5/16/2013 11:26:13 PM (6.029) 11:06:23 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 33 (Murdlau) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 10 (Suoshipzup) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (56 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 92 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.82 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.19 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.19 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.58 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 9.58 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 9 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 9, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 9 = 9 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 9 bought 5 Cruiser for 10 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 10, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = 8.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 8.08 bought 1 MissileShip for 2 bought 2 Infiltrator for 2.4 bought 1 Fighter for 2 bought 1 Bomber for 2 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 8.4, remaining = -0.32 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.71 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.71 bought 1 BomberIII for 2 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3.2, remaining = -0.49 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.54 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.54 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.46 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.56 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.56 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.44 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.59 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.59 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.41 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.62 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.62 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.38 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.64 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.36 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.67 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.67 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.33 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.33 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -0.33 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 18.62 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.61 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.61 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 20.84 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 20.84 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 20 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 20, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 20 = 19.67 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 19.67 bought 10 FighterIII for 20 total count bought: 10, total strength spent: 20, remaining = -0.33 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.7 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.7 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3.2, remaining = -0.5 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.53 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.53 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3.2, remaining = -0.67 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.35 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.35 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.65 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.65 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 33 (Murdlau), StrengthBudget = -1.65 Reinforcement focus types: SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 25 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(9+1)) = 1 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.72 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.9 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.9 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 5.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 5.8 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 5 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 5, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 5 = 3.35 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.35 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.65 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = 8.44 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 8.44 bought 2 Infiltrator for 2.4 bought 1 Fighter for 2 bought 1 MissileShip for 2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawner for 38.4 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 44.8, remaining = -36.36 ---doing pulse for AIPassiveGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -33.34 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.34 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.34 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -30.31 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.31 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.31 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -27.28 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -27.28 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -27.28 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -24.26 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.26 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.26 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -21.23 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.23 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.23 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -18.2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -18.2 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -18.2 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -15.17 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -15.17 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -15.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -12.15 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -12.15 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -12.15 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianSpiderII to guard AIShortRangeGuardPostIII SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -12.15 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = -12.15 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 175 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.44 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.98 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.98 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 27.85 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 27.85 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 27 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 28, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 28 = 15.85 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 15.85 bought 8 FighterII for 16 total count bought: 8, total strength spent: 16, remaining = -0.15 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.74 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.74 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.26 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.64 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 38.4 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 41.6, remaining = -37.96 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -34.07 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -34.07 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -34.07 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -30.18 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.18 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.18 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -30.18 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 21, strength: 39.6 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 16, strength: 30.4 totals for planet 33 (Murdlau); count: 7, strength: 48.8 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 13, strength: 61.6 totals for Cruiser; count: 15, strength: 30 totals for MissileShip; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for Infiltrator; count: 4, strength: 4.8 totals for Fighter; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for Bomber; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for BomberIII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 3, strength: 3.6 totals for FighterIII; count: 15, strength: 30 totals for SpireBladeSpawner; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for FighterII; count: 11, strength: 22 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 57, strength: 180.4 5/16/2013 11:26:13 PM (6.029) 11:06:23 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 208 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:26:38 PM (6.029) 11:06:39 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 33 (Murdlau) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 10 (Suoshipzup) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (56 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 33 (Murdlau), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 38 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(9+1)) = 1 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 6.58 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 5.26 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 5 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 5, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 5 = 5 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 5 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -33.4 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 7.26 = -26.14 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.14 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.14 ---doing pulse for AIPassiveGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -23.72 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -23.72 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -23.72 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -21.3 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.3 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.3 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -18.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -18.87 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -18.87 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -16.45 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.45 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.45 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -14.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.03 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -11.61 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -11.61 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -11.61 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -9.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.19 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.19 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -6.77 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -6.77 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -6.77 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -6.77 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = -6.77 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 187 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.44 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.98 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.98 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 27.85 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 22.28 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 22 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 22, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 22 = 15.23 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 15.23 bought 8 FighterII for 16 total count bought: 8, total strength spent: 16, remaining = -0.77 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.34 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.34 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.66 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.46 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.46 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.54 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.57 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.43 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.68 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.68 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.32 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -0.32 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -0.32 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 113 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.72 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.9 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.9 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 8.7 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 6.96 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 6 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 6, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 6 = 5.68 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 5.68 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 39.38, remaining = -33.7 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 7.26 = -26.44 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.44 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.44 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -24.02 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.02 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.02 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -21.59 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.59 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.59 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -19.17 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.17 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -16.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.75 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.75 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -14.33 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.33 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.33 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -11.91 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -11.91 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -11.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -9.