************************************************************ RecalculateAllBalanceStats ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Factions ************************************************************ Faction Create: NaturalObject (0) SpecialFactionData: NaturalObject Implementation: True Faction Create: Player (1) SpecialFactionData: Human Implementation: True Player Not Controlled By Anyone!: ControlledByPlayerAccounts_DuringGame(1) Faction Create: AI (2) SpecialFactionData: AI Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (3) SpecialFactionData: AISpecialForces Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (4) SpecialFactionData: HunterFleet Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (5) SpecialFactionData: PraetorianGuard Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (6) SpecialFactionData: AntagonizedDysonSphere Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (7) SpecialFactionData: Instigators Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (8) SpecialFactionData: EnragedMacrophage Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (9) SpecialFactionData: Nanocaust Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (10) SpecialFactionData: AIReserves Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (11) SpecialFactionData: AntiAIZombie Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (12) SpecialFactionData: AntiEveryoneZombie Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (13) SpecialFactionData: AntiPlayerZombie Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (14) SpecialFactionData: Mercenary Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (15) SpecialFactionData: DevourerGolem Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (16) SpecialFactionData: FallenSpire Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (17) SpecialFactionData: HumanMarauders Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (18) SpecialFactionData: HumanResistanceFighters Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (19) SpecialFactionData: Scourge Implementation: True Faction Create: SpecialFaction (20) SpecialFactionData: TamedMacrophage Implementation: True Proccess Faction: NaturalObject NaturalObject, 0 FactionConfig: 0 NaturalObject Proccess Faction: Player Human, 1 FactionConfig: 0 Human ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownCoreTableSubset field.InternalName: StartingFleet fieldValue: 'ClassicStartingFleet' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownCoreTableSubset field.InternalName: StartingBattlestation fieldValue: 'ClassicStartingDefenses' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownCoreTableSubset field.InternalName: StartingSupportFleet fieldValue: 'StartingCombatEngineerAndFactoryCombo' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: HumanCryogenicPodsToStartWith fieldValue: '10' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: HomeHumanSettlementsToStartWith fieldValue: '2' Proccess Faction: AI AI, 2 FactionConfig: 0 AI ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: AIType fieldValue: 'FullEnsemble' AI type assignment: FullEnsemble ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: AIDifficulty fieldValue: 'Normal' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: TeamColorPopup_BorderOnly field.InternalName: AISpecialForces_BorderColor fieldValue: 'cF4C431' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: SpecialForcesType fieldValue: 'BaseOriented' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: AIDifficulty_WardenFleet fieldValue: 'Normal' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: TeamColorPopup_BorderOnly field.InternalName: HunterFleet_BorderColor fieldValue: 'cFF3365' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: HunterFleetType fieldValue: 'Normal' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownSurrogateTable field.InternalName: AIDifficulty_HunterFleet fieldValue: 'Normal' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: TeamColorPopup_BorderOnly field.InternalName: PraetorianGuard_BorderColor fieldValue: 'c009E60' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AISpecialForces, 3 FactionConfig: 0 AISpecialForces Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction HunterFleet, 4 FactionConfig: 0 HunterFleet Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction PraetorianGuard, 5 FactionConfig: 0 PraetorianGuard Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AntagonizedDysonSphere, 6 FactionConfig: 0 AntagonizedDysonSphere Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction Instigators, 7 FactionConfig: 0 Instigators Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction EnragedMacrophage, 8 FactionConfig: 0 EnragedMacrophage Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction Nanocaust, 9 FactionConfig: 0 Nanocaust ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: Intensity fieldValue: '5' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Allegiance fieldValue: 'Hostile To All' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Intelligence fieldValue: 'Tactician' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: BoolToggle field.InternalName: ImmediateAppearance fieldValue: '0' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AIReserves, 10 FactionConfig: 0 AIReserves Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AntiAIZombie, 11 FactionConfig: 0 AntiAIZombie Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AntiEveryoneZombie, 12 FactionConfig: 0 AntiEveryoneZombie Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction AntiPlayerZombie, 13 FactionConfig: 0 AntiPlayerZombie Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction Mercenary, 14 FactionConfig: 0 Mercenary Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction DevourerGolem, 15 FactionConfig: 0 DevourerGolem ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Allegiance fieldValue: 'Hostile To All' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction FallenSpire, 16 FactionConfig: 0 FallenSpire ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: Intensity fieldValue: '5' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Allegiance fieldValue: 'Friendly To Players' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: DebugMode fieldValue: 'Disabled' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction HumanMarauders, 17 FactionConfig: 0 HumanMarauders ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: Intensity fieldValue: '5' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Allegiance fieldValue: 'Hostile To All' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Intelligence fieldValue: 'Tactician' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction HumanResistanceFighters, 18 FactionConfig: 0 HumanResistanceFighters ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: Intensity fieldValue: '5' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction Scourge, 19 FactionConfig: 0 Scourge ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: IntSlider field.InternalName: Intensity fieldValue: '5' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: Allegiance fieldValue: 'Allied To Players' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: ExtraStrongMode fieldValue: 'Disabled' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: FirstArmory fieldValue: 'Random' ProcessFactionConfigCustomFields SettingType: CustomDropdownArbitraryOptions field.InternalName: FirstArmory fieldValue: 'Random' Proccess Faction: SpecialFaction TamedMacrophage, 20 FactionConfig: 0 TamedMacrophage ************************************************************ Galaxies ************************************************************ Generated Planet Count: 80 