5/17/2024 5:30:23 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.2454s) 5/17/2024 5:30:23 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/17/2024 5:30:23 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14396327 5/17/2024 5:30:23 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.501 (Main Game 5/17/2024 5:30:23 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1284s) 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Returning King (0.2907s) 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Found 450 xml files in 221 folders in 54ms 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.6195s) 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP 450 Xml Files Parsed in 559ms 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0480s) 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Tried to load settings from disk, but could not find any contents in file: ??? at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <9d9536d9127f4a489d989c7a566aee1c>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp, System.Single TimeToLast) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogWithStack (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.GameSettings.LoadFromDisk () [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal+d__124.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/17/2024 5:30:24 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0353s) 5/17/2024 5:30:25 PM 0.501 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/17/2024 5:30:25 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/17/2024 5:30:25 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.9684s) 5/17/2024 5:30:25 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0831s) 5/17/2024 5:30:25 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0270s) 5/17/2024 5:30:26 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3087s) 5/17/2024 5:30:29 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Sound Search (3.3716s) 5/17/2024 5:30:29 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0646s) 5/17/2024 5:30:29 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2569s) 5/17/2024 5:30:29 PM 0.501 SINGLEP 6.5 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Disperse Diaspora (1.0s) Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3s) Sound Search (3.4s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/17/2024 5:30:30 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2471 table rows waiting on them.) 5/17/2024 5:30:30 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 17ms. 5/17/2024 5:30:31 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/17/2024 5:30:30 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID7 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/17/2024 5:30:33 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/17/2024 5:30:33 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/17/2024 5:30:33 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID31 9.6 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/17/2024 5:30:33 PM 0.501 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/17/2024 5:30:33 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID25 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 578ms 5/17/2024 5:35:02 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID13 Will generate map: 440 cells targeted. Existing tile count: 0 5/17/2024 5:35:09 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID13 Generated names for 365 pois with missing names. 5/17/2024 5:35:09 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID13 Finished FillAnyMissingSimBuildings, we had 34186 new buildings, and 34186 total items. SkippedBuildings: 0 AddedBuildings: 34186 CellCountChecked: 841 5/17/2024 5:35:09 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID15 InitializePopulation WAS needed, 34186 buildings to handle. 5/17/2024 5:35:09 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID13 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 636ms. We have 34186 total items. 5/17/2024 5:35:12 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID13 Finished adding outdoor spots 841 cells, adding 34066 spots in the process. This took 1,457ms 5/17/2024 5:35:13 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID13 Finished adding initial NPC Guards for 375 pois, adding 510 guard NPCs in the process. This took 967ms 5/17/2024 5:35:13 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID14 World saved in 1,886 ms 5/17/2024 5:53:19 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/17/2024 5:53:19 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/17/2024 6:19:04 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/17/2024 7:13:00 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Zodiac Camera to: SMAAMed 5/17/2024 7:13:02 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on EndOfTime Camera to: SMAAMed 5/17/2024 7:28:16 PM 0.501 SINGLEP ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineStructure.DoOnPostTakeDamage (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor DamageSource, System.Int32 DamageAmount, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister Rand, System.Boolean ShouldDoDamageTextPopupsAndLogging) (at :0) Arcen.HotM.External.AttackHelper.HandleGeneralAttackLogic_Inner (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Attacker, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Target, Arcen.HotM.Core.CalculationType CalcType, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister RandIfNotPrediction, System.Single ExtraAttackMultiplier, System.String ExtraAttackReasonLang, System.Boolean CheckCloakedStatus, System.Boolean CheckTakeCoverStatus, System.Boolean ImagineWillBeInCover, System.Boolean ImagineAttackerWillHaveMoved, UnityEngine.Vector3 NewAttackerLocation, System.Int32 ImagineThisAmountOfAttackerHealthWasLost, System.Boolean DoFullPrecalculation, System.Int32 OverridingDamageAmount, System.Boolean SkipCaringAboutRange, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase SecondaryBufferOrNull) (at <86062b8a17eb469fac2661fcd58d0129>:0) Arcen.HotM.External.AttackHelper.DoNPCDelayedAttack_UsePriorCalculation_PrimaryOrSecondary (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Attacker, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Target, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister RandIfNotPrediction, System.Int32 DamageAmountWeAlreadyCalculated) (at <86062b8a17eb469fac2661fcd58d0129>:0) Arcen.HotM.External.NPCUnit+<>c__DisplayClass256_0.b__0 () (at :0) Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Projectile_StraightShot+StraightShot.DoPerFrameUpdate (System.Single DeltaTime) (at <93e8229e6566446f9cabc4f663a7284a>:0) Arcen.HotM.Visualization.VisParticleEffectPool.DoParticlePerFrameLogic (System.Single DeltaTime, System.Boolean& ShouldHaveInfiniteBuildingDrawDistance, System.Int32& travelingEffectCount, System.Int32& totalParticleEffectCount) (at <5e9b694a1efe478bb5bcb2bbd7b1c318>:0) Arcen.HotM.Visualization.MainGameCoreGameLoop.Update () (at <5e9b694a1efe478bb5bcb2bbd7b1c318>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <9d9536d9127f4a489d989c7a566aee1c>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp, System.Single TimeToLast) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogWithStack (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 5/17/2024 7:28:16 PM 0.501 SINGLEP : ----------- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack Trace: Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineStructure.DoOnPostTakeDamage (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor DamageSource, System.Int32 DamageAmount, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister Rand, System.Boolean ShouldDoDamageTextPopupsAndLogging) (at :0) Arcen.HotM.External.AttackHelper.HandleGeneralAttackLogic_Inner (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Attacker, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Target, Arcen.HotM.Core.CalculationType CalcType, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister RandIfNotPrediction, System.Single ExtraAttackMultiplier, System.String ExtraAttackReasonLang, System.Boolean CheckCloakedStatus, System.Boolean CheckTakeCoverStatus, System.Boolean ImagineWillBeInCover, System.Boolean ImagineAttackerWillHaveMoved, UnityEngine.Vector3 NewAttackerLocation, System.Int32 ImagineThisAmountOfAttackerHealthWasLost, System.Boolean DoFullPrecalculation, System.Int32 OverridingDamageAmount, System.Boolean SkipCaringAboutRange, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase SecondaryBufferOrNull) (at <86062b8a17eb469fac2661fcd58d0129>:0) Arcen.HotM.External.AttackHelper.DoNPCDelayedAttack_UsePriorCalculation_PrimaryOrSecondary (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Attacker, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMapActor Target, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister RandIfNotPrediction, System.Int32 DamageAmountWeAlreadyCalculated) (at <86062b8a17eb469fac2661fcd58d0129>:0) Arcen.HotM.External.NPCUnit+<>c__DisplayClass256_0.b__0 () (at :0) Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Projectile_StraightShot+StraightShot.DoPerFrameUpdate (System.Single DeltaTime) (at <93e8229e6566446f9cabc4f663a7284a>:0) Arcen.HotM.Visualization.VisParticleEffectPool.DoParticlePerFrameLogic (System.Single DeltaTime, System.Boolean& ShouldHaveInfiniteBuildingDrawDistance, System.Int32& travelingEffectCount, System.Int32& totalParticleEffectCount) (at <5e9b694a1efe478bb5bcb2bbd7b1c318>:0) Arcen.HotM.Visualization.MainGameCoreGameLoop.Update () (at <5e9b694a1efe478bb5bcb2bbd7b1c318>:0) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <9d9536d9127f4a489d989c7a566aee1c>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp, System.Single TimeToLast) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.LogWithStack (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText, System.Boolean SuppressArcenDebugLog) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.WriteToErrorFile (System.String ErrorFile, System.String ErrorName, System.String ErrorText) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWritten (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type, System.Exception Cause, System.Boolean CameFromUnity) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.LogWrittenFromUnity (System.String LogString, System.String StackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType Type) [0x00000] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0 5/17/2024 7:30:13 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID17 World saved in 1,654 ms 5/17/2024 7:47:57 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID32 World saved in 1,567 ms 5/17/2024 8:00:05 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/17/2024 8:00:05 PM 0.501 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/17/2024 8:38:34 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID37 World saved in 1,711 ms 5/17/2024 9:35:52 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID6 World saved in 1,641 ms 5/17/2024 10:00:43 PM 0.501 SINGLEP 'AndroidInvestigate' error at DebugStage 0 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.InvestigateSpecificBuilding (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineUnit Unit, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimBuilding BuildingToTest) [0x00061] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.LocActs_Basic.TryHandleLocationAction (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor Actor, Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimBuilding BuildingOrNull, UnityEngine.Vector3 ActionLocation, Arcen.HotM.Core.LocationActionType Action, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer BufferOrNull, System.String OptionalID, Arcen.HotM.Core.ActionLogic Logic) [0x01f32] in <93e8229e6566446f9cabc4f663a7284a>:0 5/17/2024 10:01:54 PM 0.501 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID27 World saved in 1,614 ms 5/18/2024 8:07:43 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 8:07:43 AM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.2207s) 5/18/2024 8:07:44 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 8:07:43 AM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14414162 5/18/2024 8:07:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.503 (Main Game 5/18/2024 8:07:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1361s) 5/18/2024 8:07:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Returning King (0.3163s) 5/18/2024 8:07:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 107ms 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (2.1036s) 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 1,988ms 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0561s) 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 8:07:46 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0420s) 5/18/2024 8:07:47 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 8:07:47 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 8:07:48 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (1.4332s) 5/18/2024 8:07:48 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0891s) 5/18/2024 8:07:48 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0250s) 5/18/2024 8:07:48 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3365s) 5/18/2024 8:07:51 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Sound Search (3.3349s) 5/18/2024 8:07:51 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0586s) 5/18/2024 8:07:52 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2230s) 5/18/2024 8:07:52 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 8.4 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (2.1s) Disperse Diaspora (1.4s) Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3s) Sound Search (3.3s) 5/18/2024 8:07:52 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 8:07:52 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 16ms. 5/18/2024 8:07:53 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 8:07:54 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID9 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 2.6s 5/18/2024 8:07:55 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 8:07:55 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 8:07:55 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID8 11.5 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 8:07:55 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 8:07:55 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID6 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 472ms 5/18/2024 8:08:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID22 2477ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/post-error-investigation' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 8:08:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID22 1259ms to process 'Ptarth/post-error-investigation' data fully. 