7/10/2014 4:08:57 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:38:31 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 1440059 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 1440059 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 1757.88 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 108 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 108 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 125.98 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 125.98 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 283.46 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 1757.88 7/10/2014 4:08:57 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:38:31 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 108 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 1757.88 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 1757.88 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 147.63 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -44.37 == Wave total ships: 29 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ArmoredMissileI : 27 LightStarship : 1 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 1920 7/12/2014 2:52:59 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:38:31 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 40645 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 40645 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 49.62 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 108 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 108 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 125.98 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 125.98 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 283.46 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 2:53:46 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:40:58 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 1399414 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 1399414 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 1708.27 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 108 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 108 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 125.98 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 125.98 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 283.46 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 1708.27 7/12/2014 2:53:46 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:40:58 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 108 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 1708.27 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 1708.27 AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.47 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 454 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 908 ** Picked 201 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 804 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.73 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 143.47 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -48.53 == Wave total ships: 657 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ZenithPolarizer : 454 ZenithPolarizerII : 201 LeechStarship : 1 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 1904 7/12/2014 3:09:37 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:38:31 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:15:06 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:41:32 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:20:27 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:44:33 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:22:15 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 4:45:37 normalWaveStrength:232.47 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:232.68 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 220.42 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 232.47 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.22 since player.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements > 0 (from donated reinforcement budget that couldn't be used due to capping) : waveStrength += this.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements = 245.19 7/12/2014 3:22:15 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:45:37 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 105 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 245.19 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 245.19 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.46 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 18 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 30 10 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 25 12 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 24 14 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 16.8 15 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 25 15 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 14.69 5 BomberII @ 5 each = 25.01 6 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 24 4 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 9.6 7 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 23.33 6 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 20 4 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 7.84 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -0.07 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 20.59 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -75.41 == Wave total ships: 117 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Fighter : 18 Bomber : 10 ZenithViralShredder : 12 Infiltrator : 14 MissileShip : 15 AutocannonMinipod : 15 BomberII : 5 ZenithViralShredderII : 6 InfiltratorII : 4 MissileShipII : 7 FighterII : 6 AutocannonMinipodII : 4 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 350.92 7/12/2014 3:24:16 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:47:34 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:27:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:50:35 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:28:13 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 4:51:31 normalWaveStrength:226.44 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:226.59 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 220.42 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 226.44 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.22 7/12/2014 3:28:13 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:51:31 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 105 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 226.59 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 226.59 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.46 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 9 Saboteur @ 4.8 each = 43.2 9 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 18 13 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 21.66 14 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 23.33 7 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 17.5 4 SaboteurII @ 9.6 each = 38.4 7 BomberII @ 5 each = 35.01 3 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 10 4 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 16 2 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 6.67 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.18 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 19.03 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -76.97 == Wave total ships: 73 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Saboteur : 9 ZenithPolarizer : 9 Fighter : 13 MissileShip : 14 Bomber : 7 SaboteurII : 4 BomberII : 7 MissileShipII : 3 ZenithPolarizerII : 4 FighterII : 2 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 327.6 7/12/2014 3:30:18 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:53:36 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 107765 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 107765 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 131.