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0856s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1107s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0545s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0838s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0937s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0737s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1158s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0527s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0826s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0829s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0824s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0837s) 4/16/2020 8:44:52 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0876s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1021s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1047s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0664s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Inverting Death (0.0784s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1834s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Charging Marks (0.0164s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0932s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Range Manifolds (0.0695s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Purging ROFs (0.0835s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0848s) 4/16/2020 8:44:53 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0797s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1082s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1289s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Designing Fleets (0.0871s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0346s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0877s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0917s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0965s) 4/16/2020 8:44:54 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0348s) 4/16/2020 8:44:58 PM Investigating Starfields (4.2161s) 4/16/2020 8:45:18 PM Rejecting Distant Planets (20.0323s) 4/16/2020 8:45:19 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.5378s) 4/16/2020 8:45:19 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0320s) 4/16/2020 8:45:19 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0650s) 4/16/2020 8:45:19 PM Organizing Commands (0.1835s) 4/16/2020 8:45:19 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0126s) 4/16/2020 8:45:31 PM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (11.4126s) 4/16/2020 8:49:35 PM Reticulate Splines (244.5914s) 4/16/2020 8:49:35 PM Issuing Orders (0.3007s) 4/16/2020 8:49:36 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.3566s) 4/16/2020 8:49:37 PM Infusing (0.8304s) 4/16/2020 8:49:37 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0837s) 4/16/2020 8:49:38 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (1.3518s) 4/16/2020 8:49:38 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1147s) 4/16/2020 8:49:40 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 970 4/16/2020 8:49:48 PM Load Surrogates (9.3468s) 4/16/2020 8:49:48 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0691s) 4/16/2020 8:49:48 PM 316.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.9s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2s) Briefly Panic (7.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (1.9s) Investigating Starfields (4.2s) Rejecting Distant Planets (20.0s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.5s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (11.4s) Reticulate Splines (244.6s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Augmenting Infusers (0.4s) Infusing (0.8s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (1.4s) Load Surrogates (9.3s) 4/16/2020 8:49:58 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 4/16/2020 8:50:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:50:46 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/16/2020 8:50:46 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:51:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:51:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:51:24 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:54:04 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:54:04 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:54:04 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:54:11 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:54:12 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:54:12 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:54:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:54:43 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:54:43 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:55:00 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:55:00 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:55:00 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:55:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:55:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:55:34 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:55:58 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:55:58 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:55:58 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:56:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:56:24 PM total central planets: 24 4/16/2020 8:56:24 PM created central planets: 24 4/16/2020 8:56:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:56:24 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:56:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:56:41 PM Removed 52 self-referential planet links in this map. Harmless now. 4/16/2020 8:56:41 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:56:41 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:56:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with D18Bubbles and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:56:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:56:48 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:56:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 623655567 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:56:56 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:56:56 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:57:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 655321 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:57:07 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:57:07 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:57:17 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 655321 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:57:18 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:57:18 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:57:21 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 655321 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:57:22 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:57:22 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:57:35 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 655321 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:57:36 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/16/2020 8:57:36 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/16/2020 8:57:55 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 655321 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 4/16/2020 8:57:56 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 4/16/2020 9:15:17 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Research Grant because we think it's already there. 4/16/2020 9:40:50 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 4/16/2020 9:40:52 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/17/2020 3:21:12 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 4/17/2020 3:21:12 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.1855s) 4/17/2020 3:21:15 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 4/17/2020 3:21:15 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.3700s) 4/17/2020 3:21:18 PM Game Version: 2.026 4/17/2020 3:21:18 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (3.0805s) 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2734s) 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3145s) 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Remembering Alamo (0.2956s) 4/17/2020 3:21:19 PM Generating Framerates (0.1903s) 4/17/2020 3:21:20 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2709s) 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.4766s) 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0547s) 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM No resolution change was required. 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 4/17/2020 3:21:21 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0374s) 4/17/2020 3:21:22 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2411s) 4/17/2020 3:21:22 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1457s) 4/17/2020 3:21:22 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0500s) 4/17/2020 3:21:24 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9746s) 4/17/2020 3:21:26 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.6645s) 4/17/2020 3:21:36 PM Briefly Panic (9.4641s) 4/17/2020 3:21:36 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4603s) 4/17/2020 3:21:37 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2494s) 4/17/2020 3:21:37 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0943s) 4/17/2020 3:21:37 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1114s) 4/17/2020 3:21:37 PM Disengaging Constants (0.3293s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6727s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0382s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1244s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0985s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0143s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0797s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1266s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0404s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0835s) 4/17/2020 3:21:38 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0972s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0795s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1829s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0557s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0525s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0677s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0951s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0685s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.1106s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0967s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0931s) 4/17/2020 3:21:39 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0648s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Inverting Death (0.1028s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1390s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Charging Marks (0.0162s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0996s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Range Manifolds (0.0619s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Purging ROFs (0.0834s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0843s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0812s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1065s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1244s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Designing Fleets (0.1047s) 4/17/2020 3:21:40 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0342s) 4/17/2020 3:21:41 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0756s) 4/17/2020 3:21:41 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0920s) 4/17/2020 3:21:41 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1247s) 4/17/2020 3:21:41 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0384s) 4/17/2020 3:21:47 PM Blowing Out Starfields (5.7312s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Pillaging Distant Planets (19.3756s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1069s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0451s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0690s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Organizing Commands (0.1637s) 4/17/2020 3:22:06 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0340s) 4/17/2020 3:22:20 PM Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (13.2440s) 4/17/2020 3:24:23 PM Realigning Flow (123.5114s) 4/17/2020 3:24:23 PM Issuing Orders (0.0873s) 4/17/2020 3:24:23 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2701s) 4/17/2020 3:24:24 PM Infusing (0.2513s) 4/17/2020 3:24:24 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0148s) 4/17/2020 3:24:24 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1836s) 4/17/2020 3:24:24 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0677s) 4/17/2020 3:24:25 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 970 4/17/2020 3:24:28 PM Load Surrogates (3.8512s) 4/17/2020 3:24:28 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0096s) 4/17/2020 3:24:28 PM 197.1 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.2s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (3.1s) Check For Extra Modules (0.3s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (0.3s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.7s) Briefly Panic (9.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Blowing Out Starfields (5.7s) Pillaging Distant Planets (19.4s) Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (13.2s) Realigning Flow (123.5s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (3.9s) 4/17/2020 3:24:31 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 4/17/2020 3:25:35 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/17/2020 3:49:16 PM Donating team Fireteam 4 has 2 units with strength 154. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ocrea: 2 to hunter, path A 4/17/2020 4:26:00 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/21/2020 10:41:39 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 4/21/2020 10:41:39 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3873s) 4/21/2020 10:41:40 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 4/21/2020 10:41:40 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.6682s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Game Version: 2.026 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3300s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0699s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1367s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0830s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Generating Framerates (0.0692s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1000s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0796s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0583s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM No resolution change was required. 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0373s) 4/21/2020 10:41:41 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1721s) 4/21/2020 10:41:42 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1157s) 4/21/2020 10:41:43 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7204s) 4/21/2020 10:41:45 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7479s) 4/21/2020 10:41:47 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9934s) 4/21/2020 10:41:55 PM Briefly Panic (7.9869s) 4/21/2020 10:41:55 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4035s) 4/21/2020 10:41:56 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2223s) 4/21/2020 10:41:56 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0925s) 4/21/2020 10:41:56 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0861s) 4/21/2020 10:41:56 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2624s) 4/21/2020 10:41:57 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5617s) 4/21/2020 10:41:57 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1378s) 4/21/2020 10:41:57 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.4917s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2209s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0284s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0605s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.2306s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0135s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0847s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1240s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0433s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1462s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0510s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0532s) 4/21/2020 10:41:58 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0844s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1025s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0780s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0696s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1144s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1039s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0673s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Inverting Death (0.0897s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1609s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Charging Marks (0.0406s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0762s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Range Manifolds (0.0628s) 4/21/2020 10:41:59 PM Purging ROFs (0.0831s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0866s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0809s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1061s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1387s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Designing Fleets (0.0985s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0399s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.1010s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0846s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0953s) 4/21/2020 10:42:00 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0441s) 4/21/2020 10:42:04 PM Sweet-Talking Starfields (4.1083s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Resizing Distant Planets (19.0981s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1011s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0509s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0577s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Organizing Commands (0.1320s) 4/21/2020 10:42:24 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0350s) 4/21/2020 10:42:34 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (10.0369s) 4/21/2020 10:46:23 PM Eject And Reinsert Warp Cores (228.9518s) 4/21/2020 10:46:23 PM Issuing Orders (0.2021s) 4/21/2020 10:46:23 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.3323s) 4/21/2020 10:46:24 PM Infusing (0.4434s) 4/21/2020 10:46:24 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0326s) 4/21/2020 10:46:25 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6345s) 4/21/2020 10:46:25 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0703s) 4/21/2020 10:46:26 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 970 4/21/2020 10:46:34 PM Load Surrogates (9.0555s) 4/21/2020 10:46:34 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0964s) 4/21/2020 10:46:34 PM 296.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.4s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (8.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Thinking Of Advice (0.5s) Sweet-Talking Starfields (4.1s) Resizing Distant Planets (19.1s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (10.0s) Eject And Reinsert Warp Cores (229.0s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.4s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6s) Load Surrogates (9.1s) 4/21/2020 10:46:43 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 4/21/2020 10:48:56 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/21/2020 10:59:52 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Off to the Dire Graveyard because we think it's already there. 4/21/2020 11:10:51 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 4/21/2020 11:10:54 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/23/2020 5:32:58 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 4/23/2020 5:32:58 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.5948s) 4/23/2020 5:33:01 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 4/23/2020 5:33:01 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.8593s) 4/23/2020 5:33:03 PM Game Version: 2.026 4/23/2020 5:33:03 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (2.1430s) 4/23/2020 5:33:03 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 4/23/2020 5:33:03 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.3512s) 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2149s) 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1883s) 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Generating Framerates (0.0789s) 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2190s) 4/23/2020 5:33:04 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1319s) 4/23/2020 5:33:05 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.2513s) 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM No resolution change was required. 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.5933s) 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2392s) 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0186s) 4/23/2020 5:33:06 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0912s) 4/23/2020 5:33:08 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9862s) 4/23/2020 5:33:10 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0222s) 4/23/2020 5:33:21 PM Briefly Panic (10.6461s) 4/23/2020 5:33:22 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4952s) 4/23/2020 5:33:22 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2502s) 4/23/2020 5:33:22 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0942s) 4/23/2020 5:33:22 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1531s) 4/23/2020 5:33:22 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2648s) 4/23/2020 5:33:23 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.8061s) 4/23/2020 5:33:23 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0252s) 4/23/2020 5:33:23 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1059s) 4/23/2020 5:33:23 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0978s) 4/23/2020 5:33:23 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0253s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0857s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1204s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0447s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0920s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1185s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0575s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1079s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0520s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0846s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0721s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0840s) 4/23/2020 5:33:24 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0948s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0730s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1440s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0860s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0606s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Inverting Death (0.0626s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1876s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Charging Marks (0.0145s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0877s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Range Manifolds (0.0693s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Purging ROFs (0.0865s) 4/23/2020 5:33:25 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0861s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0802s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1053s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1299s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Designing Fleets (0.0877s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0608s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0619s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0938s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1049s) 4/23/2020 5:33:26 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0221s) 4/23/2020 5:33:30 PM Hugging Starfields (4.0296s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (19.4211s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0759s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0531s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0621s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Organizing Commands (0.1322s) 4/23/2020 5:33:50 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0335s) 4/23/2020 5:33:57 PM Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (7.3057s) 4/23/2020 5:37:04 PM Fiddle With Inertial Dampers (186.9179s) 4/23/2020 5:37:04 PM Issuing Orders (0.2613s) 4/23/2020 5:37:05 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.3147s) 4/23/2020 5:37:05 PM Infusing (0.5522s) 4/23/2020 5:37:05 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0177s) 4/23/2020 5:37:06 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4646s) 4/23/2020 5:37:06 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0679s) 4/23/2020 5:37:09 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 970 4/23/2020 5:37:16 PM Load Surrogates (9.8064s) 4/23/2020 5:37:16 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0488s) 4/23/2020 5:37:16 PM 259.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.6s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.9s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (2.1s) Check For Extra Modules (0.4s) Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (10.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.8s) Hugging Starfields (4.0s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (19.4s) Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (7.3s) Fiddle With Inertial Dampers (186.9s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.6s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.5s) Load Surrogates (9.8s) 4/23/2020 5:37:24 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 4/23/2020 8:10:03 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 4/23/2020 8:10:03 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3109s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4904s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Game Version: 2.026 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3452s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0264s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1453s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1082s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Generating Framerates (0.0457s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.0961s) 4/23/2020 8:10:05 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0762s) 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0808s) 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM No resolution change was required. 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0557s) 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1054s) 4/23/2020 8:10:06 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1282s) 4/23/2020 8:10:08 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (1.6837s) 4/23/2020 8:10:09 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7925s) 4/23/2020 8:10:11 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0259s) 4/23/2020 8:10:19 PM Briefly Panic (7.2114s) 4/23/2020 8:10:19 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3941s) 4/23/2020 8:10:19 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2247s) 4/23/2020 8:10:19 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0724s) 4/23/2020 8:10:19 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1227s) 4/23/2020 8:10:20 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2737s) 4/23/2020 8:10:20 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5947s) 4/23/2020 8:10:20 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0366s) 4/23/2020 8:10:20 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0726s) 4/23/2020 8:10:20 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1201s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0315s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0849s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1036s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0640s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0830s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1840s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0139s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1228s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0734s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0424s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0996s) 4/23/2020 8:10:21 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0662s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0819s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0843s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1153s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1147s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0862s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Inverting Death (0.0592s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1609s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Charging Marks (0.0154s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1025s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Range Manifolds (0.0634s) 4/23/2020 8:10:22 PM Purging ROFs (0.0819s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0858s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0814s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1049s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1360s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Designing Fleets (0.0907s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0360s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0756s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0790s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1069s) 4/23/2020 8:10:23 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0402s) 4/23/2020 8:10:27 PM Taunting Starfields (3.6249s) 4/23/2020 8:10:46 PM Digitising Distant Planets (19.2978s) 4/23/2020 8:10:46 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0954s) 4/23/2020 8:10:46 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0482s) 4/23/2020 8:10:46 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0540s) 4/23/2020 8:10:47 PM Organizing Commands (0.1598s) 4/23/2020 8:10:47 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0111s) 4/23/2020 8:10:54 PM Violating Ship Part Bylaws (7.1386s) 4/23/2020 8:12:23 PM Feeding Random Generator Monkeys (89.7315s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Issuing Orders (0.0863s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1124s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Infusing (0.1323s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0131s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1205s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1076s) 4/23/2020 8:12:24 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 970 4/23/2020 8:12:29 PM Load Surrogates (4.5419s) 4/23/2020 8:12:29 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0966s) 4/23/2020 8:12:29 PM 146.