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.49 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.49 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -9.49 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 10 (Suoshipzup), StrengthBudget = -9.49 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 28 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(10+1)) = 0 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.54 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.85 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.85 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 3.85 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 3.08 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 3 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 3, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 3 = -6.49 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -6.49 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -6.49 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.34 = 2.85 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.85 bought 2 Fighter for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.15 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostII StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.96 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.96 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.04 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostII StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 3.07 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.07 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.93 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostII StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.19 bought 1 AutocannonMinipodII for 0.98 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 39.38, remaining = -37.19 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostII StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -34.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -34.08 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -34.08 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -30.97 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.97 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.97 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -27.86 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -27.86 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -27.86 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -24.74 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.74 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.74 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -21.63 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.63 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.63 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -18.52 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -18.52 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -18.52 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -18.52 totals for planet 33 (Murdlau); count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 14, strength: 28 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 2, strength: 39.38 totals for planet 10 (Suoshipzup); count: 7, strength: 49.38 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 2, strength: 76.8 totals for FighterII; count: 17, strength: 34 totals for RaiderIII; count: 1, strength: 0.98 totals for Fighter; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for AutocannonMinipodII; count: 1, strength: 0.98 totals for SpireTractorPlatformII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 24, strength: 155.16 5/16/2013 11:26:38 PM (6.029) 11:06:39 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 224 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:35:42 PM (6.029) 11:10:36 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 33 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 29.34 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.1 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.1 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 28.73 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 28.73 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 28 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 28, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 28 = 28 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 28 bought 14 FighterII for 28 total count bought: 14, total strength spent: 28, remaining = 0 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.89 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.89 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.78 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.78 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.22 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.68 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.68 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.32 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.57 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.43 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.43 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -0.43 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.12 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.09 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.09 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 24.76 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 24.76 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 24 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 24, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 24 = 23.57 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 23.57 bought 12 FighterIII for 24 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 25.2, remaining = -1.63 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.39 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.39 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.61 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.42 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.42 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3.2, remaining = -0.78 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.25 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.25 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.75 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.75 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 37 (Veryode), StrengthBudget = -1.75 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,SpireTractorPlatform,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 280 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet exceeds reinforcement population cap, cancelling reinforcement attempt SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: did not happen ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -1.75 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 85 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 18.62 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.61 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.61 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 7.82 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.82 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = 5.25 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 5.25 bought 3 Cruiser for 6 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 6, remaining = -0.75 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = 8.33 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 8.33 bought 1 Bomber for 2 bought 2 MissileShip for 4 bought 1 Fighter for 2 bought 1 Infiltrator for 1.2 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 9.2, remaining = -0.87 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.16 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.16 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.84 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.19 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 1.2, remaining = -0.01 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 3.01 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.01 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.99 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.04 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.04 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.96 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.07 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.07 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.93 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.09 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.09 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.12 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.12 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.88 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.88 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = -0.88 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.44 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.98 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.98 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.83 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 31.83 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 31 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 31, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 31 = 30.12 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 30.12 bought 14 BomberII for 28 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 16, total strength spent: 32, remaining = -1.88 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.01 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.01 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.99 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 1.9 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.9 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.1 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.8 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.8 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.2 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.2 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 22, strength: 44 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 18, strength: 34.4 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 19, strength: 36.4 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 21, strength: 42 totals for FighterII; count: 24, strength: 48 totals for FighterIII; count: 16, strength: 32 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 3, strength: 3.6 totals for Cruiser; count: 13, strength: 26 totals for Bomber; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for MissileShip; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for Fighter; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for Infiltrator; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for BomberII; count: 19, strength: 38 *grand totals; count: 80, strength: 156.8 5/16/2013 11:35:42 PM (6.029) 11:10:36 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:35:58 PM (6.029) 11:10:51 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.54 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.85 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.85 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.83 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 24.65 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 24 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 24, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 24 = 24 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 24 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 40.4, remaining = -16.4 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -13.29 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -13.29 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -13.29 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -10.17 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -10.17 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -10.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -7.06 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -7.06 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -7.06 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -7.06 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -7.06 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 24.85 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.48 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.48 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 27.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 22.24 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 22 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 22, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 22 = 14.94 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 14.94 bought 16 AutocannonMinipodII for 15.67 total count bought: 16, total strength spent: 15.67, remaining = -0.73 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.38 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.38 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.62 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.49 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.51 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.6 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.6 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.4 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.4 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -1.4 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 30 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 26.33 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 21.06 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 21 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 22, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 22 = 20.6 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 20.6 bought 11 BomberIII for 22 total count bought: 11, total strength spent: 22, remaining = -1.4 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.02 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.02 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.98 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.45 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.45 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.55 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.87 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.13 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.13 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = -0.13 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 33 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 29.34 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.1 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.1 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 32.84 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 26.27 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 26 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 26, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 26 = 25.87 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25.87 bought 10 BomberII for 20 bought 3 FighterII for 6 total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 26, remaining = -0.13 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.98 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.98 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.02 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.09 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.09 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.8 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.8 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 2, strength: 40.4 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 21, strength: 25.67 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 14, strength: 28 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 18, strength: 36 totals for FighterII; count: 6, strength: 12 totals for SpireTractorPlatformII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for AutocannonMinipodII; count: 16, strength: 15.67 totals for BomberII; count: 17, strength: 34 totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for BomberIII; count: 11, strength: 22 totals for FighterIII; count: 3, strength: 6 *grand totals; count: 55, strength: 130.07 5/16/2013 11:35:58 PM (6.029) 11:10:51 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 252 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:42:49 PM (6.029) 11:14:49 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 26.65 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.73 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.73 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 29.82 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 29.82 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 29 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 29, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 29 = 29 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 29 bought 8 FighterII for 16 bought 6 BomberII for 12 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 15, total strength spent: 30, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.89 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.89 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3.2, remaining = -0.31 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.58 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.58 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.48 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.48 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.52 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.52 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = -0.52 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 48 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 16.