5/18/2024 8:08:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID22 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 8:08:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID13 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 748ms. We have 33248 total items. 5/18/2024 8:14:18 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 8:14:18 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 8:15:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 8:15:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 8:19:07 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 8:31:35 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID19 World saved in 1,686 ms 5/18/2024 8:40:04 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 310 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 8:40:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID16 World saved in 1,616 ms 5/18/2024 8:40:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 310 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 8:45:48 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 310 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 8:46:15 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID10 World saved in 1,568 ms 5/18/2024 8:46:37 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 8:46:37 AM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.2102s) 5/18/2024 8:46:38 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 8:46:37 AM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14414162 5/18/2024 8:46:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.503 (Main Game 5/18/2024 8:46:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1321s) 5/18/2024 8:46:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Returning King (0.0170s) 5/18/2024 8:46:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 38ms 5/18/2024 8:46:39 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (1.8124s) 5/18/2024 8:46:39 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 1,452ms 5/18/2024 8:46:39 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 5/18/2024 8:46:40 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0480s) 5/18/2024 8:46:40 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 8:46:40 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0320s) 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (1.5891s) 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0891s) 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0220s) 5/18/2024 8:46:41 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.2273s) 5/18/2024 8:46:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6933s) 5/18/2024 8:46:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0562s) 5/18/2024 8:46:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2419s) 5/18/2024 8:46:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 6.2 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Squires (1.8s) Disperse Diaspora (1.6s) Sound Search (1.7s) 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 17ms. 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 8:46:44 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 8:46:45 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID11 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 491ms 5/18/2024 8:46:45 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID18 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 1.9s 5/18/2024 8:46:45 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID23 7.8 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 8:46:49 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID13 2545ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 42' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 8:46:51 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID13 1278ms to process 'Ptarth/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 42' data fully. 5/18/2024 8:46:51 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID13 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 8:46:53 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID16 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 763ms. We have 33252 total items. 5/18/2024 9:07:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 9:22:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID13 World saved in 1,715 ms 5/18/2024 9:52:23 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID12 World saved in 1,608 ms 5/18/2024 9:54:15 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID20 World saved in 1,652 ms 5/18/2024 10:16:35 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID6 World saved in 1,626 ms 5/18/2024 10:34:57 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID23 World saved in 1,635 ms 5/18/2024 10:36:57 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 125 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 10:38:26 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 125 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 10:41:27 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID15 World saved in 1,615 ms 5/18/2024 10:43:20 AM 0.503 SINGLEP OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread Element error: bDataItem 125 [non-directive]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.Investigation.GetCanActorDoThisInvestigation (Arcen.HotM.Core.ISimMachineActor ForActor) [0x00001] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.BasicAndroidAbilities+<>c__DisplayClass0_1.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element element, Arcen.Universal.UIAction Action, Arcen.Universal.UIActionData& ExtraData) [0x0005d] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.TriggerTextUpdateImmediately (System.Boolean Log) [0x0003d] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Button.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x000c9] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00080] in <2884378d8784433fb039b2cbc21eed92>:0 5/18/2024 10:43:39 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID19 World saved in 1,648 ms 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1862s) 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.503 (Main Game 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1271s) 5/18/2024 10:44:20 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Returning King (0.0080s) 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 46ms 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5915s) 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 540ms 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0530s) 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0320s) 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 10:44:21 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 10:44:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7477s) 5/18/2024 10:44:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0861s) 5/18/2024 10:44:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0210s) 5/18/2024 10:44:22 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.2177s) 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6879s) 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0560s) 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2588s) 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 4.1 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Disperse Diaspora (0.7s) Sound Search (1.7s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 17ms. 5/18/2024 10:44:24 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID19 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID7 4.7 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 10:44:25 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID10 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 520ms 5/18/2024 10:44:31 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID18 2377ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 78' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 10:44:32 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID18 1349ms to process 'Ptarth/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 78' data fully. 