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.5s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (7.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Taunting Starfields (3.6s) Digitising Distant Planets (19.3s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (7.1s) Feeding Random Generator Monkeys (89.7s) Load Surrogates (4.5s) 4/23/2020 8:12:32 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 4/23/2020 8:15:56 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/23/2020 8:22:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 6 has 3 units with strength 840. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Spewak: 3 to hunter, path A 4/23/2020 8:22:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 5 has 28 units with strength 2171. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Spewak: 26, Beytune: 2 to hunter, path B 4/23/2020 8:23:22 PM Reconquest Seeding for Wolfram: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 4/23/2020 8:27:17 PM planet Luks is controlled by AI Sentinels 4/23/2020 8:27:17 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 4/23/2020 8:28:05 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/23/2020 8:28:05 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/23/2020 8:30:45 PM planet Luks is controlled by AI Sentinels 4/23/2020 8:30:45 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 4/23/2020 8:32:59 PM planet Strachey is controlled by AI Sentinels 4/23/2020 8:32:59 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Successfully opened host socket 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 8 Scourge Fallen Spire Tamed Macrophage Infestation Outguard AI Reserves Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-Player Zombie Anti-AI Zombie 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 4/23/2020 8:36:15 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 4/23/2020 8:40:18 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1395447966 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:40:20 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:40:20 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:40:28 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1395447966 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:40:29 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:40:29 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:40:38 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1395447966 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:40:39 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:40:39 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:40:45 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:40:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:40:46 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:40:46 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:40:47 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:40:47 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:41:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:41:16 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:41:16 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:41:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:41:25 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:41:25 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:41:31 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:41:31 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:41:31 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:41:38 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:41:39 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:41:39 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:08 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:08 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:14 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:14 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:14 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:21 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 164558507 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:21 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:21 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 556565223 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:24 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:29 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 92568693 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:29 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:29 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:36 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 92568693 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:37 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:37 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:45 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 92568693 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:46 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:42:50 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 92568693 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) 4/23/2020 8:42:51 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 4/23/2020 8:42:51 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 4/23/2020 8:43:02 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 92568693 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 4/23/2020 8:43:02 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 4/23/2020 9:13:39 PM Donating team Fireteam 7 has 1 units with strength 390. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Patite: 1 to hunter, path A 4/23/2020 9:27:03 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 4/23/2020 9:27:06 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/1/2020 9:01:23 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/1/2020 9:01:23 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.4518s) 7/1/2020 9:01:25 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/1/2020 9:01:25 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.3820s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.1864s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1003s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1929s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1008s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Generating Framerates (0.0131s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1372s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0680s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0751s) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM No resolution change was required. 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/1/2020 9:01:27 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0530s) 7/1/2020 9:01:28 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2861s) 7/1/2020 9:01:29 PM Boot Audio Comms (1.4453s) 7/1/2020 9:01:29 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0501s) 7/1/2020 9:01:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8215s) 7/1/2020 9:01:33 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9657s) 7/1/2020 9:01:38 PM Briefly Panic (5.2420s) 7/1/2020 9:01:38 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3772s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1985s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0913s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0701s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Hooking Externals (0.0588s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0372s) 7/1/2020 9:01:39 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2918s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5329s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0249s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1278s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0757s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0951s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0370s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0655s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1338s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0322s) 7/1/2020 9:01:40 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0831s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0951s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0796s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1412s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0302s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0718s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0840s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0924s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0868s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0712s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1067s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0930s) 7/1/2020 9:01:41 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0755s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Inverting Death (0.0813s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1723s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Charging Marks (0.0154s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0903s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Range Manifolds (0.0653s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Purging ROFs (0.0829s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0846s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0826s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1021s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1306s) 7/1/2020 9:01:42 PM Designing Fleets (0.1194s) 7/1/2020 9:01:43 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.1073s) 7/1/2020 9:01:43 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0246s) 7/1/2020 9:01:43 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1137s) 7/1/2020 9:01:43 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0701s) 7/1/2020 9:01:43 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0500s) 7/1/2020 9:01:47 PM Sucking In Starfields (4.1189s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Scouring Distant Planets (20.7234s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1110s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0553s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0528s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Organizing Commands (0.1553s) 7/1/2020 9:02:08 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0136s) 7/1/2020 9:02:21 PM Wearing Ship Parts On Head (13.2389s) 7/1/2020 9:07:15 PM Detecting Power Spikes (293.6903s) 7/1/2020 9:07:15 PM Issuing Orders (0.4028s) 7/1/2020 9:07:16 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.4104s) 7/1/2020 9:07:17 PM Infusing (1.0655s) 7/1/2020 9:07:17 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.3335s) 7/1/2020 9:07:18 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6786s) 7/1/2020 9:07:18 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.3004s) 7/1/2020 9:07:21 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/1/2020 9:07:32 PM Load Surrogates (13.6130s) 7/1/2020 9:07:32 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0723s) 7/1/2020 9:07:32 PM 370.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.5s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.2s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3s) Boot Audio Comms (1.4s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (5.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Sucking In Starfields (4.1s) Scouring Distant Planets (20.7s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (13.2s) Detecting Power Spikes (293.7s) Issuing Orders (0.4s) Augmenting Infusers (0.4s) Infusing (1.1s) Post-Proton Surge (0.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (13.6s) 7/1/2020 9:07:49 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/1/2020 9:08:37 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/1/2020 10:42:20 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/1/2020 10:42:25 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/2/2020 6:35:22 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/2/2020 6:35:22 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.1413s) 7/2/2020 6:35:24 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/2/2020 6:35:24 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.3134s) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.7126s) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0900s) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0990s) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1071s) 7/2/2020 6:35:25 PM Generating Framerates (0.0703s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1199s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0683s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0484s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM No resolution change was required. 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0481s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3096s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0182s) 7/2/2020 6:35:26 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1833s) 7/2/2020 6:35:30 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.3574s) 7/2/2020 6:35:32 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.4023s) 7/2/2020 6:35:38 PM Briefly Panic (6.4621s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3843s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2012s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0822s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1063s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Hooking Externals (0.0424s) 7/2/2020 6:35:39 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0634s) 7/2/2020 6:35:40 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2877s) 7/2/2020 6:35:40 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6111s) 7/2/2020 6:35:40 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0251s) 7/2/2020 6:35:40 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1270s) 7/2/2020 6:35:40 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0758s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0944s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0239s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0842s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1175s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0487s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0834s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1003s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0806s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1078s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.1397s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0128s) 7/2/2020 6:35:41 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0873s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0731s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0830s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0844s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1066s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0933s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0882s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Inverting Death (0.0685s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2380s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Charging Marks (0.0241s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0848s) 7/2/2020 6:35:42 PM Range Manifolds (0.0639s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Purging ROFs (0.0825s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0849s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0889s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0968s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1389s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Designing Fleets (0.1101s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0474s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0621s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1125s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0690s) 7/2/2020 6:35:43 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0723s) 7/2/2020 6:35:47 PM Underestimating Starfields (4.0295s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Detecting Distant Planets (20.5896s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0731s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0568s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0460s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Organizing Commands (0.1369s) 7/2/2020 6:36:08 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0299s) 7/2/2020 6:36:19 PM Breaking In New Ship Parts (10.1850s) 7/2/2020 6:41:41 PM Flex All Capacitors (322.3229s) 7/2/2020 6:41:41 PM Issuing Orders (0.4221s) 7/2/2020 6:41:42 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.5084s) 7/2/2020 6:41:43 PM Infusing (0.6629s) 7/2/2020 6:41:43 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0965s) 7/2/2020 6:41:43 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4489s) 7/2/2020 6:41:43 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0993s) 7/2/2020 6:41:45 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/2/2020 6:41:51 PM Load Surrogates (7.5700s) 7/2/2020 6:41:51 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0740s) 7/2/2020 6:41:51 PM 389.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.7s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.4s) Briefly Panic (6.5s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Underestimating Starfields (4.0s) Detecting Distant Planets (20.6s) Breaking In New Ship Parts (10.2s) Flex All Capacitors (322.3s) Issuing Orders (0.4s) Augmenting Infusers (0.5s) Infusing (0.7s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4s) Load Surrogates (7.6s) 7/2/2020 6:42:05 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/2/2020 6:43:05 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/2/2020 7:05:28 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/3/2020 11:01:08 AM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/3/2020 11:01:08 AM Boot up FleetOS (1.3791s) 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.2610s) 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Game Version: 2.048 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8287s) 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.0868s) 7/3/2020 11:01:11 AM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1389s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Remembering Alamo (0.1279s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Generating Framerates (0.0689s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1529s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0654s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0520s) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 11:01:12 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1243s) 7/3/2020 11:01:14 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.8305s) 7/3/2020 11:01:14 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0469s) 7/3/2020 11:01:14 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0697s) 7/3/2020 11:01:16 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7503s) 7/3/2020 11:01:18 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3043s) 7/3/2020 11:01:25 AM Briefly Panic (6.8307s) 7/3/2020 11:01:25 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.3748s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2090s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0999s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0745s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Hooking Externals (0.0602s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Handlizing Hooks (0.0323s) 7/3/2020 11:01:26 AM Disengaging Constants (0.3295s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.5442s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0370s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.1157s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Degaussing Advice (0.0870s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0719s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0311s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0851s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.1322s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.1157s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0114s) 7/3/2020 11:01:27 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0830s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0794s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1198s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0516s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0859s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0796s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0940s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0641s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0852s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1036s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.1045s) 7/3/2020 11:01:28 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0678s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Inverting Death (0.1006s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Linear Field Variance (0.1611s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Charging Marks (0.0237s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0930s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Range Manifolds (0.0626s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Purging ROFs (0.0831s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0849s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0824s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1042s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1311s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Designing Fleets (0.0970s) 7/3/2020 11:01:29 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0321s) 7/3/2020 11:01:30 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0665s) 7/3/2020 11:01:30 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1119s) 7/3/2020 11:01:30 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0994s) 7/3/2020 11:01:30 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0313s) 7/3/2020 11:01:34 AM Hoping Starfields Are Nice (4.0659s) 7/3/2020 11:01:54 AM Crawling Distant Planets (20.6314s) 7/3/2020 11:01:55 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1151s) 7/3/2020 11:01:55 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0273s) 7/3/2020 11:01:55 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0620s) 7/3/2020 11:01:55 AM Organizing Commands (0.1555s) 7/3/2020 11:01:55 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 7/3/2020 11:02:02 AM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (7.5622s) 7/3/2020 11:03:39 AM Ejecting Data Cores (96.3520s) 7/3/2020 11:03:39 AM Issuing Orders (0.1386s) 7/3/2020 11:03:39 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.2583s) 7/3/2020 11:03:39 AM Infusing (0.2646s) 7/3/2020 11:03:39 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0152s) 7/3/2020 11:03:40 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.4754s) 7/3/2020 11:03:40 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.0954s) 7/3/2020 11:03:45 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/3/2020 11:03:50 AM Load Surrogates (10.0692s) 7/3/2020 11:03:50 AM Load Historical Documents (0.1487s) 7/3/2020 11:03:50 AM 163.4 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.4s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (1.8s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.3s) Briefly Panic (6.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Hoping Starfields Are Nice (4.1s) Crawling Distant Planets (20.6s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (7.6s) Ejecting Data Cores (96.4s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.5s) Load Surrogates (10.1s) 7/3/2020 11:04:13 AM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/3/2020 11:06:26 AM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 11:06:26 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 11:06:26 AM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 11:06:30 AM Successfully opened host socket 7/3/2020 12:14:09 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/3/2020 12:29:00 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/3/2020 12:29:00 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3167s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.6419s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2855s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0886s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1223s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0777s) 7/3/2020 12:29:02 PM Generating Framerates (0.0573s) 7/3/2020 12:29:03 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2866s) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.5710s) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1252s) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0149s) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1827s) 7/3/2020 12:29:04 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0183s) 7/3/2020 12:29:05 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0974s) 7/3/2020 12:29:07 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9541s) 7/3/2020 12:29:09 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1793s) 7/3/2020 12:29:18 PM Briefly Panic (9.0418s) 7/3/2020 12:29:18 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4607s) 7/3/2020 12:29:18 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2003s) 7/3/2020 12:29:18 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0841s) 7/3/2020 12:29:19 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1307s) 7/3/2020 12:29:19 PM Hooking Externals (0.0972s) 7/3/2020 12:29:19 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0146s) 7/3/2020 12:29:19 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2927s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5440s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0256s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1163s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0754s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0945s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0375s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0698s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1297s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0375s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0855s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0979s) 7/3/2020 12:29:20 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0791s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1212s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0734s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0522s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0908s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0830s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0873s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0649s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1238s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0931s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0532s) 7/3/2020 12:29:21 PM Inverting Death (0.0927s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1834s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Charging Marks (0.0161s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0892s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Range Manifolds (0.0663s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Purging ROFs (0.0815s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0868s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0805s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1027s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1420s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Designing Fleets (0.1745s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0413s) 7/3/2020 12:29:22 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0686s) 7/3/2020 12:29:23 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1300s) 7/3/2020 12:29:23 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0649s) 7/3/2020 12:29:23 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0588s) 7/3/2020 12:29:28 PM Dropping Starfields (5.1766s) 7/3/2020 12:29:52 PM Mapping Distant Planets (24.3988s) 7/3/2020 12:29:52 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1413s) 7/3/2020 12:29:53 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0874s) 7/3/2020 12:29:53 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0112s) 7/3/2020 12:29:53 PM Organizing Commands (0.1863s) 7/3/2020 12:29:53 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0132s) 7/3/2020 12:30:04 PM Breaking In New Ship Parts (10.9756s) 7/3/2020 12:33:21 PM Rewire Lower Decks (196.9199s) 7/3/2020 12:33:21 PM Issuing Orders (0.1213s) 7/3/2020 12:33:21 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2875s) 7/3/2020 12:33:22 PM Infusing (0.4804s) 7/3/2020 12:33:22 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0158s) 7/3/2020 12:33:22 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1385s) 7/3/2020 12:33:22 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0737s) 7/3/2020 12:33:23 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/3/2020 12:33:26 PM Load Surrogates (4.4674s) 7/3/2020 12:33:26 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0337s) 7/3/2020 12:33:26 PM 267.