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:34:29 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:56:37 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 1141587 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 1141587 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 1393.54 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 105 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 105 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 122.48 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 122.48 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 275.59 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 1393.54 7/12/2014 3:34:29 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:56:37 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 105 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 1393.54 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 1393.54 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 117.04 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -74.96 == Wave total ships: 633 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ArmorShip : 149 Fighter : 61 Bomber : 65 ArmorShipII : 51 ZenithHydra : 24 ZenithHydraHead : 243 ElectricShuttle : 23 ZenithHydraIII : 15 LeechStarship : 1 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 1683.56 7/12/2014 3:38:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 4:59:38 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 840469 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 840469 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 1025.96 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 1025.96 7/12/2014 3:38:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 4:59:38 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 1025.96 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 1025.96 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 86.16 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -9.84 == Wave total ships: 265 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ZenithHydra : 20 Bomber : 9 ZenithHydraHead : 113 ArmorShipII : 32 ArmorShip : 31 ElectricShuttle : 14 Fighter : 11 ZenithHydraIII : 28 ZenithHydraII : 3 MissileShip : 3 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 1164.96 7/12/2014 3:41:03 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:00:52 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 1679 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 1679 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 2.05 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:44:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:03:53 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 1679 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 1679 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 2.05 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:52:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:04:30 normalWaveStrength:264.19 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:264.27 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 8, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 264.19 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 3:52:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:04:30 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 264.27 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 264.27 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 49 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 122.52 ** Picked 29 BomberII @ 5 each = 145.04 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.29 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.19 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.81 == Wave total ships: 79 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 49 BomberII : 29 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 310 7/12/2014 3:57:43 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:06:54 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 76112 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 76112 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 92.91 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 3:58:10 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:07:14 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 5037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 5037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 6.15 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:03:28 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:09:55 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 198391 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 198391 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 242.18 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:03:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:10:02 normalWaveStrength:273.16 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:273.32 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 273.16 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 4:03:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:10:02 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 273.32 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 273.32 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 12 Saboteur @ 4.8 each = 57.6 5 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 12.5 5 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 10 11 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 18.33 16 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 26.66 11 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 36.67 6 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 20 5 SaboteurII @ 9.6 each = 48 8 BomberII @ 5 each = 40.01 2 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 8 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -4.45 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.95 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.05 == Wave total ships: 82 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Saboteur : 12 Bomber : 5 ZenithPolarizer : 5 MissileShip : 11 Fighter : 16 FighterII : 11 MissileShipII : 6 SaboteurII : 5 BomberII : 8 ZenithPolarizerII : 2 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 383.6 7/12/2014 4:03:53 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:10:15 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 5037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 5037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 6.15 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:07:42 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:12:56 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 198391 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 198391 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 242.18 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:08:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:13:16 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 5037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 5037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 6.15 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:10:43 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:15:57 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 198391 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 198391 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 242.18 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:11:05 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:16:17 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 5037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 5037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 6.15 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:14:16 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:18:58 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 198391 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 198391 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 242.18 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:15:20 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:19:18 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 5037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 5037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 6.15 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:18:13 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:21:26 normalWaveStrength:264.19 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:264.42 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 264.19 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 4:18:13 