5/18/2024 10:44:32 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID18 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 10:44:34 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID5 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 525ms. We have 33259 total items. 5/18/2024 10:47:52 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID9 2863ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/water' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 10:47:53 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID9 1073ms to process 'Ptarth/water' data fully. 5/18/2024 10:47:53 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID9 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 10:47:54 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID6 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 433ms. We have 33259 total items. 5/18/2024 10:48:56 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID10 World saved in 1,653 ms 5/18/2024 10:51:23 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID20 World saved in 1,604 ms 5/18/2024 11:11:33 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID6 World saved in 1,643 ms 5/18/2024 11:33:43 AM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 11:44:27 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID20 World saved in 1,710 ms 5/18/2024 11:56:26 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID5 World saved in 1,679 ms 5/18/2024 11:56:37 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID8 2623ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/shoot ship' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 11:56:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID8 940ms to process 'Ptarth/shoot ship' data fully. 5/18/2024 11:56:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID8 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 11:56:38 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID13 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 141ms. We have 33280 total items. 5/18/2024 11:59:56 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID15 2118ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/shoot ship' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 11:59:57 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID15 1032ms to process 'Ptarth/shoot ship' data fully. 5/18/2024 11:59:57 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID15 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 11:59:59 AM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID18 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 301ms. We have 33280 total items. 5/18/2024 12:03:30 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID21 World saved in 1,659 ms 5/18/2024 12:03:39 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID10 2226ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/super ap' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 12:03:40 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID10 939ms to process 'Ptarth/super ap' data fully. 5/18/2024 12:03:40 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID10 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 12:03:41 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID12 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 156ms. We have 33280 total items. 5/18/2024 12:04:32 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID18 World saved in 1,706 ms 5/18/2024 12:10:54 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to windowed 1840x980 5/18/2024 12:10:54 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 12:15:09 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID10 2267ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/shoot ship' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 12:15:10 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID10 997ms to process 'Ptarth/shoot ship' data fully. 5/18/2024 12:15:10 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID10 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 12:15:11 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID15 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 156ms. We have 33280 total items. 5/18/2024 12:31:50 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID16 World saved in 1,709 ms 5/18/2024 12:41:00 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID9 World saved in 1,744 ms 5/18/2024 12:47:37 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID23 World saved in 1,665 ms 5/18/2024 1:01:43 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID14 World saved in 1,781 ms 5/18/2024 1:03:13 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on EndOfTime Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 1:12:33 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID21 World saved in 1,861 ms 5/18/2024 1:26:08 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID20 World saved in 1,656 ms 5/18/2024 1:38:41 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID23 World saved in 1,673 ms 5/18/2024 1:45:10 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Resolution changed to fullscreen 1080x1920 5/18/2024 1:45:10 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 1:49:49 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Notes_SimpleBasics: Error in 'ProjectSuccess': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineProject.WriteProjectTooltipOrDetails (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase Buffer, System.Boolean WriteDetailsInsteadOfTooltip, System.Boolean WriteFooterClickHereLine, System.Single& TooltipMinHeight) [0x00177] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Notes_SimpleBasics.HandleAction (Arcen.Universal.IGameNote rootNote, Arcen.Universal.GameNoteAction Action, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, System.Boolean WriteShortIfPossible, System.Single& MinTooltipHeight) [0x056c7] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 5/18/2024 1:50:36 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID22 World saved in 1,951 ms 5/18/2024 1:50:45 PM 0.503 SINGLEP Notes_SimpleBasics: Error in 'ProjectStarted': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineProject.WriteProjectTooltipOrDetails (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase Buffer, System.Boolean WriteDetailsInsteadOfTooltip, System.Boolean WriteFooterClickHereLine, System.Single& TooltipMinHeight) [0x00177] in :0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Notes_SimpleBasics.HandleAction (Arcen.Universal.IGameNote rootNote, Arcen.Universal.GameNoteAction Action, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, System.Boolean WriteShortIfPossible, System.Single& MinTooltipHeight) [0x055af] in <6889c042fcc94fdfb00c83bcefa9f6b8>:0 5/18/2024 2:04:18 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID6 World saved in 1,659 ms 5/18/2024 2:41:03 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID12 World saved in 1,768 ms 5/18/2024 3:04:48 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID13 World saved in 1,717 ms 5/18/2024 3:16:04 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID16 World saved in 1,710 ms 5/18/2024 3:40:31 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID7 World saved in 1,879 ms 5/18/2024 3:46:56 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID18 World saved in 1,702 ms 5/18/2024 3:49:31 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID8 World saved in 1,700 ms 5/18/2024 3:51:48 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID16 World saved in 1,698 ms 5/18/2024 3:56:31 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID5 2487ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 170' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 3:56:32 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID5 985ms to process 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 170' data fully. 