Helper_AssignHumanHomeworld: 0 for player at faction index 1 planet: Terel Reason: Direct Player Choice Ownership layout SmallClusters for 1 ai factions New AI owning planet Cyteen, faction 2 New AI owning planet Tanith, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kurtz, faction 2 New AI owning planet Young, faction 2 New AI owning planet Mandalon, faction 2 New AI owning planet Olle, faction 2 New AI owning planet Yuon, faction 2 New AI owning planet Neumann, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kamp, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kayal, faction 2 New AI owning planet Date, faction 2 New AI owning planet Prism, faction 2 New AI owning planet Radev, faction 2 New AI owning planet Anahalt, faction 2 New AI owning planet Abiteboul, faction 2 New AI owning planet Elysia, faction 2 New AI owning planet Estocade, faction 2 New AI owning planet Wallach, faction 2 New AI owning planet Herado, faction 2 New AI owning planet Numos, faction 2 New AI owning planet Dewdney, faction 2 New AI owning planet Wang, faction 2 New AI owning planet Mote, faction 2 New AI owning planet Pell, faction 2 New AI owning planet Dijkstra, faction 2 New AI owning planet Lampson, faction 2 New AI owning planet Armus, faction 2 New AI owning planet Engelbart, faction 2 New AI owning planet Karmarkar, faction 2 New AI owning planet Penthe, faction 2 New AI owning planet Malin, faction 2 New AI owning planet Storaasli, faction 2 New AI owning planet Esthar, faction 2 New AI owning planet Carabalilo, faction 2 New AI owning planet Ward, faction 2 New AI owning planet Pandora, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kopara, faction 2 New AI owning planet Thrun, faction 2 New AI owning planet Zhar, faction 2 New AI owning planet Agrawal, faction 2 New AI owning planet Horvitz, faction 2 New AI owning planet Haglao, faction 2 New AI owning planet Trondheim, faction 2 New AI owning planet Typhoon, faction 2 New AI owning planet Dongarra, faction 2 New AI owning planet Blei, faction 2 New AI owning planet Aldebaran, faction 2 New AI owning planet Titan, faction 2 New AI owning planet Halliman, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kolodner, faction 2 New AI owning planet Colmerauer, faction 2 New AI owning planet Helwani, faction 2 New AI owning planet Landis, faction 2 New AI owning planet Cormack, faction 2 New AI owning planet Spides PL, faction 2 New AI owning planet Bollacker, faction 2 New AI owning planet Demaine, faction 2 New AI owning planet Metaxas, faction 2 New AI owning planet Yeltsin, faction 2 New AI owning planet Giles, faction 2 New AI owning planet Manis, faction 2 New AI owning planet Boehm, faction 2 New AI owning planet Glacis, faction 2 New AI owning planet Aalst, faction 2 New AI owning planet Zuse, faction 2 New AI owning planet Thalia, faction 2 New AI owning planet Kemeny, faction 2 New AI owning planet Ocrea, faction 2 New AI owning planet Congo, faction 2 New AI owning planet Tichy, faction 2 New AI owning planet Wolfram, faction 2 Randomly assigned 71 planets SetInitialPlayerVision ExploredByNaturalMeans: Terel PermanentlyWatched: Aldebaran PermanentlyWatched: Pell PermanentlyWatched: Kurtz ExploredByNaturalMeans: Date ExploredByNaturalMeans: Engelbart ExploredByNaturalMeans: Glacis ExploredByNaturalMeans: Armus ExploredByNaturalMeans: Young ExploredByNaturalMeans: Cyteen PermanentlyWatched (HumanHomeworld): Terel AssignDefenseValuesTo: faction: AI (2) AssignDefenseValuesTo: SentinelsExternalIsFilled: True ************************************************************ SeedNormalEntities for planet count: 80 ************************************************************ TerelSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType HumanHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.Player: planet Terel: probably a success. FactionType.AI: HumanHomeworld: testShipDatas.Count( 0 ) CyteenSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Cyteen of mark1: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts TanithSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Tanith of mark2: GuardingWormholesGenerally KurtzSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kurtz of mark1: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts YoungSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Young of mark1: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts MandalonSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Mandalon of mark5: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts OlleSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Olle of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts YuonSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Yuon of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts NeumannSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Neumann of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts KampSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kamp of mark5: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts KayalSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kayal of mark3: GuardingWormholesGenerally DateSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Date of mark1: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts PrismSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Prism of mark5: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand MurdochSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType AIHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: AIHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Murdoch of mark7: AIHome_TwelveSpreadOutGuardPosts TroriaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Troria of mark6: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts RadevSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Radev of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts AnahaltSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Anahalt of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts CeresSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Ceres of mark7: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts AbiteboulSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Abiteboul of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts ElysiaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Elysia of mark5: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts EstocadeSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Estocade of mark5: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand ArturSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Artur of mark6: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts WallachSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Wallach of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts HeradoSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Herado of mark2: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts NumosSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Numos of mark3: OneSingleMasss DewdneySeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Dewdney of mark2: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts WangSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Wang of mark4: GuardingWormholesGenerally MoteSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Mote of mark3: GuardingWormholesGenerally PellSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Pell of mark1: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts DijkstraSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Dijkstra of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts LampsonSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Lampson of mark4: GuardingMetalDeposits ArmusSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Armus of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts EngelbartSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Engelbart of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts KarmarkarSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Karmarkar of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand PentheSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Penthe of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts AtaliaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Atalia of mark6: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand MalinSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Malin of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts StoraasliSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Storaasli of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts EstharSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Esthar of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts CarabaliloSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Carabalilo of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts WardSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Ward of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts PandoraSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Pandora of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts KoparaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kopara of mark3: GuardingMetalDeposits ThrunSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Thrun of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts ZharSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Zhar of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts MoravecSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Moravec of mark5: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts MurraSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Murra of mark6: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand DaiquonSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Daiquon of mark7: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts AgrawalSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Agrawal of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts HorvitzSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Horvitz of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts HaglaoSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Haglao of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts TrondheimSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Trondheim of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts TyphoonSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Typhoon of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts DongarraSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Dongarra of mark5: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts BleiSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Blei of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts AldebaranSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Aldebaran of mark1: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts TitanSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Titan of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts HallimanSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Halliman of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand KolodnerSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kolodner of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts ColmerauerSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Colmerauer of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts HelwaniSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Helwani of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts LandisSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Landis of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts CormackSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Cormack of mark3: GuardingMetalDeposits Spides PLSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Spides PL of mark3: GuardingWormholesGenerally BollackerSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Bollacker of mark5: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts DemaineSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Demaine of mark5: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts MetaxasSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Metaxas of mark5: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts YeltsinSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Yeltsin of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts GilesSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Giles of mark3: GuardingWormholesGenerally ManisSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Manis of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts BoehmSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Boehm of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts GlacisSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Glacis of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts AalstSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Aalst of mark3: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts ZuseSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Zuse of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts ThaliaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Thalia of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts KemenySeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Kemeny of mark4: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts OcreaSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Ocrea of mark3: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts CongoSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Congo of mark4: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts TichySeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Tichy of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts WolframSeedNormalEntities, planet.PopulationType NonHomeworld planet.Factions.Count: 21 FactionType.AI: NonHomeworld: probably a success. Guard post style for planet Wolfram of mark2: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Typhoon BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Horvitz BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Manis BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Haglao BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Artur BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Mandalon BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Tanith BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Elysia BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Tichy BigGunNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Trondheim EyeNastyPick Tag caused seeding of PlasmaEye on planet Carabalilo EyeNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonEye on planet Dongarra EyeNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonEye on planet Aalst SupportStructureNastyPick Tag caused seeding of TroopAccelerator on planet Halliman SupportStructureNastyPick Tag caused seeding of RaidEngine on planet Numos SupportStructureNastyPick Tag caused seeding of BlackHoleMachine on planet Anahalt WildCardNastyPick Tag caused seeding of IonCannon on planet Colmerauer WildCardNastyPick Tag caused seeding of AIFortress on planet Mandalon WildCardNastyPick Tag caused seeding of OrbitalMassDriver on planet Aalst SpireArchive Tag caused seeding of SpireArchive on planet Moravec ************************************************************ DoGameStartLogic ************************************************************ MapgenTime: 272ms