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:21:26 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 264.42 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 264.42 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 15 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 18 13 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 21.66 18 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 17.63 6 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 10 13 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 32.51 11 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 22 6 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 20 10 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 40 8 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 19.2 8 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 15.67 6 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 20 6 BomberII @ 5 each = 30.01 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.25 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.21 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.79 == Wave total ships: 121 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 15 MissileShip : 13 AutocannonMinipod : 18 Fighter : 6 Bomber : 13 ZenithViralShredder : 11 MissileShipII : 6 ZenithViralShredderII : 10 InfiltratorII : 8 AutocannonMinipodII : 8 FighterII : 6 BomberII : 6 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 364.49 7/12/2014 4:19:06 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:21:59 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 198391 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 198391 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 242.18 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:21:20 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:22:19 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 32463 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 32463 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 39.63 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:26:39 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:25:00 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:26:59 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:25:20 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 134029 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 134029 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 163.61 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:45:27 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:27:46 normalWaveStrength:276.75 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:276.91 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 276.75 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 4:45:27 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:27:46 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 276.91 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 276.91 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 76 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 126.65 ** Picked 46 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 153.33 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.07 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 23.26 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -72.74 == Wave total ships: 123 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: MissileShip : 76 MissileShipII : 46 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 432 7/12/2014 4:45:42 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:28:01 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:46:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:28:21 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 134029 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 134029 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 163.61 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:51:30 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:31:02 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:52:06 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:31:22 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 150980 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 150980 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 184.3 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:59:04 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:34:03 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 4:59:24 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:34:23 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 339518 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 339518 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 414.45 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:00:11 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:35:10 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 23 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 27.59 20 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 33.33 10 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 25 10 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 20 16 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 15.67 17 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 28.33 11 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 26.39 7 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 23.33 7 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 28 12 BomberII @ 5 each = 60.01 13 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 25.47 5 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 16.67 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.73 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 152 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 23 Fighter : 20 Bomber : 10 ZenithViralShredder : 10 AutocannonMinipod : 16 MissileShip : 17 InfiltratorII : 11 FighterII : 7 ZenithViralShredderII : 7 BomberII : 12 AutocannonMinipodII : 13 MissileShipII : 5 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 429.13 7/12/2014 5:01:33 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:36:20 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 17 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 20.4 21 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 35 19 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 38 10 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 16.67 10 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 25 16 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 15.67 8 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 32 18 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 43.19 10 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 33.33 6 BomberII @ 5 each = 30.01 11 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 21.55 6 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 20 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.73 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 153 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 17 Fighter : 21 ZenithViralShredder : 19 MissileShip : 10 Bomber : 10 AutocannonMinipod : 16 ZenithViralShredderII : 8 InfiltratorII : 18 MissileShipII : 10 BomberII : 6 AutocannonMinipodII : 11 FighterII : 6 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 436.81 7/12/2014 5:02:32 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:37:04 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:03:04 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:37:24 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 344103 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 344103 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 420.05 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:04:15 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:38:22 normalWaveStrength:264.19 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:264.42 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 9, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 264.19 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 5:04:15 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:38:22 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 264.42 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 264.42 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Stealth AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Stealth