6/16/2022 1:36:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bIconDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bIconDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bIconDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Exception in prototype entity tooltip text generation at stage 105:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership.GetMaxHullPointsMultiplier () [0x0000d] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetMaxHullPoints () [0x000d6] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.GetCurrentHullPoints () [0x00015] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetCurrentMarkLevel (System.Byte newValue) [0x00095] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SetInfoForFakeInUITooltipsOnlyDoNotUseThisAnywhereElse (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData NewTypeData, System.Byte MarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanetOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull) [0x0017e] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00769] in :0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_PrototypeInGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.ShipMouseover (Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.Universal.IArcenUIElementForSizing MustBeAboveOrBelow) [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+bTypeDisplay.HandleMouseover () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnMainThreadUpdate () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/16/2022 1:36:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 1:36:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1295' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 1:36:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 1:36:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID29 Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID29 Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID29 Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Disabled) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID10 Final Checks (1739.1677s) 6/16/2022 1:36:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID10 Reset All Pools From Xml Reload 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID10 Reuse And Ready (2.2039s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID10 Found 632 xml files in 142 folders in 52ms 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID10 Clear And Reload Xml (0.6045s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID10 632 Xml Files Parsed in 552ms 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID10 Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0050s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID10 632 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 4ms 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID10 Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0000s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID10 Prep Tables (0.0005s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0020s) 6/16/2022 1:36:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.8010s) 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0060s) 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Irradiating Low-Ranking Crew (0.4398s) 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0081s) 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0100s) 6/16/2022 1:36:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0221s) 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0730s) 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.2261s) 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.1840s) 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID38 Info: will dump 2092 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 1:36:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/alien tech two\Autosave at 1h 28m 13s.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1295' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Location 1: Go back to main menu since save load failed. 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1295' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 1:52:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Failed to load save in 33ms 6/16/2022 1:52:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 6/16/2022 1:52:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0055s) 6/16/2022 1:52:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/16/2022 1:52:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.5830s) 6/16/2022 1:52:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0040s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Checking Discrete Energy (0.3820s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0090s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0228s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0740s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.2210s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.1950s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 1:52:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 2:37:46 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1710s) 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3843s) 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.1210s) 6/16/2022 2:37:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 58ms 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7630s) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 696ms 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0220s) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0260s) 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/16/2022 2:37:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3310s) 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.4565s) 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3413s) 6/16/2022 2:37:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1886s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3920s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4047s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0295s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0798s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0794s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0460s) 6/16/2022 2:37:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Listening To Starfields (0.0990s) 6/16/2022 2:37:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mopping Up Distant Planets (0.1260s) 6/16/2022 2:37:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/16/2022 2:37:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (0.6685s) 6/16/2022 2:37:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1340s) 6/16/2022 2:37:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/16/2022 2:37:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ensure Time Travel Still Nonfunctional (2.0782s) 6/16/2022 2:37:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0160s) 6/16/2022 2:37:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0290s) 6/16/2022 2:37:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/16/2022 2:37:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2510s) 6/16/2022 2:37:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6430s) 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5900s) 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/16/2022 2:37:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID24 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3180s) 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/16/2022 2:37:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 8.9 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Scrapping Extra Ship Parts (0.7s) Ensure Time Travel Still Nonfunctional (2.1s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/16/2022 2:37:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/temp\Autosave_at_2h_8m_15s (1).save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 2:38:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 2:38:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 2:38:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 890ms 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '125' call records '1098' pooled call records '17' planets '44' factions '269' entities 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '269' entity records 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1098' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1098' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1098' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:22:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:22:24 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/16/2022 3:22:24 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1820s) 6/16/2022 3:22:24 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/16/2022 3:22:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/16/2022 3:22:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2655s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0420s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 53ms 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7395s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 678ms 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0260s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0320s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 8ms 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0641s) 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/16/2022 3:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 3:22:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 3:22:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1059s) 6/16/2022 3:22:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3270s) 6/16/2022 3:22:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2250s) 6/16/2022 3:22:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3880s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2614s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0220s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0730s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0540s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fearing Starfields (0.1020s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gazing At Distant Planets (0.1240s) 6/16/2022 3:22:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/16/2022 3:22:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.6640s) 6/16/2022 3:22:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1280s) 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Upgrade /dev/null (2.0579s) 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0245s) 6/16/2022 3:22:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1940s) 6/16/2022 3:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6340s) 6/16/2022 3:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5810s) 6/16/2022 3:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/16/2022 3:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/16/2022 3:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID22 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/16/2022 3:22:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/16/2022 3:22:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3280s) 6/16/2022 3:22:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0030s) 6/16/2022 3:22:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7s) Upgrade /dev/null (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/16/2022 3:22:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\lamps_nanos.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:23:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:23:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 631ms 6/16/2022 3:23:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID25 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 2, now 10 Interceptor Turret from Turret Schematic Server 6/16/2022 3:24:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/16/2022 3:24:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 3:24:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 3:47:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID22 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 5, now 10 Implosion Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '26' call records '411' pooled call records '3' planets '14' factions '87' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '87' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 16m 4s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 3:53:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 342ms 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 14m 3s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '411' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 3:53:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 423ms 6/16/2022 4:04:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID12 spawnOutguardGroup at 1555: Requesting group Spire Archivist on planet The Other Planet at 415010,412433 at time 1555 6/16/2022 4:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 4:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '211' call records '547' pooled call records '6' planets '30' factions '249' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '249' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '547' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '547' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '547' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 10m 2s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '547' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '547' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 4:12:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 335ms 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '70' call records '477' pooled call records '5' planets '14' factions '69' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '69' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 12m 3s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 4:15:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 338ms 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 14m 3s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 4:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 323ms 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\Autosave at 30m 8s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:15:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:15:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/16/2022 4:15:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 359ms 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\lamps_nanos.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:16:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 299ms 6/16/2022 4:16:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID8 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 2, now 10 Interceptor Turret from Turret Schematic Server 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '4' planets '17' factions '102' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '102' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamps_nanos\lamps_nanos.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '477' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 292ms 6/16/2022 4:41:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID16 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 2, now 10 Interceptor Turret from Turret Schematic Server 6/16/2022 4:42:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/16/2022 4:42:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/16/2022 4:42:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/16/2022 4:59:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID9 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 5, now 10 Implosion Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '7' planets '25' factions '181' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '181' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 233ms 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID19 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 407102552 and planet count 80 and 12 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID19 Map structure generated in 37ms. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID19 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/16/2022 5:17:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID19 Generate Partial Map Complete 75ms Seed: 407102552 6/16/2022 5:17:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/16/2022 5:17:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/16/2022 5:17:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 407102552 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/16/2022 5:17:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:17:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:17:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/16/2022 5:17:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 407102552 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '587' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/16/2022 5:18:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 3:14:16 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/17/2022 3:14:16 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1655s) 6/17/2022 3:14:17 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/17/2022 3:14:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/17/2022 3:14:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3760s) 6/17/2022 3:14:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.4071s) 6/17/2022 3:14:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 76ms 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.2900s) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,209ms 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0200s) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 10ms 6/17/2022 3:14:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3600s) 6/17/2022 3:14:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/17/2022 3:14:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/17/2022 3:14:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/17/2022 3:14:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.7830s) 6/17/2022 3:14:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (1.7295s) 6/17/2022 3:14:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3251s) 6/17/2022 3:14:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4070s) 6/17/2022 3:14:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (1.3463s) 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0400s) 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0960s) 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0440s) 6/17/2022 3:14:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Blowing Out Starfields (0.6650s) 6/17/2022 3:14:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Crawling Distant Planets (0.5780s) 6/17/2022 3:14:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/17/2022 3:14:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7055s) 6/17/2022 3:14:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1280s) 6/17/2022 3:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/17/2022 3:14:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ensure Engines Can Take It (10.4308s) 6/17/2022 3:14:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0152s) 6/17/2022 3:14:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/17/2022 3:14:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s) 6/17/2022 3:14:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.3090s) 6/17/2022 3:14:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6480s) 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5600s) 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/17/2022 3:14:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID15 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.4010s) 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/17/2022 3:14:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 22.0 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.7s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (1.3s) Blowing Out Starfields (0.7s) Crawling Distant Planets (0.6s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7s) Ensure Engines Can Take It (10.4s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/17/2022 3:14:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 319ms 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 183430895 and planet count 80 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID16 Map structure generated in 36ms. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/17/2022 3:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 99ms Seed: 183430895 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 3:19:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 6:59:42 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/17/2022 6:59:42 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1970s) 6/17/2022 6:59:42 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/17/2022 6:59:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/17/2022 6:59:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4355s) 6/17/2022 6:59:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.4572s) 6/17/2022 6:59:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 85ms 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3251s) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,235ms 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0320s) 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/17/2022 6:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3620s) 6/17/2022 6:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/17/2022 6:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/17/2022 6:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/17/2022 6:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.4850s) 6/17/2022 6:59:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8087s) 6/17/2022 6:59:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3550s) 6/17/2022 6:59:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4095s) 6/17/2022 6:59:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/17/2022 6:59:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.9053s) 6/17/2022 6:59:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/17/2022 6:59:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0390s) 6/17/2022 6:59:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1161s) 6/17/2022 6:59:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0392s) 6/17/2022 6:59:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Scattering Starfields (0.6750s) 6/17/2022 6:59:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Rejecting Distant Planets (0.4843s) 6/17/2022 6:59:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/17/2022 6:59:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.6660s) 6/17/2022 6:59:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1530s) 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Upgrade Blast Capacity (8.3085s) 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0135s) 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0260s) 6/17/2022 6:59:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2650s) 6/17/2022 6:59:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6500s) 6/17/2022 6:59:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5020s) 6/17/2022 6:59:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/17/2022 6:59:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/17/2022 6:59:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID5 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/17/2022 7:00:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/17/2022 7:00:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3822s) 6/17/2022 7:00:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/17/2022 7:00:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.2 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.5s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Scattering Starfields (0.7s) Rejecting Distant Planets (0.5s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.7s) Upgrade Blast Capacity (8.3s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/17/2022 7:00:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Error on init Steam - is Steam running? 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 316ms 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID33 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 851338427 and planet count 80 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID33 Map structure generated in 26ms. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID33 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/17/2022 7:00:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID33 Generate Partial Map Complete 85ms Seed: 851338427 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/17/2022 7:00:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:30:10 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1810s) 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3340s) 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2330s) 6/18/2022 7:30:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 66ms 6/18/2022 7:30:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3560s) 6/18/2022 7:30:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,284ms 6/18/2022 7:30:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 7:30:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0220s) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3390s) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:30:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5250s) 6/18/2022 7:30:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7721s) 6/18/2022 7:30:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3010s) 6/18/2022 7:30:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4100s) 6/18/2022 7:30:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.7486s) 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0391s) 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0881s) 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0370s) 6/18/2022 7:30:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Challenging Starfields (0.6545s) 6/18/2022 7:30:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Breaking Distant Planets (0.4702s) 6/18/2022 7:30:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/18/2022 7:30:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.6803s) 6/18/2022 7:30:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1470s) 6/18/2022 7:30:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 7:30:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Deploying Portable Singularity (8.4580s) 6/18/2022 7:30:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/18/2022 7:30:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/18/2022 7:30:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0230s) 6/18/2022 7:30:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2601s) 6/18/2022 7:30:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6420s) 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5094s) 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 6/18/2022 7:30:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID21 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3881s) 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 17.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.4s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Challenging Starfields (0.7s) Breaking Distant Planets (0.5s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7s) Deploying Portable Singularity (8.5s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/18/2022 7:30:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Error on init Steam - is Steam running? 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 308ms 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID31 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1009536136 and planet count 80 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID31 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID31 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID31 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID31 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID31 Map structure generated in 35ms. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID31 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/18/2022 7:30:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID31 Generate Partial Map Complete 95ms Seed: 1009536136 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:32:21 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 7:32:21 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1760s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2232s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0390s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 52ms 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7226s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 663ms 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0020s) 6/18/2022 7:32:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0290s) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0290s) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1050s) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3330s) 6/18/2022 7:32:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2090s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3960s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2700s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0160s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0680s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Challenging Starfields (0.0880s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pinpointing Distant Planets (0.1000s) 6/18/2022 7:32:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0170s) 6/18/2022 7:32:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.7100s) 6/18/2022 7:32:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1320s) 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Forcefield Integrity (2.0980s) 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0170s) 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0250s) 6/18/2022 7:32:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1930s) 6/18/2022 7:32:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6220s) 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6340s) 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/18/2022 7:32:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID22 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3140s) 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.7s) Check Forcefield Integrity (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/18/2022 7:32:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Error on init Steam - is Steam running? 