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 28.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 25.75 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.6 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.6 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 25.21 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 25.21 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 25 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 25, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 25 = 24.48 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 24.48 bought 13 FighterII for 26 total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 26, remaining = -1.52 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.37 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.37 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.63 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.26 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.26 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.74 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.15 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.15 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.85 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.04 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.04 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.96 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.96 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -1.96 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 18.62 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.61 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.61 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 20.84 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 20.84 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 20 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 20, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 20 = 18.04 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 18.04 bought 9 FighterIII for 18 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 total count bought: 10, total strength spent: 19.2, remaining = -1.16 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.87 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.9 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.9 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.1 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.92 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.92 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.08 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.08 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = -0.08 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 26.65 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.73 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.73 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 29.82 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 29.82 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 29 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 29, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 29 = 28.92 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 28.92 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -9.48 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -5.58 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -5.58 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -5.58 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -1.69 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1.69 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1.69 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.8 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -1.8 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 21, strength: 41.2 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 21, strength: 42 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 14, strength: 27.2 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 3, strength: 42.4 totals for FighterII; count: 35, strength: 70 totals for BomberII; count: 7, strength: 14 totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for FighterIII; count: 12, strength: 24 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for Cruiser; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 59, strength: 152.8 5/16/2013 11:42:49 PM (6.029) 11:14:49 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:43:27 PM (6.029) 11:15:05 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 10 (Suoshipzup) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) (enemy strength nontrivial [> 300], +1000) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (57 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 26 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.72 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.9 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.9 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 23.19 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 18.55 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 18 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 18, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 18 = 18 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 18 bought 9 FighterIII for 18 total count bought: 9, total strength spent: 18, remaining = 0 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 2.42 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.42 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.58 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.84 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.84 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.16 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.26 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.26 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.74 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.74 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = -0.74 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 15 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.95 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.35 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.35 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 26.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 21.43 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 21 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 21, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 21 = 20.26 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 20.26 bought 21 AutocannonMinipodII for 20.57 total count bought: 21, total strength spent: 20.57, remaining = -0.31 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.81 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.81 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.19 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.92 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.92 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.08 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 3.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.03 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -35.37 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -35.37 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = -35.37 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 56 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.95 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.35 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.35 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 26.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 21.43 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 21 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 21, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 21 = -14.37 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.37 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.37 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -11.26 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -11.26 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -11.26 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -8.14 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -8.14 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -8.14 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -5.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -5.03 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -5.03 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -5.03 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -5.03 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.24 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.23 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.23 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 33.85 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 27.07 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 27 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 27, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 27 = 21.97 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 21.97 bought 9 BomberII for 18 bought 2 MissileShipII for 4 total count bought: 11, total strength spent: 22, remaining = -0.03 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 3.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.08 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.92 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.19 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.81 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.31 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.31 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.69 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.69 ******doing wormhole-post-only SendGuardPostReinforcements on planet 35 (Rasamuke) since there's a nontrivial human attack here and it has not been reinforced yet.reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.73 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.73 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.27 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 2.15 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.15 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.85 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.57 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.43 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.99 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.99 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -37.41 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 13, strength: 26 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 25, strength: 64.97 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 16, strength: 32 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 5, strength: 46.4 totals for FighterIII; count: 13, strength: 26 totals for AutocannonMinipodII; count: 21, strength: 20.57 totals for BomberII; count: 15, strength: 30 totals for SpireTractorPlatformII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for MissileShipII; count: 3, strength: 6 totals for FighterII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for Cruiser; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 59, strength: 169.37 5/16/2013 11:43:27 PM (6.029) 11:15:05 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:57:53 PM (6.029) 11:19:02 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 10 (Suoshipzup) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (57 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 64 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 19.32 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.7 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.7 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 8.11 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 8.11 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 8 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 8, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 8 = 8 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 8 bought 4 Cruiser for 8 total count bought: 4, total strength spent: 8, remaining = 0 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = 9.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 9.08 bought 1 Infiltrator for 1.2 bought 1 MissileShip for 2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawner for 38.4 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 41.6, remaining = -32.52 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -29.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -29.49 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -29.49 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -26.46 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.46 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.46 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -23.44 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -23.44 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -23.44 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -20.41 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -20.41 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -20.41 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -17.38 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -17.38 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -17.38 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -14.36 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.36 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.36 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -11.33 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -11.33 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -11.33 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianFlakII to guard AIShortRangeGuardPostIII SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -11.33 ******due to reinforce priority >= 2000, calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet again 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -11.33 Number of allied units on this planet = 64 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.87 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 9.87 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 9 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 9, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 9 = -2.33 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -2.33 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -2.33 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = 6.