waves try to spend 100% of the strength budget on types from the Stealth group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod ** Picked 56 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 67.18 55 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 53.87 33 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 64.65 33 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 79.18 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -0.46 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.21 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.79 == Wave total ships: 178 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 56 AutocannonMinipod : 55 AutocannonMinipodII : 33 InfiltratorII : 33 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 360.88 7/12/2014 5:06:25 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:40:05 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:07:04 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:40:25 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 424625 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 424625 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 518.34 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 518.34 7/12/2014 5:07:04 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:40:25 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 518.34 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 518.34 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 43.53 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -52.47 == Wave total ships: 228 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ElectricShuttle : 1 ArmorShipII : 49 ArmorShip : 29 Infiltrator : 16 Fighter : 29 ZenithHydraHead : 25 AutocannonMinipodIII : 29 MissileShipII : 1 MissileShip : 48 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 653.15 7/12/2014 5:10:42 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:42:50 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 18 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 30 20 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 23.99 11 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 10.77 13 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 32.51 13 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 26 16 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 26.66 7 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 16.8 12 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 23.51 10 BomberII @ 5 each = 50.01 7 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 23.33 8 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 26.67 10 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 40 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.17 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 146 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Fighter : 18 Infiltrator : 20 AutocannonMinipod : 11 Bomber : 13 ZenithViralShredder : 13 MissileShip : 16 InfiltratorII : 7 AutocannonMinipodII : 12 BomberII : 10 MissileShipII : 7 FighterII : 8 ZenithViralShredderII : 10 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 431.07 7/12/2014 5:10:58 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:43:06 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:13:26 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:45:09 normalWaveStrength:271.37 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:271.44 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 271.37 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 since player.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements > 0 (from donated reinforcement budget that couldn't be used due to capping) : waveStrength += this.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements = 286.76 7/12/2014 5:13:26 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:45:09 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 286.76 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 286.76 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 10 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 25 11 Saboteur @ 4.8 each = 52.8 12 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 20 12 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 20 7 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 14 9 BomberII @ 5 each = 45.01 6 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 20 7 SaboteurII @ 9.6 each = 67.2 5 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 20 2 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 6.67 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.92 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 24.08 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -71.92 == Wave total ships: 82 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 10 Saboteur : 11 MissileShip : 12 Fighter : 12 ZenithPolarizer : 7 BomberII : 9 FighterII : 6 SaboteurII : 7 ZenithPolarizerII : 5 MissileShipII : 2 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 386 7/12/2014 5:13:44 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:45:25 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 215372 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 215372 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 262.91 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:14:26 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:46:07 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:17:15 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:48:26 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 373183 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 373183 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 455.55 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:17:57 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:49:08 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:40:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:51:27 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 431957 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 431957 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 527.29 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 527.29 7/12/2014 5:40:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:51:27 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 527.29 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 527.29 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 44.28 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -51.72 == Wave total ships: 146 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: MissileShipII : 8 InfiltratorIII : 20 FighterII : 10 AutocannonMinipod : 6 ZenithHydraHead : 28 Infiltrator : 8 InfiltratorII : 6 Cruiser : 10 BomberIII : 18 ZenithPolarizerIV : 2 BomberII : 6 FighterIII : 6 MercenaryParasite : 4 AutocannonMinipodIII : 12 AutocannonMinipodII : 1 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 625.89 7/12/2014 5:41:46 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:52:09 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:45:36 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:55:10 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:46:09 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 5:55:25 normalWaveStrength:265.99 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:266.24 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 265.99 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 5:46:09 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 5:55:25 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 266.24 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 266.24 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Stealth AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Stealth waves try to spend 100% of the strength budget on types from the Stealth group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod ** Picked 51 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 61.19 62 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 60.73 29 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 56.81 37 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 88.78 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.26 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.36 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.64 == Wave total ships: 