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.6s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (1.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2s) Briefly Panic (9.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Dropping Starfields (5.2s) Mapping Distant Planets (24.4s) Breaking In New Ship Parts (11.0s) Rewire Lower Decks (196.9s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.5s) Load Surrogates (4.5s) 7/3/2020 12:33:27 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/3/2020 12:34:32 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/3/2020 12:41:24 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/3/2020 12:41:24 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/3/2020 1:35:34 PM planet Radiated Baby is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/3/2020 1:35:34 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/3/2020 1:48:01 PM planet Calaldar is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/3/2020 1:48:01 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/3/2020 2:04:43 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/3/2020 2:04:52 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/3/2020 5:59:53 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/3/2020 5:59:53 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2303s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.2559s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2062s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0729s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1135s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0975s) 7/3/2020 5:59:54 PM Generating Framerates (0.0537s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1374s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0673s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0373s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0635s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2065s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0457s) 7/3/2020 5:59:55 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1524s) 7/3/2020 5:59:58 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.1850s) 7/3/2020 6:00:00 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9311s) 7/3/2020 6:00:09 PM Briefly Panic (8.9618s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3875s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2085s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0839s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1415s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Hooking Externals (0.0972s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0919s) 7/3/2020 6:00:10 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2267s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5443s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0253s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1269s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0758s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0946s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0377s) 7/3/2020 6:00:11 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0713s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1279s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0387s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0827s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0885s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0827s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1171s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0627s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0690s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0829s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0841s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1012s) 7/3/2020 6:00:12 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0678s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1189s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1053s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0453s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Inverting Death (0.0775s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Linear Field Variance (0.2168s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Charging Marks (0.0157s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1016s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Range Manifolds (0.0674s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Purging ROFs (0.0827s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0865s) 7/3/2020 6:00:13 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0820s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0979s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1251s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Designing Fleets (0.1588s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0333s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0779s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1018s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0923s) 7/3/2020 6:00:14 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0438s) 7/3/2020 6:00:18 PM Sweet-Talking Starfields (4.0799s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Pinpointing Distant Planets (19.6127s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0794s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0582s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0609s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Organizing Commands (0.1617s) 7/3/2020 6:00:38 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0092s) 7/3/2020 6:00:45 PM Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (6.7310s) 7/3/2020 6:02:27 PM Issue Sufficient Warnings (102.1870s) 7/3/2020 6:02:27 PM Issuing Orders (0.3252s) 7/3/2020 6:02:28 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1974s) 7/3/2020 6:02:28 PM Infusing (0.2607s) 7/3/2020 6:02:28 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0134s) 7/3/2020 6:02:28 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2090s) 7/3/2020 6:02:28 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0756s) 7/3/2020 6:02:29 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/3/2020 6:02:34 PM Load Surrogates (5.8007s) 7/3/2020 6:02:34 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0330s) 7/3/2020 6:02:34 PM 162.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.2s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.2s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.9s) Briefly Panic (9.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Sweet-Talking Starfields (4.1s) Pinpointing Distant Planets (19.6s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (6.7s) Issue Sufficient Warnings (102.2s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (5.8s) 7/3/2020 6:02:35 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/3/2020 6:02:42 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/3/2020 6:06:52 PM Donating team Fireteam 13 has 1 units with strength 18. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 1 to hunter, path A 7/3/2020 6:06:52 PM Donating team Fireteam 12 has 20 units with strength 2818. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 4, Ferisl: 16 to hunter, path B 7/3/2020 6:07:51 PM Donating team Fireteam 5 has 8 units with strength 2088. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 7, Super Quartz World: 1 to hunter, path A 7/3/2020 6:42:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 7 has 7 units with strength 2341. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 7 to hunter, path A 7/3/2020 6:51:51 PM planet Sifft is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/3/2020 6:51:51 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/3/2020 7:00:23 PM Donating team Fireteam 8 has 6 units with strength 1358. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Genaunus: 6 to hunter, path A 7/3/2020 8:37:43 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/3/2020 8:37:43 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.9490s) 7/3/2020 8:37:45 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/3/2020 8:37:45 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.1135s) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8171s) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0985s) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1097s) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Remembering Alamo (0.3260s) 7/3/2020 8:37:46 PM Generating Framerates (0.0641s) 7/3/2020 8:37:47 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1866s) 7/3/2020 8:37:47 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0669s) 7/3/2020 8:37:47 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1828s) 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.3012s) 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2142s) 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0574s) 7/3/2020 8:37:48 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0852s) 7/3/2020 8:37:51 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.2922s) 7/3/2020 8:37:53 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.4021s) 7/3/2020 8:38:03 PM Briefly Panic (9.7763s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.9637s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2687s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1143s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0856s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Hooking Externals (0.0936s) 7/3/2020 8:38:04 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0265s) 7/3/2020 8:38:05 PM Disengaging Constants (0.3131s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.8778s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0583s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1601s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0759s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0943s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0597s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0769s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1566s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0432s) 7/3/2020 8:38:06 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1019s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0979s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1150s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1175s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0751s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0849s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.1065s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0860s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1136s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.1026s) 7/3/2020 8:38:07 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1326s) 7/3/2020 8:38:08 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1012s) 7/3/2020 8:38:08 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1060s) 7/3/2020 8:38:08 PM Inverting Death (0.0613s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Linear Field Variance (1.8237s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Charging Marks (0.0796s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1318s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Range Manifolds (0.1798s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Purging ROFs (0.0247s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0946s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0712s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1355s) 7/3/2020 8:38:10 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1470s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Designing Fleets (0.1918s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.1061s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0302s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1302s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0740s) 7/3/2020 8:38:11 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0795s) 7/3/2020 8:38:16 PM Investigating Starfields (5.0943s) 7/3/2020 8:38:39 PM Crawling Distant Planets (23.1491s) 7/3/2020 8:38:40 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.6149s) 7/3/2020 8:38:40 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.1044s) 7/3/2020 8:38:40 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0150s) 7/3/2020 8:38:40 PM Organizing Commands (0.2898s) 7/3/2020 8:38:40 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0177s) 7/3/2020 8:38:49 PM Violating Ship Part Bylaws (8.4440s) 7/3/2020 8:43:36 PM Redefine Best Practices (286.7368s) 7/3/2020 8:43:36 PM Issuing Orders (0.4882s) 7/3/2020 8:43:37 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.5393s) 7/3/2020 8:43:38 PM Infusing (1.0653s) 7/3/2020 8:43:38 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0390s) 7/3/2020 8:43:49 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (11.5572s) 7/3/2020 8:43:49 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0826s) 7/3/2020 8:43:51 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/3/2020 8:43:58 PM Load Surrogates (8.6672s) 7/3/2020 8:43:58 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0197s) 7/3/2020 8:43:58 PM 377.2 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.9s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.1s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.8s) Remembering Alamo (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.4s) Briefly Panic (9.8s) Install Confidence Routines (1.0s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Linear Field Variance (1.8s) Investigating Starfields (5.1s) Crawling Distant Planets (23.1s) Investigating Map Signatures (0.6s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (8.4s) Redefine Best Practices (286.7s) Issuing Orders (0.5s) Augmenting Infusers (0.5s) Infusing (1.1s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (11.6s) Load Surrogates (8.7s) 7/3/2020 8:44:06 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/3/2020 8:44:23 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/3/2020 8:54:30 PM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 8:54:30 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 8:54:30 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 8:56:29 PM No resolution change was required. 7/3/2020 8:56:29 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/3/2020 8:56:29 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/3/2020 9:21:00 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Getting Into This: 5 Hour Campaign because we think it's already there. 7/3/2020 9:44:40 PM planet Qwahr Triacus Silp is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/3/2020 9:44:40 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/4/2020 10:57:31 AM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/4/2020 10:57:31 AM Boot up FleetOS (1.1068s) 7/4/2020 10:57:33 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/4/2020 10:57:33 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.8367s) 7/4/2020 10:57:33 AM Game Version: 2.048 7/4/2020 10:57:33 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4108s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.1202s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1396s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Remembering Alamo (0.1054s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Generating Framerates (0.0392s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1158s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0665s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0508s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM No resolution change was required. 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0504s) 7/4/2020 10:57:34 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2385s) 7/4/2020 10:57:35 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.1033s) 7/4/2020 10:57:36 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7422s) 7/4/2020 10:57:38 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7097s) 7/4/2020 10:57:40 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0084s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Briefly Panic (8.6152s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.4034s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1806s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0842s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0892s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Hooking Externals (0.0609s) 7/4/2020 10:57:49 AM Handlizing Hooks (0.0263s) 7/4/2020 10:57:50 AM Disengaging Constants (0.2912s) 7/4/2020 10:57:50 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.6111s) 7/4/2020 10:57:50 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0249s) 7/4/2020 10:57:50 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.1272s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Degaussing Advice (0.0759s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0945s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0247s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0852s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.1267s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0599s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0645s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1082s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0691s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1314s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0391s) 7/4/2020 10:57:51 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0680s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0832s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1090s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0641s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0782s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1219s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.1046s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0381s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Inverting Death (0.0851s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Linear Field Variance (0.1949s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Charging Marks (0.0167s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Guarding The Posts (0.0888s) 7/4/2020 10:57:52 AM Range Manifolds (0.0669s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Purging ROFs (0.0822s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0858s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0810s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1019s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1394s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Designing Fleets (0.1103s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0306s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0674s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1127s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0948s) 7/4/2020 10:57:53 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0357s) 7/4/2020 10:57:57 AM Scattering Starfields (3.9322s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Pillaging Distant Planets (20.6787s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1113s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Collating Solar Systems (0.0484s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0644s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Organizing Commands (0.2136s) 7/4/2020 10:58:18 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0118s) 7/4/2020 10:58:26 AM Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (7.3905s) 7/4/2020 11:00:09 AM Replicating Terminal (103.1405s) 7/4/2020 11:00:09 AM Issuing Orders (0.1412s) 7/4/2020 11:00:09 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.3483s) 7/4/2020 11:00:10 AM Infusing (0.4932s) 7/4/2020 11:00:10 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0126s) 7/4/2020 11:00:11 AM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6128s) 7/4/2020 11:00:11 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.0610s) 7/4/2020 11:00:19 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/4/2020 11:00:27 AM Load Surrogates (15.9358s) 7/4/2020 11:00:27 AM Load Historical Documents (0.0101s) 7/4/2020 11:00:27 AM 176.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.8s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0s) Briefly Panic (8.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.6s) Scattering Starfields (3.9s) Pillaging Distant Planets (20.7s) Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (7.4s) Replicating Terminal (103.1s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.5s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.6s) Load Surrogates (15.9s) 7/4/2020 11:00:40 AM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/4/2020 11:01:50 AM Successfully opened host socket 7/4/2020 11:07:27 AM Logged Achievement To Steam The Way Home 7/4/2020 11:25:34 AM Logged Achievement To Steam Library of Alexandria 7/4/2020 11:38:22 AM Donating team Fireteam 21 has 4 units with strength 655. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 11:38:27 AM Donating team Fireteam 21 has 4 units with strength 655. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 11:47:41 AM Donating team Fireteam 20 has 2 units with strength 237. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Namaste: 2 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 12:01:53 PM Donating team Fireteam 20 has 1 units with strength 1206. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 1 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 12:15:13 PM Donating team Fireteam 13 has 12 units with strength 1948. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Scheming Comrade: 9, Kalli: 3 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 12:16:13 PM Donating team Fireteam 22 has 1 units with strength 106. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 1 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 12:19:28 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/4/2020 12:19:31 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/4/2020 1:06:02 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/4/2020 1:06:02 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3390s) 7/4/2020 1:06:03 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/4/2020 1:06:03 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4543s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2675s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0899s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1807s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1275s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Generating Framerates (0.0749s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1754s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1681s) 7/4/2020 1:06:04 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0364s) 7/4/2020 1:06:05 PM No resolution change was required. 7/4/2020 1:06:05 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/4/2020 1:06:05 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/4/2020 1:06:05 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1454s) 7/4/2020 1:06:07 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (2.0120s) 7/4/2020 1:06:07 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0263s) 7/4/2020 1:06:07 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0882s) 7/4/2020 1:06:08 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7721s) 7/4/2020 1:06:11 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.4579s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Briefly Panic (8.6141s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4477s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2117s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0897s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1025s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Hooking Externals (0.0420s) 7/4/2020 1:06:20 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0439s) 7/4/2020 1:06:21 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2850s) 7/4/2020 1:06:21 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5443s) 7/4/2020 1:06:21 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0277s) 7/4/2020 1:06:21 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1461s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0544s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0948s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0426s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0835s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1102s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0451s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0832s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0934s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0746s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1493s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0273s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0859s) 7/4/2020 1:06:22 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0794s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0760s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0941s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0736s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1035s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1046s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0761s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Inverting Death (0.0695s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1951s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Charging Marks (0.0173s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0991s) 7/4/2020 1:06:23 PM Range Manifolds (0.0700s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Purging ROFs (0.0804s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.1095s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0566s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1014s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1315s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Designing Fleets (0.1183s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0342s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0993s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1003s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0721s) 7/4/2020 1:06:24 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0452s) 7/4/2020 1:06:29 PM Digging Up Starfields (4.4004s) 7/4/2020 1:06:48 PM Scanning Distant Planets (19.6422s) 7/4/2020 1:06:49 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1354s) 7/4/2020 1:06:49 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0612s) 7/4/2020 1:06:49 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0351s) 7/4/2020 1:06:49 PM Organizing Commands (0.1569s) 7/4/2020 1:06:49 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0106s) 7/4/2020 1:06:56 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (6.9106s) 7/4/2020 1:08:49 PM EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (112.8224s) 7/4/2020 1:08:49 PM Issuing Orders (0.1405s) 7/4/2020 1:08:49 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1758s) 7/4/2020 1:08:49 PM Infusing (0.4892s) 7/4/2020 1:08:49 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0707s) 7/4/2020 1:08:50 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.2657s) 7/4/2020 1:08:50 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0774s) 7/4/2020 1:08:52 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/4/2020 1:08:55 PM Load Surrogates (5.2812s) 7/4/2020 1:08:55 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0334s) 7/4/2020 1:08:55 PM 174.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.5s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (2.0s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.5s) Briefly Panic (8.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Digging Up Starfields (4.4s) Scanning Distant Planets (19.6s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (6.9s) EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! (112.8s) Infusing (0.5s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.3s) Load Surrogates (5.3s) 7/4/2020 1:08:57 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/4/2020 1:25:35 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/4/2020 1:29:13 PM Donating team Fireteam 24 has 25 units with strength 2205. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 25 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:18 PM Donating team Fireteam 24 has 1 units with strength 87. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 1 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:20 PM Donating team Fireteam 25 has 4 units with strength 376. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:22 PM Donating team Fireteam 26 has 4 units with strength 376. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:24 PM Donating team Fireteam 27 has 4 units with strength 304. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:26 PM Donating team Fireteam 28 has 4 units with strength 376. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:29 PM Donating team Fireteam 29 has 4 units with strength 376. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:29:31 PM Donating team Fireteam 30 has 4 units with strength 326. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Hakuna-L-S13: 4 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:32:37 PM Donating team Fireteam 24 has 3 units with strength 239. