7/12/2014 4:54:05 PM (7.045) 5:32:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 4:55:04 PM (7.045) 5:32:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 105 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:12 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:56:06 PM (7.045) 5:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 140 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 140 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:16 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:20 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:18 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) 5:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 140 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:17 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:13 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:15 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:12 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:56:16 PM (7.045) 5:32:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:57:03 PM (7.045) 5:33:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 70 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:57:17 PM (7.045) 5:33:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 77.5 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 11.25 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 12.5 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:57:50 PM (7.045) 5:33:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 4:58:07 PM (7.045) 5:33:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:58:34 PM (7.045) 5:33:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 4:58:44 PM (7.045) 5:33:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 4:59:01 PM (7.045) 5:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 4:59:11 PM (7.045) 5:34:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:59:21 PM (7.045) 5:34:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 4:59:31 PM (7.045) 5:34:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 61.25 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:59:41 PM (7.045) 5:34:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 4:59:51 PM (7.045) 5:34:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:00:01 PM (7.045) 5:35:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:00:11 PM (7.045) 5:35:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:00:22 PM (7.045) 5:35:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:00:32 PM (7.045) 5:35:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:00:42 PM (7.045) 5:35:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:00:58 PM (7.045) 5:35:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:01:13 PM (7.045) 5:36:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:01:23 PM (7.045) 5:36:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:01:33 PM (7.045) 5:36:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:01:43 PM (7.045) 5:36:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:01:53 PM (7.045) 5:36:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:02:04 PM (7.045) 5:36:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:02:28 PM (7.045) 5:37:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:02:50 PM (7.045) 5:37:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:03:00 PM (7.045) 5:37:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:03:10 PM (7.045) 5:37:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:03:20 PM (7.045) 5:37:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:03:30 PM (7.045) 5:37:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:03:40 PM (7.045) 5:38:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:03:57 PM (7.045) 5:38:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:04:13 PM (7.045) 5:38:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:04:23 PM (7.045) 5:38:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:04:33 PM (7.045) 5:38:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:04:43 PM (7.045) 5:38:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:05:02 PM (7.045) 5:39:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:05:12 PM (7.045) 5:39:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianLightningIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:05:22 PM (7.045) 5:39:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 5:39:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:05:38 PM (7.045) 5:39:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:05:57 PM (7.045) 5:39:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 61.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:06:10 PM (7.045) 5:39:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:06:20 PM (7.045) 5:40:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 105 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:15 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:06:30 PM (7.045) 5:40:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:11 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:06:58 PM (7.045) 5:40:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:07:09 PM (7.045) 5:40:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:07:19 PM (7.045) 5:40:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:07:50 PM (7.045) 5:40:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:10 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:08:00 PM (7.045) 5:41:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:08:10 PM (7.045) 5:41:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianLightningIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:08:20 PM (7.045) 5:41:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:10 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:08:30 PM (7.045) 5:41:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:09:08 PM (7.045) 5:41:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:09:24 PM (7.045) 5:41:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:09:43 PM (7.045) 5:42:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:09:53 PM (7.045) 5:42:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:10:03 PM (7.045) 5:42:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:10:22 PM (7.045) 5:42:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:10:32 PM (7.045) 5:42:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:11 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:10:42 PM (7.045) 5:42:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 5:42:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:10:52 PM (7.045) 5:43:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 43.75 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:11:02 PM (7.045) 5:43:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:11:21 PM (7.045) 5:43:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:11:40 PM (7.045) 5:43:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:11:50 PM (7.045) 5:43:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:12:00 PM (7.045) 5:43:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:12:10 PM (7.045) 5:44:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:12:20 PM (7.045) 5:44:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:12:30 PM (7.045) 5:44:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:12:40 PM (7.045) 5:44:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:12:57 PM (7.045) 5:44:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:13:07 PM (7.045) 5:44:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:13:17 PM (7.045) 5:45:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:13:27 PM (7.045) 5:45:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:13:39 PM (7.045) 5:45:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:13:49 PM (7.045) 5:45:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:13:59 PM (7.045) 5:45:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianLightningIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:14:09 PM (7.045) 5:45:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:14:19 PM (7.045) 5:46:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:14:29 PM (7.045) 5:46:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:14:39 PM (7.045) 5:46:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 87.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:13 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:14:49 PM (7.045) 5:46:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:14:59 PM (7.045) 5:46:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 43.75 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:10 PM (7.045) 5:46:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:20 PM (7.045) 5:47:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:15:30 PM (7.045) 5:47:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 78.75 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:15:40 PM (7.045) 5:47:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 88.75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:15:42 PM (7.045) 5:47:22 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:15:43 PM (7.045) 5:47:23 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:49 PM (7.045) 5:47:24 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:15:50 PM (7.045) 5:47:25 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:51 PM (7.045) 5:47:26 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:52 PM (7.045) 5:47:27 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:53 PM (7.045) 5:47:28 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:55 PM (7.045) 5:47:29 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:15:58 PM (7.045) 5:47:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:15:59 PM (7.045) 5:47:31 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:16:00 PM (7.045) 5:47:32 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:01 PM (7.045) 5:47:33 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:16:02 PM (7.045) 5:47:34 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:16:03 PM (7.045) 5:47:35 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:16:04 PM (7.045) 5:47:36 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:05 PM (7.045) 5:47:37 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:06 PM (7.045) 5:47:38 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:07 PM (7.045) 5:47:39 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:08 PM (7.045) 5:47:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:16:09 PM (7.045) 5:47:41 