180 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 51 AutocannonMinipod : 62 AutocannonMinipodII : 29 InfiltratorII : 37 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 363.5 7/12/2014 5:53:21 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:58:11 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:55:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 5:59:41 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 156415 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 156415 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 190.94 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:56:45 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:01:00 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Stealth AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Stealth waves try to spend 100% of the strength budget on types from the Stealth group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod ** Picked 67 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 80.38 72 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 70.52 45 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 107.97 36 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 70.52 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.32 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 221 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Infiltrator : 67 AutocannonMinipod : 72 InfiltratorII : 45 AutocannonMinipodII : 36 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 425.4 7/12/2014 5:57:14 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:01:12 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:59:06 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:02:42 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 181037 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 181037 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 220.99 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 5:59:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 6:02:53 normalWaveStrength:276.75 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:276.91 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 276.75 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 5:59:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:02:53 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 276.91 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 276.91 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 14 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 35.01 8 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 13.33 13 Saboteur @ 4.8 each = 62.4 4 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 8 5 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 8.33 9 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 36 4 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 13.33 6 SaboteurII @ 9.6 each = 57.6 5 BomberII @ 5 each = 25.01 6 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 20 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.09 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 23.26 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -72.74 == Wave total ships: 75 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 14 Fighter : 8 Saboteur : 13 ZenithPolarizer : 4 MissileShip : 5 ZenithPolarizerII : 9 FighterII : 4 SaboteurII : 6 BomberII : 5 MissileShipII : 6 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 374 7/12/2014 6:00:45 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:04:13 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:00:52 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:04:20 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 15 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 37.51 19 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 22.79 13 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 21.66 17 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 28.33 14 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 28 13 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 12.73 12 BomberII @ 5 each = 60.01 8 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 26.67 5 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 9.79 12 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 48 10 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 23.99 3 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 10 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.42 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 142 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 15 Infiltrator : 19 Fighter : 13 MissileShip : 17 ZenithViralShredder : 14 AutocannonMinipod : 13 BomberII : 12 MissileShipII : 8 AutocannonMinipodII : 5 ZenithViralShredderII : 12 InfiltratorII : 10 FighterII : 3 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 423.32 7/12/2014 6:01:02 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:04:30 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 11 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 18.33 16 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 15.67 11 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 22 21 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 52.51 14 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 16.8 15 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 25 13 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 43.33 12 BomberII @ 5 each = 60.01 9 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 36 5 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 16.67 7 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 13.71 5 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 12 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.95 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 140 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: MissileShip : 11 AutocannonMinipod : 16 ZenithViralShredder : 11 Bomber : 21 Infiltrator : 14 Fighter : 15 MissileShipII : 13 BomberII : 12 ZenithViralShredderII : 9 FighterII : 5 AutocannonMinipodII : 7 InfiltratorII : 5 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 426.18 7/12/2014 6:02:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:05:40 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 17 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 42.51 12 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 20 18 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 30 12 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 14.4 14 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 13.71 15 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 30 14 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 56 6 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 14.4 8 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 26.67 10 BomberII @ 5 each = 50.01 7 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 23.33 6 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 11.75 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -4.7 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 140 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 17 Fighter : 12 MissileShip : 18 Infiltrator : 12 AutocannonMinipod : 14 ZenithViralShredder : 15 ZenithViralShredderII : 14 InfiltratorII : 6 MissileShipII : 8 BomberII : 10 FighterII : 7 AutocannonMinipodII : 6 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 430.26 7/12/2014 6:02:20 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:05:43 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 204821 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 204821 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 250.03 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:05:28 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:07:14 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:07:16 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:08:44 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 435693 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 435693 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 531.85 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 531.85 7/12/2014 6:07:16 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:08:44 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 531.85 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 531.85 