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Scheming Comrade: 3 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 1:34:58 PM Reconquest Seeding for Dolum: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 7/4/2020 1:41:34 PM planet Virgo is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/4/2020 1:41:35 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/4/2020 1:51:39 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/4/2020 1:51:41 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/4/2020 9:01:34 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/4/2020 9:01:34 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2075s) 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4072s) 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3319s) 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/4/2020 9:01:35 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1016s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1525s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Remembering Alamo (0.2414s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Generating Framerates (0.0721s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1749s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0796s) 7/4/2020 9:01:36 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1314s) 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM No resolution change was required. 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (1.8189s) 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2184s) 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0193s) 7/4/2020 9:01:38 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0872s) 7/4/2020 9:01:40 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8695s) 7/4/2020 9:01:42 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8370s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Briefly Panic (6.4029s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4006s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1932s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0858s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1060s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Hooking Externals (0.0431s) 7/4/2020 9:01:49 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0512s) 7/4/2020 9:01:50 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2881s) 7/4/2020 9:01:50 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.5440s) 7/4/2020 9:01:50 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0272s) 7/4/2020 9:01:50 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1141s) 7/4/2020 9:01:50 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0758s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0836s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0604s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0580s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1299s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0360s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0839s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0898s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0916s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1086s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.1499s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0155s) 7/4/2020 9:01:51 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0796s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0989s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0668s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0847s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1018s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1154s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0550s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Inverting Death (0.0796s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1836s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Charging Marks (0.0167s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0786s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Range Manifolds (0.0700s) 7/4/2020 9:01:52 PM Purging ROFs (0.0818s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0856s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0813s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0981s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1408s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Designing Fleets (0.2314s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0428s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0670s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0920s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0886s) 7/4/2020 9:01:53 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0729s) 7/4/2020 9:01:57 PM Dropping Starfields (4.0212s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Crawling Distant Planets (19.4313s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1216s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0558s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0456s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Organizing Commands (0.1250s) 7/4/2020 9:02:17 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0416s) 7/4/2020 9:02:25 PM Fumbling With Ship Parts (7.4115s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Reassembling All Ships (102.0774s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Issuing Orders (0.1286s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2513s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Infusing (0.1339s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0172s) 7/4/2020 9:04:07 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1367s) 7/4/2020 9:04:08 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0716s) 7/4/2020 9:04:08 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/4/2020 9:04:11 PM Load Surrogates (3.8447s) 7/4/2020 9:04:11 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0758s) 7/4/2020 9:04:12 PM 159.2 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.2s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Refresh Optical Lensing (1.8s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.8s) Briefly Panic (6.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Dropping Starfields (4.0s) Crawling Distant Planets (19.4s) Fumbling With Ship Parts (7.4s) Reassembling All Ships (102.1s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Load Surrogates (3.8s) 7/4/2020 9:04:12 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/4/2020 9:04:28 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/4/2020 9:13:34 PM Donating team Fireteam 16 has 3 units with strength 63. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Feran: 3 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 9:13:40 PM Donating team Fireteam 18 has 13 units with strength 655. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Feran: 13 to hunter, path A 7/4/2020 10:17:36 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/5/2020 6:40:45 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/5/2020 6:40:45 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0015s) 7/5/2020 6:40:47 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/5/2020 6:40:47 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3191s) 7/5/2020 6:40:47 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/5/2020 6:40:47 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5916s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1191s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1468s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1345s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Generating Framerates (0.0565s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1307s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0653s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0571s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM No resolution change was required. 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0456s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2175s) 7/5/2020 6:40:48 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1132s) 7/5/2020 6:40:50 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7196s) 7/5/2020 6:40:52 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.7761s) 7/5/2020 6:40:54 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.0925s) 7/5/2020 6:41:01 PM Briefly Panic (6.8540s) 7/5/2020 6:41:02 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.9666s) 7/5/2020 6:41:02 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4285s) 7/5/2020 6:41:03 PM Motivate All Crews (0.2811s) 7/5/2020 6:41:03 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.3328s) 7/5/2020 6:41:03 PM Hooking Externals (0.0754s) 7/5/2020 6:41:03 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0183s) 7/5/2020 6:41:04 PM Disengaging Constants (0.4885s) 7/5/2020 6:41:04 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.6998s) 7/5/2020 6:41:04 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1243s) 7/5/2020 6:41:04 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0829s) 7/5/2020 6:41:04 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0547s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0944s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0372s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1003s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0988s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0356s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0836s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1023s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0659s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1228s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0624s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0747s) 7/5/2020 6:41:05 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0797s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0777s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0818s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0851s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1028s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1045s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0586s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Inverting Death (0.0871s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1951s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Charging Marks (0.0163s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0779s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Range Manifolds (0.0745s) 7/5/2020 6:41:06 PM Purging ROFs (0.0830s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0850s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0814s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1045s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1301s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Designing Fleets (0.1202s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0326s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0776s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1112s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0825s) 7/5/2020 6:41:07 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0434s) 7/5/2020 6:41:11 PM Taunting Starfields (3.6154s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Blowing Up Distant Planets (18.8091s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0951s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0466s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0562s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Organizing Commands (0.1723s) 7/5/2020 6:41:30 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0387s) 7/5/2020 6:41:38 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (7.9820s) 7/5/2020 6:43:34 PM Remembering Singularity (116.2956s) 7/5/2020 6:43:35 PM Issuing Orders (0.2617s) 7/5/2020 6:43:35 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1564s) 7/5/2020 6:43:35 PM Infusing (0.3382s) 7/5/2020 6:43:35 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0147s) 7/5/2020 6:43:36 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.8401s) 7/5/2020 6:43:36 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0611s) 7/5/2020 6:43:37 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/5/2020 6:43:40 PM Load Surrogates (3.5953s) 7/5/2020 6:43:40 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0096s) 7/5/2020 6:43:40 PM 175.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6s) Establish Individual Audio Links (1.7s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1s) Briefly Panic (6.9s) Install Confidence Routines (1.0s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Motivate All Crews (0.3s) Externalizing Patterns (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Taunting Starfields (3.6s) Blowing Up Distant Planets (18.8s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (8.0s) Remembering Singularity (116.3s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Infusing (0.3s) Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.8s) Load Surrogates (3.6s) 7/5/2020 6:43:41 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/5/2020 6:43:55 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/5/2020 6:52:29 PM Donating team Fireteam 20 has 11 units with strength 1006. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Feran: 11 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 7:03:26 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Lots Of Metal because we think it's already there. 7/5/2020 7:05:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Valyx-J-S1 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:05:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:06:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:06:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:06:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Hakuna-L-S13 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 7:18:35 PM Donating team Fireteam 22 has 2 units with strength 68. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Fenfh: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 7:39:25 PM Donating team Fireteam 33 has 13 units with strength 2135. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Cygii: 13 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 7:50:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 36 has 3 units with strength 138. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Scheming Comrade: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 7:53:55 PM Donating team Fireteam 25 has 15 units with strength 877. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Fenfh: 14, SJ617166995: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 7:53:55 PM Donating team Fireteam 26 has 12 units with strength 710. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Feran: 3, Fenfh: 9 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:03:09 PM Donating team Fireteam 39 has 13 units with strength 765. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Scheming Comrade: 8, Kalli: 5 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:09:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 33 has 3 units with strength 1645. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Uvet: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:15:32 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/5/2020 8:25:45 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/5/2020 8:25:45 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.9850s) 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3935s) 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Game Version: 2.048 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2501s) 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0898s) 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/5/2020 8:25:46 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1151s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0874s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Generating Framerates (0.0713s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1190s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0871s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0261s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM No resolution change was required. 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0633s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.2314s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0340s) 7/5/2020 8:25:47 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1659s) 7/5/2020 8:25:51 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.4210s) 7/5/2020 8:25:53 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (2.1664s) 7/5/2020 8:26:00 PM Briefly Panic (7.3120s) 7/5/2020 8:26:01 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4266s) 7/5/2020 8:26:01 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2019s) 7/5/2020 8:26:01 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0895s) 7/5/2020 8:26:02 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.6358s) 7/5/2020 8:26:02 PM Hooking Externals (0.1531s) 7/5/2020 8:26:02 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0142s) 7/5/2020 8:26:02 PM Disengaging Constants (0.6482s) 7/5/2020 8:26:03 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.7553s) 7/5/2020 8:26:03 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0371s) 7/5/2020 8:26:03 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1155s) 7/5/2020 8:26:03 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0975s) 7/5/2020 8:26:03 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0943s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0269s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0687s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1306s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0355s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0834s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1024s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0802s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1079s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0630s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0853s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0630s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0834s) 7/5/2020 8:26:04 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0821s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0861s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1017s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1043s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0893s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Inverting Death (0.0568s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1946s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Charging Marks (0.0154s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Guarding The Posts (0.0903s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Range Manifolds (0.0635s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Purging ROFs (0.0838s) 7/5/2020 8:26:05 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0872s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0781s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1048s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1329s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Designing Fleets (0.1394s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0308s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0674s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1250s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0608s) 7/5/2020 8:26:06 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0691s) 7/5/2020 8:26:11 PM Initiating Starfields (4.2871s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Pillaging Distant Planets (19.3870s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0834s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Collating Solar Systems (0.0585s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0461s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Organizing Commands (0.1679s) 7/5/2020 8:26:30 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0088s) 7/5/2020 8:26:39 PM Offending Sentient Ship Parts (9.1258s) 7/5/2020 8:29:05 PM Uncoupling Aft Ports (145.8546s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Issuing Orders (0.2299s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1244s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Infusing (0.1218s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0133s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Calibrate Weapons Arrays (0.1275s) 7/5/2020 8:29:06 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.0854s) 7/5/2020 8:29:07 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 972 7/5/2020 8:29:11 PM Load Surrogates (5.0621s) 7/5/2020 8:29:11 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0379s) 7/5/2020 8:29:11 PM 207.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (3.4s) Calculate Odds Of Success (2.2s) Briefly Panic (7.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Externalizing Patterns (0.6s) Disengaging Constants (0.6s) Late Axionic Computations (0.8s) Initiating Starfields (4.3s) Pillaging Distant Planets (19.4s) Offending Sentient Ship Parts (9.1s) Uncoupling Aft Ports (145.9s) Load Surrogates (5.1s) 7/5/2020 8:29:13 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/5/2020 8:29:48 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/5/2020 8:29:49 PM OnLoad: Detected 5 player ship(s) that are in the loose fleet (bad). Was able to correct 0 of those. shipsNotFixedNonPlanetary: 5 shipsNotFixedByType: WarSieger x5 7/5/2020 8:33:57 PM planet ET is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/5/2020 8:33:57 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/5/2020 8:36:43 PM Donating team Fireteam 40 has 1 units with strength 39. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Byron: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:36:57 PM Donating team Fireteam 40 has 2 units with strength 173. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Byron: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:36:57 PM Donating team Fireteam 42 has 3 units with strength 186. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:37:17 PM Donating team Fireteam 28 has 4 units with strength 138. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Byron: 4 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:42:04 PM Donating team Fireteam 29 has 2 units with strength 1548. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kraver-G-S1: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:45:49 PM Donating team Fireteam 45 has 1 units with strength 97. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:45:50 PM Donating team Fireteam 46 has 2 units with strength 1865. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ytadegy: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:46:01 PM Donating team Fireteam 41 has 21 units with strength 2041. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Scheming Comrade: 19, Kalli: 1, Ytadegy: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:49:11 PM Donating team Fireteam 31 has 17 units with strength 758. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Citadel: 17 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:51:13 PM Reconquest Seeding for Wiswan.2(-): guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 7/5/2020 8:51:54 PM Logged Achievement To Steam A Terminal Problem (Bronze) 7/5/2020 8:53:52 PM Reconquest Seeding for Namaste: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 8:53:54 PM Logged Achievement To Steam A Terminal Problem (Silver) 7/5/2020 8:54:17 PM Donating team Fireteam 33 has 15 units with strength 682. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Virgo: 6, Citadel: 9 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 8:56:09 PM Reconquest Seeding for Yasius: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 8:58:45 PM Reconquest Seeding for Nashira: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/5/2020 8:59:59 PM planet Golde is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/5/2020 8:59:59 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/5/2020 9:01:41 PM Donating team Fireteam 45 has 9 units with strength 1737. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Genaunus: 9 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:01:41 PM Donating team Fireteam 46 has 15 units with strength 532. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Genaunus: 1, Sus-Gimenez: 14 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:01:41 PM Donating team Fireteam 41 has 28 units with strength 2212. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Genaunus: 8, Sus-Gimenez: 20 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:01:54 PM Donating team Fireteam 48 has 11 units with strength 920. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Genaunus: 10, Treasurer: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:01:54 PM Donating team Fireteam 49 has 18 units with strength 1685. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Sus-Gimenez: 9, Genaunus: 9 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:03:02 PM Donating team Fireteam 51 has 1 units with strength 380. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:04:00 PM Donating team Fireteam 50 has 21 units with strength 1762. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Furud: 21 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:04:00 PM Donating team Fireteam 51 has 3 units with strength 138. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Golde: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:04:53 PM Donating team Fireteam 50 has 3 units with strength 158. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:05:55 PM Donating team Fireteam 51 has 7 units with strength 3399. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 7 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:06:28 PM Reconquest Seeding for Heaven Froze Over: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/5/2020 9:10:57 PM Donating team Fireteam 55 has 2 units with strength 28. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Dyclofene: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:12:01 PM Reconquest Seeding for Merisis: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 7/5/2020 9:12:10 PM Donating team Fireteam 56 has 17 units with strength 1882. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 16, Nashira: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:12:10 PM Donating team Fireteam 57 has 2 units with strength 1606. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:12:48 PM Donating team Fireteam 55 has 53 units with strength 3151. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 53 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:13:38 PM Donating team Fireteam 59 has 3 units with strength 114. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:13:38 PM Donating team Fireteam 58 has 41 units with strength 2562. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 41 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:14:11 PM Donating team Fireteam 53 has 50 units with strength 3380. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Derujik: 1, Chi Eta: 49 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:14:11 PM Donating team Fireteam 54 has 22 units with strength 2993. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 22 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:16:24 PM Donating team Fireteam 61 has 1 units with strength 39. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Canestrato: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:16:24 PM Donating team Fireteam 62 has 1 units with strength 62. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Uvet: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:21:31 PM Donating team Fireteam 56 has 44 units with strength 4197. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 30, Ferisl: 14 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:21:36 PM Donating team Fireteam 61 has 35 units with strength 1522. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 35 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:22:16 PM Donating team Fireteam 66 has 1 units with strength 62. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Canestrato: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:22:19 PM Donating team Fireteam 66 has 6 units with strength 1110. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Canestrato: 6 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:23:12 PM Reconquest Seeding for Cygii: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 9:24:39 PM Donating team Fireteam 71 has 1 units with strength 37. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Dyclofene: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:25:23 PM planet Wiswan.2(-) is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/5/2020 9:25:23 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/5/2020 9:25:34 PM Donating team Fireteam 76 has 27 units with strength 1302. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Dyclofene: 27 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:26:00 PM Donating team Fireteam 65 has 6 units with strength 173. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 6 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:32:03 PM Donating team Fireteam 64 has 31 units with strength 3354. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 30, Super Quartz World: 1 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:32:03 PM Donating team Fireteam 60 has 23 units with strength 3021. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 22, Derujik: 1 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:32:03 PM Donating team Fireteam 63 has 43 units with strength 4177. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Radiated Baby: 42, Super Quartz World: 1 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:32:05 PM Skipped log Achievement To Steam Lots Of Energy because we think it's already there. 7/5/2020 9:34:06 PM Reconquest Seeding for Qwahr Triacus Silp: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 9:39:43 PM Reconquest Seeding for Ferisl: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 7/5/2020 9:41:22 PM Donating team Fireteam 74 has 5 units with strength 1778. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Gracles: 5 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:42:28 PM Reconquest Seeding for Heaven Froze Over: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/5/2020 9:47:00 PM Donating team Fireteam 87 has 18 units with strength 1625. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ytadegy: 18 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:47:01 PM Donating team Fireteam 88 has 4 units with strength 247. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 4 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:47:01 PM Donating team Fireteam 91 has 28 units with strength 1179. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 6, Olinripe: 22 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:47:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 89 has 22 units with strength 1111. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 22 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:47:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 90 has 5 units with strength 911. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 3, Kalli: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:47:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 86 has 50 units with strength 2717. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 50 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:47:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 87 has 33 units with strength 2295. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 10, Kalli: 23 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:47:08 PM Donating team Fireteam 88 has 17 units with strength 3000. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kalli: 17 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:49:05 PM Reconquest Seeding for Gracles: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 9:50:01 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Losses: In The Midst Of A Cold, Dark Winter 7/5/2020 9:51:24 PM Reconquest Seeding for Cygii: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 9:57:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 94 has 44 units with strength 2732. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 44 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:57:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 96 has 31 units with strength 4614. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 22, Ytadegy: 9 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:57:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 95 has 38 units with strength 3590. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 35, Ytadegy: 3 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:57:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 97 has 24 units with strength 3901. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 10, Ytadegy: 14 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 9:57:20 PM Reconquest Seeding for Yaria: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 7/5/2020 9:57:28 PM Donating team Fireteam 100 has 25 units with strength 2205. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Olinripe: 25 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 9:57:53 PM Reconquest Seeding for Wicciup: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 10:00:45 PM Donating team Fireteam 87 has 2 units with strength 78. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Gracles: 2 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:01:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:01:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:01:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:02:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:02:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:02:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:02:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:02:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Sampi Eta but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:30 PM Reconquest Seeding for Chi Eta: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/5/2020 10:06:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:06:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to Arkarris Kappa but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:44 PM Reconquest Seeding for Merisis: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 7/5/2020 10:07:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:07:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:08:58 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Miffed 7/5/2020 10:09:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:09:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:27 PM Donating team Fireteam 91 has 34 units with strength 945. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 31, Yaria: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:10:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:10:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:11:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Donating team Fireteam 97 has 45 units with strength 2003. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 1, Chi Eta: 44 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Donating team Fireteam 99 has 1 units with strength 165. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Donating team Fireteam 95 has 11 units with strength 2472. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 11 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Donating team Fireteam 98 has 10 units with strength 2844. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Ferisl: 9, Radiated Baby: 1 to hunter, path B 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:12:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:13:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:14:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:15:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:13 PM Donating team Fireteam 82 has 6 units with strength 2030. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Heaven Froze Over: 5, Derujik: 1 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:16:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:15 PM Donating team Fireteam 104 has 3 units with strength 145. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Nashira: 3 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:16:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:16:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:17:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:47 PM Reconquest Seeding for Merisis: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 7/5/2020 10:18:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:18:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:52 PM Reconquest Seeding for Nashira: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/5/2020 10:19:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:19:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:04 PM Donating team Fireteam 108 has 9 units with strength 1941. Status Assembling No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Gracles: 9 to hunter, path A 7/5/2020 10:20:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:07 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:20:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:21:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:17 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:20 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:22:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:04 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:14 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:25 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:42 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:45 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:51 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:54 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:56 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:23:59 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:10 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:28 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:31 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:35 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:38 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:48 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:24:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:02 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:13 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:15 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:16 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:18 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:19 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:21 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:22 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:23 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:24 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:26 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:27 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:29 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:30 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:32 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:33 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:34 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:36 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:37 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:39 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:40 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:41 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:43 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:44 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:46 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:47 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:49 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:50 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:52 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:53 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:55 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:57 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:25:58 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:00 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:01 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:03 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:05 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:06 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:08 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:09 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:11 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:12 PM Was looking for a wormhole to GM-GS-1-11 but couldn't find one 7/5/2020 10:26:22 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/5/2020 10:26:24 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 11:30:01 AM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 11:30:01 AM Boot up FleetOS (0.9813s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.9537s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Game Version: 2.090 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3240s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.0658s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1404s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1247s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0515s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Generating Framerates (0.0576s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1076s) 7/6/2020 11:30:03 AM Remembering Alamo (0.0776s) 7/6/2020 11:30:04 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0466s) 7/6/2020 11:30:04 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0921s) 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.5047s) 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0190s) 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0755s) 7/6/2020 11:30:06 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2696s) 7/6/2020 11:30:16 AM Briefly Panic (9.5601s) 7/6/2020 11:30:16 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.4091s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2275s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Motivate All Crews (0.0924s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0802s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Hooking Externals (0.0278s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Handlizing Hooks (0.0730s) 7/6/2020 11:30:17 AM Disengaging Constants (0.2667s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.5112s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0396s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0567s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Degaussing Advice (0.1242s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0485s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0699s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0847s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.1034s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0623s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0836s) 7/6/2020 11:30:18 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0962s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0815s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0772s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0934s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0948s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.1397s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0134s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0797s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0755s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0866s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0988s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0649s) 7/6/2020 11:30:19 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.0951s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0979s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Inverting Death (0.0755s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Linear Field Variance (0.0817s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Charging Marks (0.0668s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Guarding The Posts (0.1321s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Range Manifolds (0.0355s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Purging ROFs (0.0842s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0825s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0836s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0909s) 7/6/2020 11:30:20 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1057s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Designing Fleets (0.1360s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0361s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0944s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0606s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Cleansing Starfields (0.1315s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Crawling Distant Planets (0.4272s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0712s) 7/6/2020 11:30:21 AM Organizing Commands (0.1135s) 7/6/2020 11:30:22 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0478s) 7/6/2020 11:30:23 AM Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.2822s) 7/6/2020 11:30:23 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1874s) 7/6/2020 11:30:56 AM Discharging Static (32.9683s) 7/6/2020 11:30:56 AM Issuing Orders (0.0908s) 7/6/2020 11:30:56 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.2921s) 7/6/2020 11:30:57 AM Infusing (0.2926s) 7/6/2020 11:30:57 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.0674s) 7/6/2020 11:30:57 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.1510s) 7/6/2020 11:30:58 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 543 7/6/2020 11:30:58 AM Load Surrogates (1.3973s) 7/6/2020 11:31:15 AM Final Checks (16.8369s) 7/6/2020 11:31:15 AM Load Historical Documents (0.0430s) 7/6/2020 11:31:15 AM 75.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.0s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Briefly Panic (9.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Crawling Distant Planets (0.4s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.3s) Discharging Static (33.0s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (1.4s) Final Checks (16.8s) 7/6/2020 11:31:18 AM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 12:05:49 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 12:07:19 PM Reconquest Seeding for Garnik: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/6/2020 12:07:52 PM Reconquest Seeding for Wicciup: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/6/2020 12:10:26 PM Donating team Fireteam 112 has 27 units with strength 3007. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 16, Heaven Froze Over: 11 to hunter, path B 7/6/2020 12:10:26 PM Donating team Fireteam 109 has 63 units with strength 3868. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Chi Eta: 1, Heaven Froze Over: 20, Kern: 41, Yaria: 1 to hunter, path B 7/6/2020 12:10:26 PM Donating team Fireteam 108 has 30 units with strength 3404. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 20, Heaven Froze Over: 10 to hunter, path B 7/6/2020 12:11:16 PM Donating team Fireteam 113 has 20 units with strength 2498. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 18, Heaven Froze Over: 2 to hunter, path B 7/6/2020 12:11:57 PM Logged Achievement To Steam Kills: Warrior 7/6/2020 12:12:21 PM Donating team Fireteam 107 has 35 units with strength 4284. Status Staging No target planet No lurk planet. Ships: Kern: 35 to hunter, path B 7/6/2020 12:19:33 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 12:44:35 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 12:44:35 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.0980s) 7/6/2020 12:44:36 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 12:44:36 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.2745s) 7/6/2020 12:44:36 PM Game Version: 2.090 7/6/2020 12:44:36 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5458s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Check For Extra Modules (1.2762s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1611s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1279s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0572s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Generating Framerates (0.0700s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0544s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1367s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0185s) 7/6/2020 12:44:38 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0856s) 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2679s) 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0876s) 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1286s) 7/6/2020 12:44:39 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1446s) 7/6/2020 12:44:49 PM Briefly Panic (10.1760s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4183s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2703s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1839s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1221s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Hooking Externals (0.1154s) 7/6/2020 12:44:50 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.1071s) 7/6/2020 12:44:51 PM Disengaging Constants (0.4779s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.9221s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1039s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1368s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2122s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0932s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0612s) 7/6/2020 12:44:52 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0647s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1200s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0147s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0897s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0950s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0815s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1277s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0429s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1294s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0457s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0689s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0836s) 7/6/2020 12:44:53 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0853s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0679s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1326s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0321s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1605s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0331s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Inverting Death (0.1249s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0400s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Charging Marks (0.1037s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1324s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Range Manifolds (0.0139s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Purging ROFs (0.0739s) 7/6/2020 12:44:54 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0851s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0818s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1065s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0891s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Designing Fleets (0.1391s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0238s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0764s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0941s) 7/6/2020 12:44:55 PM Cooking Starfields (0.1147s) 7/6/2020 12:44:56 PM Digitising Distant Planets (0.3876s) 7/6/2020 12:44:56 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0635s) 7/6/2020 12:44:56 PM Organizing Commands (0.3076s) 7/6/2020 12:44:56 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0137s) 7/6/2020 12:44:57 PM Fumbling With Ship Parts (1.1895s) 7/6/2020 12:44:57 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1795s) 7/6/2020 12:45:32 PM Reticulate Splines (34.3563s) 7/6/2020 12:45:32 PM Issuing Orders (0.0889s) 7/6/2020 12:45:32 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1477s) 7/6/2020 12:45:32 PM Infusing (0.4860s) 7/6/2020 12:45:32 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0407s) 7/6/2020 12:45:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1069s) 7/6/2020 12:45:34 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 536 7/6/2020 12:45:34 PM Load Surrogates (1.5120s) 7/6/2020 12:45:46 PM Final Checks (11.9311s) 7/6/2020 12:45:46 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0776s) 7/6/2020 12:45:46 PM 72.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (10.2s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Digitising Distant Planets (0.4s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Fumbling With Ship Parts (1.2s) Reticulate Splines (34.4s) Infusing (0.5s) Load Surrogates (1.5s) Final Checks (11.9s) 7/6/2020 12:45:50 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 12:47:47 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 12:49:05 PM Reconquest Seeding for Garnik: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 7/6/2020 12:49:18 PM Reconquest Seeding for Wicciup: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 7/6/2020 1:00:22 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 1:00:22 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.8314s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.2169s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Game Version: 2.090 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1914s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0613s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1109s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1274s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0511s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Generating Framerates (0.0520s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0971s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0689s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0667s) 7/6/2020 1:00:24 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0945s) 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.2154s) 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0789s) 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0704s) 7/6/2020 1:00:27 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2207s) 7/6/2020 1:00:40 PM Briefly Panic (13.0824s) 7/6/2020 1:00:41 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.6339s) 7/6/2020 1:00:41 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4699s) 7/6/2020 1:00:41 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1451s) 7/6/2020 1:00:42 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1672s) 7/6/2020 1:00:42 PM Hooking Externals (0.0941s) 7/6/2020 1:00:42 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0288s) 7/6/2020 1:00:43 PM Disengaging Constants (0.9230s) 7/6/2020 1:00:44 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.8665s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1927s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0712s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Degaussing Advice (0.2111s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.1709s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.1044s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0325s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1218s) 7/6/2020 1:00:45 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0627s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0534s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0942s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0791s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1281s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0435s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1332s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0840s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0382s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0830s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0860s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0581s) 7/6/2020 1:00:46 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1557s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0275s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1104s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0816s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Inverting Death (0.0989s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0593s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Charging Marks (0.0547s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1479s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Range Manifolds (0.0135s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Purging ROFs (0.0820s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0908s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0756s) 7/6/2020 1:00:47 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1114s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0940s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Designing Fleets (0.1983s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0349s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0922s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0600s) 7/6/2020 1:00:48 PM Eating Starfields (0.1534s) 7/6/2020 1:00:49 PM Rejecting Distant Planets (0.4441s) 7/6/2020 1:00:49 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0443s) 7/6/2020 1:00:49 PM Organizing Commands (0.2863s) 7/6/2020 1:00:49 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0154s) 7/6/2020 1:00:51 PM Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (1.7430s) 7/6/2020 1:00:51 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.2082s) 7/6/2020 1:01:25 PM Reboot Warp Drives (33.7143s) 7/6/2020 1:01:25 PM Issuing Orders (0.0819s) 7/6/2020 1:01:25 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1889s) 7/6/2020 1:01:26 PM Infusing (1.0012s) 7/6/2020 1:01:26 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0700s) 7/6/2020 1:01:26 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1186s) 7/6/2020 1:01:27 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 524 7/6/2020 1:01:27 PM Load Surrogates (0.9329s) 7/6/2020 1:01:32 PM Null ArcenXmlElement in AllElements, somehow! 7/6/2020 1:01:47 PM Final Checks (20.1572s) 7/6/2020 1:01:47 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0659s) 7/6/2020 1:01:47 PM 85.