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 6.75 bought 1 Bomber for 2 bought 1 Fighter for 2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawner for 38.4 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 42.4, remaining = -35.65 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -32.62 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -32.62 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -32.62 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -29.59 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -29.59 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -29.59 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -26.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.57 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.57 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -23.54 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -23.54 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -23.54 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -20.51 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -20.51 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -20.51 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -17.48 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -17.48 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -17.48 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -14.46 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.46 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.46 SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -14.46 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = -14.46 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 26.65 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.73 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.73 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 29.82 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 29.82 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 29 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 29, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 29 = 14.54 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 14.54 bought 7 FighterII for 14 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 8, total strength spent: 16, remaining = -1.46 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.43 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.43 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.57 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.33 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.33 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.67 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.22 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.22 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 39.6, remaining = -37.38 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -37.38 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -37.38 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.44 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.98 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.98 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.83 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 31.83 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 31 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 31, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 31 = -6.38 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -6.38 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -6.38 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -2.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -2.49 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -2.49 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 1.4 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.4 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.6 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 3.29 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.29 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.71 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.71 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 10, strength: 92 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 14, strength: 63.6 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 3, strength: 6 totals for Cruiser; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for Infiltrator; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for MissileShip; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for SpireBladeSpawner; count: 2, strength: 76.8 totals for Bomber; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for Fighter; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for FighterII; count: 10, strength: 20 totals for BomberII; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2 *grand totals; count: 27, strength: 161.6 5/16/2013 11:57:53 PM (6.029) 11:19:02 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/16/2013 11:58:12 PM (6.029) 11:19:19 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 10 (Suoshipzup) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (57 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 65 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.87 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.9 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = 7 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 7 bought 4 Cruiser for 8 total count bought: 4, total strength spent: 8, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 7.26 = 6.26 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 6.26 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatform for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -32.14 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -29.72 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -29.72 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -29.72 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -27.3 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -27.3 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -27.3 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -24.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.87 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.87 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -22.45 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -22.45 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -22.45 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -20.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -20.03 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -20.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -17.61 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -17.61 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -17.61 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -15.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -15.19 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -15.19 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianBeamII to guard AIShortRangeGuardPostIII SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -15.19 ******due to reinforce priority >= 2000, calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet again 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -15.19 Number of allied units on this planet = 65 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (4 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 400 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 16.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 28.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.02 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.8 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.8 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 8.4 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 6.72 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 6 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 6, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 6 = -9.19 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.19 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.19 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 7.26 = -1.93 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1.93 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1.93 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.49 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 0.98, remaining = -0.49 ---doing pulse for AIMissileGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.93 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.93 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 2.98, remaining = -1.05 ---doing pulse for AIShortRangeGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.38 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.38 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 2.98, remaining = -1.6 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.82 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.82 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.18 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.24 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.24 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.76 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.66 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.66 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 2.98, remaining = -1.32 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.1 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.1 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 2.98, remaining = -1.88 SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.88 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = -1.88 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 16.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 28.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 25.75 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.6 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.6 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 25.21 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 20.16 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 20 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 20, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 20 = 18.12 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 18.12 bought 3 BomberII for 6 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformII for 38.4 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 46.4, remaining = -28.28 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -25.17 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -25.17 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -25.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -22.05 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -22.05 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -22.05 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -18.94 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -18.94 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -18.94 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = -15.83 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -15.83 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -15.83 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -15.83 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -15.83 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 20 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.87 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.9 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = -8.83 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -8.83 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -8.83 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -6.41 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -6.41 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -6.41 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -3.99 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -3.99 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -3.99 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -1.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1.57 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1.57 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.85 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.85 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.15 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.28 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.28 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.72 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 1.7 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.7 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.3 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 2.12 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.12 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.88 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 0.54 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.54 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.46 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -1.46 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 16, strength: 63.3 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 5, strength: 46.4 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 6, strength: 12 totals for Cruiser; count: 14, strength: 28 totals for SpireTractorPlatform; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for RaiderIII; count: 5, strength: 4.9 totals for BomberII; count: 3, strength: 6 totals for FighterII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for SpireTractorPlatformII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for FighterIII; count: 2, strength: 4 *grand totals; count: 27, strength: 121.7 5/16/2013 11:58:12 PM (6.029) 11:19:19 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:05:05 AM (6.029) 11:23:16 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 36 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.24 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.23 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.23 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 29.62 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 29.62 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 29 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 29, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 29 = 29 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 29 bought 15 FighterII for 30 total count bought: 15, total strength spent: 30, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.89 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.89 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.78 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.78 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.22 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.68 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.68 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.32 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = 2.