6/18/2022 10:50:53 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 10:50:53 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1735s) 6/18/2022 10:50:53 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 10:50:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 10:50:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4249s) 6/18/2022 10:50:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2580s) 6/18/2022 10:50:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 64ms 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.1289s) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,058ms 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0461s) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0379s) 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 11ms 6/18/2022 10:50:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3825s) 6/18/2022 10:50:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/18/2022 10:50:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 10:50:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 10:50:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5209s) 6/18/2022 10:50:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8144s) 6/18/2022 10:50:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3485s) 6/18/2022 10:50:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3920s) 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.9064s) 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0710s) 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1213s) 6/18/2022 10:50:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0330s) 6/18/2022 10:50:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grappling Starfields (0.6895s) 6/18/2022 10:51:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gazing At Distant Planets (0.4929s) 6/18/2022 10:51:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/18/2022 10:51:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (0.6536s) 6/18/2022 10:51:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1310s) 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Planetary Collision Avoidance (8.5903s) 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0139s) 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0251s) 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/18/2022 10:51:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2820s) 6/18/2022 10:51:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6150s) 6/18/2022 10:51:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4970s) 6/18/2022 10:51:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 10:51:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/18/2022 10:51:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID17 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 10:51:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 10:51:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3581s) 6/18/2022 10:51:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/18/2022 10:51:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.1 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.1s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Grappling Starfields (0.7s) Gazing At Distant Planets (0.5s) Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (0.7s) Planetary Collision Avoidance (8.6s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/18/2022 10:51:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 312ms 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID5 Map structure generated in 32ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/18/2022 10:51:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 91ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Concentric and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID9 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 36ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Bubbles and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID10 Map structure generated in 5ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Compass and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID17 Compass. centerSizeParm 2 (18) numRings 2 connections 2 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID17 Map structure generated in 8ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID17 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID15 Map structure generated in 11ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID15 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete 25ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID10 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 26ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 495837762 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 46ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID18 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 495837762 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID18 Map structure generated in 7ms. 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID18 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:51:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID18 Generate Partial Map Complete 24ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 495837762 and planet count 50 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID6 Map structure generated in 3ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 12ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 495837762 and planet count 50 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID14 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID14 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID14 Map structure generated in 2ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID14 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete 10ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Concentric and seed 495837762 and planet count 50 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID16 Map structure generated in 1ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 10ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 495837762 and planet count 50 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID15 Map structure generated in 41ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID15 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete 49ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 495837762 and planet count 50 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID5 Map structure generated in 2ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 10ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 495837762 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID14 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID14 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID14 Map structure generated in 4ms. 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID14 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:52:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 495837762 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 55976142 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID9 Map structure generated in 6ms. 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:53:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 55976142 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 55976142 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID11 Map structure generated in 15ms. 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:53:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 33ms Seed: 55976142 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 762669862 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED101 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED102 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED103 TID6 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED104 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:54:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 36ms Seed: 762669862 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:54:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:55:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 10:55:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 10:55:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 212ms 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID9 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/18/2022 10:56:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 25ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID7 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID7 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID7 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 10:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 10:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED119 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED120 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED121 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED122 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED123 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 10:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 10:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED124 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED125 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED126 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED127 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED128 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:57:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 10:57:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 10:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED129 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED130 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED131 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED132 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED133 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:57:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 10:57:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 10:57:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED134 TID19 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:57:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED135 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:57:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED136 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:57:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED137 TID19 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:57:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED138 TID19 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:57:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 10:57:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 10:57:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED139 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 31 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:57:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED140 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:57:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED141 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:57:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED142 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:57:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED143 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:58:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED144 TID18 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:58:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED145 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:58:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED146 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:58:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED147 TID18 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:58:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED148 TID18 Generate Partial Map Complete 39ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:59:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED149 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:59:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED150 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:59:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED151 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:59:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED152 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:59:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED153 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 10:59:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED154 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 10:59:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED155 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 10:59:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED156 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 10:59:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED157 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 10:59:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED158 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED159 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED160 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED161 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED162 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED163 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:13:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED164 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:13:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED165 TID8 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:13:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED166 TID8 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:13:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED167 TID8 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:13:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED168 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED169 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED170 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED171 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED172 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED173 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED174 TID21 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED175 TID21 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED176 TID21 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED177 TID21 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED178 TID21 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:14:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED179 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:14:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED180 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:14:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED181 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:14:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED182 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:14:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED183 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:15:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED184 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 551694667 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:15:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED185 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:15:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED186 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:15:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED187 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:15:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED188 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 551694667 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED189 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 340213879 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED190 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED191 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED192 TID6 Map structure generated in 11ms. 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED193 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:25:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED194 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 31ms Seed: 340213879 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED195 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 724386505 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED196 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED197 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED198 TID16 Map structure generated in 15ms. 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED199 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED200 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 34ms Seed: 724386505 6/18/2022 11:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED201 TID20 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 724386505 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED202 TID20 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED203 TID20 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED204 TID20 Map structure generated in 15ms. 6/18/2022 11:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED205 TID20 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED206 TID20 Generate Partial Map Complete 33ms Seed: 724386505 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED207 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 155425654 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED208 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED209 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED210 TID10 Map structure generated in 14ms. 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED211 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED212 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 32ms Seed: 155425654 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED213 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 890933092 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED214 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED215 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED216 TID16 Map structure generated in 16ms. 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED217 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:26:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED218 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 890933092 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED219 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 890933092 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED220 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED221 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED222 TID9 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED223 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:26:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED224 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 31ms Seed: 890933092 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED225 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 183388463 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED226 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED227 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED228 TID6 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED229 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:26:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED230 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 31ms Seed: 183388463 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED231 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED232 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED233 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED234 TID11 Map structure generated in 14ms. 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED235 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:27:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED236 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 33ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:33:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED237 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:33:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED238 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:33:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED239 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:33:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED240 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:33:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED241 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:33:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED242 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:33:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED243 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:33:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED244 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:33:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED245 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:33:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED246 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:34:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED247 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:34:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED248 TID7 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:34:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED249 TID7 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:34:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED250 TID7 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:34:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED251 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED252 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED253 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED254 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED255 TID17 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 11:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED256 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:36:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED257 TID16 Start Generate FULL Map with Simple and seed 249750112 and planet count 90 and 29 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 11:36:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED258 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:36:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED259 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:36:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED260 TID16 Generate FULL Map Complete 787ms Seed: 249750112 6/18/2022 11:36:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED261 TID21 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 2, now 10 Micro Concussive Missile Turret from Turret Schematic Server 6/18/2022 11:36:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED262 TID21 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 4, now 10 Area Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '3' call records '377' pooled call records '6' planets '16' factions '115' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '115' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/expert77_dz5_macros\Autosave at 8m 1s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 11:55:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 386ms 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/expert77_dz5_macros\Autosave at 6m 1s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '377' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 11:55:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 321ms 6/18/2022 12:39:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED263 TID25 Raid Engine #2778 AI Sentinels on Azure Dream is sending a wave against Dismiss 6/18/2022 12:41:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED264 TID14 Raid Engine #2778 AI Sentinels on Azure Dream is sending a wave against Dismiss 6/18/2022 12:43:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED265 TID17 Raid Engine #2778 AI Sentinels on Azure Dream is sending a wave against Dismiss 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '796' pooled call records '14' planets '51' factions '522' entities 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '522' entity records 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '796' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '796' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '796' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:12:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 2:38:48 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 2:38:48 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2080s) 6/18/2022 2:38:49 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 2:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 2:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2989s) 6/18/2022 2:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0500s) 6/18/2022 2:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 62ms 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7610s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 694ms 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0240s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0260s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0610s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1120s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3240s) 6/18/2022 2:38:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2080s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3840s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2540s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0180s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0750s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0540s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Sweet-Talking Starfields (0.1000s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resizing Distant Planets (0.1190s) 6/18/2022 2:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/18/2022 2:38:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.6690s) 6/18/2022 2:38:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1270s) 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (2.0854s) 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0247s) 6/18/2022 2:38:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1940s) 6/18/2022 2:38:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6210s) 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6130s) 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 6/18/2022 2:38:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID11 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3034s) 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.7s) Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/18/2022 2:38:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/com_hard\1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 2:41:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 883ms 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 2:41:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 3:48:46 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 3:48:46 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1935s) 6/18/2022 3:48:47 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 3:48:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 3:48:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2630s) 6/18/2022 3:48:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0400s) 6/18/2022 3:48:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 52ms 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7340s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 677ms 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0070s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0260s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0250s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0666s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1040s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3337s) 6/18/2022 3:48:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2060s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4010s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2488s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0160s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0150s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0740s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0430s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fearing Starfields (0.0950s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reconstituting Distant Planets (0.1190s) 6/18/2022 3:48:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/18/2022 3:48:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.6700s) 6/18/2022 3:48:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1290s) 6/18/2022 3:48:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 3:48:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Harmonizing Prisms (2.1432s) 6/18/2022 3:48:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0148s) 6/18/2022 3:48:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/18/2022 3:48:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s) 6/18/2022 3:48:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1910s) 6/18/2022 3:48:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6200s) 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6270s) 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/18/2022 3:48:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID15 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3130s) 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7s) Harmonizing Prisms (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/18/2022 3:48:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 306ms 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 957610245 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:02:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:02:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID13 Map structure generated in 312ms. 6/18/2022 7:02:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID13 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/18/2022 7:02:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete 376ms Seed: 957610245 6/18/2022 7:02:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/18/2022 7:02:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/18/2022 7:03:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID43 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 957610245 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 7:03:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID43 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:03:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID43 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:03:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID43 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/18/2022 7:03:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID43 Generate Partial Map Complete 24ms Seed: 957610245 6/18/2022 7:12:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID31 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 957610245 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 7:12:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID31 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:12:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID31 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:12:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID31 Generate FULL Map Complete 664ms Seed: 957610245 6/18/2022 7:15:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:15:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:15:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:15:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:15:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:15:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:16:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:17:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:17:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:17:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:21:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:21:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:21:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:22:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 7:22:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 7:22:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '27' call records '689' pooled call records '4' planets '5' factions '21' entities 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '21' entity records 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:29:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:29:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 196ms 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID47 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 848589082 and planet count 90 and 17 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID47 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID47 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID47 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID47 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID47 Map structure generated in 267ms. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID47 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/18/2022 7:30:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID47 Generate Partial Map Complete 283ms Seed: 848589082 6/18/2022 9:25:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID43 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 848589082 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/18/2022 9:25:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID43 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 9:25:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID43 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 9:25:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID43 Generate FULL Map Complete 442ms Seed: 848589082 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '3' planets '4' factions '4' entities 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '4' entity records 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '689' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/18/2022 9:26:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/18/2022 10:03:18 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/18/2022 10:03:18 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1690s) 6/18/2022 10:03:18 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/18/2022 10:03:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/18/2022 10:03:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3650s) 6/18/2022 10:03:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2120s) 6/18/2022 10:03:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 56ms 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.2019s) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,141ms 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0250s) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/18/2022 10:03:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3514s) 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.4772s) 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3370s) 6/18/2022 10:03:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1830s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4500s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4307s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0186s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0440s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0620s) 6/18/2022 10:03:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0380s) 6/18/2022 10:03:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Cooking Starfields (0.1250s) 6/18/2022 10:03:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Discovering Distant Planets (0.1360s) 6/18/2022 10:03:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0110s) 6/18/2022 10:03:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.6870s) 6/18/2022 10:03:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1680s) 6/18/2022 10:03:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/18/2022 10:03:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Closest Relative Dimensions (2.4833s) 6/18/2022 10:03:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0130s) 6/18/2022 10:03:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0760s) 6/18/2022 10:03:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0275s) 6/18/2022 10:03:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.6775s) 6/18/2022 10:03:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6268s) 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4460s) 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/18/2022 10:03:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID25 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3260s) 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/18/2022 10:03:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 10.2 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (1.2s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.7s) Calculate Closest Relative Dimensions (2.5s) Windshield Wiping (0.7s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/18/2022 10:03:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1820s) 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2727s) 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0580s) 6/19/2022 10:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 51ms 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.6985s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 643ms 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0020s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0253s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0325s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0570s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1079s) 6/19/2022 10:14:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3230s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1970s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3741s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2530s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0220s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0740s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/19/2022 10:14:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Surrounding Starfields (0.1020s) 6/19/2022 10:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Browsing Distant Planets (0.1230s) 6/19/2022 10:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/19/2022 10:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (0.6330s) 6/19/2022 10:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1210s) 6/19/2022 10:14:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/19/2022 10:14:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Harmonizing Prisms (2.0823s) 6/19/2022 10:14:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0146s) 6/19/2022 10:14:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/19/2022 10:14:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/19/2022 10:14:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1803s) 6/19/2022 10:14:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6096s) 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5875s) 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/19/2022 10:14:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID28 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2931s) 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0030s) 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.6 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Declaring Ship Parts At Customs (0.6s) Harmonizing Prisms (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/19/2022 10:14:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Nanageddon\Autosave at 10m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Location 1: Go back to main menu since save load failed. 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/19/2022 11:11:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Failed to load save in 194ms 6/19/2022 11:11:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 6/19/2022 11:11:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0040s) 6/19/2022 11:11:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.6446s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0030s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Facility Burst Components (0.3773s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0100s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0200s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0755s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.2065s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.1876s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0030s) 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/19/2022 11:11:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Nanageddon\Autosave at 10m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/19/2022 11:11:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/19/2022 11:11:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 763ms 6/19/2022 1:27:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/20/2022 10:59:38 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/20/2022 10:59:38 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1880s) 6/20/2022 10:59:38 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/20/2022 10:59:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/20/2022 10:59:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4190s) 6/20/2022 10:59:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2769s) 6/20/2022 10:59:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 54ms 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.2711s) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,211ms 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0491s) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0377s) 6/20/2022 10:59:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 10ms 6/20/2022 10:59:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3707s) 6/20/2022 10:59:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/20/2022 10:59:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/20/2022 10:59:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/20/2022 10:59:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5318s) 6/20/2022 10:59:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7642s) 6/20/2022 10:59:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3631s) 6/20/2022 10:59:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4010s) 6/20/2022 10:59:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/20/2022 10:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.9175s) 6/20/2022 10:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/20/2022 10:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0450s) 6/20/2022 10:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1240s) 6/20/2022 10:59:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0474s) 6/20/2022 10:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Medicating Starfields (0.6850s) 6/20/2022 10:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Crawling Distant Planets (0.5167s) 6/20/2022 10:59:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0146s) 6/20/2022 10:59:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.7059s) 6/20/2022 10:59:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1322s) 6/20/2022 10:59:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/20/2022 10:59:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Scan For Internal Dissent (8.5787s) 6/20/2022 10:59:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/20/2022 10:59:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/20/2022 10:59:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0230s) 6/20/2022 10:59:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2917s) 6/20/2022 10:59:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6213s) 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6265s) 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID9 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3843s) 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/20/2022 10:59:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.5 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Medicating Starfields (0.7s) Crawling Distant Planets (0.5s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.7s) Scan For Internal Dissent (8.6s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/20/2022 10:59:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 339ms 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID19 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 311536557 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID19 Map structure generated in 22ms. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID19 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/20/2022 11:00:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID19 Generate Partial Map Complete 116ms Seed: 311536557 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 204ms 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID24 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 846631115 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID24 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID24 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID24 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID24 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID24 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID24 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/20/2022 11:00:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID24 Generate Partial Map Complete 28ms Seed: 846631115 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_1\Campaign_Start (5).save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 471ms 6/20/2022 11:00:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID11 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 10, now 1 Drone Garrison from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_1\Campaign_Start (6).save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:02:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:02:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 292ms 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID34 Doing full invasion logic 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID34 Deploying 2 dragons 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID29 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID29 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID29 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID29 Spawning 9,600 strength, 39 units against overall power level 0.05 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID29 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID29 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID29 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID29 Spawning 9,600 strength, 37 units against overall power level 0.05 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID29 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID29 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID29 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID29 Spawning 9,600 strength, 39 units against overall power level 0.05 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID29 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID29 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID29 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID29 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:04:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID29 Spawning 9,600 strength, 41 units against overall power level 0.05 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID8 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID20 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID5 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID18 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID20 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID28 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID12 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:05:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID27 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '1' planets '1' factions '3' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '3' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_1\Campaign_Start (6).save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '93' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 11:08:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 11:08:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 285ms 6/20/2022 11:09:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID18 Doing full invasion logic 6/20/2022 11:09:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID18 Deploying 2 dragons 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID36 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID36 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID36 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID36 Spawning 9,600 strength, 36 units against overall power level 0.07 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID36 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID36 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID36 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID36 Spawning 9,600 strength, 42 units against overall power level 0.07 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID36 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID36 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID36 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID36 Spawning 9,600 strength, 37 units against overall power level 0.07 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID36 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID36 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID36 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (10): 8000 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID36 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 9600 6/20/2022 11:09:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID36 Spawning 9,600 strength, 35 units against overall power level 0.07 6/20/2022 11:09:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID28 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID16 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID35 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID29 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:09:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID16 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID27 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID26 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID18 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED101 TID22 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED102 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED103 TID31 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED104 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID33 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID29 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID12 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID25 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID22 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED119 TID25 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED120 TID11 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED121 TID36 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED122 TID5 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED123 TID25 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED124 TID35 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED125 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED126 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED127 TID18 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED128 TID26 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED129 TID16 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED130 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED131 TID35 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED132 TID21 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED133 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED134 TID16 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED135 TID28 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED136 TID8 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED137 TID8 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED138 TID21 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED139 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED140 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED141 TID32 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED142 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED143 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED144 TID33 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED145 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED146 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED147 TID20 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED148 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED149 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED150 TID12 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED151 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:11:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED152 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED153 TID21 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED154 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED155 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED156 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED157 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED158 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED159 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED160 TID12 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED161 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED162 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED163 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED164 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED165 TID37 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:12:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED166 TID14 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED167 TID35 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED168 TID18 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED169 TID31 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED170 TID38 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED171 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED172 TID26 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:13:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED173 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED174 TID5 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED175 TID39 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED176 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED177 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED178 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED179 TID28 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:14:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED180 TID31 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED181 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED182 TID16 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED183 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED184 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED185 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED186 TID8 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:15:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED187 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/20/2022 11:19:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED188 TID33 Raid Engine #2233 AI Sentinels on Sinecure is sending a wave against Dark Zenith 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '5' call records '1053' pooled call records '11' planets '65' factions '590' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '590' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1053' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1053' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1053' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_1\Autosave at 10m 2s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1053' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1053' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:42:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 362ms 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '16' call records '1037' pooled call records '1' planets '3' factions '9' entities 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '9' entity records 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:46:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 199ms 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED189 TID32 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 962950488 and planet count 80 and 15 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED190 TID32 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED191 TID32 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED192 TID32 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED193 TID32 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED194 TID32 Map structure generated in 18ms. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED195 TID32 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/20/2022 12:47:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED196 TID32 Generate Partial Map Complete 42ms Seed: 962950488 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 202ms 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED197 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 782455941 and planet count 80 and 15 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED198 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED199 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED200 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED201 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED202 TID6 Map structure generated in 6ms. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED203 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/20/2022 12:47:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED204 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 782455941 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:47:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 216ms 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED205 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 824996564 and planet count 80 and 15 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED206 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED207 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED208 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED209 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED210 TID11 Map structure generated in 3ms. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED211 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/20/2022 12:48:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED212 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 824996564 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1037' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/20/2022 12:48:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 7:56:55 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/21/2022 7:56:55 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1663s) 6/21/2022 7:56:56 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/21/2022 7:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/21/2022 7:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3991s) 6/21/2022 7:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2521s) 6/21/2022 7:56:56 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 64ms 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3366s) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,268ms 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0020s) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0412s) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0400s) 6/21/2022 7:56:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 11ms 6/21/2022 7:56:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3650s) 6/21/2022 7:56:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/21/2022 7:56:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/21/2022 7:56:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/21/2022 7:56:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5220s) 6/21/2022 7:56:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7483s) 6/21/2022 7:56:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3509s) 6/21/2022 7:57:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4169s) 6/21/2022 7:57:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/21/2022 7:57:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.8994s) 6/21/2022 7:57:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0240s) 6/21/2022 7:57:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0450s) 6/21/2022 7:57:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1251s) 6/21/2022 7:57:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0520s) 6/21/2022 7:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Weepinig Over Starfields (0.6797s) 6/21/2022 7:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Discovering Distant Planets (0.4935s) 6/21/2022 7:57:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0180s) 6/21/2022 7:57:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (0.6547s) 6/21/2022 7:57:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1422s) 6/21/2022 7:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/21/2022 7:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Disconnect All Space Elevators (8.4981s) 6/21/2022 7:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0240s) 6/21/2022 7:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/21/2022 7:57:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0250s) 6/21/2022 7:57:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2644s) 6/21/2022 7:57:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6426s) 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5740s) 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/21/2022 7:57:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID13 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3420s) 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/21/2022 7:57:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.2 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Weepinig Over Starfields (0.7s) Discovering Distant Planets (0.5s) Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (0.7s) Disconnect All Space Elevators (8.5s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/21/2022 7:57:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Campaign_Start (7).save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 649ms 6/21/2022 7:57:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID22 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 3, now 4 Interplanetary Engineer from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '31' call records '462' pooled call records '14' planets '70' factions '540' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '540' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '462' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '462' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '462' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 30m 6s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '462' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '462' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/21/2022 8:35:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 339ms 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '622' call records '1054' pooled call records '31' planets '231' factions '1928' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '1928' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1054' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1054' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1054' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 1h 26m 17s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1054' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1054' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/21/2022 10:08:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 414ms 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '147' call records '3597' pooled call records '15' planets '53' factions '229' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '229' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '3597' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '3597' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '3597' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 1h 26m 17s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '3597' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '3597' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/21/2022 10:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 402ms 6/21/2022 10:14:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID35 Doing full invasion logic 6/21/2022 10:14:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID35 Deploying 2 dragons 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID51 null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID51 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID51 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID51 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (276): 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 13353.6 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID51 Spawning 13,353.6 strength, 15 units against overall power level 1.07 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID51 