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 44.67 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -51.33 == Wave total ships: 213 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ArmorShipIV : 12 ArmorShip : 160 ArmorShipII : 20 ArmorShipIII : 20 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 767.95 7/12/2014 6:10:08 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:10:15 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:11:39 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:11:46 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 34842 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 34842 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 42.53 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:12:52 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 6:12:34 normalWaveStrength:267.78 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:267.8 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 267.78 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 6:12:52 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:12:34 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 267.8 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 267.8 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 11 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 27.51 9 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 8.82 13 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 21.66 11 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 18.33 17 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 20.4 13 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 26 5 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 12 12 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 48 4 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 13.33 5 BomberII @ 5 each = 25.01 10 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 33.33 8 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 15.67 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.25 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.49 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.51 == Wave total ships: 119 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 11 AutocannonMinipod : 9 Fighter : 13 MissileShip : 11 Infiltrator : 17 ZenithViralShredder : 13 InfiltratorII : 5 ZenithViralShredderII : 12 FighterII : 4 BomberII : 5 MissileShipII : 10 AutocannonMinipodII : 8 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 372.88 7/12/2014 6:13:34 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:13:16 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:14:08 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:13:50 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 18 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 17.63 18 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 30 14 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 16.8 15 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 37.51 12 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 20 14 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 28 12 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 40 9 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 21.59 11 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 21.55 10 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 40 8 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 26.67 6 BomberII @ 5 each = 30.01 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.67 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 148 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: AutocannonMinipod : 18 Fighter : 18 Infiltrator : 14 Bomber : 15 MissileShip : 12 ZenithViralShredder : 14 FighterII : 12 InfiltratorII : 9 AutocannonMinipodII : 11 ZenithViralShredderII : 10 MissileShipII : 8 BomberII : 6 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 435.57 7/12/2014 6:15:05 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:14:47 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 88995 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 88995 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 108.64 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:15:18 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:15:00 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 15 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 25 21 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 35 17 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 20.4 12 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 30.01 16 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 15.67 12 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 24 10 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 33.33 8 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 19.2 14 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 46.67 9 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 36 5 BomberII @ 5 each = 25.01 11 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 21.55 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -3.74 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 151 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: MissileShip : 15 Fighter : 21 Infiltrator : 17 Bomber : 12 AutocannonMinipod : 16 ZenithViralShredder : 12 MissileShipII : 10 InfiltratorII : 8 FighterII : 14 ZenithViralShredderII : 9 BomberII : 5 AutocannonMinipodII : 11 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 444.81 7/12/2014 6:15:28 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:15:10 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 13 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 12.73 13 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 32.51 18 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 30 15 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 30 15 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 25 17 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 20.4 6 BomberII @ 5 each = 30.01 15 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 50 9 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 36 10 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 23.99 9 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 30 5 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 9.79 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -2.34 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 146 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: AutocannonMinipod : 13 Bomber : 13 Fighter : 18 ZenithViralShredder : 15 MissileShip : 15 Infiltrator : 17 BomberII : 6 MissileShipII : 15 ZenithViralShredderII : 9 InfiltratorII : 10 FighterII : 9 AutocannonMinipodII : 5 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 440.92 7/12/2014 6:15:58 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:15:40 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 90 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 149.99 ** Picked 54 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 180 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.9 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 145 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Fighter : 90 FighterII : 54 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 492 7/12/2014 6:16:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:16:17 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:18:18 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:17:48 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 148324 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 148324 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 181.06 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:18:30 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:18:00 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 18 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 36 20 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 33.33 13 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 12.73 16 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 26.66 11 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 27.51 12 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 14.4 3 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 10 10 BomberII @ 5 each = 50.01 9 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 