5/18/2024 3:56:32 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID5 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 3:56:32 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID17 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 160ms. We have 32899 total items. 5/18/2024 3:57:37 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID8 2393ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/not enough paper' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 3:57:38 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID8 937ms to process 'Ptarth/not enough paper' data fully. 5/18/2024 3:57:38 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID8 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 3:57:39 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID21 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 156ms. We have 31298 total items. 5/18/2024 4:04:46 PM 0.503 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID22 World saved in 1,698 ms 5/18/2024 4:08:02 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1992s) 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 4:08:02 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/18/2024 4:08:02 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14415994 appID: 2001070 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.506 (Main Game 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1231s) 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Returning King (0.2993s) 5/18/2024 4:08:03 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 41ms 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5685s) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 519ms 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0500s) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0320s) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7707s) 5/18/2024 4:08:04 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0881s) 5/18/2024 4:08:05 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0260s) 5/18/2024 4:08:05 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.2268s) 5/18/2024 4:08:06 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6878s) 5/18/2024 4:08:06 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0615s) 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2782s) 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 4.4 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Disperse Diaspora (0.8s) Sound Search (1.7s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 16ms. 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID29 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 4:08:08 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 4:08:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID20 5.0 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 4:08:08 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 4:08:08 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID7 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 434ms 5/18/2024 4:08:17 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID32 Will generate map: 440 cells targeted. Existing tile count: 0 5/18/2024 4:08:24 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID9 Generated names for 395 pois with missing names. 5/18/2024 4:08:24 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID9 Finished FillAnyMissingSimBuildings, we had 32741 new buildings, and 32741 total items. SkippedBuildings: 0 AddedBuildings: 32741 CellCountChecked: 841 5/18/2024 4:08:24 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID20 InitializePopulation WAS needed, 32741 buildings to handle. 5/18/2024 4:08:24 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID9 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 551ms. We have 32741 total items. 5/18/2024 4:08:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID8 Finished adding outdoor spots 841 cells, adding 34083 spots in the process. This took 1,460ms 5/18/2024 4:08:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID8 Finished adding initial NPC Guards for 405 pois, adding 508 guard NPCs in the process. This took 865ms 5/18/2024 4:08:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID7 World saved in 1,992 ms 5/18/2024 4:09:06 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID31 World saved in 1,550 ms 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1922s) 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14415994 appID: 2001070 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.506 (Main Game 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1229s) 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Returning King (0.0080s) 5/18/2024 4:24:38 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 42ms 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5685s) 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 520ms 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.3243s) 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0440s) 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 4:24:39 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 4:24:40 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7537s) 5/18/2024 4:24:40 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0841s) 5/18/2024 4:24:40 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0170s) 5/18/2024 4:24:40 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.1998s) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6304s) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0581s) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.3130s) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 4.3 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.3s) Disperse Diaspora (0.8s) Sound Search (1.6s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 15ms. 