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.57 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.43 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -1.43 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -1.43 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 22 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(5+1)) = 5 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.12 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.09 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.09 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 18.57 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 18.57 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 18 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 18, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 18 = 16.57 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 16.57 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -21.83 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for SpecialForcesCommandPost StrengthBudget += 9.08 = -12.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -12.75 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -12.75 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -9.72 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.72 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.72 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -6.7 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -6.7 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -6.7 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -3.67 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -3.67 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -3.67 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = -0.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.64 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.64 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianLightningII to guard OrbitalCommandStationIIAI SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -0.64 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -0.64 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 20 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 21.42 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 8.99 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 8.99 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 8 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 8, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 8 = 7.36 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 7.36 bought 4 Cruiser for 8 total count bought: 4, total strength spent: 8, remaining = -0.64 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.03 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.38 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.38 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.62 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.41 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.41 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.59 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.44 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.44 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.56 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.47 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.47 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.53 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.49 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.51 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.52 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.52 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.48 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 2.55 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.55 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.45 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.03 = 1.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.57 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.43 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.43 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = -0.43 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 13 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.95 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.35 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.35 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 26.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 26.8 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 26 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 26, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 26 = 25.57 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25.57 bought 3 BomberII for 6 bought 2 FighterII for 4 bought 3 MissileShipII for 6 bought 3 InfiltratorII for 3.6 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 38.4 total count bought: 12, total strength spent: 58, remaining = -32.43 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -28.53 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -28.53 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -28.53 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -24.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.64 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.64 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.89 = -20.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -20.75 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -20.75 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -20.75 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 23, strength: 46 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 16, strength: 32 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 12, strength: 58 totals for FighterII; count: 24, strength: 48 totals for BomberII; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for Cruiser; count: 15, strength: 30 totals for FighterIII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for MissileShipII; count: 3, strength: 6 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 3, strength: 3.6 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 52, strength: 174.4 5/17/2013 12:05:05 AM (6.029) 11:23:16 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:05:34 AM (6.029) 11:23:32 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 173 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 37 (Veryode), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,SpireTractorPlatform,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 68 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.52 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 23.04 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 18.42 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 18 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 18, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 18 = 18 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 18 bought 9 BomberIII for 18 total count bought: 9, total strength spent: 18, remaining = 0 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = 2.42 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.42 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -35.98 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -33.56 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.56 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.56 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -31.14 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -31.14 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -31.14 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -28.72 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -28.72 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -28.72 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -28.72 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -28.72 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 36 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 21.42 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 8.99 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.19 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = -21.72 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.72 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.72 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.03 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.03 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.42 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -19.3 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.3 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.3 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -16.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.87 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.87 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -14.45 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.45 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.45 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -12.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -12.03 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -12.03 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -9.61 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.61 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.61 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -7.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -7.19 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -7.19 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -4.77 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -4.77 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -4.77 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.42 = -2.35 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -2.35 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -2.35 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -2.35 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = -2.35 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.44 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.98 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.98 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.83 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 25.46 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 25 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 25, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 25 = 22.65 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 22.65 bought 5 BomberII for 10 bought 7 FighterII for 14 total count bought: 12, total strength spent: 24, remaining = -1.35 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.76 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.76 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.24 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.88 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.88 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.12 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.99 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.99 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.01 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.01 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -0.01 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 24.85 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.48 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.48 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 27.8 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 22.24 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 22 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 22, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 22 = 21.99 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 21.99 bought 9 BomberII for 18 bought 2 MissileShipII for 4 total count bought: 11, total strength spent: 22, remaining = -0.01 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.32 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.89 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.89 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 3.1 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.1 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.9 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 2.21 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.21 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.79 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.11 = 1.33 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.33 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.67 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.67 totals for planet 37 (Veryode); count: 10, strength: 56.4 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 16, strength: 32 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 16, strength: 32 totals for BomberIII; count: 9, strength: 18 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for BomberII; count: 21, strength: 42 totals for FighterII; count: 9, strength: 18 totals for MissileShipII; count: 2, strength: 4 *grand totals; count: 42, strength: 120.4 5/17/2013 12:05:34 AM (6.029) 11:23:32 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 173 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:12:52 AM (6.029) 11:27:30 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 174 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.86 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.86 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.9 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 30.9 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 30 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 30, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 30 = 30 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 30 bought 11 BomberII for 22 bought 3 MissileShipII for 6 bought 2 InfiltratorII for 2.4 total count bought: 16, total strength spent: 30.4, remaining = -0.4 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.51 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.51 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 5.2, remaining = -1.68 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 2.23 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.23 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.77 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 2.14 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.14 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.86 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -1.86 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 37 (Veryode), StrengthBudget = -1.86 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,SpireTractorPlatform,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 68 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.57 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.3 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.3 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 23.08 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 23.08 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 23 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 23, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 23 = 21.14 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 21.14 bought 18 InfiltratorIII for 21.59 total count bought: 18, total strength spent: 21.59, remaining = -0.45 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.04 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.59 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.59 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.41 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.64 