21.59 9 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 17.63 13 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 43.33 9 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 36 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.12 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 144 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ZenithViralShredder : 18 MissileShip : 20 AutocannonMinipod : 13 Fighter : 16 Bomber : 11 Infiltrator : 12 FighterII : 3 BomberII : 10 InfiltratorII : 9 AutocannonMinipodII : 9 MissileShipII : 13 ZenithViralShredderII : 9 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 432.36 7/12/2014 6:19:40 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:19:10 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 22 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 21.55 15 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 37.51 16 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 26.66 13 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 21.66 12 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 24 16 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 19.2 7 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 23.33 9 BomberII @ 5 each = 45.01 12 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 28.79 12 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 48 6 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 20 7 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 13.71 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.35 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 148 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: AutocannonMinipod : 22 Bomber : 15 Fighter : 16 MissileShip : 13 ZenithViralShredder : 12 Infiltrator : 16 FighterII : 7 BomberII : 9 InfiltratorII : 12 ZenithViralShredderII : 12 MissileShipII : 6 AutocannonMinipodII : 7 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 427.25 7/12/2014 6:19:48 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:19:18 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:20:30 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:20:00 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 328.08 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 328.08 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 16 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 32 17 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 16.65 13 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 21.66 11 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 18.33 19 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 47.51 12 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 14.4 12 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 40 9 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 30 12 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 28.79 6 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 11.75 7 BomberII @ 5 each = 35.01 8 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 32 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -0.03 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.55 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.45 == Wave total ships: 143 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ZenithViralShredder : 16 AutocannonMinipod : 17 Fighter : 13 MissileShip : 11 Bomber : 19 Infiltrator : 12 MissileShipII : 12 FighterII : 9 InfiltratorII : 12 AutocannonMinipodII : 6 BomberII : 7 ZenithViralShredderII : 8 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 429.59 7/12/2014 6:20:53 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 6:20:23 normalWaveStrength:273.16 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:273.27 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 273.16 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 7/12/2014 6:20:53 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:20:23 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: False WaveStrength = 273.27 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 273.27 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 50 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 125.02 ** Picked 30 BomberII @ 5 each = 150.04 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1.79 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 22.95 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LeechStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -73.05 == Wave total ships: 81 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: Bomber : 50 BomberII : 30 LeechStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 316 7/12/2014 6:21:40 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:20:49 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 212551 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 212551 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 259.46 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:23:10 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:22:19 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:24:41 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:23:50 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 282372 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 282372 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 344.69 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:26:11 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:25:20 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:27:42 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:26:51 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 402560 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 402560 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 491.41 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:29:12 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:28:21 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 6:30:34 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 8 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 6:29:43 normalWaveStrength:267.78 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:267.8 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 262.4 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 267.78 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.26 since player.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements > 0 (from donated reinforcement budget that couldn't be used due to capping) : waveStrength += this.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements = 283.11 7/12/2014 6:30:34 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:29:43 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 283.11 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 283.11 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.54 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, Infiltrator, AutocannonMinipod, ZenithViralShredder ** Picked 14 AutocannonMinipod @ 0.98 each = 13.71 14 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 23.33 22 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 36.66 13 Infiltrator @ 1.2 each = 15.6 8 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 20 10 ZenithViralShredder @ 2 each = 20 11 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 36.67 7 InfiltratorII @ 2.4 each = 16.8 8 AutocannonMinipodII @ 1.96 each = 15.67 5 BomberII @ 5 each = 25.01 11 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 36.67 6 ZenithViralShredderII @ 4 each = 24 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -1 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 23.78 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -72.22 == Wave total ships: 130 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: AutocannonMinipod : 14 MissileShip : 14 Fighter : 22 Infiltrator : 13 Bomber : 8 ZenithViralShredder : 10 FighterII : 11 InfiltratorII : 7 AutocannonMinipodII : 8 BomberII : 5 MissileShipII : 11 ZenithViralShredderII : 6 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 397.78 7/12/2014 6:30:43 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:29:52 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 463563 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 463563 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 565.87 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 125 