null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID51 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID51 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID51 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (276): 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 13353.6 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID51 Spawning 13,353.6 strength, 16 units against overall power level 1.07 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID51 null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID51 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID51 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID51 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (276): 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 13353.6 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID51 Spawning 13,353.6 strength, 16 units against overall power level 1.07 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID51 null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID51 DZ Invasion with difficulty: difficulty4 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID51 spawning 2 defensive structures near structures 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID51 DZ base invasion strength per planet: 8000 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in overall power level: 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring current player strength (276): 11128 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID51 DZ invasion strength after factoring in ai difficulty: 13353.6 6/21/2022 10:14:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID51 Spawning 13,353.6 strength, 14 units against overall power level 1.07 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID42 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID31 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID18 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID27 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID24 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:14:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID14 Reconquest Seeding for Yup, Still On Fire: guard post placer: GuardingWormholesGenerally scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID49 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID44 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID33 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID47 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:15:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID5 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID15 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID51 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID17 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID6 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID25 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID44 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID52 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID50 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID40 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:16:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID50 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID23 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID32 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID49 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID35 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID8 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID50 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:18:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID13 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID34 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID43 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID46 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID49 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID43 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:19:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID43 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID49 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID37 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID15 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID30 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID19 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID15 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:20:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID53 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID7 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID10 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID25 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID12 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID43 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:21:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID48 There are 84 non-destroyed planets in this galaxy, and there are only 80 connected 6/21/2022 10:22:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID44 Reconquest Seeding for Bountiful Empire: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6 6/21/2022 11:04:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 8:45:01 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/22/2022 8:45:01 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1850s) 6/22/2022 8:45:02 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/22/2022 8:45:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/22/2022 8:45:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4291s) 6/22/2022 8:45:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2620s) 6/22/2022 8:45:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 69ms 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.4890s) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,415ms 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0250s) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0350s) 6/22/2022 8:45:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 9ms 6/22/2022 8:45:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3830s) 6/22/2022 8:45:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/22/2022 8:45:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/22/2022 8:45:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/22/2022 8:45:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5933s) 6/22/2022 8:45:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7728s) 6/22/2022 8:45:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3722s) 6/22/2022 8:45:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3780s) 6/22/2022 8:45:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/22/2022 8:45:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.8979s) 6/22/2022 8:45:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0210s) 6/22/2022 8:45:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0460s) 6/22/2022 8:45:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1271s) 6/22/2022 8:45:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/22/2022 8:45:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Cooking Starfields (0.6847s) 6/22/2022 8:45:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pillaging Distant Planets (0.4996s) 6/22/2022 8:45:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/22/2022 8:45:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.6184s) 6/22/2022 8:45:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1230s) 6/22/2022 8:45:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/22/2022 8:45:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Discharging Static (8.6018s) 6/22/2022 8:45:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0122s) 6/22/2022 8:45:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/22/2022 8:45:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/22/2022 8:45:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2720s) 6/22/2022 8:45:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6310s) 6/22/2022 8:45:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5530s) 6/22/2022 8:45:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/22/2022 8:45:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 6/22/2022 8:45:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID12 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/22/2022 8:45:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/22/2022 8:45:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3254s) 6/22/2022 8:45:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/22/2022 8:45:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.5 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.5s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Cooking Starfields (0.7s) Pillaging Distant Planets (0.5s) Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.6s) Discharging Static (8.6s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/22/2022 8:45:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2/Autosave at 2h 4m 24s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 8:45:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 8:45:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 8:45:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 981ms 6/22/2022 9:54:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID24 Reconquest Seeding for Mistakes Were Made: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '9' call records '6716' pooled call records '29' planets '176' factions '1365' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '1365' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 24m 30s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:12:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 10:12:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 520ms 6/22/2022 10:12:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 22m 29s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '6716' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:12:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:12:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 10:12:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 458ms 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '1023' call records '5693' pooled call records '10' planets '28' factions '100' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '100' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5693' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5693' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5693' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 22m 29s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5693' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5693' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 10:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 438ms 6/22/2022 10:15:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 10:15:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '45' call records '5648' pooled call records '9' planets '20' factions '51' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '51' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5648' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5648' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5648' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 20m 28s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5648' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5648' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 10:15:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 467ms 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '13' call records '5635' pooled call records '15' planets '73' factions '478' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '478' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5635' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5635' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5635' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 24m 29s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5635' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5635' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 10:19:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 471ms 6/22/2022 10:50:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID48 Reconquest Seeding for ”Caritas”: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 6/22/2022 10:53:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/22/2022 10:53:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/22/2022 10:53:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/22/2022 11:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID22 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '10' call records '5625' pooled call records '43' planets '255' factions '2510' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '2510' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 0m 38s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:21:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 5 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 11:21:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 482ms 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 58m 38s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5625' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:21:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:21:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 11:21:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 463ms 6/22/2022 11:22:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 11:22:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '23' call records '5602' pooled call records '8' planets '18' factions '70' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:10 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '70' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5602' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5602' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5602' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 2h 58m 38s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5602' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5602' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:22:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:22:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 11:22:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 458ms 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '99' call records '5503' pooled call records '20' planets '78' factions '626' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '626' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 6m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:36:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 11:36:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 536ms 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 2m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5503' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 11:36:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 498ms 6/22/2022 11:39:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID19 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 11:42:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID49 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 11:43:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID31 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 11:44:26 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID24 Reconquest Seeding for Mistakes Were Made: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '334' call records '5169' pooled call records '16' planets '84' factions '680' entities 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '680' entity records 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:07:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 470ms 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 4m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5169' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:08:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 498ms 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '31' call records '5138' pooled call records '17' planets '70' factions '516' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '516' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 10m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:15:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 532ms 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 12m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:15:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 550ms 6/22/2022 12:15:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 12:15:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 10m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:15:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 533ms 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 8m 39s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '5138' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 2 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 12:15:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 508ms 6/22/2022 12:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/22/2022 12:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/22/2022 12:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/22/2022 12:49:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID45 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '183' call records '4955' pooled call records '43' planets '221' factions '1974' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '1974' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4955' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4955' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4955' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\2.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4955' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4955' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 1:07:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 441ms 6/22/2022 1:07:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID56 DoEntitySecondLogic for Drone Raider debug code 10 exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DoEntitySecondLogic_FromAsync (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenClientOrHostSimContextCore Context) [0x00394] in :0 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '59' call records '4896' pooled call records '19' planets '66' factions '321' entities 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '321' entity records 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4896' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4896' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4896' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:11:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\2.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4896' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4896' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 1:13:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 433ms 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '21' call records '4875' pooled call records '23' planets '88' factions '581' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '581' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4875' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4875' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4875' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\3.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4875' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4875' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 1:22:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 425ms 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '34' call records '4841' pooled call records '10' planets '30' factions '215' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '215' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4841' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4841' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4841' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2\Autosave at 3h 36m 43s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4841' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4841' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 1:41:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 1:41:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 1:41:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 410ms 6/22/2022 2:07:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID65 Reconquest Seeding for Mistakes Were Made: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts_AndTwoByCommand scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '73' call records '4768' pooled call records '30' planets '133' factions '1036' entities 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '1036' entity records 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4768' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4768' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4768' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 2:16:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/lamp_2/Autosave at 3h 48m 48s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4768' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '4768' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP OnLoad: Fixed positions of 1 ship(s), 0 shot(s), 0 other/wormhole(s). 6/22/2022 2:18:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 427ms 6/22/2022 2:25:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID60 Reconquest Seeding for Home Plate: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 6/22/2022 3:27:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:27:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:27:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 3:28:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hit exception in HackingType::ToString debugCode 1410 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.Core.HackingEvent.ToString () [0x00415] in :0 6/22/2022 4:15:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID37 Reconquest Seeding for ”Caritas”: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 6/22/2022 5:22:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/23/2022 8:14:02 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/23/2022 8:14:02 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1980s) 6/23/2022 8:14:03 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/23/2022 8:14:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/23/2022 8:14:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4593s) 6/23/2022 8:14:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2460s) 6/23/2022 8:14:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 71ms 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3639s) 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,286ms 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0220s) 6/23/2022 8:14:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/23/2022 8:14:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/23/2022 8:14:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/23/2022 8:14:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0344s) 6/23/2022 8:14:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/23/2022 8:14:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3875s) 6/23/2022 8:14:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/23/2022 8:14:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/23/2022 8:14:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/23/2022 8:14:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.6071s) 6/23/2022 8:14:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7972s) 6/23/2022 8:14:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3690s) 6/23/2022 8:14:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4166s) 6/23/2022 8:14:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/23/2022 8:14:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.9200s) 6/23/2022 8:14:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/23/2022 8:14:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0420s) 6/23/2022 8:14:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1152s) 6/23/2022 8:14:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0350s) 6/23/2022 8:14:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Listening To Starfields (0.6850s) 6/23/2022 8:14:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Discovering Distant Planets (0.5017s) 6/23/2022 8:14:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/23/2022 8:14:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (0.6770s) 6/23/2022 8:14:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1410s) 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Jettisoning VIPs (8.6447s) 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0230s) 6/23/2022 8:14:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2710s) 6/23/2022 8:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6460s) 6/23/2022 8:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4960s) 6/23/2022 8:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/23/2022 8:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0090s) 6/23/2022 8:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID15 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/23/2022 8:14:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/23/2022 8:14:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.4031s) 6/23/2022 8:14:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/23/2022 8:14:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.6 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.5s) Check For Extra Modules (1.4s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Listening To Starfields (0.7s) Discovering Distant Planets (0.5s) Jailbreaking Favorite Ship Parts (0.7s) Jettisoning VIPs (8.6s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/23/2022 8:14:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 318ms 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID18 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Bubbles and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 15 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID18 Map structure generated in 16ms. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID18 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/23/2022 8:14:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID18 Generate Partial Map Complete 78ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID23 Start Generate Partial Map with ClustersMicrocosm and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID23 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID23 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID23 Map structure generated in 19ms. 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID23 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:14:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID23 Generate Partial Map Complete 37ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Compass and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID10 Compass. centerSizeParm 2 (16) numRings 2 connections 2 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID10 Map structure generated in 15ms. 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:14:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 27ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with TheSquare and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID13 Map structure generated in 36ms. 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID13 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:14:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete 48ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID21 Start Generate Partial Map with CrazyBranching and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID21 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID21 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID21 Map structure generated in 271ms. 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID21 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID21 Generate Partial Map Complete 281ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID16 Map structure generated in 2ms. 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 15ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID23 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID23 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID23 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID23 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID23 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID8 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID8 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID8 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete 16ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 14ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/23/2022 8:15:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/23/2022 8:15:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 29 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:15:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:15:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:15:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:15:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:25:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/23/2022 8:25:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/23/2022 8:25:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 33 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:25:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:25:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:25:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID17 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:25:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:25:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 80 and 33 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:25:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID7 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:25:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID7 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:25:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID7 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:25:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete 56ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 90 and 32 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID5 Map structure generated in 1ms. 