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.8s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.2s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.2s) Briefly Panic (13.1s) Install Confidence Routines (0.6s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.5s) Disengaging Constants (0.9s) Late Axionic Computations (1.9s) Rejecting Distant Planets (0.4s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Ruining Perfectly Good Ship Parts (1.7s) Reboot Warp Drives (33.7s) Infusing (1.0s) Load Surrogates (0.9s) Final Checks (20.2s) 7/6/2020 1:01:51 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 1:02:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 177884827 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:02:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:02:34 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:02:55 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 177884827 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:02:56 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:02:56 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:03:02 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 876699995 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:03:03 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:03:03 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:03:03 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 876699995 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:03:04 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:03:04 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:03:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 876699995 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:03:23 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:03:23 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:03:42 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 342309095 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:03:43 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:03:43 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:03:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 342309095 and planet count 80 and 21 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:03:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:03:49 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:04:11 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:04:14 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 1:04:14 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 12 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Nanocaust Human Resistance Fighters Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard AI Reserves Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-Player Zombie Anti-AI Zombie 7/6/2020 1:04:15 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 1:04:16 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 1:04:16 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 1:04:18 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 1:04:20 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 1:42:18 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:42:19 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:42:19 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:42:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:42:26 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:42:26 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:42:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:42:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:42:34 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:42:50 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:42:51 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:42:51 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:42:59 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:42:59 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:42:59 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:44:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:44:49 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:44:49 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:45:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:45:08 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:45:08 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:45:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:45:15 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:45:15 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 1:45:51 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 1366646603 and planet count 80 and 28 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 1:45:52 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/6/2020 1:47:30 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <9c97aba5bb574e549e37af750a6a2706>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <9c97aba5bb574e549e37af750a6a2706>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at <4f022f15fcc84656af2a477f04a7eac0>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at <4f022f15fcc84656af2a477f04a7eac0>:0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <880a511967964561bacaeac0fd8d1f56>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 1:47:30 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <9c97aba5bb574e549e37af750a6a2706>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at <8fee2333121949aa93b36f8c09057542>:0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <9c97aba5bb574e549e37af750a6a2706>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity) (at <4f022f15fcc84656af2a477f04a7eac0>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at <4f022f15fcc84656af2a477f04a7eac0>:0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <880a511967964561bacaeac0fd8d1f56>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <9dd8dfb71d37491aa73a8193dc37a6c3>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 2:08:05 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 7:38:26 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 7:38:26 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2570s) 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3385s) 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.1927s) 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1569s) 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2801s) 7/6/2020 7:38:28 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1629s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0688s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Generating Framerates (0.0464s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0863s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0885s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0529s) 7/6/2020 7:38:29 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1087s) 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.0857s) 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0817s) 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0753s) 7/6/2020 7:38:31 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2025s) 7/6/2020 7:38:40 PM Briefly Panic (8.5729s) 7/6/2020 7:38:40 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3954s) 7/6/2020 7:38:41 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2349s) 7/6/2020 7:38:41 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1135s) 7/6/2020 7:38:41 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1283s) 7/6/2020 7:38:41 PM Hooking Externals (0.0952s) 7/6/2020 7:38:41 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.2738s) 7/6/2020 7:38:42 PM Disengaging Constants (0.5558s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.8996s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0287s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0792s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1671s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0617s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.1019s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0257s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0848s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0723s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0972s) 7/6/2020 7:38:43 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0734s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0913s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0824s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0795s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1282s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0450s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0922s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0938s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1518s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0164s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1213s) 7/6/2020 7:38:44 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0448s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1249s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0626s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Inverting Death (0.1071s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0700s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Charging Marks (0.0553s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1284s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Range Manifolds (0.0359s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Purging ROFs (0.0814s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0852s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0812s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0891s) 7/6/2020 7:38:45 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1549s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Designing Fleets (0.0909s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0355s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0806s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0817s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Pining For Starfields (0.1160s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Detecting Distant Planets (0.3789s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0656s) 7/6/2020 7:38:46 PM Organizing Commands (0.1806s) 7/6/2020 7:38:47 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0206s) 7/6/2020 7:38:48 PM Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.2030s) 7/6/2020 7:38:48 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1714s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Uncoupling Aft Ports (31.9477s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Issuing Orders (0.0875s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1070s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Infusing (0.2992s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0212s) 7/6/2020 7:39:20 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1335s) 7/6/2020 7:39:21 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 543 7/6/2020 7:39:21 PM Load Surrogates (0.9833s) 7/6/2020 7:39:36 PM Final Checks (14.2304s) 7/6/2020 7:39:36 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0478s) 7/6/2020 7:39:36 PM 70.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.1s) Briefly Panic (8.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Handlizing Hooks (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.6s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Detecting Distant Planets (0.4s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.2s) Uncoupling Aft Ports (31.9s) Infusing (0.3s) Load Surrogates (1.0s) Final Checks (14.2s) 7/6/2020 7:39:38 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 7:39:59 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 7:40:13 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/6/2020 7:41:43 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'HumanHomeCommandStation' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/buildings/commandstations/humanhomecommandstation/humanhomecommandstation.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 1. 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 7:42:58 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 12. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Scourge Nanocaust Marauders Human Resistance Fighters Devourer Golem Outguard AI Reserves Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-Player Zombie Anti-AI Zombie 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 7:43:27 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 707649168 and planet count 80 and 24 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingQuickStart) 7/6/2020 7:43:28 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:43:28 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:43:46 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 707649168 and planet count 80 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:43:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:43:46 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:43:52 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 707649168 and planet count 80 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:43:53 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:43:53 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:44:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 707649168 and planet count 80 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:44:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:44:01 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:44:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:44:40 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:44:40 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:44:57 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:44:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:44:57 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:45:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:45:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:45:01 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:45:04 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:45:04 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:45:04 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:45:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:45:22 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:45:22 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:45:37 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:45:37 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:45:37 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:45:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:45:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:45:48 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:08 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:08 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:08 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:24 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:24 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:24 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:26 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:26 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:40 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:40 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:45 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:45 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:48 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:48 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:48 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:51 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 151007744 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:52 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:52 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:46:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 94624789 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:46:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:46:57 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:01 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 94624789 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:01 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:05 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 94624789 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:05 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:05 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:15 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 94624789 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:16 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:16 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:27 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 327159446 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:28 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:28 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:34 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 185899887 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:34 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:47:45 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 185899887 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:47:46 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:47:46 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:48:25 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:48:25 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:48:25 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:49:50 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 868173010 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:49:50 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 7:50:24 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 7:50:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1017543858 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:50:40 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:50:40 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:50:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1017543858 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:50:47 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:50:47 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 7:51:08 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 1017543858 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 7:51:09 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/6/2020 7:52:50 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 7:56:43 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 7:56:44 PM Boot up FleetOS (0.9699s) 7/6/2020 7:56:45 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 7:56:45 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.7389s) 7/6/2020 7:56:46 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/6/2020 7:56:46 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6754s) 7/6/2020 7:56:46 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2686s) 7/6/2020 7:56:46 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 7:56:47 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2819s) 7/6/2020 7:56:47 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.4055s) 7/6/2020 7:56:47 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1570s) 7/6/2020 7:56:47 PM Generating Framerates (0.2591s) 7/6/2020 7:56:49 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 7:56:49 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 7:56:49 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.6159s) 7/6/2020 7:56:49 PM Remembering Alamo (0.4977s) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0895s) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1635s) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2938s) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1129s) 7/6/2020 7:56:50 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1379s) 7/6/2020 7:56:51 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2794s) 7/6/2020 7:56:51 PM Briefly Panic (0.5820s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3999s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3469s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1708s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1129s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Hooking Externals (0.0760s) 7/6/2020 7:56:52 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0200s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2949s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.1873s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0340s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1227s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0902s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0904s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0381s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0593s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1292s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0356s) 7/6/2020 7:56:53 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0827s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1014s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0803s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0902s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0703s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1296s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0433s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0701s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0849s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0954s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0734s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1126s) 7/6/2020 7:56:54 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0483s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1310s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0590s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Inverting Death (0.1068s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0719s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Charging Marks (0.0712s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1232s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Range Manifolds (0.0209s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Purging ROFs (0.0848s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0843s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0835s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1408s) 7/6/2020 7:56:55 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0942s) 7/6/2020 7:56:56 PM Designing Fleets (0.1206s) 7/6/2020 7:56:56 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0376s) 7/6/2020 7:56:56 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0902s) 7/6/2020 7:56:56 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0941s) 7/6/2020 7:56:56 PM Taunting Starfields (0.1672s) 7/6/2020 7:56:57 PM Detecting Distant Planets (1.0696s) 7/6/2020 7:56:57 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0171s) 7/6/2020 7:56:57 PM Organizing Commands (0.1818s) 7/6/2020 7:56:57 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.1924s) 7/6/2020 7:56:59 PM Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.2094s) 7/6/2020 7:56:59 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0678s) 7/6/2020 7:57:36 PM Ensure Engines Can Take It (37.3950s) 7/6/2020 7:57:36 PM Issuing Orders (0.0857s) 7/6/2020 7:57:36 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1479s) 7/6/2020 7:57:37 PM Infusing (0.3512s) 7/6/2020 7:57:37 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0440s) 7/6/2020 7:57:37 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1431s) 7/6/2020 7:57:38 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 554 7/6/2020 7:57:38 PM Load Surrogates (1.2387s) 7/6/2020 7:57:46 PM Final Checks (8.0007s) 7/6/2020 7:57:46 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0336s) 7/6/2020 7:57:46 PM 63.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.0s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.7s) Check For Extra Modules (0.3s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.3s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.4s) Generating Framerates (0.3s) Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.6s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Briefly Panic (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Detecting Distant Planets (1.1s) Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (1.2s) Ensure Engines Can Take It (37.4s) Infusing (0.4s) Load Surrogates (1.2s) Final Checks (8.0s) 7/6/2020 7:57:49 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 7:58:09 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 7:58:16 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/6/2020 7:59:30 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'HumanHomeCommandStation' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/buildings/commandstations/humanhomecommandstation/humanhomecommandstation.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 8:01:56 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 8:01:56 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 8:04:01 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/6/2020 8:04:49 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 8:04:49 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2568s) 7/6/2020 8:04:51 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 8:04:51 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4635s) 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6592s) 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1889s) 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2667s) 7/6/2020 8:04:52 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3977s) 7/6/2020 8:04:53 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1107s) 7/6/2020 8:04:53 PM Generating Framerates (0.0815s) 7/6/2020 8:04:53 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 8:04:53 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 8:04:53 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1531s) 7/6/2020 8:04:54 PM Remembering Alamo (1.6285s) 7/6/2020 8:04:54 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0188s) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1125s) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2193s) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0883s) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1363s) 7/6/2020 8:04:55 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1467s) 7/6/2020 8:05:03 PM Briefly Panic (8.2434s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4082s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2630s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1193s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1209s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Hooking Externals (0.0856s) 7/6/2020 8:05:04 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0213s) 7/6/2020 8:05:05 PM Disengaging Constants (0.6195s) 7/6/2020 8:05:06 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.0553s) 7/6/2020 8:05:06 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0398s) 7/6/2020 8:05:06 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1562s) 7/6/2020 8:05:06 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1901s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0936s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0614s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0342s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.1406s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0225s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0912s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0956s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0803s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Error: exception while loading dll from path /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/GameData/ModdableLogicDLLs/PrivateVisExtensions.dll System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at (wrapper stelemref) System.Object.virt_stelemref_class_small_idepth(intptr,object) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Add (T item) [0x0001e] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenExternalTypeManager.LoadAssembly (System.String DllName) [0x00133] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Unable to load Arcen.AIW2.PrivateVisExtensions.DirectTopDownCam from PrivateVisExtensions 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1817s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0462s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1076s) 7/6/2020 8:05:07 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0320s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0815s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0743s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0728s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0603s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1817s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0388s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1058s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0823s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Inverting Death (0.0830s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0514s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Charging Marks (0.0689s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1323s) 7/6/2020 8:05:08 PM Range Manifolds (0.0168s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Purging ROFs (0.0709s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0742s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0735s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1285s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0546s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Designing Fleets (0.1075s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0312s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0527s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0797s) 7/6/2020 8:05:09 PM Eating Starfields (0.1130s) 7/6/2020 8:05:10 PM Resizing Distant Planets (0.3730s) 7/6/2020 8:05:10 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0599s) 7/6/2020 8:05:10 PM Organizing Commands (0.2838s) 7/6/2020 8:05:10 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0134s) 7/6/2020 8:05:11 PM Developing New Ship Parts (1.4422s) 7/6/2020 8:05:12 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1972s) 7/6/2020 8:05:50 PM Deploying Portable Singularity (37.9918s) 7/6/2020 8:05:50 PM Issuing Orders (0.2406s) 7/6/2020 8:05:50 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.0498s) 7/6/2020 8:05:50 PM Infusing (0.4418s) 7/6/2020 8:05:50 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0156s) 7/6/2020 8:05:51 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.2952s) 7/6/2020 8:05:53 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 524 7/6/2020 8:05:53 PM Load Surrogates (1.9645s) 7/6/2020 8:12:19 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 8:12:19 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.8375s) 7/6/2020 8:12:24 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 8:12:24 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (4.6332s) 7/6/2020 8:12:28 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/6/2020 8:12:28 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (4.1666s) 7/6/2020 8:12:28 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0944s) 7/6/2020 8:12:28 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 8:12:28 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1637s) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2599s) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0634s) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Generating Framerates (0.0247s) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1368s) 7/6/2020 8:12:29 PM Remembering Alamo (0.5777s) 7/6/2020 8:12:30 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0982s) 7/6/2020 8:12:30 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.1424s) 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9286s) 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.2036s) 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0484s) 7/6/2020 8:12:32 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1804s) 7/6/2020 8:12:35 PM Briefly Panic (2.7553s) 7/6/2020 8:12:35 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.5951s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3695s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1275s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0862s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Hooking Externals (0.0271s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0669s) 7/6/2020 8:12:36 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2869s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.2848s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1935s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0360s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1806s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0350s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0822s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1172s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0546s) 7/6/2020 8:12:38 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0732s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0792s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.1242s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0785s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1117s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0396s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1169s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0506s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0781s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0784s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0827s) 7/6/2020 8:12:39 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0688s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1298s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0449s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0887s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1611s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Inverting Death (0.0710s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0665s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Charging Marks (0.0411s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1828s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Range Manifolds (0.0198s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Purging ROFs (0.0823s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0959s) 7/6/2020 8:12:40 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0796s) 7/6/2020 8:12:41 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1518s) 7/6/2020 8:12:41 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0843s) 7/6/2020 8:12:41 PM Designing Fleets (0.2784s) 7/6/2020 8:12:41 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.2520s) 7/6/2020 8:12:42 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.3089s) 7/6/2020 8:12:42 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.2306s) 7/6/2020 8:12:42 PM Blowing Out Starfields (0.3044s) 7/6/2020 8:12:44 PM Scanning Distant Planets (2.1471s) 7/6/2020 8:12:44 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0547s) 7/6/2020 8:12:45 PM Organizing Commands (0.2721s) 7/6/2020 8:12:45 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0174s) 7/6/2020 8:12:46 PM Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.9466s) 7/6/2020 8:12:47 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1216s) 7/6/2020 8:13:15 PM Polarize Deflectors (28.7871s) 7/6/2020 8:13:15 PM Issuing Orders (0.0897s) 7/6/2020 8:13:16 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1785s) 7/6/2020 8:13:16 PM Infusing (0.1942s) 7/6/2020 8:13:16 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0270s) 7/6/2020 8:13:16 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1212s) 7/6/2020 8:13:17 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 519 7/6/2020 8:13:17 PM Load Surrogates (1.3030s) 7/6/2020 8:13:40 PM Final Checks (22.8716s) 7/6/2020 8:13:40 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0480s) 7/6/2020 8:13:40 PM 82.8 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.8s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (4.6s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (4.2s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (1.9s) Briefly Panic (2.