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:16:10 PM (7.045) 5:47:42 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:16:11 PM (7.045) 5:47:43 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:12 PM (7.045) 5:47:44 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:13 PM (7.045) 5:47:45 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:16:14 PM (7.045) 5:47:46 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Nomad 1 (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:52:54 PM (7.045) 5:57:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:53:05 PM (7.045) 5:58:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:53:20 PM (7.045) 5:58:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:AIGuardianLightningIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:53:30 PM (7.045) 5:58:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:53:40 PM (7.045) 5:58:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 131.68 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:14 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:15 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:16 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:11 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:12 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:53:50 PM (7.045) 5:58:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 5:58:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 94.06 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:16 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:54:05 PM (7.045) 5:58:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:54:21 PM (7.045) 5:59:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:54:31 PM (7.045) 5:59:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:54:41 PM (7.045) 5:59:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:54:51 PM (7.045) 5:59:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:55:01 PM (7.045) 5:59:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 131.68 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 131.68 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:17 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:16 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:13 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:13 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:10 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:55:11 PM (7.045) 5:59:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 5:59:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:55:21 PM (7.045) 6:00:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:55:31 PM (7.045) 6:00:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 6:00:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:56:04 PM (7.045) 6:00:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:56:15 PM (7.045) 6:00:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:56:25 PM (7.045) 6:00:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:56:35 PM (7.045) 6:00:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:56:45 PM (7.045) 6:01:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) 6:01:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:57:12 PM (7.045) 6:01:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:57:22 PM (7.045) 6:01:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 112.87 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 112.87 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:15 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:9 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:57:32 PM (7.045) 6:01:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 112.87 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:13 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:14 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:57:49 PM (7.045) 6:01:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:58:09 PM (7.045) 6:01:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 5:58:19 PM (7.045) 6:02:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:58:34 PM (7.045) 6:02:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:58:44 PM (7.045) 6:02:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:58:54 PM (7.045) 6:02:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:9 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:59:04 PM (7.045) 6:02:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:59:14 PM (7.045) 6:02:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 5:59:24 PM (7.045) 6:03:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 5:59:34 PM (7.045) 6:03:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 5:59:44 PM (7.045) 6:03:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 5:59:54 PM (7.045) 6:03:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:00:04 PM (7.045) 6:03:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:00:14 PM (7.045) 6:03:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:00:32 PM (7.045) 6:04:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:00:42 PM (7.045) 6:04:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 84.65 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:9 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:00:52 PM (7.045) 6:04:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:02 PM (7.045) 6:04:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:12 PM (7.045) 6:04:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:22 PM (7.045) 6:04:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 94.06 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 131.68 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:14 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:12 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:15 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:16 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:32 PM (7.045) 6:05:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:42 PM (7.045) 6:05:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:11 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:01:52 PM (7.045) 6:05:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:02:07 PM (7.045) 6:05:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:9 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:02:17 PM (7.045) 6:05:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:02:27 PM (7.045) 6:05:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:02:38 PM (7.045) 6:06:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:02:48 PM (7.045) 6:06:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:02:58 PM (7.045) 6:06:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) 6:06:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 65.84 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:01 PM (7.045) 6:06:23 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:02 PM (7.045) 6:06:24 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:03:03 PM (7.045) 6:06:25 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:03:04 PM (7.045) 6:06:26 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:05 PM (7.045) 6:06:27 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:03:06 PM (7.045) 6:06:28 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:03:07 PM (7.045) 6:06:29 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:08 PM (7.045) 6:06:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:03:09 PM (7.045) 6:06:31 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:10 PM (7.045) 6:06:32 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:03:11 PM (7.045) 6:06:33 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:03:20 PM (7.045) 6:06:34 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:21 PM (7.045) 6:06:35 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:22 PM (7.045) 6:06:36 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:03:23 PM (7.045) 6:06:37 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:10:33 PM (7.045) 6:10:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:10:43 PM (7.045) 6:10:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:10:53 PM (7.045) 6:11:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 6:11:03 PM (7.045) 6:11:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:11:13 PM (7.045) 6:11:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:9 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:11:23 PM (7.045) 6:11:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 47.03 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:10 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:11:33 PM (7.045) 6:11:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:11:43 PM (7.045) 6:11:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 94.06 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:12 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:12:03 PM (7.045) 6:12:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:12:28 PM (7.045) 6:12:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:12:38 PM (7.045) 6:12:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 65.84 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:12:48 PM (7.045) 6:12:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:12:58 PM (7.045) 6:12:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 6:12:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:13:08 PM (7.045) 6:12:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:13:18 PM (7.045) 6:13:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:12 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:13:28 PM (7.045) 6:13:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 6:13:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 94.06 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:11 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:13:38 PM (7.045) 6:13:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:13:48 PM (7.045) 6:13:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:13:58 PM (7.045) 6:13:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:14:08 PM (7.045) 6:13:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:14:18 PM (7.045) 6:14:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:14:28 PM (7.045) 6:14:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 47.03 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 47.03 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:14:38 PM (7.045) 6:14:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:14:48 PM (7.045) 6:14:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:14:58 