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/23/2022 8:26:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:27:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID19 Start Generate FULL Map with Wheel and seed 821932735 and planet count 90 and 32 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/23/2022 8:27:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/23/2022 8:27:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/23/2022 8:27:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID19 Generate FULL Map Complete 613ms Seed: 821932735 6/23/2022 8:40:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID31 spawnOutguardGroup at 623: Requesting group ZenithTrader on planet Under New Ownership at 392541,399129 at time 622 6/23/2022 9:19:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1912s) 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4218s) 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2450s) 6/24/2022 7:16:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 57ms 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3591s) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,297ms 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0370s) 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 10ms 6/24/2022 7:16:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3850s) 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5410s) 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3630s) 6/24/2022 7:16:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2070s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4120s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4410s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0160s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0694s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0651s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0340s) 6/24/2022 7:16:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gesticulating Starfields (0.0990s) 6/24/2022 7:16:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Destroying Distant Planets (0.1151s) 6/24/2022 7:16:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 7:16:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.6680s) 6/24/2022 7:16:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1410s) 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Jettisoning VIPs (2.2955s) 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0159s) 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 7:16:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2750s) 6/24/2022 7:16:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6510s) 6/24/2022 7:16:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4920s) 6/24/2022 7:16:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 7:16:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 6/24/2022 7:16:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID21 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 7:16:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 7:16:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3546s) 6/24/2022 7:16:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/24/2022 7:16:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 10.0 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (1.4s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7s) Jettisoning VIPs (2.3s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/24/2022 7:16:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa/1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:16:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 7:16:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 731ms 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '14' call records '150' pooled call records '5' planets '12' factions '40' entities 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '40' entity records 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '150' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '150' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '150' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:22:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 7:25:45 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 7:25:45 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1740s) 6/24/2022 7:25:45 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 7:25:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 7:25:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2880s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0410s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 52ms 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7400s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 683ms 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0237s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0621s) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 7:25:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1100s) 6/24/2022 7:25:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3289s) 6/24/2022 7:25:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2061s) 6/24/2022 7:25:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3903s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2760s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0220s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0690s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0530s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gazing Into Starfields (0.1020s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Detecting Distant Planets (0.1140s) 6/24/2022 7:25:48 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0150s) 6/24/2022 7:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.6680s) 6/24/2022 7:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1310s) 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Turn Systems On And Off Again (2.0666s) 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0147s) 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 7:25:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1830s) 6/24/2022 7:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6030s) 6/24/2022 7:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6080s) 6/24/2022 7:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 7:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/24/2022 7:25:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID23 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 7:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 7:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3070s) 6/24/2022 7:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 7:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.7s) Turn Systems On And Off Again (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 7:25:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa/Autosave at 28m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:25:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 7:25:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 719ms 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 7:26:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 369ms 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 7:27:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1860s) 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2860s) 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0470s) 6/24/2022 8:26:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 59ms 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7510s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 688ms 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0285s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0630s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1231s) 6/24/2022 8:26:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3340s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2040s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4540s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2660s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0160s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0160s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0650s) 6/24/2022 8:26:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0340s) 6/24/2022 8:26:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Challenging Starfields (0.0920s) 6/24/2022 8:26:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Digitising Distant Planets (0.1150s) 6/24/2022 8:26:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/24/2022 8:26:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (0.6260s) 6/24/2022 8:26:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1290s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Checking Discrete Energy (2.1376s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1870s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6096s) 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4719s) 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/24/2022 8:26:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID24 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3250s) 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (0.6s) Checking Discrete Energy (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 8:26:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 8:28:34 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 8:28:34 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1750s) 6/24/2022 8:28:34 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2270s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0420s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 55ms 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7490s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 689ms 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0280s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0320s) 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/24/2022 8:28:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0600s) 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1070s) 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3260s) 6/24/2022 8:28:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2080s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3830s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2560s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0180s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0140s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0660s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Wiping Down Starfields (0.0970s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pillaging Distant Planets (0.1190s) 6/24/2022 8:28:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 8:28:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (0.6710s) 6/24/2022 8:28:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1280s) 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Routing Emergency Power (2.1260s) 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0250s) 6/24/2022 8:28:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1860s) 6/24/2022 8:28:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6080s) 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6111s) 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/24/2022 8:28:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID8 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3002s) 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Demoting Insubordinate Ship Parts (0.7s) Routing Emergency Power (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 8:28:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa/1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 8:28:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 738ms 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '11' planets '50' factions '199' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '199' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 42m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '297' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:07:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 393ms 6/24/2022 9:21:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP List Sort Error: System.ArgumentException: Bogus IComparer:Arcen.Universal.FunctorComparer`1[Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+customParent+WaveOrNotificationSorter] at Arcen.Universal.Collections.IntrospectiveSortUtilities.ThrowOrIgnoreBadComparer (System.Object comparer) [0x0001d] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Collections.GenericArraySortHelper`1[T].Sort (T[] keys, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, Arcen.Universal.Collections.IComparer`1[T] comparer) [0x00012] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Collections.ArraySort`1[T].Sort (T[] array, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, Arcen.Universal.Collections.IComparer`1[T] comparer) [0x000d3] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.List`1[T].Sort (System.Comparison`1[T] comparison) [0x0003c] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.List`1[T].Sort (System.Comparison`1[T] comparison) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+customParent.OnUpdateNotifications () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_NotificationsDisplay+customParent.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_CustomUI.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime, System.Boolean InvertMouseWheelUIScrolling, System.Int32 scrollSpeedForMouseUI) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in :0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '15' planets '62' factions '377' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '377' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 241ms 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID20 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 728372178 and planet count 90 and 14 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID20 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID20 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID20 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID20 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID20 Map structure generated in 4ms. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID20 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 9:21:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID20 Generate Partial Map Complete 51ms Seed: 728372178 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 218ms 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 9950837 and planet count 90 and 14 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID15 Map structure generated in 0ms. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID15 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 9:24:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 9950837 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:25 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 52m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '449' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 333ms 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '2' call records '447' pooled call records '2' planets '3' factions '3' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '3' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '447' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '447' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '447' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 40m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '447' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '447' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:24:43 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 344ms 6/24/2022 9:26:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID18 Artillery Golem is not fleet leader of of fleet Zeron, but instead another ship Barrage Golem #9564 Dismiss on (Seal noises) is. Deleting self to fix. 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '15' call records '432' pooled call records '11' planets '39' factions '205' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '205' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 52m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:27:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 328ms 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:44 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 42m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '432' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 9:27:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 411ms 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '80' call records '352' pooled call records '22' planets '122' factions '765' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '765' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '352' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '352' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '352' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 26m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '352' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '352' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 10:16:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 360ms 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '43' call records '309' pooled call records '4' planets '13' factions '46' entities 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '46' entity records 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '309' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '309' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '309' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 10:37:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:29:35 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1630s) 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3508s) 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0490s) 6/24/2022 1:29:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 56ms 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7300s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 668ms 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0245s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0640s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1080s) 6/24/2022 1:29:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3300s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2040s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3900s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2590s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0220s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0710s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0500s) 6/24/2022 1:29:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hugging Starfields (0.1070s) 6/24/2022 1:29:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resizing Distant Planets (0.1110s) 6/24/2022 1:29:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 1:29:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Wearing Ship Parts On Head (0.6730s) 6/24/2022 1:29:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1260s) 6/24/2022 1:29:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 1:29:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Investigate Temporal Vortex (2.1422s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0300s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0229s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1980s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6240s) 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6161s) 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/24/2022 1:29:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID17 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3116s) 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0039s) 6/24/2022 1:29:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.9 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Wearing Ship Parts On Head (0.7s) Investigate Temporal Vortex (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 1:29:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa/stringray_focus.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 777ms 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '6' planets '20' factions '72' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '72' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\stringray_focus.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 368ms 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 26m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 335ms 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 24m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:32:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 356ms 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 20m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 346ms 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 10m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 349ms 6/24/2022 1:33:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 1:33:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa\Autosave at 1h 0m 0s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '252' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 1:33:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 353ms 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '2' call records '250' pooled call records '5' planets '10' factions '35' entities 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '35' entity records 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '250' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '250' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '250' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 1:34:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:03:35 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 2:03:35 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1650s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2700s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0460s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 56ms 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7600s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 697ms 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 2:03:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0620s) 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1180s) 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3290s) 6/24/2022 2:03:37 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2100s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3860s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2530s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0200s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0191s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0759s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0500s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Underestimating Starfields (0.0950s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Screening Distant Planets (0.1160s) 6/24/2022 2:03:38 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/24/2022 2:03:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finding Old Ship Parts (0.6560s) 6/24/2022 2:03:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1320s) 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Polarize Deflectors (2.0974s) 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 2:03:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1930s) 6/24/2022 2:03:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6140s) 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6170s) 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/24/2022 2:03:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID17 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3150s) 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Finding Old Ship Parts (0.7s) Polarize Deflectors (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 2:03:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/wheels_cpa/n1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:03:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:03:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 774ms 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 219ms 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 14 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID15 Map structure generated in 3ms. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID15 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 2:23:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete 42ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:23:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/24/2022 2:23:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/24/2022 2:23:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID25 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 33 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:23:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID25 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID25 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID25 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:23:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID25 Generate Partial Map Complete 26ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:23:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/24/2022 2:23:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/24/2022 2:23:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 34 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:23:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:23:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 23ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:23:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/24/2022 2:23:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/24/2022 2:23:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 35 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:23:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID14 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:23:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID14 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:23:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID14 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:23:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:23:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/24/2022 2:23:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/24/2022 2:31:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 31 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:31:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:22 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:31:23 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:31:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:31:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID12 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID12 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID12 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:31:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:31:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 529002904 and planet count 90 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 2:31:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/24/2022 2:31:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 59ms Seed: 529002904 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 2:31:36 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 5:37:10 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 5:37:10 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2086s) 6/24/2022 5:37:11 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 5:37:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 5:37:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2974s) 6/24/2022 5:37:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0588s) 6/24/2022 5:37:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 66ms 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.8499s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 779ms 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0220s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Enabled!) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0350s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0670s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1091s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3738s) 6/24/2022 5:37:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2133s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4286s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2981s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0230s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0760s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0495s) 6/24/2022 5:37:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.1047s) 6/24/2022 5:37:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pinpointing Distant Planets (0.1135s) 6/24/2022 5:37:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 5:37:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Developing New Ship Parts (0.6709s) 6/24/2022 5:37:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1342s) 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Isotope Emitters (2.3735s) 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0246s) 6/24/2022 5:37:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2032s) 6/24/2022 5:37:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6871s) 6/24/2022 5:37:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5174s) 6/24/2022 5:37:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 5:37:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0061s) 6/24/2022 5:37:18 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID28 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 5:37:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 5:37:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3600s) 6/24/2022 5:37:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0026s) 6/24/2022 5:37:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 8.4 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Developing New Ship Parts (0.7s) Inhibiting Isotope Emitters (2.4s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/24/2022 5:37:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 5:38:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID36 Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 5:38:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID36 Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 5:38:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID36 Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 5:38:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 6/24/2022 5:38:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID6 Reset All Pools From Xml Reload 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID6 Reuse And Ready (7.1100s) 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID6 Found 632 xml files in 142 folders in 57ms 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID6 Clear And Reload Xml (0.7013s) 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID6 632 Xml Files Parsed in 643ms 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID6 Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0050s) 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID6 632 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 4ms 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID6 Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0000s) 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID6 Prep Tables (0.0125s) 6/24/2022 5:38:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0045s) 6/24/2022 5:38:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 5:38:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.7437s) 6/24/2022 5:38:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0031s) 6/24/2022 5:38:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reassembling All Ships (0.3851s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0080s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0103s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0227s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0820s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.2386s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.2163s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID21 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0030s) 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 5:38:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 344ms 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID21 Start Generate Partial Map with Wheel and seed 952245237 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID21 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID21 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID21 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID21 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID21 Map structure generated in 7ms. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID21 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 5:38:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID21 Generate Partial Map Complete 74ms Seed: 952245237 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID39 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 447383651 and planet count 80 and 6 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID39 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID39 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID39 Map structure generated in 241ms. 