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 125 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 145.81 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 145.81 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 328.08 = Enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal, so calling TriggerNormalWave with OverrideStrength = 565.87 7/12/2014 6:30:43 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:29:52 ; Player.AIType: Mime ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 125 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 565.87 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 565.87 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 47.52 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 Dreadnought @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -48.48 == Wave total ships: 144 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: ArmorShipIII : 42 ArmorShipII : 92 ArmorShipIV : 9 Dreadnought : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 850.85 7/12/2014 7:30:17 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:31:22 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 7:30:25 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Triggering CPA (always from first AI); Game Time: 6:31:30 effectiveAIPForCPAPurposes = this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 since diff == 7, numberOfSecondsPerPointOfMinimumAIPForCPAPurposes = 360 minimumAIPForCPAPurposes = Game.Instance.GameSecond / numberOfSecondsPerPointOfMinimumAIPForCPAPurposes = 65 effectiveAIPForCPAPurposes = Max(effectiveAIPForCPAPurposes,minimumAIPForCPAPurposes) = 145 difficultyFactor = ( this.AIDifficulty * this.GetHandicapMultiplier() ) / ( 13 - this.AIDifficulty ) : 1.17 aiTypeFactor = 1 simulateMaxTimeWaveFactor = Mat.One + ( ( this.AIDifficulty * 2 ) / ( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 ) ) : 1.67 simulateDoubleWaveFactor = 2 simulateDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier = 2.25 humanHomeworldCountMultiplier = Mat.One + (FInt)( humanHomeworldCount - 1 ) = 1 numberOfShips (before applying cap-scale) = ( (FInt)effectiveAIPForCPAPurposes * difficultyFactor * aiTypeFactor * simulateMaxTimeWaveFactor * simulateDoubleWaveFactor * simulateDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier * humanHomeworldCountMultiplier ).IntValue = 1268 numberOfShips (after applying cap-scale) = 634 since player.SurplusCPAStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements > 0 (from donated reinforcement budget that couldn't be used due to capping) : waveStrength += this.SurplusCPAStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements / 5 = 635 7/12/2014 7:32:58 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:34:03 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 9234 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 9234 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 11.27 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 7:33:18 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:34:23 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 7:36:00 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:37:04 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 8's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 9234 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 9234 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 11.27 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 7:36:20 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Salvage-Reprisal Wave Check; Current Game Time: 6:37:24 = Salvage is non-zero, so checking if player 9's AISalvage is high enough for a salvage-reprisal wave AISalvage: 200069 effectiveMetalForSalvageWave = floor(AISalvage) = 200069 referenceMetalCost = (metal cost of a mkI bomber in this game) = 1600 referenceStrength = (strength of a mkI bomber in this game) = 2 metalToStrengthRatio = referenceStrength / referenceMetalCost = 0.00122 = potentialSalvageStrength = effectiveMetalForSalvageWave * metalToStrengthRatio = 244.22 computing strength budget of a normal wave for threshold check FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 = not enough salvage strength to launch a salvage-reprisal (requires 1.5x the normal wave size), so we'll check again in about 3 minutes 7/12/2014 7:37:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- = CheckForWave proceeding with wave for player 9 because AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave is now >= normalWaveStrength at Game Time: 6:38:39 normalWaveStrength:306.46 AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave:306.61 = computation of normalWaveStrength: FleetShipBudget = (base value, equivalent to a single mkI fighter on high caps) = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AITechLevel = 1 FleetShipBudget *= (FInt)Game.Instance.Options.TotalHumanPlayerPlusExtraHomeworldsCount = 1 FleetShipBudget *= this.AIProgressionLevelEffective = 145 FleetShipBudget *= player.GetHandicapMultiplier() = 145 preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.AIDifficulty / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) = 1.17 FleetShipBudget *= preMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 169.14 FleetShipBudget *= player.AITypeData.WaveSizeMultiplier = 169.14 postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = player.GetDifficultySpecificWaveSizeMultiplier() = 2.25 FleetShipBudget *= postMinStep_DifficultyMultiplier = 380.57 Because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entryPointMultiplier = 0.8 Because game time > 2 hours, using full entryPointMultiplier normalWaveStrength *= entryPointMultiplier = 304.38 normalWaveStrength *= this.WaitingBasedMultiplierForNextNormalWave = 306.46 minimumStrength = 200 = AccumulatedStrengthForNextWave (after the first wave) is based on, every second, adding ( baseWaveStrength / normalWaveIntervalInSeconds ) computation of baseWaveStrength is the same as normalWaveStrength, but without the entry-point-multiplier and later stuff = computation of normalWaveIntervalInSeconds: interval = floor( ( 14 - this.AIDifficulty ) * 3 * 60 ) = 1260 so, if you're curious, amountToGainPerSecond is 0.3 since player.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements > 0 (from donated reinforcement budget that couldn't be used due to capping) : waveStrength += this.SurplusWaveStrengthDonatedFromReinforcements = 321.93 7/12/2014 7:37:35 PM (7.045) ----------------------------------- Starting CreateWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 6:38:39 ; Player.AIType: Brutal ; Player.AIDifficulty: 7 ; EffectiveAIP: 145 ; AITechLevel: 1 ; IsSchizo: True WaveStrength = 321.93 = FleetShipBudget for this wave's fleet ships = 321.93 percentChanceParasiteWave (from AI type) = 0.03 percentChanceBomberWave (from AI type) = 0.06 percentChanceStealthWave (from AI type) = 0.06 = actually chosen WaveType: Normal AIP is between the current tech level's AIP threshold and the next tech level's, so promotionRatio (percent of fleet ships to be bought from next tech level up) = 0.63 Some strength budget remaining from previous pick phases (if any), so spend what remains on types from the Normal group * called PickUnitsForWave with: Fighter, Bomber, MissileShip, ZenithPolarizer, Saboteur ** Picked 14 MissileShip @ 1.67 each = 23.33 5 ZenithPolarizer @ 2 each = 10 8 Fighter @ 1.67 each = 13.33 11 Saboteur @ 4.8 each = 52.8 8 Bomber @ 2.5 each = 20 8 SaboteurII @ 9.6 each = 76.8 8 MissileShipII @ 3.33 each = 26.67 10 FighterII @ 3.33 each = 33.33 10 BomberII @ 5 each = 50.01 4 ZenithPolarizerII @ 4 each = 16 = After picking fleet ships, FleetShipBudget is now -0.35 player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier: 0.08 = StarshipBudget = originalFleetShipBudget * player.AITypeData.StarshipBudgetMultiplier = 27.04 * called PickUnitsForWave with: LightStarship, Dreadnought, LeechStarship ** Picked 1 LightStarship @ 96 each = 96 = After picking starships, StarshipBudget is now -68.96 == Wave total ships: 87 TypesForDirectAdd count by type: MissileShip : 14 ZenithPolarizer : 5 Fighter : 8 Saboteur : 11 Bomber : 8 SaboteurII : 8 MissileShipII : 8 FighterII : 10 BomberII : 10 ZenithPolarizerII : 4 LightStarship : 1 TypesForCarrierAdd count by type: == For a grand-total Strength value of 423.59