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.36 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.68 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.68 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.32 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.73 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.73 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.27 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -0.27 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -0.27 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 20 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.17 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.1 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.1 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.31 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 9.31 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 9 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 9, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 9 = 8.73 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 8.73 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 4 Cruiser for 8 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 10, remaining = -1.27 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.04 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.77 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.77 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.23 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.82 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.82 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.18 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.86 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.86 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.14 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.91 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.91 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.09 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.95 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.95 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.05 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 3 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.04 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.04 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.96 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.09 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.09 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.91 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.91 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = -0.91 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.31 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.24 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.24 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 33.92 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 33.92 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 33 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 33, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 33 = 32.09 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 32.09 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 bought 13 FighterII for 26 bought 3 BomberII for 6 total count bought: 17, total strength spent: 34, remaining = -1.91 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = 0 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.91 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.91 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.09 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.83 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.83 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.17 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.17 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 23, strength: 43.6 totals for planet 37 (Veryode); count: 24, strength: 33.59 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 17, strength: 34 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 22, strength: 44 totals for BomberII; count: 19, strength: 38 totals for MissileShipII; count: 7, strength: 14 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 3, strength: 3.6 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 18, strength: 21.59 totals for FighterIII; count: 8, strength: 16 totals for Cruiser; count: 15, strength: 30 totals for FighterII; count: 16, strength: 32 *grand totals; count: 86, strength: 155.19 5/17/2013 12:12:52 AM (6.029) 11:27:30 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 174 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:13:08 AM (6.029) 11:27:46 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 174 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.86 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.86 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.9 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 24.71 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 24 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 24, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 24 = 24 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 24 bought 24 AutocannonMinipodII for 23.51 total count bought: 24, total strength spent: 23.51, remaining = 0.49 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 3.62 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.62 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.38 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 2.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.75 bought 1 FighterII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.25 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 1.88 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.88 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.12 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.12 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -0.12 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 37 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.57 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.3 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.3 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.89 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.91 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = 6.88 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 6.88 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -31.52 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.44 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -29.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -29.08 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -29.08 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -26.65 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.65 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.65 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -24.21 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -24.21 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -24.21 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -21.78 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -21.78 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -21.78 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -19.34 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.34 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.34 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -16.91 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.91 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -14.47 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.47 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.47 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -12.04 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -12.04 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -12.04 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -12.04 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -12.04 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.17 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.1 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.1 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 21.71 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 17.37 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 17 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 17, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 17 = 4.96 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 4.96 bought 3 Cruiser for 6 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 6, remaining = -1.04 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.44 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 1.4 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.4 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.6 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 1.83 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.83 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 2.27 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.27 bought 1 RaiderIII for 0.98 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 2.98, remaining = -0.71 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 1.73 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.73 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.27 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianLightningII to guard OrbitalCommandStationIIAI SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.27 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -0.27 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 27.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 19.37 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.71 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.71 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 21.68 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 17.34 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 17 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 17, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 17 = 16.73 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 16.73 bought 9 FighterIII for 18 total count bought: 9, total strength spent: 18, remaining = -1.27 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.44 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 1.16 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.16 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.84 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 1.6 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.6 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.4 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 2.03 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.03 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.97 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -1.97 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 29, strength: 33.51 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 8, strength: 14.98 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 13, strength: 26 totals for AutocannonMinipodII; count: 24, strength: 23.51 totals for FighterII; count: 3, strength: 6 totals for BomberII; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for Cruiser; count: 7, strength: 14 totals for RaiderIII; count: 1, strength: 0.98 totals for FighterIII; count: 13, strength: 26 *grand totals; count: 51, strength: 112.89 5/17/2013 12:13:08 AM (6.029) 11:27:46 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 174 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:20:30 AM (6.029) 11:31:43 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 174 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.31 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.24 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.24 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 33.92 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 33.92 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 33 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 33, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 33 = 33 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 33 bought 4 FighterII for 8 bought 4 MissileShipII for 8 bought 6 InfiltratorII for 7.2 bought 5 BomberII for 10 total count bought: 19, total strength spent: 33.2, remaining = -0.2 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.72 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.72 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.28 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.63 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.63 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.37 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.54 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.54 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.46 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.46 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -0.46 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 23.57 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.3 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.3 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 26.38 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 26.38 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 26 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 26, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 26 = 25.54 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25.54 bought 1 BomberIII for 2 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 2 InfiltratorIII for 2.4 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerIII for 38.4 total count bought: 5, total strength spent: 44.8, remaining = -19.25 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.04 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = -16.21 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.21 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.21 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = -13.17 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -13.17 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -13.17 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = -10.12 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -10.12 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -10.12 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -10.12 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -10.12 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 20 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 14.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 26.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 18.67 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.61 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.61 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 7.84 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.84 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = -3.12 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -3.12 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -3.12 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.04 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = -0.08 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.08 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.08 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.97 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.97 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.03 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.01 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.01 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.99 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.06 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.06 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.94 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.1 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.1 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.9 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.15 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.15 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.85 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 2.19 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.19 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.81 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.04 = 1.24 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.24 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.76 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -0.76 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -0.76 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.61 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.86 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.86 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.9 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 30.9 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 30 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 30, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 30 = 29.24 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 29.24 bought 3 MissileShipII for 6 bought 12 BomberII for 24 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 total count bought: 16, total strength spent: 31.2, remaining = -1.96 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.91 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 1.95 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.95 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.05 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.87 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.91 = 3.78 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.78 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.22 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.22 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 25, strength: 45.2 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 5, strength: 44.8 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 11, strength: 22 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 21, strength: 41.2 totals for FighterII; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for MissileShipII; count: 8, strength: 16 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 7, strength: 8.4 totals for BomberII; count: 27, strength: 54 totals for BomberIII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for FighterIII; count: 2, strength: 4 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 2, strength: 2.4 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for Cruiser; count: 10, strength: 20 *grand totals; count: 62, strength: 153.2 5/17/2013 12:20:30 AM (6.029) 11:31:43 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 174 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:20:47 AM (6.029) 11:32:00 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 174 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 37 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.51 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.99 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.99 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.9 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 25.52 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 25 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 25, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 25 = 25 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25 bought 12 BomberII for 24 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 bought 1 RaiderII for 0.98 total count bought: 14, total strength spent: 26.98, remaining = -1.98 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 1.15 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.15 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.85 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 2.28 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.28 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.72 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 1.41 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.41 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.59 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.59 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 35 (Rasamuke), StrengthBudget = -0.59 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,Raider,SpireTractorPlatform Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 27.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 19.37 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.71 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.71 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 18.97 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 15.17 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 15 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 15, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 15 = 14.41 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 14.41 bought 6 BomberIII for 12 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 7, total strength spent: 50.4, remaining = -35.99 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.44 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -33.55 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.55 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.55 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -31.12 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -31.12 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -31.12 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -28.68 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -28.68 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -28.68 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -26.25 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -26.25 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -26.25 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -26.25 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -26.25 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 31 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (5 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 500 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.87 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.2 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.2 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 9.6 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.68 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 7, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 7 = -19.25 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.25 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.25 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.04 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.04 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.44 ---doing pulse for AICommandStationShieldGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -16.81 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.81 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.81 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -14.38 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -14.38 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -14.38 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -11.94 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -11.94 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -11.94 ---doing pulse for AIMLRSGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -9.51 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -9.51 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -9.51 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -7.07 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -7.07 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -7.07 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -4.64 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -4.64 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -4.64 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = -2.2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -2.2 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -2.2 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.44 = 0.23 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.23 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.77 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -1.77 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -1.77 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 21.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.68 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.31 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.24 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.24 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 33.92 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 27.13 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 27 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 27, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 27 = 25.23 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25.23 bought 10 BomberII for 20 bought 3 MissileShipII for 6 total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 26, remaining = -0.77 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.35 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.91 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.91 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = 2.36 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.36 bought 1 AutocannonMinipodII for 0.98 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 39.38, remaining = -37.02 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = -33.89 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.89 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.89 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.13 = -30.75 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.75 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.75 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -30.75 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 18, strength: 34.98 totals for planet 35 (Rasamuke); count: 7, strength: 50.4 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 1, strength: 2 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 15, strength: 65.38 totals for BomberII; count: 26, strength: 52 totals for MissileShipII; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for RaiderII; count: 1, strength: 0.98 totals for BomberIII; count: 6, strength: 12 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for Cruiser; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for AutocannonMinipodII; count: 1, strength: 0.98 totals for SpireTractorPlatformII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 *grand totals; count: 41, strength: 152.76 5/17/2013 12:20:47 AM (6.029) 11:32:00 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 174 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:28:50 AM (6.029) 11:35:57 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 9 AIProgressionLevel = 194 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) (outnumbered, +2000) reinforce priority = 2000 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Cruiser,SpireTractorPlatform,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 26 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (2 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(5+1)) = 5 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.35 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.85 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.85 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 17.08 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 17.08 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 17 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 17, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 17 = 17 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 17 bought 9 BomberIII for 18 total count bought: 9, total strength spent: 18, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.39 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.39 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 2.39 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.39 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.61 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 1.79 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.79 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.21 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 3.18 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.18 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.82 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 2.58 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.58 bought 2 Cruiser for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.42 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 1.97 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.97 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.03 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn buying AIGuardianBeamII to guard OrbitalCommandStationIIAI SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.03 ******due to reinforce priority >= 2000, calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet again 65 (Vilbi), StrengthBudget = -0.03 Number of allied units on this planet = 26 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (2 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(5+1)) = 5 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 15.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 29.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 20.35 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 2.85 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.85 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 17.08 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 17.08 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 17 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 17, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 17 = 16.97 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 16.97 bought 6 Cruiser for 12 bought 3 FighterIII for 6 total count bought: 9, total strength spent: 18, remaining = -1.03 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.39 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.39 ---doing pulse for AISpireShieldSphereGuardPostIII StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 2.37 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.37 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.63 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 1.76 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.76 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.24 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 3.16 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.16 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 1 Cruiser for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.84 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = 2.55 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.55 bought 1 InfiltratorIII for 1.2 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerIII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 39.6, remaining = -37.05 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.39 = -33.65 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.65 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.65 SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -33.65 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 85 (Savra), StrengthBudget = -33.65 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Cruiser,Infiltrator Number of allied units on this planet = 14 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 33.