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID39 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID39 Generate Partial Map Complete 273ms Seed: 447383651 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID22 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 447383651 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (StartingTheLobbyDefaults NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID22 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID22 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID22 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 5:39:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID22 Generate Partial Map Complete 12ms Seed: 447383651 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 5:39:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 6:10:01 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 6:10:01 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2015s) 6/24/2022 6:10:01 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2934s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0540s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 58ms 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7920s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 728ms 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0026s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0220s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0261s) 6/24/2022 6:10:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0720s) 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1576s) 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3487s) 6/24/2022 6:10:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2037s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4326s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.3002s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0199s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0744s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0491s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Listening To Starfields (0.1400s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Milking Distant Planets (0.1389s) 6/24/2022 6:10:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/24/2022 6:10:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7022s) 6/24/2022 6:10:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1320s) 6/24/2022 6:10:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reformatting Navigation (2.2744s) 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0136s) 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0271s) 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2070s) 6/24/2022 6:10:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6817s) 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5243s) 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID32 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3580s) 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0045s) 6/24/2022 6:10:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 8.3 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7s) Reformatting Navigation (2.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/24/2022 6:10:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 320ms 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID18 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 97419086 and planet count 80 and 10 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID18 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:10:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID18 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:11:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID18 Map structure generated in 254ms. 6/24/2022 6:11:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID18 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/24/2022 6:11:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID18 Generate Partial Map Complete 307ms Seed: 97419086 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/24/2022 6:12:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1744s) 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2595s) 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0400s) 6/24/2022 6:12:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 48ms 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7430s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 688ms 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0020s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0230s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0250s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1440x2560 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/24/2022 6:12:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1130s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3370s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2000s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3950s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2680s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s) 6/24/2022 6:12:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0740s) 6/24/2022 6:12:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/24/2022 6:12:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Wishing On Starfields (0.0970s) 6/24/2022 6:12:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Rejecting Distant Planets (0.1201s) 6/24/2022 6:12:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/24/2022 6:12:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.6740s) 6/24/2022 6:12:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1350s) 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Isotope Emitters (2.0934s) 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0151s) 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0220s) 6/24/2022 6:12:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1910s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6340s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5790s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID20 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3190s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/24/2022 6:12:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.7s) Inhibiting Isotope Emitters (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/24/2022 6:12:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/27/2022 11:17:46 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2180s) 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4154s) 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2729s) 6/27/2022 11:17:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 127ms 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.4830s) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,350ms 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0263s) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0335s) 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 10ms 6/27/2022 11:17:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4080s) 6/27/2022 11:17:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/27/2022 11:17:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/27/2022 11:17:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/27/2022 11:17:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.6160s) 6/27/2022 11:17:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7845s) 6/27/2022 11:17:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3955s) 6/27/2022 11:17:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4550s) 6/27/2022 11:17:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/27/2022 11:17:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.9260s) 6/27/2022 11:17:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/27/2022 11:17:52 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0731s) 6/27/2022 11:17:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1313s) 6/27/2022 11:17:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0330s) 6/27/2022 11:17:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gazing Into Starfields (0.6895s) 6/27/2022 11:17:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.5329s) 6/27/2022 11:17:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 6/27/2022 11:17:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.6938s) 6/27/2022 11:17:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1516s) 6/27/2022 11:18:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/27/2022 11:18:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Flex All Capacitors (8.6259s) 6/27/2022 11:18:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0120s) 6/27/2022 11:18:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/27/2022 11:18:03 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0290s) 6/27/2022 11:18:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2890s) 6/27/2022 11:18:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6440s) 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5170s) 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 6/27/2022 11:18:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID9 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3930s) 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/27/2022 11:18:05 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.9 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.5s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.5s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Gazing Into Starfields (0.7s) Fondly Remembering Distant Planets (0.5s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7s) Flex All Capacitors (8.6s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/27/2022 11:18:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 332ms 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID39 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 10 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID39 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID39 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID39 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID39 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID39 Map structure generated in 262ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID39 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/27/2022 11:18:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID39 Generate Partial Map Complete 357ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID9 Map structure generated in 249ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:18:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 263ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID33 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID33 Map structure generated in 8ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID33 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:18:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID33 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID45 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID45 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID45 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID45 Map structure generated in 9ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID45 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:18:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID45 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID29 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID29 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID29 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID29 Map structure generated in 7ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID29 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:18:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID29 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 58206605 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID11 Map structure generated in 8ms. 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:18:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 58206605 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID60 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 793720833 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID60 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID60 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID60 Map structure generated in 9ms. 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID60 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:19:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID60 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 793720833 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID49 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 948371668 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID49 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID49 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID49 Map structure generated in 10ms. 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID49 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:19:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID49 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 948371668 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 324442022 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID14 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID14 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID14 Map structure generated in 10ms. 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID14 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:19:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 324442022 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID47 Start Generate Partial Map with Dissonance and seed 164347702 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID47 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID47 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID47 Map structure generated in 11ms. 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID47 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:19:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID47 Generate Partial Map Complete 33ms Seed: 164347702 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID32 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 164347702 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID32 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID32 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID32 Map structure generated in 26ms. 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID32 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:19:59 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID32 Generate Partial Map Complete 53ms Seed: 164347702 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 80 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID11 Map structure generated in 5ms. 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:21:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID43 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID43 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID43 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID43 Map structure generated in 6ms. 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID43 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:26:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID43 Generate Partial Map Complete 21ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:27:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID41 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:27:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID41 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:27:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID41 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:27:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID41 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:27:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID41 Generate Partial Map Complete 39ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:29:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID41 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 16 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:29:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID41 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:29:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID41 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:29:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID41 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:29:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID41 Generate Partial Map Complete 15ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:29:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/27/2022 11:29:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/27/2022 11:29:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID36 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 20 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:29:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID36 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:29:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID36 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:29:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID36 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:29:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID36 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:29:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID6 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:29:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID6 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:29:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID6 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:29:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID6 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:29:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED101 TID6 Generate Partial Map Complete 15ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:32:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED102 TID37 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:32:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED103 TID37 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:32:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED104 TID37 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:32:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID37 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:32:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID37 Generate Partial Map Complete 32ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:32:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID59 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:32:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID59 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:32:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID59 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:32:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID59 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:32:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID59 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:33:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID25 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:33:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID25 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:33:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID25 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:33:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID25 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:33:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID25 Generate Partial Map Complete 16ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:33:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/27/2022 11:33:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/27/2022 11:33:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID22 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:33:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID22 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:33:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED119 TID22 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:33:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED120 TID22 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:33:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED121 TID22 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:34:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/27/2022 11:34:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/27/2022 11:34:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED122 TID59 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:34:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED123 TID59 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:34:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED124 TID59 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:34:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED125 TID59 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:34:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED126 TID59 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:40:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED127 TID25 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 30 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:40:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED128 TID25 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:40:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED129 TID25 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:40:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED130 TID25 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:40:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED131 TID25 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:40:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/27/2022 11:40:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/27/2022 11:40:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED132 TID61 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:40:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED133 TID61 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:40:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED134 TID61 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:40:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED135 TID61 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Ark Empire already. 6/27/2022 11:40:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED136 TID61 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:41:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED137 TID47 Start Generate FULL Map with Encapsulated and seed 522463317 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/27/2022 11:41:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED138 TID47 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 11:41:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED139 TID47 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 11:41:58 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED140 TID47 Generate FULL Map Complete 611ms Seed: 522463317 6/27/2022 11:57:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2150s) 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2710s) 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0500s) 6/27/2022 1:07:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 59ms 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7380s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 672ms 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0280s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0640s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1140s) 6/27/2022 1:07:14 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3280s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2050s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4070s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2750s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0210s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s) 6/27/2022 1:07:15 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0720s) 6/27/2022 1:07:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0480s) 6/27/2022 1:07:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Berating Starfields (0.0980s) 6/27/2022 1:07:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Distant Planets (0.1260s) 6/27/2022 1:07:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s) 6/27/2022 1:07:16 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.6550s) 6/27/2022 1:07:17 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1320s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Detecting Power Spikes (2.0554s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0170s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0240s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1940s) 6/27/2022 1:07:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6381s) 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5884s) 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID7 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3210s) 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/27/2022 1:07:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.7s) Detecting Power Spikes (2.1s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/27/2022 1:07:21 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark/1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:07:32 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 1:07:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 741ms 6/27/2022 1:17:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ResetMainCameraOrientation: 6/27/2022 1:19:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID22 Added new fleet: countOfFleetsActuallyHere: 0 intendedNumberOfFleets: 1 PlayerCustomCityFedMobile 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '517' pooled call records '10' planets '49' factions '382' entities 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '382' entity records 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '517' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '517' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '517' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 1:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 5:45:48 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1780s) 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3810s) 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0570s) 6/27/2022 5:45:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 75ms 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7810s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 698ms 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0270s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0691s) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/27/2022 5:45:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1430s) 6/27/2022 5:45:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7930s) 6/27/2022 5:45:51 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3760s) 6/27/2022 5:45:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4330s) 6/27/2022 5:45:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/27/2022 5:45:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.7283s) 6/27/2022 5:45:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 6/27/2022 5:45:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s) 6/27/2022 5:45:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1243s) 6/27/2022 5:45:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0450s) 6/27/2022 5:45:53 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grappling Starfields (0.6827s) 6/27/2022 5:45:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Dissolving Distant Planets (0.5110s) 6/27/2022 5:45:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0150s) 6/27/2022 5:45:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.6740s) 6/27/2022 5:45:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1250s) 6/27/2022 5:46:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/27/2022 5:46:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (8.7172s) 6/27/2022 5:46:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0131s) 6/27/2022 5:46:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/27/2022 5:46:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0250s) 6/27/2022 5:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1891s) 6/27/2022 5:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6200s) 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6021s) 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/27/2022 5:46:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID17 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3561s) 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/27/2022 5:46:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 16.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.7s) Grappling Starfields (0.7s) Dissolving Distant Planets (0.5s) Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.7s) Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (8.7s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/27/2022 5:46:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark/2.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 5:46:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 5:46:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 855ms 6/27/2022 6:06:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 6:06:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '167' call records '495' pooled call records '12' planets '57' factions '465' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:24 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '465' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '495' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '495' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '495' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark\Autosave at 52m 4s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '495' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '495' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 6:06:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 6:06:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 455ms 6/27/2022 6:59:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/27/2022 6:59:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/27/2022 6:59:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/27/2022 7:09:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/27/2022 7:09:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/27/2022 7:09:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/27/2022 7:28:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 7:28:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '33' call records '1115' pooled call records '31' planets '220' factions '2675' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '2675' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1115' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1115' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1115' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark/Autosave at 2h 4m 23s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1115' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1115' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:28:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 555ms 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '161' call records '954' pooled call records '8' planets '20' factions '81' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '81' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '954' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '954' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '954' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark\5.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '954' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '954' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:29:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 551ms 6/27/2022 7:32:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID10 Added new fleet: countOfFleetsActuallyHere: 1 intendedNumberOfFleets: 2 PlayerCustomCityFedMobile 6/27/2022 7:39:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID16 spawnOutguardGroup at 8096: Requesting group MobileSuperFactory on planet Ulru at 400799,397947 at time 8096 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '260' call records '783' pooled call records '30' planets '214' factions '2524' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '2524' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '783' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '783' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '783' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark\Autosave at 2h 38m 30s.