6/22/2013 7:41:42 PM (7.001) ----------------------------------- Strategic Reserve Logic check; Game Time: 23:06:44 *Computing MaxStrategicReserve for player 8 baseStrengthFactor = 19.8 specialDifficultyFactor = Game.Instance.Options.TotalSpecialDifficultyModifier (based on difficulty, homeworld count, handicap) = 9 aiTypeFactor = 3 effectiveAIP = (since Lazy-AI is not on, this is always 200; if you don't like that take it up with chemical_art) = 200 maxStrategicReserve = baseStrengthFactor * difficultyFactor * aiTypeFactor * effectiveAIP = 106918.95 *Computing MaxStrategicReserve for player 9 baseStrengthFactor = 19.8 specialDifficultyFactor = Game.Instance.Options.TotalSpecialDifficultyModifier (based on difficulty, homeworld count, handicap) = 9 aiTypeFactor = 1 effectiveAIP = (since Lazy-AI is not on, this is always 200; if you don't like that take it up with chemical_art) = 200 maxStrategicReserve = baseStrengthFactor * difficultyFactor * aiTypeFactor * effectiveAIP = 35639.65 **Doing Strategic Reserve Deployment to Slovnudur maxAllowedReserveDeploymentPercent = 0.1 playerMaxStrategicReserve = 106918.95 playerCurrentStoredReserve = 119406.39 (111.68%) existingStrategicReservesStrengthOnPlanet = 7737.98 strengthToSpawn = Min(playerCurrentStoredReserve,( playerMaxStrategicReserve * maxAllowedReserveDeploymentPercent ) - existingStrategicReservesStrengthOnPlanet) = 2938.26 maxTargetPopulation = 4000 currentPopulation = 469 allocating 0.24 out of 1 (710.17 strength) for role: None , eligible types:CoreBattleCruiser, CoreMunitionsBooster, CoreGrenadeLauncher allocating 0.51 out of 1 (1504.99 strength) for role: AntiBomber , eligible types:CoreFighter allocating 0.14 out of 1 (406.02 strength) for role: LongRange , eligible types:AntiStarshipArachnid, CoreSniper, CoreZenithBombardment, CoreSentinelFrigate allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: CopperPlatedBastard , eligible types: allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Tractor , eligible types: allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Gravity , eligible types: allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Reclamator , eligible types: allocating 0.11 out of 1 (315.63 strength) for role: DefenseCracker , eligible types:CoreBomber, CoreZenithElectricBomber, CoreZenithSiegeEngine actually bought: 14 CoreBattleCruiser @ 10 each, so total for line = 140 12 CoreGrenadeLauncher @ 10 each, so total for line = 120 9 CoreMunitionsBooster @ 50.53 each, so total for line = 454.74 151 CoreFighter @ 10 each, so total for line = 1510 3 CoreSniper @ 48 each, so total for line = 143.99 4 CoreSentinelFrigate @ 50.53 each, so total for line = 202.1 2 AntiStarshipArachnid @ 10 each, so total for line = 20 1 CoreZenithBombardment @ 60 each, so total for line = 60 1 CoreZenithElectricBomber @ 50.53 each, so total for line = 50.53 4 CoreZenithSiegeEngine @ 60 each, so total for line = 240 3 CoreBomber @ 10 each, so total for line = 30 Grand total: 204 ships, 2971.36 strength Remaining reserve: 116435.03 out of 106918.95 (108.9%)