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 29.77 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.16 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.16 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 33.31 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 33.31 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 33 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 33, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 33 = -0.65 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.65 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.65 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 4.36 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 4.36 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = 3.71 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.71 bought 2 BomberII for 4 bought 1 InfiltratorII for 1.2 total count bought: 3, total strength spent: 5.2, remaining = -1.49 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = 2.87 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.87 bought 1 MissileShipII for 2 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.13 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = 3.24 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.24 bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -35.16 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -35.16 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 74 (Ginadmfi), StrengthBudget = -35.16 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Bomber,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 35 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 16.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 30.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 27.07 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.79 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.79 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.29 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 30.29 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 30 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 30, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 30 = -5.16 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -5.16 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -5.16 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 4.36 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 4.36 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = -0.8 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.8 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.8 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = 3.57 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.57 bought 1 BomberII for 2 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.43 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 4.36 = 3.93 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.93 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.07 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.07 totals for planet 65 (Vilbi); count: 33, strength: 101.6 totals for planet 85 (Savra); count: 6, strength: 47.6 totals for planet 74 (Ginadmfi); count: 4, strength: 8 totals for BomberIII; count: 9, strength: 18 totals for Cruiser; count: 17, strength: 34 totals for FighterIII; count: 5, strength: 10 totals for InfiltratorIII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerIII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for BomberII; count: 4, strength: 8 totals for InfiltratorII; count: 1, strength: 1.2 totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2 totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 38.4 totals for FighterII; count: 3, strength: 6 *grand totals; count: 43, strength: 157.2 5/17/2013 12:28:50 AM (6.029) 11:35:57 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 254 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 194 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4 5/17/2013 12:29:07 AM (6.029) 11:36:13 calling SendReinforcements PlayerNumber = 8 AIProgressionLevel = 194 AITechLevel = 1 NumberOfReinforcements = 4 Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) : 38 (Aujavo) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 80 (Moatgeoao) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 64 (Zoripno) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 37 (Veryode) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 65 (Vilbi) (alerted) (enemy strength nontrivial [> 300], +1000) reinforce priority = 0 74 (Ginadmfi) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 35 (Rasamuke) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 85 (Savra) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0 (if it gets down here and was able to reinforce any of them, it goes back to the top of the list and tries them again.) 50 (Maraelrew) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 52 (Amalyed) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500 75 (Garbanisi) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 27 (Thercoju) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 9 (Binglanc) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 63 (Zadarkroad) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300 (58 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 38 (Aujavo), StrengthBudget = 0 Reinforcement focus types: Bomber,Fighter,Bomber Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 28.87 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.04 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.04 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 32.31 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 25.84 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 25 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 25, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 25 = 25 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 25 bought 8 BomberII for 16 bought 5 FighterII for 10 total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 26, remaining = -1 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 4.36 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.49 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 2.49 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.49 bought 2 BomberII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.51 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 1.98 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.98 bought 1 BomberII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.02 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 3.47 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.47 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.53 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -0.53 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 80 (Moatgeoao), StrengthBudget = -0.53 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Infiltrator,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 12 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(3+1)) = 7 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 17.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 31.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 21.75 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.04 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.04 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 24.34 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 19.47 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 19 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 19, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 19 = 18.47 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 18.47 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 40.4, remaining = -21.93 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.39 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.71 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -19.21 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.21 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.21 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -16.5 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -16.5 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -16.5 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -13.78 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -13.78 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -13.78 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -13.78 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 64 (Zoripno), StrengthBudget = -13.78 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,Fighter,Fighter Number of allied units on this planet = 37 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 34.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.67 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 4.29 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 4.29 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 30.03 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 24.02 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 24 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 24, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 24 = 10.22 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 10.22 bought 6 FighterII for 12 total count bought: 6, total strength spent: 12, remaining = -1.78 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 4.36 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 4.36 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 3.49 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 1.71 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.71 bought 1 FighterII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.29 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 3.2 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 3.2 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -0.8 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 2.69 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.69 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.31 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 3.49 = 2.18 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.18 bought 2 FighterII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.82 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -1.82 ******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 37 (Veryode), StrengthBudget = -1.82 Reinforcement focus types: Fighter,SpireTractorPlatform,Cruiser Number of allied units on this planet = 40 reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200 Number of allied units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 19; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11 guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(4+1)) = 6 ***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not) AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3 reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 10.5 reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 18.5 reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 32.08 reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 22.45 reinforcementStrength *= 0.14 = 3.14 reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.14 reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 21.99 Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 0.8 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 17.58 numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 17 numberShips led to objectsToBuild.Count being 17, adding that to strength... StrengthBudget += 17 = 15.18 --- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 15.18 bought 8 BomberIII for 16 total count bought: 8, total strength spent: 16, remaining = -0.82 ***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses: reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.39 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.71 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = 1.89 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.89 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.11 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = 2.61 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.61 bought 2 FighterIII for 4 total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 4, remaining = -1.39 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = 1.32 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.32 bought 1 FighterIII for 2 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -0.68 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = 2.04 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 2.04 bought 1 SpireTractorPlatformIII for 38.4 total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 38.4, remaining = -36.36 ***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn not buying guardian due to planet has no non-WHGP guardable objects that have fewer than 1 guardians SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -36.36 ******doing wormhole-post-only SendGuardPostReinforcements on planet 65 (Vilbi) since there's a nontrivial human attack here and it has not been reinforced yet.reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/40 = 4.85 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= MultiplierFromHumanHomeworldsAndChampions = 3.39 reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 14; = 3.39 after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 2.71 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -33.65 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -33.65 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -33.65 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -30.93 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.93 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.93 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -28.22 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -28.22 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -28.22 ---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost StrengthBudget += 2.71 = -25.5 AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -25.5 total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -25.5 totals for planet 38 (Aujavo); count: 18, strength: 36 totals for planet 80 (Moatgeoao); count: 2, strength: 40.4 totals for planet 64 (Zoripno); count: 13, strength: 26 totals for planet 37 (Veryode); count: 13, strength: 62.4 totals for BomberII; count: 11, strength: 22 totals for FighterII; count: 20, strength: 40 totals for FighterIII; count: 5, strength: 10 totals for SpireTractorPlatformIII; count: 2, strength: 76.8 totals for BomberIII; count: 8, strength: 16 *grand totals; count: 46, strength: 164.8 5/17/2013 12:29:08 AM (6.029) 11:36:13 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 253 checks of (7+rand(2 or 3)) AIProgressionLevelEffective = 194 AITechLevel = 1 calling DoReinforcementsLogic numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 4 numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 4