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '783' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '783' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/27/2022 7:57:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 628ms 6/27/2022 8:02:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID14 spawnOutguardGroup at 9778: Requesting group MobileSuperFactory on planet Elban at 424218,390016 at time 9777 6/27/2022 8:02:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID15 Reconquest Seeding for Bloch: guard post placer: EightSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 8 actually seeded: 8 6/27/2022 8:54:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/28/2022 6:25:12 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/28/2022 6:25:12 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1910s) 6/28/2022 6:25:12 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/28/2022 6:25:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/28/2022 6:25:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3923s) 6/28/2022 6:25:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2600s) 6/28/2022 6:25:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 65ms 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.4811s) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,410ms 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0350s) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0420s) 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 12ms 6/28/2022 6:25:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4070s) 6/28/2022 6:25:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 6:25:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 6:25:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 6:25:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5920s) 6/28/2022 6:25:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7520s) 6/28/2022 6:25:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3380s) 6/28/2022 6:25:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4127s) 6/28/2022 6:25:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/28/2022 6:25:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.8942s) 6/28/2022 6:25:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0160s) 6/28/2022 6:25:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0730s) 6/28/2022 6:25:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1213s) 6/28/2022 6:25:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0410s) 6/28/2022 6:25:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Propping Up Starfields (0.6553s) 6/28/2022 6:25:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Digitising Distant Planets (0.4885s) 6/28/2022 6:25:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/28/2022 6:25:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.6921s) 6/28/2022 6:25:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1450s) 6/28/2022 6:25:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/28/2022 6:25:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Restrain Self From Stating The Odds (8.4729s) 6/28/2022 6:25:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/28/2022 6:25:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/28/2022 6:25:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0250s) 6/28/2022 6:25:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2700s) 6/28/2022 6:25:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6370s) 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5220s) 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/28/2022 6:25:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID20 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3734s) 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0070s) 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 18.4 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.5s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.9s) Propping Up Starfields (0.7s) Digitising Distant Planets (0.5s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7s) Restrain Self From Stating The Odds (8.5s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/28/2022 6:25:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark/7.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:25:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:25:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 1,680ms 6/28/2022 6:28:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1670s) 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2820s) 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0430s) 6/28/2022 6:35:06 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 53ms 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7060s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 648ms 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0660s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1080s) 6/28/2022 6:35:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3520s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1860s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3950s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2780s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0210s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0791s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0526s) 6/28/2022 6:35:08 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hoping Starfields Are Nice (0.0970s) 6/28/2022 6:35:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Destroying Distant Planets (0.1140s) 6/28/2022 6:35:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/28/2022 6:35:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.6729s) 6/28/2022 6:35:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1390s) 6/28/2022 6:35:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/28/2022 6:35:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Assimilate Technological Distinctiveness (2.0230s) 6/28/2022 6:35:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0170s) 6/28/2022 6:35:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/28/2022 6:35:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0230s) 6/28/2022 6:35:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1926s) 6/28/2022 6:35:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6601s) 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5533s) 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/28/2022 6:35:12 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID17 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3219s) 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0030s) 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.7s) Assimilate Technological Distinctiveness (2.0s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/28/2022 6:35:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark/7.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:35:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:35:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 1,683ms 6/28/2022 6:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 6:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 6:35:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 6:44:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID16 Added new fleet: countOfFleetsActuallyHere: 2 intendedNumberOfFleets: 3 PlayerCustomCityFedMobile 6/28/2022 6:45:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID30 Reconquest Seeding for Snood: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4 6/28/2022 6:49:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID38 Reconquest Seeding for Troria: guard post placer: ThreeSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 3 actually seeded: 3 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '22' call records '1918' pooled call records '27' planets '144' factions '2013' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '2013' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:49 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 239ms 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 360687379 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID17 Map structure generated in 18ms. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID17 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Ark Empire. 6/28/2022 6:52:50 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete 84ms Seed: 360687379 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1918' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 7:40:57 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1670s) 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3000s) 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0570s) 6/28/2022 10:23:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 70ms 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7740s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 701ms 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0030s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0230s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0690s) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 10:23:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1360s) 6/28/2022 10:23:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7370s) 6/28/2022 10:23:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3550s) 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4000s) 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.5500s) 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0210s) 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s) 6/28/2022 10:23:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0777s) 6/28/2022 10:23:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0470s) 6/28/2022 10:23:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Exploding Starfields (0.0970s) 6/28/2022 10:23:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Destroying Distant Planets (0.1090s) 6/28/2022 10:23:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/28/2022 10:23:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (0.6857s) 6/28/2022 10:23:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1300s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Wake Crew From Cryosleep (2.0218s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0140s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0260s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1920s) 6/28/2022 10:23:40 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6490s) 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.6000s) 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID6 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3337s) 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0030s) 6/28/2022 10:23:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 8.7 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7s) Briefly Panic (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.5s) Maliciously Weakening Ship Parts (0.7s) Wake Crew From Cryosleep (2.0s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/28/2022 10:23:42 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 318ms 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID44 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 656435122 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID44 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID44 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID44 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID44 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID44 Map structure generated in 24ms. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID44 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Ark Empire. 6/28/2022 10:23:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID44 Generate Partial Map Complete 78ms Seed: 656435122 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:47 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Fallen Ark\8.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:23:51 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:23:53 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 1,649ms 6/28/2022 10:32:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID34 Raid Engine #2708 AI Sentinels on Baron is sending a wave against Dismiss 6/28/2022 10:44:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID8 Raid Engine #2635 AI Sentinels on Gatlin is sending a wave against Dismiss 6/28/2022 10:49:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/28/2022 10:49:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '9' call records '1310' pooled call records '34' planets '192' factions '2302' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '2302' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 223ms 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID22 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 440330059 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID22 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID22 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID22 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID22 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID22 Map structure generated in 5ms. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID22 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Ark Empire. 6/28/2022 10:49:17 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID22 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 440330059 6/28/2022 10:49:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 440330059 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 10:49:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:49:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:49:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID13 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 10:49:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 440330059 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '1310' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 10:57:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 11:10:27 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/28/2022 11:10:27 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1755s) 6/28/2022 11:10:27 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/28/2022 11:10:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/28/2022 11:10:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4002s) 6/28/2022 11:10:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2590s) 6/28/2022 11:10:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 52ms 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.4114s) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,353ms 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0260s) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 6/28/2022 11:10:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3750s) 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5300s) 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3630s) 6/28/2022 11:10:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1790s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4000s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4210s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0718s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0643s) 6/28/2022 11:10:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0400s) 6/28/2022 11:10:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hugging Starfields (0.0980s) 6/28/2022 11:10:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Digitising Distant Planets (0.1150s) 6/28/2022 11:10:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/28/2022 11:10:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Breaking In New Ship Parts (0.6980s) 6/28/2022 11:10:33 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1400s) 6/28/2022 11:10:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/28/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Route Anti-Matter (2.0261s) 6/28/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0155s) 6/28/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0280s) 6/28/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0280s) 6/28/2022 11:10:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2845s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6540s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5190s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID25 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3522s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 6/28/2022 11:10:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 9.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.4s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Breaking In New Ship Parts (0.7s) Re-Route Anti-Matter (2.0s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/28/2022 11:10:37 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/28/2022 11:11:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/28/2022 11:11:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:54 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 323ms 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID63 Start Generate Partial Map with Encapsulated and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID63 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID63 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID63 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID63 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID63 Map structure generated in 22ms. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID63 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/28/2022 11:11:55 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID63 Generate Partial Map Complete 106ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID32 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Rings and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID32 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID32 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID32 Map structure generated in 14ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID32 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:04 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID32 Generate Partial Map Complete 31ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID62 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID62 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID62 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID62 Map structure generated in 18ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID62 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID62 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID45 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID45 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID45 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID45 Map structure generated in 38ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID45 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:16 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID45 Generate Partial Map Complete 56ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID39 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Bubbles and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID39 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID39 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID39 Map structure generated in 6ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID39 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:24 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID39 Generate Partial Map Complete 25ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID13 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID13 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete 29ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID34 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 898553280 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID34 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID34 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID34 Map structure generated in 16ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID34 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID34 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 898553280 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 935654253 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID9 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID9 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID9 Map structure generated in 12ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID9 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:38 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete 28ms Seed: 935654253 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID49 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 736046630 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID49 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID49 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID49 Map structure generated in 15ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID49 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:41 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID49 Generate Partial Map Complete 32ms Seed: 736046630 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 621712966 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID16 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:12:45 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 30ms Seed: 621712966 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID64 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 412066658 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID64 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID64 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID64 Map structure generated in 17ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID64 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:14 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID64 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 412066658 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID26 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 338818060 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID26 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID26 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID26 Map structure generated in 21ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID26 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:15 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID26 Generate Partial Map Complete 41ms Seed: 338818060 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID64 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 477672806 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID64 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID64 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID64 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID64 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:18 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID64 Generate Partial Map Complete 32ms Seed: 477672806 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID35 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 249497611 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID35 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID35 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID35 Map structure generated in 19ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID35 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID35 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 249497611 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID55 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 27109043 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID55 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID55 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID55 Map structure generated in 20ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID55 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID55 Generate Partial Map Complete 35ms Seed: 27109043 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 178899680 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID8 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID8 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID8 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID8 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:21 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete 29ms Seed: 178899680 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID45 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 762317164 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED101 TID45 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED102 TID45 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED103 TID45 Map structure generated in 13ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED104 TID45 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:22 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID45 Generate Partial Map Complete 29ms Seed: 762317164 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID36 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 45993594 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID36 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID36 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID36 Map structure generated in 14ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID36 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:23 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID36 Generate Partial Map Complete 31ms Seed: 45993594 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID75 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 115913438 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID75 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID75 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID75 Map structure generated in 16ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID75 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID75 Generate Partial Map Complete 33ms Seed: 115913438 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 614265456 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED119 TID8 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED120 TID8 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED121 TID8 Map structure generated in 20ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED122 TID8 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED123 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete 36ms Seed: 614265456 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED124 TID25 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED125 TID25 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED126 TID25 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED127 TID25 Map structure generated in 19ms. 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED128 TID25 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED129 TID25 Generate Partial Map Complete 36ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:13:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED130 TID53 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:13:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED131 TID53 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:13:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED132 TID53 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:13:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED133 TID53 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:13:39 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED134 TID53 Generate Partial Map Complete 15ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:14:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED135 TID65 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:14:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED136 TID65 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:14:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED137 TID65 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:14:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED138 TID65 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:14:11 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED139 TID65 Generate Partial Map Complete 15ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:14:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/28/2022 11:14:13 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/28/2022 11:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED140 TID39 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED141 TID39 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED142 TID39 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED143 TID39 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:14:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED144 TID39 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED145 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED146 TID5 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED147 TID5 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED148 TID5 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED149 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/28/2022 11:15:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/28/2022 11:15:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED150 TID72 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:15:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED151 TID72 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:15:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED152 TID72 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:15:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED153 TID72 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/28/2022 11:15:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED154 TID72 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED155 TID29 Start Generate FULL Map with Simple and seed 204092550 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/28/2022 11:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED156 TID29 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:16:19 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED157 TID29 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED158 TID29 Generate FULL Map Complete 681ms Seed: 204092550 6/28/2022 11:16:20 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED159 TID9 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 3, now 10 Fragmenting Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/28/2022 11:22:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 11:22:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 11:22:09 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '3' call records '646' pooled call records '15' planets '69' factions '663' entities 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '663' entity records 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '646' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '646' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 11:46:01 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 3:33:27 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2140s) 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2640s) 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0470s) 6/28/2022 3:33:28 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 59ms 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.7640s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 700ms 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0280s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.1090s) 6/28/2022 3:33:29 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3430s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2060s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4180s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2630s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0190s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0710s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0490s) 6/28/2022 3:33:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gesticulating Starfields (0.0960s) 6/28/2022 3:33:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Digitising Distant Planets (0.1210s) 6/28/2022 3:33:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0130s) 6/28/2022 3:33:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.6630s) 6/28/2022 3:33:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1300s) 6/28/2022 3:33:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/28/2022 3:33:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reversing Particle Flux (2.0360s) 6/28/2022 3:33:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/28/2022 3:33:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/28/2022 3:33:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s) 6/28/2022 3:33:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1930s) 6/28/2022 3:33:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6500s) 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5670s) 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 6/28/2022 3:33:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID32 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3176s) 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 7.8 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (0.8s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.7s) Reversing Particle Flux (2.0s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.6s) Final Checks (0.3s) 6/28/2022 3:33:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/friendly_nanos/1.