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID6 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 4:24:42 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 4:24:43 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 4:24:43 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 4:24:43 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID15 4.8 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 4:24:43 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 4:24:43 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID21 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 432ms 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1972s) 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14415994 appID: 2001070 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.506 (Main Game 5/18/2024 5:38:25 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1261s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Returning King (0.2903s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 46ms 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5805s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 528ms 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0550s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0360s) 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 5:38:26 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 5:38:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7827s) 5/18/2024 5:38:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0861s) 5/18/2024 5:38:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0280s) 5/18/2024 5:38:27 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.2012s) 5/18/2024 5:38:29 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6915s) 5/18/2024 5:38:29 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0591s) 5/18/2024 5:38:29 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2606s) 5/18/2024 5:38:29 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 4.4 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Disperse Diaspora (0.8s) Sound Search (1.7s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 16ms. 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID30 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID18 4.9 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 5:38:30 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID14 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 432ms 5/18/2024 5:38:34 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID24 2297ms to read savegame 'Rainy/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 1' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 5:38:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID24 1392ms to process 'Rainy/Saved On Exit Landing Turn 1' data fully. 5/18/2024 5:38:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID24 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 5:38:38 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID14 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 562ms. We have 32741 total items. 5/18/2024 5:38:58 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID26 2108ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/not enough paper' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 5:38:59 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID26 922ms to process 'Ptarth/not enough paper' data fully. 5/18/2024 5:38:59 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID26 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 5:39:00 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID29 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 176ms. We have 31298 total items. 5/18/2024 5:41:08 PM 0.506 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 5:41:08 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1942s) 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14415994 appID: 2001070 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.506 (Main Game 5/18/2024 6:07:31 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1251s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Returning King (0.2893s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 41ms 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5715s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 524ms 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0470s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0330s) 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 6:07:32 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 6:07:33 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7757s) 5/18/2024 6:07:33 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0851s) 5/18/2024 6:07:33 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0270s) 5/18/2024 6:07:33 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.1982s) 5/18/2024 6:07:35 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.7157s) 5/18/2024 6:07:35 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0601s) 5/18/2024 6:07:35 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2424s) 5/18/2024 6:07:35 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 4.4 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Disperse Diaspora (0.8s) Sound Search (1.7s) 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 17ms. 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID11 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID15 4.9 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 6:07:36 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID7 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 461ms 5/18/2024 6:07:44 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID17 2392ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 160' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 6:07:46 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID17 1622ms to process 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 160' data fully. 5/18/2024 6:07:46 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID17 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 6:07:48 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID13 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 1,013ms. We have 33218 total items. 5/18/2024 6:08:05 PM 0.506 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 6:10:05 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID20 2102ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 160' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 6:10:06 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID20 932ms to process 'Ptarth/Autosave Landing Turn 160' data fully. 5/18/2024 6:10:06 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID20 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 6:10:07 PM 0.506 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID30 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 493ms. We have 33218 total items. 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1932s) 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14417157 appID: 2001070 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.507 (Main Game 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1211s) 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Returning King (0.0070s) 5/18/2024 8:15:19 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 42ms 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (0.5735s) 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 521ms 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.3253s) 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0470s) 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/18/2024 8:15:20 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/18/2024 8:15:21 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.7557s) 5/18/2024 8:15:21 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0831s) 5/18/2024 8:15:21 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0160s) 5/18/2024 8:15:21 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.2032s) 5/18/2024 8:15:23 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Sound Search (1.6942s) 5/18/2024 8:15:23 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0581s) 5/18/2024 8:15:23 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.3097s) 5/18/2024 8:15:23 PM 0.507 SINGLEP 4.4 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Squires (0.6s) Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.3s) Disperse Diaspora (0.8s) Sound Search (1.7s) Making Connections (0.3s) 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 21ms. 5/18/2024 8:15:23 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID18 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 0.3s 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID31 5.3 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/18/2024 8:15:24 PM 0.507 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/18/2024 8:15:25 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID8 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 604ms 5/18/2024 8:15:35 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID17 2562ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/not enough paper' to intermediate format. 