PM (7.045) 6:14:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 94.06 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 94.06 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:13 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:15:08 PM (7.045) 6:14:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 6:15:18 PM (7.045) 6:15:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:15:28 PM (7.045) 6:15:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:15:38 PM (7.045) 6:15:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:15:48 PM (7.045) 6:15:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:15:58 PM (7.045) 6:15:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:16:08 PM (7.045) 6:15:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 6:15:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 47.03 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:16:18 PM (7.045) 6:16:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:16:28 PM (7.045) 6:16:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:16:38 PM (7.045) 6:16:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 6:16:59 PM (7.045) 6:16:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.43 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:17:09 PM (7.045) 6:16:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:17:20 PM (7.045) 6:16:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:17:30 PM (7.045) 6:17:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:17:40 PM (7.045) 6:17:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:12 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:10 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:17:50 PM (7.045) 6:17:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:18:00 PM (7.045) 6:17:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:18:10 PM (7.045) 6:17:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 6:17:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 112.87 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:18:20 PM (7.045) 6:17:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:18:30 PM (7.045) 6:18:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:18:40 PM (7.045) 6:18:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 65.84 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:14 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:18:50 PM (7.045) 6:18:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 47.03 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:8 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:19:00 PM (7.045) 6:18:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:19:10 PM (7.045) 6:18:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 6:18:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:19:20 PM (7.045) 6:18:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:19:30 PM (7.045) 6:19:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/12/2014 6:19:40 PM (7.045) 6:19:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:19:50 PM (7.045) 6:19:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 6:20:00 PM (7.045) 6:19:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:8 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:20:10 PM (7.045) 6:19:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.22 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:7 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:20:20 PM (7.045) 6:19:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.62 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:20:30 PM (7.045) 6:20:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:20:40 PM (7.045) 6:20:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.62 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 94.06 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 94.06 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:13 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:11 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:20:50 PM (7.045) 6:20:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.81 spawnedType:AIGuardianGravityIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/12/2014 6:21:21 PM (7.045) 6:20:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 188.75 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 88.75 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 140 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 115 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 108.88 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 115 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.81 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.43 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 75.25 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 75.25 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:10 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:30 PM (7.045) 6:20:39 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:21:31 PM (7.045) 6:20:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/12/2014 6:21:32 PM (7.045) 6:20:41 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:33 PM (7.045) 6:20:42 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:34 PM (7.045) 6:20:43 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:21:35 PM (7.045) 6:20:44 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:21:36 PM (7.045) 6:20:45 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:37 PM (7.045) 6:20:46 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:21:38 PM (7.045) 6:20:47 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:39 PM (7.045) 6:20:48 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:7 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/12/2014 6:21:40 PM (7.045) 6:20:49 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:41 PM (7.045) 6:20:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:42 PM (7.045) 6:20:51 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:43 PM (7.045) 6:20:52 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:44 PM (7.045) 6:20:53 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/12/2014 6:21:45 PM (7.045) 6:20:54 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Zonsic (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -25 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 208 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 208 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 225 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 191.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.45 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.46 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:5 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:21:00 AM (7.045) 9:13:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:AIGuardianArtilleryIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/15/2014 6:21:10 AM (7.045) 9:13:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:6 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:21:20 AM (7.045) 9:13:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 74.89 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) 7/15/2014 6:21:30 AM (7.045) 9:13:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 9:13:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:5 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:21:40 AM (7.045) 9:14:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:21:51 AM (7.045) 9:14:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.08 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 46.8 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 84.25 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:9 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:8 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:22:01 AM (7.045) 9:14:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.08 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 65.53 spawnedType:AIGuardianArtilleryIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/15/2014 6:22:11 AM (7.045) 9:14:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:22:21 AM (7.045) 9:14:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:5 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:22:31 AM (7.045) 9:14:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:22:41 AM (7.045) 9:15:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:22:51 AM (7.045) 9:15:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 9:15:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.08 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:AIGuardianLightningIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/15/2014 6:23:01 AM (7.045) 9:15:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:23:11 AM (7.045) 9:15:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 56.17 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 9:15:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:23:42 AM (7.045) 9:15:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:23:52 AM (7.045) 9:15:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 74.89 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 74.89 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:24:02 AM (7.045) 9:16:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:24:12 AM (7.045) 9:16:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 74.89 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 74.89 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:8 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:5 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:24:22 AM (7.045) 9:16:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:24:32 AM (7.045) 9:16:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.17 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:6 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:24:42 AM (7.045) 9:16:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:24:52 AM (7.045) 9:16:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:25:02 AM (7.045) 9:17:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.08 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 65.53 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 65.53 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) 7/15/2014 6:25:12 AM (7.045) 9:17:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:25:22 AM (7.045) 9:17:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.08 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:25:32 AM (7.045) 9:17:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 37.44 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 37.44 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:6 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:25:42 AM (7.045) 9:17:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.08 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:25:52 AM (7.045) 9:17:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) 7/15/2014 6:26:02 AM (7.045) 9:18:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) 7/15/2014 6:26:12 AM (7.045) 9:18:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 241.