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/28/2022 3:33:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 930ms 6/28/2022 4:02:06 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID11 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted. Was 10, now 3 Shrike Interceptor Drone Hangar from Other Defensive Schematic Server 6/28/2022 4:06:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/29/2022 8:29:26 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/29/2022 8:29:26 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1900s) 6/29/2022 8:29:27 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/29/2022 8:29:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/29/2022 8:29:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4190s) 6/29/2022 8:29:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.1990s) 6/29/2022 8:29:27 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 59ms 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3370s) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,273ms 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0257s) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0320s) 6/29/2022 8:29:28 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/29/2022 8:29:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3748s) 6/29/2022 8:29:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/29/2022 8:29:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/29/2022 8:29:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/29/2022 8:29:29 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5507s) 6/29/2022 8:29:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4310s) 6/29/2022 8:29:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2410s) 6/29/2022 8:29:30 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4120s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4300s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0160s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0770s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0822s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0370s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stabbing Starfields (0.0990s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Cleaning Distant Planets (0.1120s) 6/29/2022 8:29:31 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/29/2022 8:29:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.6840s) 6/29/2022 8:29:32 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1510s) 6/29/2022 8:29:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/29/2022 8:29:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Detecting Microfractures (2.0804s) 6/29/2022 8:29:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/29/2022 8:29:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 6/29/2022 8:29:34 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s) 6/29/2022 8:29:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2740s) 6/29/2022 8:29:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6610s) 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4910s) 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/29/2022 8:29:35 AM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID21 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3662s) 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP 9.9 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.6s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.7s) Detecting Microfractures (2.1s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/29/2022 8:29:36 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/29/2022 8:29:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/29/2022 8:29:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/29/2022 8:29:46 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/friendly_nanos\2.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:00 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/29/2022 8:31:02 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 1,215ms 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/29/2022 8:31:07 AM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/29/2022 4:43:40 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/29/2022 4:43:40 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1700s) 6/29/2022 4:43:41 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/29/2022 4:43:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/29/2022 4:43:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4370s) 6/29/2022 4:43:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.2150s) 6/29/2022 4:43:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 68ms 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.3000s) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,226ms 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0293s) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0310s) 6/29/2022 4:43:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 6/29/2022 4:43:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4140s) 6/29/2022 4:43:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/29/2022 4:43:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/29/2022 4:43:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/29/2022 4:43:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5370s) 6/29/2022 4:43:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7280s) 6/29/2022 4:43:44 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3320s) 6/29/2022 4:43:45 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4450s) 6/29/2022 4:43:45 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/29/2022 4:43:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.7870s) 6/29/2022 4:43:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s) 6/29/2022 4:43:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0722s) 6/29/2022 4:43:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0947s) 6/29/2022 4:43:46 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0524s) 6/29/2022 4:43:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Cooking Starfields (0.6646s) 6/29/2022 4:43:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Browsing Distant Planets (0.4831s) 6/29/2022 4:43:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s) 6/29/2022 4:43:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.6790s) 6/29/2022 4:43:48 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1500s) 6/29/2022 4:43:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/29/2022 4:43:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Checking Discrete Energy (8.4191s) 6/29/2022 4:43:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0150s) 6/29/2022 4:43:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/29/2022 4:43:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s) 6/29/2022 4:43:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2830s) 6/29/2022 4:43:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6430s) 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4480s) 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0061s) 6/29/2022 4:43:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID9 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3753s) 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 6/29/2022 4:43:58 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 17.9 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7s) Briefly Panic (0.3s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.8s) Cooking Starfields (0.7s) Browsing Distant Planets (0.5s) Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.7s) Checking Discrete Energy (8.4s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/29/2022 4:43:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/30/2022 12:07:59 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 6/30/2022 12:07:59 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1780s) 6/30/2022 12:07:59 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER graphicsDeviceID: 7942 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 8031 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3600 systemMemorySize: 32684 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 6/30/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.018 6/30/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3360s) 6/30/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.1380s) 6/30/2022 12:08:00 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Found 634 xml files in 144 folders in 56ms 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.2690s) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Parsed in 1,207ms 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0210s) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0340s) 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 634 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 9ms 6/30/2022 12:08:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3770s) 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5330s) 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3650s) 6/30/2022 12:08:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.2090s) 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4140s) 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.4470s) 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0170s) 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0825s) 6/30/2022 12:08:03 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0686s) 6/30/2022 12:08:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0340s) 6/30/2022 12:08:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Digging Up Starfields (0.1020s) 6/30/2022 12:08:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Dissolving Distant Planets (0.1120s) 6/30/2022 12:08:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0110s) 6/30/2022 12:08:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.6920s) 6/30/2022 12:08:05 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1540s) 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Ensure Engines Can Take It (2.0171s) 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0160s) 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0270s) 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0260s) 6/30/2022 12:08:07 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.2775s) 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.6730s) 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.4850s) 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0090s) 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID5 Info: will dump 2093 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP We got 392 campaign's data when deserializing 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.3651s) 6/30/2022 12:08:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0050s) 6/30/2022 12:08:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP 9.5 seconds total load time. Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s) Check For Extra Modules (1.3s) Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4s) Remembering Alamo (0.5s) Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.4s) Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.7s) Ensure Engines Can Take It (2.0s) Windshield Wiping (0.3s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.7s) Stimulate Modulation (0.5s) Final Checks (0.4s) 6/30/2022 12:08:09 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Dismiss' 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/LastLobbySettings.save Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode. 6/30/2022 12:08:12 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP loading as template 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 324ms 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID23 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 964925257 and planet count 90 and 13 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID23 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID23 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID23 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID23 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID23 Map structure generated in 26ms. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID23 PlayerAccount Dismiss has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire. 6/30/2022 12:08:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID23 Generate Partial Map Complete 108ms Seed: 964925257 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with D18Bubbles and seed 964925257 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID10 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID10 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID10 Map structure generated in 7ms. 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID10 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:08:26 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete 24ms Seed: 964925257 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID30 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 964925257 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID30 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID30 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID30 Map structure generated in 276ms. 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID30 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:08:34 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID30 Generate Partial Map Complete 294ms Seed: 964925257 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID19 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID19 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID19 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID19 Map structure generated in 299ms. 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID19 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:08:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID19 Generate Partial Map Complete 329ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:08:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID40 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:08:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID40 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:08:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID40 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:08:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID40 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:08:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID40 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:17:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:17:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID15 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:17:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID15 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:17:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID15 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:17:30 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:17:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID33 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:17:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:17:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:17:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID33 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:17:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID33 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:17:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/30/2022 12:17:33 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/30/2022 12:17:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:17:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID11 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:17:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID11 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:17:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID11 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:17:40 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:17:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/30/2022 12:17:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/30/2022 12:21:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID21 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:21:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID21 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:21:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID21 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:21:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID21 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:21:01 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID21 Generate Partial Map Complete 22ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:21:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/30/2022 12:21:39 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/30/2022 12:21:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID16 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:21:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:21:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:21:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID16 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:21:42 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID16 Generate Partial Map Complete 17ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:21:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/30/2022 12:21:43 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/30/2022 12:21:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID33 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:21:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:21:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:21:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID33 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:21:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID33 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:22:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID33 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:22:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID33 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:22:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID33 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:22:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID33 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:22:08 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID33 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:22:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:22:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID13 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:22:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID13 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:22:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID13 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:22:13 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID40 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID40 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID40 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID40 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:22:25 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID40 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID37 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID37 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID37 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID37 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:22:31 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID37 Generate Partial Map Complete 18ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:22:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer 6/30/2022 12:22:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP skipping Templar 6/30/2022 12:22:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID27 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:22:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID27 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:22:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID27 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:22:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID27 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:22:50 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID27 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:23:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 34 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:23:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID17 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:23:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID17 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:23:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID17 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:23:41 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete 20ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:26:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 34 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:26:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID7 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:26:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID7 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:26:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID7 PlayerAccount Dismiss is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already. 6/30/2022 12:26:49 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete 19ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:29:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID16 Start Generate FULL Map with Classic and seed 274730563 and planet count 90 and 34 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF 6/30/2022 12:29:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID16 [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:29:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID16 [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:29:57 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED101 TID16 Generate FULL Map Complete 677ms Seed: 274730563 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:32:35 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED102 TID35 Update mod and expansion statuses! 6/30/2022 12:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED103 TID35 Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!) 6/30/2022 12:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED104 TID35 Mods: AIShieldGenerators (Disabled) AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled) DpsHud (Enabled!) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) facc_fleet_names (Disabled) facc_ASF (Disabled) facc_ASF_plus (Disabled) facc_GSF (Disabled) facc_GSF_plus (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) HydralFederation (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Enabled!) OutguardParty (Enabled!) PaladinTransports (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) VulnerableOverlordPhase2 (Disabled) 6/30/2022 12:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 6/30/2022 12:32:47 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED105 TID34 Reset All Pools From Xml Reload 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED106 TID34 Reuse And Ready (6.8590s) 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED107 TID34 Found 632 xml files in 142 folders in 55ms 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED108 TID34 Clear And Reload Xml (0.6889s) 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED109 TID34 632 Xml Files Parsed in 632ms 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED110 TID34 Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0050s) 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED111 TID34 632 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 4ms 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED112 TID34 Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0000s) 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED113 TID34 Prep Tables (0.0160s) 6/30/2022 12:32:54 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0050s) 6/30/2022 12:32:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 6/30/2022 12:32:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.6625s) 6/30/2022 12:32:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0030s) 6/30/2022 12:32:55 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Inhibiting Isotope Emitters (0.3836s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0070s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0115s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0210s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0780s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.3540s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3510s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED114 TID5 Info: will dump 2124 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s) 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 6/30/2022 12:32:56 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144) 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/showdown/showdown.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '0' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:33:04 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 376ms 6/30/2022 12:35:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet currentPlanet) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.IUpdateSource Source, System.Boolean CanDoRaycasts, System.Boolean CanDoClickHandling) (at :0) PlanetViewSelectionManager.DoInternalUpdateLogic (System.Boolean CanDoRaycasts, System.Boolean CanDoClickHandling) (at :0) PlanetViewSelectionManager.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 6/30/2022 12:35:52 PM 5.018 SINGLEP ErrorsReportedByEngine: ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.DrawCursorStateForPlanetView (System.Boolean IsHoveringOverEntity, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet currentPlanet) (at :0) Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.PlanetViewSelector.RunUpdate (Arcen.AIW2.Core.IUpdateSource Source, System.Boolean CanDoRaycasts, System.Boolean CanDoClickHandling) (at :0) PlanetViewSelectionManager.DoInternalUpdateLogic (System.Boolean CanDoRaycasts, System.Boolean CanDoClickHandling) (at :0) PlanetViewSelectionManager.Update () (at :0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <596aefe1ce394ae38173e84a228428af>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 5018_EasierReconnect Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '67' call records '209' pooled call records '1' planets '2' factions '15' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '15' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '209' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '209' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '209' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:11 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/showdown\Campaign Start.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '209' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] ClearAllMyDataForQuitToMainMenuOrBeforeNewMap : '0' call records '209' pooled call records '0' planets '0' factions '0' entities 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP [dpshud] cleared data : '0' call records '0' entity records 6/30/2022 12:36:19 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 6/30/2022 12:36:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP Finish load save in 333ms 6/30/2022 12:48:27 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED115 TID12 Scourge found best friendly planet Costle 6/30/2022 1:14:20 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED116 TID30 Scourge found best friendly planet Idnar 6/30/2022 1:19:59 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED117 TID6 Hit exception in GetTargetAndLurkPlanets for Sapphire Custodians debugCode 200 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.GetNearestTerritory (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenLongTermIntermittentPlanningContext Context) [0x00008] in <2a7ea4a607114af08daf84d7c19a837b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo+<>c__DisplayClass22_0.b__0 (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet) [0x00001] in <2a7ea4a607114af08daf84d7c19a837b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Galaxy.DoForPlanetsSingleThread (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x0003b] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.DoForPlanetsSingleThread (System.Boolean IncludeDestroyed, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet+ProcessorDelegate Processor) [0x00016] in :0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.GetFireteamPreferredAndFallbackTargets_OnBackgroundNonSimThread_Subclass (System.Boolean DefenseMode, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet CurrentPlanetForFireteam, Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenLongTermIntermittentPlanningContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.External.PerFactionPathCache PathCacheData, Arcen.Universal.List`1[T] PreferredTargets, Arcen.Universal.List`1[T] FallbackTargets, System.Object TeamObj) [0x00094] in <2a7ea4a607114af08daf84d7c19a837b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.ExternalFactionDeepInfoRoot.GetFireteamPreferredAndFallbackTargets_OnBackgroundNonSimThread (System.Boolean DefenseMode, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet CurrentPlanetForFireteam, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ILongRangePlanningHostContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.Core.IPerFactionPathCache PathCacheData, Arcen.Universal.List`1[T] PreferredTargets, Arcen.Universal.List`1[T] FallbackTargets, System.Object TeamObj) [0x00012] in <2a7ea4a607114af08daf84d7c19a837b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.FireteamExtensionMethods.GetTargetAndLurkPlanets (Arcen.AIW2.External.Fireteam Me, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction faction, Arcen.Universal.ProtectedValDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] TeamsAimedAtPlanet, System.Int32& targetsConsidered, Arcen.AIW2.External.ArcenLongTermIntermittentPlanningContext Context, Arcen.AIW2.External.PerFactionPathCache PathCacheData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBuffer tracingBuffer) [0x00062] in <2a7ea4a607114af08daf84d7c19a837b>:0 6/30/2022 1:20:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED118 TID24 Memory not cleaned up properly at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'NeinzulCutstodians-GetFireteamPreferredAndFallbackTargets-planetsInDanger' of type Arcen.Universal.List`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet] 6/30/2022 1:20:10 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED119 TID24 Memory not cleaned up properly at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'NeinzulCutstodians-GetFireteamPreferredAndFallbackTargets-planetsThreatened' of type Arcen.Universal.List`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet] 6/30/2022 1:22:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED120 TID39 Memory not cleaned up properly at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'FireteamExtensionMethods-GetTargetAndLurkPlanets-preferredTargets' of type Arcen.Universal.List`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.FireteamTarget] 6/30/2022 1:22:02 PM 5.018 SINGLEP DELAYED121 TID39 Memory not cleaned up properly at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'FireteamExtensionMethods-GetTargetAndLurkPlanets-fallbackTargets' of type Arcen.Universal.List`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.FireteamTarget]