5/18/2024 8:15:37 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID17 1363ms to process 'Ptarth/not enough paper' data fully. 5/18/2024 8:15:37 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID17 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/18/2024 8:15:39 PM 0.507 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID20 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 838ms. We have 31298 total items. 5/18/2024 8:16:07 PM 0.507 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/19/2024 12:44:40 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/HeartOfTheMachine/PlayerData/ 5/19/2024 12:44:40 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.2162s) 5/19/2024 12:44:41 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphicsDeviceID: 7171 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 6043 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor processorCount: 16 processorFrequency: 3200 systemMemorySize: 16334 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 5/19/2024 12:44:40 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2001070. 5/19/2024 12:44:40 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 14420694 appID: 2001070 5/19/2024 12:44:41 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.508 (Main Game 5/19/2024 12:44:41 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1307s) 5/19/2024 12:44:41 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Returning King (0.3173s) 5/19/2024 12:44:41 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Found 458 xml files in 223 folders in 88ms 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (2.0663s) 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP 458 Xml Files Parsed in 1,969ms 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s) 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.0571s) 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0401s) 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 5/19/2024 12:44:43 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: MSAAType:4x SecondaryAAType:SMAAMed UseSoftParticles:True AnisotropicMode:Enable ParticleRaycastBudget:64 PixelLightCount:1 Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60) 5/19/2024 12:44:44 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (0.9605s) 5/19/2024 12:44:44 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0841s) 5/19/2024 12:44:44 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0250s) 5/19/2024 12:44:44 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3214s) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Sound Search (3.3370s) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0621s) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2247s) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP 7.9 seconds total load time. Returning King (0.3s) Check For Extra Squires (2.1s) Disperse Diaspora (1.0s) Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.3s) Sound Search (3.3s) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Finished loading 5666 sprites from dictionaries! (2475 table rows waiting on them.) 5/19/2024 12:44:48 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 17ms. 5/19/2024 12:44:49 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed 5/19/2024 12:44:51 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID16 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 2.7s 5/19/2024 12:44:51 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1068 level items, 55 categories, 20 external holders, 5 external LOD holders. 5/19/2024 12:44:51 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort() 5/19/2024 12:44:51 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID30 10.8 seconds total load time and post-editing time. 5/19/2024 12:44:51 PM 0.508 SINGLEP 554 materials found. 5/19/2024 12:44:52 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID9 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 449ms 5/19/2024 12:45:05 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID8 2424ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/not enough paper' to intermediate format. 5/19/2024 12:45:07 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID8 1384ms to process 'Ptarth/not enough paper' data fully. 5/19/2024 12:45:07 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID8 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/19/2024 12:45:09 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID18 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 764ms. We have 31298 total items. 5/19/2024 12:51:37 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Map Camera to: SMAAMed 5/19/2024 12:51:44 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Notes_SimpleBasics: Error in 'ProjectSuccess': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineProject.WriteProjectTooltipOrDetails (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase Buffer, System.Boolean WriteDetailsInsteadOfTooltip, System.Boolean WriteFooterClickHereLine, System.Single& TooltipMinHeight) [0x00177] in <7978b8ebae1b403e8f8045525e941176>:0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Notes_SimpleBasics.HandleAction (Arcen.Universal.IGameNote rootNote, Arcen.Universal.GameNoteAction Action, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, System.Boolean WriteShortIfPossible, System.Single& MinTooltipHeight) [0x056c7] in :0 5/19/2024 12:52:14 PM 0.508 SINGLEP Notes_SimpleBasics: Error in 'ProjectStarted': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.HotM.Core.MachineProject.WriteProjectTooltipOrDetails (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase Buffer, System.Boolean WriteDetailsInsteadOfTooltip, System.Boolean WriteFooterClickHereLine, System.Single& TooltipMinHeight) [0x00177] in <7978b8ebae1b403e8f8045525e941176>:0 at Arcen.HotM.ExternalVis.Notes_SimpleBasics.HandleAction (Arcen.Universal.IGameNote rootNote, Arcen.Universal.GameNoteAction Action, Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase BufferOrNull, System.Boolean WriteShortIfPossible, System.Single& MinTooltipHeight) [0x055af] in :0 5/19/2024 12:53:24 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID20 2716ms to read savegame 'Ptarth/not enough paper' to intermediate format. 5/19/2024 12:53:25 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID20 843ms to process 'Ptarth/not enough paper' data fully. 5/19/2024 12:53:25 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID20 Loaded tiles: 807 (841 cells) 5/19/2024 12:53:26 PM 0.508 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID20 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 159ms. We have 31298 total items.