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.6s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (1.3s) Designing Fleets (0.3s) Thinking Of Technologies (0.3s) Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.3s) Blowing Out Starfields (0.3s) Scanning Distant Planets (2.1s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (1.9s) Polarize Deflectors (28.8s) Load Surrogates (1.3s) Final Checks (22.9s) 7/6/2020 8:13:51 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 8:14:29 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 8:14:31 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 8:14:32 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 8:14:55 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1440715963 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:14:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:14:57 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:15:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 1440715963 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:15:08 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:15:08 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:15:12 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 443721695 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:15:13 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:15:13 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:15:17 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 813451752 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:15:18 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:15:18 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:15:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 273821151 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:15:44 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:15:44 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:15:53 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 273821151 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:15:54 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:15:55 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:05 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 200453164 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:06 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:06 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:10 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 282549983 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:11 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:11 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:18 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 228099385 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:19 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:19 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:22 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 228099385 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:22 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:22 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 118564135 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:33 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:33 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:40 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 608446349 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:40 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:40 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:43 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 75358625 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:44 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:44 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:49 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 75358625 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:49 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:49 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:16:56 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 75358625 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:16:57 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:16:57 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:18:09 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 75358625 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:18:09 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:47:00 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/6/2020 8:47:00 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.1230s) 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3830s) 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.5956s) 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0736s) 7/6/2020 8:47:02 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1867s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1510s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0728s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Generating Framerates (0.0176s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1055s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0871s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0558s) 7/6/2020 8:47:03 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0819s) 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.4482s) 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM No resolution change was required. 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0321s) 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0813s) 7/6/2020 8:47:06 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1906s) 7/6/2020 8:47:14 PM Briefly Panic (8.1372s) 7/6/2020 8:47:14 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4838s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1706s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1244s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0811s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Hooking Externals (0.0172s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0788s) 7/6/2020 8:47:15 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2372s) 7/6/2020 8:47:16 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.7806s) 7/6/2020 8:47:16 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0675s) 7/6/2020 8:47:16 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0526s) 7/6/2020 8:47:18 PM Degaussing Advice (1.9825s) 7/6/2020 8:47:18 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.1380s) 7/6/2020 8:47:18 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0964s) 7/6/2020 8:47:18 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0842s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.2335s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0320s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0651s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0845s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1189s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1560s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0502s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0667s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.2665s) 7/6/2020 8:47:19 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0295s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.2258s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0522s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0434s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0989s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0578s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1527s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0354s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Inverting Death (0.0819s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0826s) 7/6/2020 8:47:20 PM Charging Marks (0.0659s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1354s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Range Manifolds (0.0303s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Purging ROFs (0.0826s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0848s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0819s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1073s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1142s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Designing Fleets (0.0963s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0520s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0669s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0740s) 7/6/2020 8:47:21 PM Underestimating Starfields (0.1123s) 7/6/2020 8:47:22 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.3603s) 7/6/2020 8:47:22 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0777s) 7/6/2020 8:47:22 PM Organizing Commands (0.3020s) 7/6/2020 8:47:22 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0126s) 7/6/2020 8:47:23 PM Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (1.2251s) 7/6/2020 8:47:24 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1828s) 7/6/2020 8:47:50 PM Upgrade /dev/null (26.4807s) 7/6/2020 8:47:50 PM Issuing Orders (0.3188s) 7/6/2020 8:47:51 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2066s) 7/6/2020 8:47:51 PM Infusing (0.3801s) 7/6/2020 8:47:51 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.4623s) 7/6/2020 8:47:52 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1466s) 7/6/2020 8:47:53 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 519 7/6/2020 8:47:53 PM Load Surrogates (1.0685s) 7/6/2020 8:48:22 PM Final Checks (29.3381s) 7/6/2020 8:48:22 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0597s) 7/6/2020 8:48:22 PM 82.9 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.1s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (2.4s) Briefly Panic (8.1s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.8s) Degaussing Advice (2.0s) Ventilating Scenarios (0.3s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.4s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (1.2s) Upgrade /dev/null (26.5s) Issuing Orders (0.3s) Infusing (0.4s) Post-Proton Surge (0.5s) Load Surrogates (1.1s) Final Checks (29.3s) 7/6/2020 8:48:25 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/6/2020 8:51:48 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/6/2020 8:51:49 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/6/2020 8:52:19 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 922856525 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:52:19 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:52:19 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:52:26 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 922856525 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:52:27 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:52:27 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/6/2020 8:52:57 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 922856525 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/6/2020 8:52:57 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/6/2020 8:54:40 PM ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <77e752c48fbe4c3ea2bdb548f01e8026>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <77e752c48fbe4c3ea2bdb548f01e8026>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.HandleMouseEvent_PlanetView (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenMouseEventType EventType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenInputFlags InputFlags, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint SimPointUnderCursor, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base EntityUnderCursor, System.Boolean InBandBoxMode) (at <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <4ee9ffdfaf454377a5579c9902b0b5b6>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 8:54:40 PM ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed, System.Int32& DistanceIfNotInRange) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetIsWithinRangeOf (Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Int32 ExtraDistanceAllowed) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad entity) (at <77e752c48fbe4c3ea2bdb548f01e8026>:0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityCollection.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.DoForEntities (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad+ProcessorDelegate Processor) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.External.PlanetExtensions.GetIsPlacementPointSafe (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData EntityTypeToPlace, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Point, System.Boolean OutrightIgnoreMobileUnits) (at <77e752c48fbe4c3ea2bdb548f01e8026>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.HandleMouseEvent_PlanetView (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenMouseEventType EventType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenInputFlags InputFlags, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint SimPointUnderCursor, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base EntityUnderCursor, System.Boolean InBandBoxMode) (at <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate () (at <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0) SelectionManager.Update () (at <4ee9ffdfaf454377a5579c9902b0b5b6>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 7/6/2020 9:58:26 PM planet Altissia is controlled by AI Sentinels 7/6/2020 9:58:26 PM difficulty 5 budget size 10 7/6/2020 10:00:26 PM Waiting On Server, at frame 0 client mode: False SocketMode: Host 7/6/2020 10:00:28 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 11:18:16 AM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 11:18:16 AM Boot up FleetOS (1.3289s) 7/7/2020 11:18:17 AM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3472s) 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3601s) 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Check For Extra Modules (0.1064s) 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1665s) 7/7/2020 11:18:18 AM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3348s) 7/7/2020 11:18:19 AM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1232s) 7/7/2020 11:18:19 AM Generating Framerates (0.0366s) 7/7/2020 11:18:19 AM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 11:18:19 AM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 11:18:19 AM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1889s) 7/7/2020 11:18:20 AM Remembering Alamo (1.6277s) 7/7/2020 11:18:20 AM Boot Audio Comms (0.0370s) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0855s) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2094s) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0994s) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0827s) 7/7/2020 11:18:21 AM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2035s) 7/7/2020 11:18:28 AM Briefly Panic (7.3162s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Install Confidence Routines (0.3885s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2048s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Motivate All Crews (0.1802s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Externalizing Patterns (0.0820s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Hooking Externals (0.0171s) 7/7/2020 11:18:29 AM Handlizing Hooks (0.0727s) 7/7/2020 11:18:30 AM Disengaging Constants (0.2462s) 7/7/2020 11:18:30 AM Late Axionic Computations (0.7474s) 7/7/2020 11:18:30 AM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0404s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Thinking Of Advice (0.0675s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Degaussing Advice (0.1502s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0448s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Naming All Known Planets (0.0678s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Remembering Speeds (0.0842s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Prioritizing Targets (0.0794s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0823s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0828s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0871s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0917s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1018s) 7/7/2020 11:18:31 AM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0610s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1019s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0631s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0795s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0886s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Calibrating Formations (0.0663s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0858s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0965s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0674s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Faction Diagnostics (0.1094s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Buffering Hackers (0.0806s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Inverting Death (0.0642s) 7/7/2020 11:18:32 AM Linear Field Variance (0.1014s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Charging Marks (0.0627s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Guarding The Posts (0.1198s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Range Manifolds (0.0470s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Purging ROFs (0.0813s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Manipulating Speeds (0.0851s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Detecting Projectiles (0.0819s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0971s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1569s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Designing Fleets (0.0622s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0633s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0661s) 7/7/2020 11:18:33 AM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0910s) 7/7/2020 11:18:34 AM Digging Up Starfields (0.1009s) 7/7/2020 11:18:34 AM Mapping Distant Planets (0.5550s) 7/7/2020 11:18:34 AM Categorizing All Planets (0.0605s) 7/7/2020 11:18:34 AM Organizing Commands (0.2554s) 7/7/2020 11:18:34 AM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0102s) 7/7/2020 11:18:36 AM Remembering Lost Ship Parts (1.1828s) 7/7/2020 11:18:36 AM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1845s) 7/7/2020 11:19:10 AM Balancing Thermals (34.1384s) 7/7/2020 11:19:10 AM Issuing Orders (0.0835s) 7/7/2020 11:19:10 AM Augmenting Infusers (0.1501s) 7/7/2020 11:19:10 AM Infusing (0.1202s) 7/7/2020 11:19:11 AM Post-Proton Surge (0.5505s) 7/7/2020 11:19:11 AM Stimulate Modulation (0.1288s) 7/7/2020 11:19:12 AM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 538 7/7/2020 11:19:12 AM Load Surrogates (1.1617s) 7/7/2020 11:19:28 AM Final Checks (16.0983s) 7/7/2020 11:19:28 AM Load Historical Documents (0.1084s) 7/7/2020 11:19:28 AM 73.6 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (1.6s) Briefly Panic (7.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Mapping Distant Planets (0.6s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Remembering Lost Ship Parts (1.2s) Balancing Thermals (34.1s) Post-Proton Surge (0.6s) Load Surrogates (1.2s) Final Checks (16.1s) 7/7/2020 11:19:31 AM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/7/2020 11:19:47 AM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 11:20:12 AM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/7/2020 11:21:02 AM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'MetalGenerator' fornaturalobjects:True from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/resources/MetalHarvesterEmpty/MetalHarvesterEmpty.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/7/2020 11:22:04 AM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 12:48:10 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 12:48:10 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.2614s) 7/7/2020 12:48:11 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 12:48:11 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.2962s) 7/7/2020 12:48:11 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 12:48:11 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.2588s) 7/7/2020 12:48:11 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0981s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1400s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1668s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0924s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Generating Framerates (0.0145s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0340s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0501s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0239s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0300s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.1720s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0211s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1430s) 7/7/2020 12:48:12 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1261s) 7/7/2020 12:48:19 PM Briefly Panic (7.0049s) 7/7/2020 12:48:20 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.3883s) 7/7/2020 12:48:20 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2728s) 7/7/2020 12:48:20 PM Motivate All Crews (0.2106s) 7/7/2020 12:48:21 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1676s) 7/7/2020 12:48:21 PM Hooking Externals (0.0261s) 7/7/2020 12:48:21 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0655s) 7/7/2020 12:48:21 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2480s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.9143s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0401s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0676s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1388s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0490s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0530s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0957s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0778s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0659s) 7/7/2020 12:48:22 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0895s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0977s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0674s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1042s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0838s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1130s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0402s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0902s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0775s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0828s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0828s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0962s) 7/7/2020 12:48:23 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0580s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1406s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0909s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Inverting Death (0.0454s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0861s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Charging Marks (0.0542s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1198s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Range Manifolds (0.0471s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Purging ROFs (0.0820s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0845s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0833s) 7/7/2020 12:48:24 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1151s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1273s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Designing Fleets (0.0795s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0424s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0659s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0758s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Taunting Starfields (0.1124s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Cleaning Distant Planets (0.3728s) 7/7/2020 12:48:25 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0957s) 7/7/2020 12:48:26 PM Organizing Commands (0.2993s) 7/7/2020 12:48:26 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0141s) 7/7/2020 12:48:27 PM Offending Sentient Ship Parts (1.1628s) 7/7/2020 12:48:27 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.1898s) 7/7/2020 12:48:58 PM Reformatting Navigation (30.8230s) 7/7/2020 12:48:58 PM Issuing Orders (0.0977s) 7/7/2020 12:48:58 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.4130s) 7/7/2020 12:49:02 PM Infusing (3.1609s) 7/7/2020 12:49:02 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0264s) 7/7/2020 12:49:02 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1409s) 7/7/2020 12:49:03 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 530 7/7/2020 12:49:03 PM Load Surrogates (1.7181s) 7/7/2020 12:49:22 PM Final Checks (18.3607s) 7/7/2020 12:49:22 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0383s) 7/7/2020 12:49:22 PM 73.3 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.3s) Briefly Panic (7.0s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Cleaning Distant Planets (0.4s) Organizing Commands (0.3s) Offending Sentient Ship Parts (1.2s) Reformatting Navigation (30.8s) Augmenting Infusers (0.4s) Infusing (3.2s) Load Surrogates (1.7s) Final Checks (18.4s) 7/7/2020 12:49:26 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/7/2020 12:49:39 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 12:49:58 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/7/2020 12:50:37 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'LogisticalCommandStation' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/buildings/commandstations/logisticalcommandstation/logisticalcommandstation.