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 141.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 233 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 114.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 114.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.07 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 18.72 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 18.72 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 18.72 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/15/2014 6:26:22 AM (7.045) 9:18:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 4 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.66 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 37.66 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 37.66 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 62.77 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:26:23 AM (7.045) 9:18:21 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:26:24 AM (7.045) 9:18:22 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:26:25 AM (7.045) 9:18:23 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:26:26 AM (7.045) 9:18:24 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:26:27 AM (7.045) 9:18:25 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:3 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:26:28 AM (7.045) 9:18:26 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:26:29 AM (7.045) 9:18:27 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:4 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/15/2014 6:26:30 AM (7.045) 9:18:28 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) 7/15/2014 6:26:31 AM (7.045) 9:18:29 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ser (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -137 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 187 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 187 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 337 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.43 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 25.11 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 8:54:55 AM (7.045) 10:30:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 423 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -223 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 101 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 423 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 19.16 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 76.65 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 86.23 spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:4 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 8:55:16 AM (7.045) 10:30:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 423 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -223 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 101 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 423 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 19.16 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 76.65 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 134.13 spawnedType:AntiStarshipArachnid quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:3 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 8:55:45 AM (7.045) 10:30:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 100 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 57.49 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 57.49 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 57.49 spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:2 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 8:55:55 AM (7.045) 10:30:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 100 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 19.16 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 19.16 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.74 spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 8:56:17 AM (7.045) 10:30:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 100 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 57.49 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 57.49 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 95.81 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipV quantity:2 (strength-each:64) 7/16/2014 8:56:31 AM (7.045) 10:31:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 291.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 191.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 324 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 100 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 119.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119.13 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 16.88 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 23.75 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.09 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.16 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 3 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 19.16 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 57.49 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 95.81 spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:4 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AntiStarshipArachnid quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 8:56:34 AM (7.045) 10:31:02 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 25.31 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 40.63 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 308.13 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 208.13 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 200 is 340 and the approximation for 300 is 531 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 355 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 131 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 120.81 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 131 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 25.31 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 40.63 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.15 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 20.21 spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 8:56:48 AM (7.045) 10:31:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Copo (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 25.31 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 40.63 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 308.13 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -224 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 208.13 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 200 is 340 and the approximation for 300 is 531 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 355 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 131 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 120.81 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 131 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 424 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 78.75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 87.5 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 20 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 75 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 50 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 25.31 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 40.63 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.15 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 20.21 spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:AntiStarshipArachnid quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:PowerslaverV quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/16/2014 9:43:46 AM (7.045) 0:26:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:43:58 AM (7.045) 0:26:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:44:08 AM (7.045) 0:26:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:44:18 AM (7.045) 0:26:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:44:28 AM (7.045) 0:26:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:44:38 AM (7.045) 0:27:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:44:48 AM (7.045) 0:27:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:44:58 AM (7.045) 0:27:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:45:08 AM (7.045) 0:27:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:45:18 AM (7.045) 0:27:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:45:28 AM (7.045) 0:27:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/16/2014 9:45:38 AM (7.045) 0:28:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:45:48 AM (7.045) 0:28:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:9 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:45:58 AM (7.045) 0:28:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:46:08 AM (7.045) 0:28:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:46:18 AM (7.045) 0:28:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:46:28 AM (7.045) 0:28:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:46:38 AM (7.045) 0:29:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/16/2014 9:46:48 AM (7.045) 0:29:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:46:58 AM (7.045) 0:29:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/16/2014 9:47:08 AM (7.045) 0:29:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:47:18 AM (7.045) 0:29:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:47:28 AM (7.045) 0:29:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:47:38 AM (7.045) 0:30:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:47:49 AM (7.045) 0:30:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:47:59 AM (7.045) 0:30:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:48:09 AM (7.045) 0:30:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:48:19 AM (7.045) 0:30:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:48:29 AM (7.045) 0:30:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:48:39 AM (7.045) 0:31:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:48:49 AM (7.045) 0:31:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:48:59 AM (7.045) 0:31:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:49:09 AM (7.045) 0:31:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:49:19 AM (7.045) 0:31:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:49:29 AM (7.045) 0:31:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:49:39 AM (7.045) 0:32:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:49:49 AM (7.045) 0:32:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:49:59 AM (7.045) 0:32:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/16/2014 9:50:09 AM (7.045) 0:32:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:50:19 AM (7.045) 0:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:50:29 AM (7.045) 0:32:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:50:39 AM (7.045) 0:33:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:50:49 AM (7.045) 0:33:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:50:59 AM (7.045) 0:33:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:51:09 AM (7.045) 0:33:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:51:19 AM (7.045) 0:33:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:51:29 AM (7.045) 0:33:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:51:39 AM (7.045) 0:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:51:49 AM (7.045) 0:34:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:51:59 AM (7.045) 0:34:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:52:09 AM (7.045) 0:34:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:52:19 AM (7.045) 0:34:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:52:29 AM (7.045) 0:34:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:52:39 AM (7.045) 0:35:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 52.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:52:49 AM (7.045) 0:35:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:52:59 AM (7.045) 0:35:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 26.25 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:09 AM (7.045) 0:35:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:19 AM (7.045) 0:35:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:10 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:29 AM (7.045) 0:35:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:39 AM (7.045) 0:36:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:42 AM (7.045) 0:36:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:43 AM (7.045) 0:36:04 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:44 AM (7.045) 0:36:05 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:45 AM (7.045) 0:36:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:46 AM (7.045) 0:36:07 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:47 AM (7.045) 0:36:08 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:48 AM (7.045) 0:36:09 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:49 AM (7.045) 0:36:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:50 AM (7.045) 0:36:11 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:51 AM (7.045) 0:36:12 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:52 AM (7.045) 0:36:13 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:53 AM (7.045) 0:36:14 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:54 AM (7.045) 0:36:15 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/16/2014 9:53:55 AM (7.045) 0:36:16 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/16/2014 9:53:56 AM (7.045) 0:36:17 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Ictolnow (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 17.5 spawnStrength *= handicap = 17.5 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 17.5 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 35 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 17.5 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:10:33 PM (7.047) 0:24:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:10:48 PM (7.047) 0:24:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:11:08 PM (7.047) 0:24:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:11:29 PM (7.047) 0:24:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:11:49 PM (7.047) 0:24:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:12:23 PM (7.047) 0:24:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:12:33 PM (7.047) 0:25:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:13:31 PM (7.047) 0:25:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:13:56 PM (7.047) 0:25:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:14:25 PM (7.047) 0:25:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:14:40 PM (7.047) 0:25:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:15:28 PM (7.047) 0:25:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:15:43 PM (7.047) 0:26:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:16:52 PM (7.047) 0:26:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:17:11 PM (7.047) 0:26:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:17:28 PM (7.047) 0:26:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:17:38 PM (7.047) 0:26:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:18:15 PM (7.047) 0:26:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:18:25 PM (7.047) 0:27:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/25/2014 4:19:02 PM (7.047) 0:27:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:19:39 PM (7.047) 0:27:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/25/2014 4:21:27 PM (7.047) 0:27:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:21:57 PM (7.047) 0:27:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:22:16 PM (7.047) 0:27:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:22:26 PM (7.047) 0:28:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:22:36 PM (7.047) 0:28:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:22:46 PM (7.047) 0:28:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:22:56 PM (7.047) 0:28:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:23:06 PM (7.047) 0:28:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:23:24 PM (7.047) 0:28:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:24:45 PM (7.047) 0:29:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:24:57 PM (7.047) 0:29:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:25:20 PM (7.047) 0:29:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:25:32 PM (7.047) 0:29:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:26:00 PM (7.047) 0:29:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:26:20 PM (7.047) 0:29:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:26:30 PM (7.047) 0:30:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 30 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:26:54 PM (7.047) 0:30:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:27:04 PM (7.047) 0:30:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:27:46 PM (7.047) 0:30:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:28:20 PM (7.047) 0:30:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:28:36 PM (7.047) 0:30:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:28:57 PM (7.047) 0:31:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:29:09 PM (7.047) 0:31:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:29:19 PM (7.047) 0:31:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:29:29 PM (7.047) 0:31:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:29:39 PM (7.047) 0:31:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:29:49 PM (7.047) 0:31:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:29:59 PM (7.047) 0:32:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:30:09 PM (7.047) 0:32:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:30:19 PM (7.047) 0:32:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:30:29 PM (7.047) 0:32:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/25/2014 4:30:47 PM (7.047) 0:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:31:13 PM (7.047) 0:32:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:31:23 PM (7.047) 0:33:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:31:33 PM (7.047) 0:33:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:31:48 PM (7.047) 0:33:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 4:32:25 PM (7.047) 0:33:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:32:38 PM (7.047) 0:33:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:32:58 PM (7.047) 0:33:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:33:00 PM (7.047) 0:33:52 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:01 PM (7.047) 0:33:53 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:33:11 PM (7.047) 0:33:54 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:33:12 PM (7.047) 0:33:55 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:33:13 PM (7.047) 0:33:56 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:33:14 PM (7.047) 0:33:57 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:15 PM (7.047) 0:33:58 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:16 PM (7.047) 0:33:59 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:17 PM (7.047) 0:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:33:18 PM (7.047) 0:34:01 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:19 PM (7.047) 0:34:02 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/25/2014 4:33:20 PM (7.047) 0:34:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 4:33:21 PM (7.047) 0:34:04 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 4:33:22 PM (7.047) 0:34:05 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 4:33:23 PM (7.047) 0:34:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 31 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 31 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/25/2014 5:44:31 PM (7.047) 1:10:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithMedicFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/25/2014 5:45:03 PM (7.047) 1:10:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ShieldBearerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) 7/25/2014 5:45:37 PM (7.047) 1:10:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/25/2014 5:46:46 PM (7.047) 