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/7/2020 1:57:59 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 5:24:55 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 5:24:55 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3050s) 7/7/2020 5:24:56 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 5:24:56 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3512s) 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.4448s) 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.2339s) 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2942s) 7/7/2020 5:24:57 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2779s) 7/7/2020 5:24:58 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1783s) 7/7/2020 5:24:58 PM Generating Framerates (0.0744s) 7/7/2020 5:24:58 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 5:24:58 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 5:24:58 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1270s) 7/7/2020 5:24:59 PM Remembering Alamo (1.6583s) 7/7/2020 5:24:59 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0352s) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0919s) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2140s) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1264s) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0564s) 7/7/2020 5:25:00 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2142s) 7/7/2020 5:25:08 PM Briefly Panic (7.5692s) 7/7/2020 5:25:08 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4204s) 7/7/2020 5:25:08 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1915s) 7/7/2020 5:25:09 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1570s) 7/7/2020 5:25:09 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0816s) 7/7/2020 5:25:09 PM Hooking Externals (0.0162s) 7/7/2020 5:25:09 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0793s) 7/7/2020 5:25:09 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2476s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.9147s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0281s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0694s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1598s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0773s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0481s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0720s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0784s) 7/7/2020 5:25:10 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0712s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0951s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0869s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0801s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Error: exception while loading dll from path /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/GameData/ModdableLogicDLLs/PrivateVisExtensions.dll System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at (wrapper stelemref) System.Object.virt_stelemref_class_small_idepth(intptr,object) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Add (T item) [0x0001e] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenExternalTypeManager.LoadAssembly (System.String DllName) [0x00133] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Unable to load Arcen.AIW2.PrivateVisExtensions.DirectTopDownCam from PrivateVisExtensions 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1381s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0363s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1017s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0630s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0669s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0795s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0558s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0783s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0896s) 7/7/2020 5:25:11 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0539s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.1029s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0678s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Inverting Death (0.0573s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0952s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Charging Marks (0.0527s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1336s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Range Manifolds (0.0167s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Purging ROFs (0.0724s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0751s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0716s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0905s) 7/7/2020 5:25:12 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1571s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Designing Fleets (0.0583s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0652s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0371s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0970s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Taunting Starfields (0.1510s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Breaking Distant Planets (0.3037s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0579s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Organizing Commands (0.1288s) 7/7/2020 5:25:13 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0270s) 7/7/2020 5:25:15 PM Finding Old Ship Parts (1.3736s) 7/7/2020 5:25:15 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.2044s) 7/7/2020 5:25:43 PM Discharging Static (28.4130s) 7/7/2020 5:25:44 PM Issuing Orders (0.1008s) 7/7/2020 5:25:44 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.7846s) 7/7/2020 5:25:45 PM Infusing (0.2274s) 7/7/2020 5:25:45 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0315s) 7/7/2020 5:25:45 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1077s) 7/7/2020 5:25:45 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 524 7/7/2020 5:25:45 PM Load Surrogates (0.7112s) 7/7/2020 5:26:06 PM Final Checks (20.5738s) 7/7/2020 5:34:37 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 5:34:37 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.5739s) 7/7/2020 5:34:40 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 5:34:40 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.7144s) 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.6840s) 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0825s) 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.2027s) 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.3611s) 7/7/2020 5:34:41 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0934s) 7/7/2020 5:34:42 PM Generating Framerates (0.1655s) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.5771s) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Remembering Alamo (0.1192s) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1318s) 7/7/2020 5:34:43 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0987s) 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.1923s) 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.1448s) 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0384s) 7/7/2020 5:34:44 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4248s) 7/7/2020 5:34:51 PM Briefly Panic (7.1163s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.5109s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.2810s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0981s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0816s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Hooking Externals (0.0187s) 7/7/2020 5:34:52 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0964s) 7/7/2020 5:34:53 PM Disengaging Constants (0.3181s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.8477s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.1113s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.1227s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1198s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0979s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0209s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1113s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0740s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0633s) 7/7/2020 5:34:55 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.1056s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0887s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0773s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0966s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0488s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1385s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0548s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0760s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1060s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1014s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0855s) 7/7/2020 5:34:56 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.1101s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0385s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0936s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1131s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Inverting Death (0.0457s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0884s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Charging Marks (0.0811s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1499s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Range Manifolds (0.0209s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Purging ROFs (0.0972s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0763s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0780s) 7/7/2020 5:34:57 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.1037s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1423s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Designing Fleets (0.0662s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0988s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0470s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.1207s) 7/7/2020 5:34:58 PM Brandishing Starfields (0.0991s) 7/7/2020 5:34:59 PM Pillaging Distant Planets (0.5050s) 7/7/2020 5:34:59 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0543s) 7/7/2020 5:34:59 PM Organizing Commands (0.2492s) 7/7/2020 5:34:59 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0176s) 7/7/2020 5:35:00 PM Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.5283s) 7/7/2020 5:35:00 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0882s) 7/7/2020 5:35:34 PM Flex All Capacitors (33.0914s) 7/7/2020 5:35:34 PM Issuing Orders (0.0734s) 7/7/2020 5:35:34 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.2550s) 7/7/2020 5:35:35 PM Infusing (0.6251s) 7/7/2020 5:35:35 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0284s) 7/7/2020 5:35:35 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.2227s) 7/7/2020 5:35:39 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 530 7/7/2020 5:35:39 PM Load Surrogates (4.4264s) 7/7/2020 5:36:04 PM Final Checks (24.5599s) 7/7/2020 5:36:04 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0856s) 7/7/2020 5:36:04 PM 88.2 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.6s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (2.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.7s) Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.4s) Check Nearby Stellar Masses (1.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Briefly Panic (7.1s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (1.8s) Pillaging Distant Planets (0.5s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (1.5s) Flex All Capacitors (33.1s) Augmenting Infusers (0.3s) Infusing (0.6s) Load Surrogates (4.4s) Final Checks (24.6s) 7/7/2020 5:36:08 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/7/2020 5:36:44 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 5:37:15 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/7/2020 5:38:37 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'MetalGenerator' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/resources/MetalHarvester/MetalHarvester.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0.08181818 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/7/2020 5:39:47 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/7/2020 5:40:04 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 134816605 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:40:04 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:40:04 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:40:44 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 134816605 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:40:45 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:40:45 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:40:58 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 134816605 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:40:59 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:41:46 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 5:52:39 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 5:52:39 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.4151s) 7/7/2020 5:52:43 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 5:52:43 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.7133s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.5761s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.0940s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.1728s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.2309s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.1014s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Generating Framerates (0.0309s) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 5:52:45 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0947s) 7/7/2020 5:52:46 PM Remembering Alamo (0.0901s) 7/7/2020 5:52:46 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.1223s) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (2.0567s) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2831s) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.0934s) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.1060s) 7/7/2020 5:52:48 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1288s) 7/7/2020 5:52:53 PM Briefly Panic (4.7774s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4573s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.3753s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Motivate All Crews (0.1077s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.1023s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Hooking Externals (0.0214s) 7/7/2020 5:52:54 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0689s) 7/7/2020 5:52:55 PM Disengaging Constants (0.2967s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Late Axionic Computations (1.1000s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0572s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0524s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Degaussing Advice (0.1709s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0466s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0525s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Remembering Speeds (0.1351s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0279s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.1009s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0641s) 7/7/2020 5:52:56 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0902s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0901s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0971s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0643s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.1192s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0852s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0769s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0906s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Calibrating Formations (0.0736s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.1057s) 7/7/2020 5:52:57 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0849s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.1421s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0515s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Buffering Hackers (0.1230s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Inverting Death (0.0342s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Linear Field Variance (0.1030s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Charging Marks (0.0585s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1677s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Range Manifolds (0.0219s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Purging ROFs (0.0986s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0815s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0794s) 7/7/2020 5:52:58 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0900s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.0840s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Designing Fleets (0.1190s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0393s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0980s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0476s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Initiating Starfields (0.1236s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.4559s) 7/7/2020 5:52:59 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0396s) 7/7/2020 5:53:00 PM Organizing Commands (0.1493s) 7/7/2020 5:53:00 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0487s) 7/7/2020 5:53:01 PM Violating Ship Part Bylaws (1.2540s) 7/7/2020 5:53:01 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0315s) 7/7/2020 5:53:32 PM Compensate for Neutrino Variance (30.8428s) 7/7/2020 5:53:32 PM Issuing Orders (0.1115s) 7/7/2020 5:53:32 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.1733s) 7/7/2020 5:53:33 PM Infusing (0.5693s) 7/7/2020 5:53:33 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.0425s) 7/7/2020 5:53:33 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.2757s) 7/7/2020 5:53:35 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 523 7/7/2020 5:53:35 PM Load Surrogates (2.1426s) 7/7/2020 5:53:57 PM Final Checks (22.0324s) 7/7/2020 5:53:57 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0342s) 7/7/2020 5:53:57 PM 79.1 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.4s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.7s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.6s) Establish Individual Audio Links (2.1s) Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.3s) Briefly Panic (4.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Bring Commander Interface Online (0.4s) Disengaging Constants (0.3s) Late Axionic Computations (1.1s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.5s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (1.3s) Compensate for Neutrino Variance (30.8s) Infusing (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Load Surrogates (2.1s) Final Checks (22.0s) 7/7/2020 5:54:04 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/7/2020 5:54:45 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/7/2020 5:55:00 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 149280606 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:55:01 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:55:01 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:55:07 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 149280606 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:55:07 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:55:08 PM PlayerAccount Culture has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 5:55:17 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 149280606 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 5:55:20 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/7/2020 5:55:26 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/7/2020 5:56:37 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'TransportFlagship_Starter' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/humanoddities/colonyship/colonyship.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/7/2020 5:57:25 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0 7/7/2020 6:01:12 PM Current directory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ Process Count = 0 so PlayerDataDirectory used: /Users/raviiyer/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 7/7/2020 6:01:12 PM Boot up FleetOS (1.3419s) 7/7/2020 6:01:15 PM graphicsDeviceType in use: OpenGLCore graphicsDeviceVersion in use: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMultiThreaded: True graphicsShaderLevel: 46 operatingSystem: Mac OS X 10.12.6 graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 graphicsDeviceID: 5670 graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel Inc. graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902 graphicsDeviceVersion: OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19 graphicsMemorySize: 1536 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz processorCount: 4 processorFrequency: 1600 systemMemorySize: 8192 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: False supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: False 7/7/2020 6:01:15 PM Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.3616s) 7/7/2020 6:01:16 PM Game Version: 2.091 7/7/2020 6:01:16 PM Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.3368s) 7/7/2020 6:01:17 PM Check For Extra Modules (0.1721s) 7/7/2020 6:01:17 PM Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 7/7/2020 6:01:18 PM Bring Cloaking Systems Online (1.5920s) 7/7/2020 6:01:18 PM Recalculate Speed Of Light (0.1856s) 7/7/2020 6:01:18 PM Optimize Comfort On Command Decks (0.0386s) 7/7/2020 6:01:18 PM Generating Framerates (0.0527s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Mods: SpireRailgunShop (Disabled) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1325s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Remembering Alamo (0.3598s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Boot Audio Comms (0.0215s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Establish Individual Audio Links (0.0789s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Prepare Explosions and Crackles (0.2203s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM No resolution change was required. 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Last Save File appears to have been deleted! 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Refresh Optical Lensing (0.2394s) 7/7/2020 6:01:19 PM Revise Fundamental Physical Laws (0.0136s) 7/7/2020 6:01:20 PM Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1457s) 7/7/2020 6:01:28 PM Briefly Panic (8.8465s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Install Confidence Routines (0.4726s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Bring Commander Interface Online (0.1445s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Motivate All Crews (0.0947s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Externalizing Patterns (0.0316s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Hooking Externals (0.0583s) 7/7/2020 6:01:29 PM Handlizing Hooks (0.0858s) 7/7/2020 6:01:30 PM Disengaging Constants (0.1694s) 7/7/2020 6:01:30 PM Late Axionic Computations (0.8007s) 7/7/2020 6:01:30 PM Connecting to Fleet Command (0.0283s) 7/7/2020 6:01:30 PM Thinking Of Advice (0.0674s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Degaussing Advice (0.0964s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Reading Alien Diaries (0.0740s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Naming All Known Planets (0.0797s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Remembering Speeds (0.0844s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Prioritizing Targets (0.0829s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Rebooting Sensor Arrays (0.0817s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Unloading Prismatic Grid (0.0873s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Thinking Of Objectives (0.0801s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0841s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.1270s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Synthesizing Vocals (0.0416s) 7/7/2020 6:01:31 PM Investigating Map Signatures (0.0974s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Ventilating Scenarios (0.0713s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Decontaminating Targeting Systems (0.0813s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0844s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Calibrating Formations (0.1632s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Intercepting Galactic Maps (0.0144s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Discharging Colored Ions (0.0847s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Replicating Ion Colors (0.0689s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Faction Diagnostics (0.0937s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Buffering Hackers (0.0951s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Inverting Death (0.0641s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Linear Field Variance (0.0848s) 7/7/2020 6:01:32 PM Charging Marks (0.0817s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Guarding The Posts (0.1241s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Range Manifolds (0.0398s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Purging ROFs (0.0833s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Manipulating Speeds (0.0841s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Detecting Projectiles (0.0820s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Grouping Flow Fields (0.0879s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Modulating Flow Field Groups (0.1106s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Designing Fleets (0.0705s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Thinking Of Technologies (0.0700s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Categorizing Starboard Sensors (0.0798s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Injecting Galactic Variables (0.0884s) 7/7/2020 6:01:33 PM Berating Starfields (0.0924s) 7/7/2020 6:01:34 PM Pillaging Distant Planets (0.2212s) 7/7/2020 6:01:34 PM Categorizing All Planets (0.0638s) 7/7/2020 6:01:34 PM Organizing Commands (0.1167s) 7/7/2020 6:01:34 PM Calculating Firing Cones (0.0717s) 7/7/2020 6:01:35 PM Fumbling With Ship Parts (0.9178s) 7/7/2020 6:01:35 PM Sterilizing Test Chamber (0.0360s) 7/7/2020 6:02:09 PM Remembering Singularity (34.5969s) 7/7/2020 6:02:10 PM Issuing Orders (0.0899s) 7/7/2020 6:02:10 PM Augmenting Infusers (0.4626s) 7/7/2020 6:02:10 PM Infusing (0.4519s) 7/7/2020 6:02:11 PM Post-Proton Surge (0.5412s) 7/7/2020 6:02:11 PM Stimulate Modulation (0.1190s) 7/7/2020 6:02:12 PM ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 546 7/7/2020 6:02:12 PM Load Surrogates (1.2065s) 7/7/2020 6:02:33 PM Final Checks (20.5551s) 7/7/2020 6:02:33 PM Load Historical Documents (0.0598s) 7/7/2020 6:02:33 PM 82.7 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (1.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (3.4s) Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (1.3s) Bring Cloaking Systems Online (1.6s) Remembering Alamo (0.4s) Briefly Panic (8.8s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.8s) Fumbling With Ship Parts (0.9s) Remembering Singularity (34.6s) Augmenting Infusers (0.5s) Infusing (0.5s) Post-Proton Surge (0.5s) Load Surrogates (1.2s) Final Checks (20.6s) 7/7/2020 6:02:37 PM Hello Steam user 'mountainamoeba' 7/7/2020 6:02:57 PM PlayerAccount Cargo Cult has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 6:02:58 PM Successfully opened host socket 7/7/2020 6:02:58 PM Clear out factions that should not be in UI based on savegame: 10 Macrophage Infestation - Tamed Scourge Marauders Fallen Spire Devourer Golem Outguard Anti-Player Zombie Anti-Everyone Zombie Anti-AI Zombie AI Reserves 7/7/2020 6:02:58 PM Added the faction AIReserves. 7/7/2020 6:02:59 PM Added the faction AntiAIZombie. 7/7/2020 6:02:59 PM Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie. 7/7/2020 6:02:59 PM Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie. 7/7/2020 6:02:59 PM Added the faction Mercenary. 7/7/2020 6:03:12 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 156909735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 6:03:12 PM total central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:12 PM created central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:13 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 6:03:13 PM PlayerAccount Cargo Cult has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 6:03:33 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 156909735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 6:03:34 PM total central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:34 PM created central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:34 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 6:03:34 PM PlayerAccount Cargo Cult has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 6:03:47 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 156909735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 6:03:47 PM total central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:52 PM created central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:03:52 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 6:03:52 PM PlayerAccount Cargo Cult has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 6:04:14 PM Start Generate Partial Map with Octopus and seed 156909735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 6:04:14 PM total central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:04:14 PM created central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:04:14 PM Generate Partial Map Complete 7/7/2020 6:04:14 PM PlayerAccount Cargo Cult has now been put in control of faction 7. 7/7/2020 6:04:38 PM Start Generate FULL Map with Octopus and seed 156909735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) 7/7/2020 6:04:38 PM total central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:04:38 PM created central planets: 24 7/7/2020 6:04:40 PM Generate FULL Map Complete 7/7/2020 6:05:04 PM Wormhole VisualObjectFail - no pool to spawn from! 7/7/2020 6:05:16 PM PrototypeObject failed to load for 'TransportFlagship_Starter' fornaturalobjects:False from filename aiwar2goodiebox.assets/_finalgamemeshes/humanoddities/colonyship/colonyship.prefab AsyncIsDone: False AsyncProgress: 0 AsyncPriority: 0 AsyncAssetNotNull: True at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.DealWithNullSubInstanceRenderer (Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityTypeFactionVisualData factionVisualData) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.AddStartingShips () [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.SquadVisualizer.Activate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base RelatedToBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData RelatedType) [0x00000] in <02fcef14076e44569475764e45148fc3>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.UpdateVisualObj (System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet.UpdateAllVisualObjects (System.Boolean IsCurrentPlanetNonSim, System.Int32 IndexForDisplayPurposes, System.Boolean IsGalaxyMapView) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanets (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.UpdateAllVisuals () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <3eb13c57428f4b0398ddc2efb6ef6f25>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in :0 7/7/2020 6:05:33 PM PLAYER DISCONNECTED>0