1:10:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithSiegeEngineIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 5:47:21 PM (7.047) 1:10:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ParasiteIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) spawnedType:TackleDroneLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:36) 7/25/2014 5:47:31 PM (7.047) 1:11:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireRailclusterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/25/2014 5:47:41 PM (7.047) 1:11:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:47:54 PM (7.047) 1:11:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/25/2014 5:48:04 PM (7.047) 1:11:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithMirrorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 5:48:14 PM (7.047) 1:11:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithSiegeEngineIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) 7/25/2014 5:48:40 PM (7.047) 1:11:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:NeinzulRailpodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1) spawnedType:SpireRailclusterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/25/2014 5:48:50 PM (7.047) 1:12:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireRailclusterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/25/2014 5:49:00 PM (7.047) 1:12:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:TackleDroneLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:36) 7/25/2014 5:49:10 PM (7.047) 1:12:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/25/2014 5:49:20 PM (7.047) 1:12:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/25/2014 5:49:30 PM (7.047) 1:12:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:49:40 PM (7.047) 1:12:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:TeleportRaiderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/25/2014 5:49:50 PM (7.047) 1:13:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireGravityDrainIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:NeinzulRailpodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1) spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:50:00 PM (7.047) 1:13:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:SpireGravityDrainIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/25/2014 5:50:22 PM (7.047) 1:13:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BulletproofFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:AcidSprayerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithParalyzerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:NeinzulScapegoatIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:50:33 PM (7.047) 1:13:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:50:50 PM (7.047) 1:13:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 5:51:00 PM (7.047) 1:13:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/25/2014 5:51:10 PM (7.047) 1:14:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:LazerGatlingIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.71) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:51:20 PM (7.047) 1:14:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ParasiteIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 5:51:30 PM (7.047) 1:14:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireBladeSpawnerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:57.6) 7/25/2014 5:51:51 PM (7.047) 1:14:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:2 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:52:16 PM (7.047) 1:14:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/25/2014 5:53:03 PM (7.047) 1:14:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireBladeSpawnerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:57.6) 7/25/2014 5:53:13 PM (7.047) 1:15:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/25/2014 5:54:23 PM (7.047) 1:15:09 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:SpaceTankIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/25/2014 5:54:27 PM (7.047) 1:15:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:SpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireBladeSpawnerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:57.6) 7/25/2014 5:54:30 PM (7.047) 1:15:11 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:LazerGatlingIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.71) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/25/2014 5:54:32 PM (7.047) 1:15:12 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:SpireArmorRotterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:TeleportBattleStationIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:54:33 PM (7.047) 1:15:13 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/25/2014 5:54:34 PM (7.047) 1:15:14 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:TeleportBattleStationIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:ZenithSiegeEngineIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/25/2014 5:54:35 PM (7.047) 1:15:15 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:NeinzulScapegoatIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/25/2014 5:54:36 PM (7.047) 1:15:16 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Murdoch (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 128 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 222 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 222 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 72 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 134 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.17 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 16.38 spawnedType:TackleDroneLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:36) 7/28/2014 6:55:53 AM (7.047) 4:10:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ElectricShuttleIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:SpireRailclusterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:56:03 AM (7.047) 4:10:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:RaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AcidSprayerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithSiegeEngineIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:SpireTeleportingLeechIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:LazerGatlingIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.71) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:SpireArmorRotterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/28/2014 6:56:14 AM (7.047) 4:10:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:56:28 AM (7.047) 4:10:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.63 spawnedType:AIGuardianFlakIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/28/2014 6:57:17 AM (7.047) 4:10:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/28/2014 6:57:27 AM (7.047) 4:10:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:SpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireArmorRotterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) 7/28/2014 6:57:37 AM (7.047) 4:11:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 72.08 spawnedType:NeinzulRailpodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ShieldBearerIII quantity:3 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:SpireTeleportingLeechIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:SpireGravityDrainIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/28/2014 6:57:47 AM (7.047) 4:11:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.63 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/28/2014 6:57:58 AM (7.047) 4:11:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTeleportingLeechIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/28/2014 6:58:08 AM (7.047) 4:11:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:58:18 AM (7.047) 4:11:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:58:28 AM (7.047) 4:11:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ShieldBearerIII quantity:2 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:VampireClawIII quantity:1 (strength-each:3.43) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:58:38 AM (7.047) 4:12:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:TeleportBattleStationIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:NeinzulScapegoatIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) 7/28/2014 6:58:48 AM (7.047) 4:12:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AntiArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:NeinzulScapegoatIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:AcidSprayerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ParasiteIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 6:58:58 AM (7.047) 4:12:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 57.67 spawnedType:AntiArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ParasiteIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ImpulseReactionEmitterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:BulletproofFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 6:59:08 AM (7.047) 4:12:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/28/2014 6:59:18 AM (7.047) 4:12:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 86.5 spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:TackleDroneLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:36) spawnedType:ZenithParalyzerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/28/2014 6:59:28 AM (7.047) 4:12:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.63 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.83 spawnedType:SpireArmorRotterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:RaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:SpireBladeSpawnerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:57.6) 7/28/2014 6:59:38 AM (7.047) 4:13:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:TeleportRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) spawnedType:SpireGravityDrainIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/28/2014 6:59:48 AM (7.047) 4:13:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToSniperGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/28/2014 6:59:58 AM (7.047) 4:13:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 43.25 spawnedType:TackleDroneLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:36) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:AntiArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/28/2014 7:00:08 AM (7.047) 4:13:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.83 spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithMedicFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 7:00:18 AM (7.047) 4:13:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithMedicFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 7:00:28 AM (7.047) 4:13:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:AIGuardianSpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/28/2014 7:00:38 AM (7.047) 4:14:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 spawnedType:RaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:AntiArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:VampireClawIII quantity:1 (strength-each:3.43) spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:SpireStealthBattleshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 7:00:48 AM (7.047) 4:14:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.63 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 36.04 spawnedType:SpireArmorRotterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:YounglingShrikeIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VampireClawIII quantity:1 (strength-each:3.43) spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTeleportingLeechIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:SpiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 7:01:04 AM (7.047) 4:14:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpaceTankIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) 7/28/2014 7:01:15 AM (7.047) 4:14:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.42 spawnedType:NeinzulScapegoatIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:TeleportBattleStationIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) 7/28/2014 7:01:31 AM (7.047) 4:14:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.42 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.63 spawnedType:SentinelFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ShieldBearerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) 7/28/2014 7:01:41 AM (7.047) 4:14:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 160 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 60 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 94 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 82 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 106 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 106 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 112.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 125 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.03 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.42 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 57.67 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 57.67 spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 7:01:51 AM (7.047) 4:15:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:AntiArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:TeleportBattleStationIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:MicroFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/28/2014 7:01:52 AM (7.047) 4:15:01 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithViralShredderIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:MLRSIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.53) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:RaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.6) spawnedType:SaboteurIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4.8) spawnedType:ZenithMedicFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 7:01:53 AM (7.047) 4:15:02 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) spawnedType:BulletproofFighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:ElectricShuttleIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) 7/28/2014 7:01:54 AM (7.047) 4:15:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:ZenithParalyzerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ArmorShipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2.18) spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:TeleportRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithPolarizerIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:GrenadeLauncherIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/28/2014 7:01:55 AM (7.047) 4:15:04 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:SpireTeleportingLeechIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ElectricShuttleIII quantity:1 (strength-each:8) spawnedType:SpaceTankIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:RaptorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireGravityDrainIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithHydraIII quantity:1 (strength-each:6) spawnedType:TeleportRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:SpireTractorPlatformIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 7:01:56 AM (7.047) 4:15:05 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:ZenithSiegeEngineIII quantity:1 (strength-each:12) spawnedType:SpireRailclusterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:38.4) 7/28/2014 7:01:57 AM (7.047) 4:15:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:AutocannonMinipodIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EtherJetIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.33) spawnedType:ShieldBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:SniperIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/28/2014 7:01:58 AM (7.047) 4:15:07 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Seknous (playerNumber:8) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 441.25 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = -12 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 341.25 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 300 is 531 and the approximation for 400 is 728 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 612 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 600 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 134.13 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 600 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 212 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 253.13 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 406.25 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 370.75 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 2.35 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 32.9 spawnedType:SpacePlaneIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.12) spawnedType:MunitionsBoosterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ZenithChameleonIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithAutoBombIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:DeflectorDroneIII quantity:1 (strength-each:0.98) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithElectricBomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:10.11) spawnedType:ZenithReprocessorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:24) 7/29/2014 8:02:56 PM (7.047) 1:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:03:06 PM (7.047) 1:32:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:03:35 PM (7.047) 1:33:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:03:45 PM (7.047) 1:33:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:03:55 PM (7.047) 1:33:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:04:05 PM (7.047) 1:33:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:04:15 PM (7.047) 1:33:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:04:25 PM (7.047) 1:33:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:04:35 PM (7.047) 1:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:04:45 PM (7.047) 1:34:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:04:55 PM (7.047) 1:34:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:05:05 PM (7.047) 1:34:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:05:15 PM (7.047) 1:34:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:05:25 PM (7.047) 1:34:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:05:35 PM (7.047) 1:35:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:05:45 PM (7.047) 1:35:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:05:55 PM (7.047) 1:35:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:06:05 PM (7.047) 1:35:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:06:15 PM (7.047) 1:35:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:06:36 PM (7.047) 1:35:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:06:46 PM (7.047) 1:36:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:06:56 PM (7.047) 1:36:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:07:06 PM (7.047) 1:36:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:07:16 PM (7.047) 1:36:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:07:26 PM (7.047) 1:36:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:07:36 PM (7.047) 1:36:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:07:46 PM (7.047) 1:37:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:07:56 PM (7.047) 1:37:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:08:06 PM (7.047) 1:37:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:08:16 PM (7.047) 1:37:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:08:26 PM (7.047) 1:37:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:08:51 PM (7.047) 1:37:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:09:01 PM (7.047) 1:38:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:09:11 PM (7.047) 1:38:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:09:21 PM (7.047) 1:38:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:09:31 PM (7.047) 1:38:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:09:41 PM (7.047) 1:38:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:09:51 PM (7.047) 1:38:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:10:01 PM (7.047) 1:39:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:10:11 PM (7.047) 1:39:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:10:21 PM (7.047) 1:39:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:10:31 PM (7.047) 1:39:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:10:41 PM (7.047) 1:39:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:10:51 PM (7.047) 1:39:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:11:01 PM (7.047) 1:40:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:11:21 PM (7.047) 1:40:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:11:32 PM (7.047) 1:40:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:11:42 PM (7.047) 1:40:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:11:52 PM (7.047) 1:40:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:12:02 PM (7.047) 1:40:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:12:12 PM (7.047) 1:41:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:12:39 PM (7.047) 1:41:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:12:49 PM (7.047) 1:41:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:12:59 PM (7.047) 1:41:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:13:20 PM (7.047) 1:41:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:13:35 PM (7.047) 1:41:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:13:45 PM (7.047) 1:42:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:13:55 PM (7.047) 1:42:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:05 PM (7.047) 1:42:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:15 PM (7.047) 1:42:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 0 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 35 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(10,BaseHackingAntagonism) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = true maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:14:44 PM (7.047) 1:42:37 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:14:45 PM (7.047) 1:42:38 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:46 PM (7.047) 1:42:39 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:47 PM (7.047) 1:42:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:48 PM (7.047) 1:42:41 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:49 PM (7.047) 1:42:42 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:50 PM (7.047) 1:42:43 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:51 PM (7.047) 1:42:44 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:52 PM (7.047) 1:42:45 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:14:53 PM (7.047) 1:42:46 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:54 PM (7.047) 1:42:47 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:14:55 PM (7.047) 1:42:48 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:14:56 PM (7.047) 1:42:49 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:14:57 PM (7.047) 1:42:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:14:58 PM (7.047) 1:42:51 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Bingafr (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 92 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:49:34 PM (7.047) 2:11:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:49:44 PM (7.047) 2:11:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:49:54 PM (7.047) 2:11:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:50:04 PM (7.047) 2:11:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:50:14 PM (7.047) 2:11:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:50:24 PM (7.047) 2:12:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 35 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:50:30 PM (7.047) 2:12:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:50:31 PM (7.047) 2:12:07 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Chuape (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:55:29 PM (7.047) 2:14:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:55:48 PM (7.047) 2:14:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:55:58 PM (7.047) 2:15:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:56:08 PM (7.047) 2:15:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:56:18 PM (7.047) 2:15:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:56:28 PM (7.047) 2:15:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:56:38 PM (7.047) 2:15:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:56:48 PM (7.047) 2:15:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:56:58 PM (7.047) 2:16:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:57:08 PM (7.047) 2:16:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:57:18 PM (7.047) 2:16:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:57:28 PM (7.047) 2:16:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:57:38 PM (7.047) 2:16:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:57:48 PM (7.047) 2:16:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/29/2014 8:57:58 PM (7.047) 2:17:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:58:08 PM (7.047) 2:17:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:58:18 PM (7.047) 2:17:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:58:28 PM (7.047) 2:17:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:58:38 PM (7.047) 2:17:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 8:58:48 PM (7.047) 2:17:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:58:58 PM (7.047) 2:18:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:59:08 PM (7.047) 2:18:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 8:59:18 PM (7.047) 2:18:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 8:59:43 PM (7.047) 2:18:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 8:59:53 PM (7.047) 2:18:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 9:00:26 PM (7.047) 2:18:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 9:00:36 PM (7.047) 2:19:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:00:46 PM (7.047) 2:19:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:00:56 PM (7.047) 2:19:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:01:06 PM (7.047) 2:19:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 45 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 30 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 0 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 9:01:09 PM (7.047) 2:19:33 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 9:01:10 PM (7.047) 2:19:34 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:01:11 PM (7.047) 2:19:35 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/29/2014 9:01:12 PM (7.047) 2:19:36 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:01:13 PM (7.047) 2:19:37 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/29/2014 9:01:14 PM (7.047) 2:19:38 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/29/2014 9:01:15 PM (7.047) 2:19:39 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/29/2014 9:01:16 PM (7.047) 2:19:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Suogeoori (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:47:50 PM (7.047) 2:44:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:49:48 PM (7.047) 2:44:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:49:58 PM (7.047) 2:44:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 2:50:09 PM (7.047) 2:44:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:7 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:50:37 PM (7.047) 2:44:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:50:47 PM (7.047) 2:44:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:51:11 PM (7.047) 2:45:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:51:21 PM (7.047) 2:45:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:AIGuardianRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/30/2014 2:51:31 PM (7.047) 2:45:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:51:41 PM (7.047) 2:45:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:52:06 PM (7.047) 2:45:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:52:16 PM (7.047) 2:45:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 2:52:26 PM (7.047) 2:46:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:52:49 PM (7.047) 2:46:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:53:10 PM (7.047) 2:46:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:53:20 PM (7.047) 2:46:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:53:30 PM (7.047) 2:46:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 2:53:40 PM (7.047) 2:46:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:53:50 PM (7.047) 2:47:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:54:00 PM (7.047) 2:47:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:54:10 PM (7.047) 2:47:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:AIGuardianRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/30/2014 2:54:20 PM (7.047) 2:47:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:54:30 PM (7.047) 2:47:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:54:40 PM (7.047) 2:47:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:54:50 PM (7.047) 2:48:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 2:48:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 2:55:00 PM (7.047) 2:48:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 2:55:10 PM (7.047) 2:48:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:55:20 PM (7.047) 2:48:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:5 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:55:30 PM (7.047) 2:48:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 2:55:40 PM (7.047) 2:48:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 75 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 45 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 30 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 1 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:55:49 PM (7.047) 2:48:59 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:55:50 PM (7.047) 2:49:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 2:55:51 PM (7.047) 2:49:01 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:55:52 PM (7.047) 2:49:02 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 2:56:02 PM (7.047) 2:49:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:56:03 PM (7.047) 2:49:04 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 2:56:04 PM (7.047) 2:49:05 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 2:56:05 PM (7.047) 2:49:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Rewboom (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 88 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 119 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 119 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 112 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 111 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.05 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.77 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:42:21 PM (7.047) 3:19:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:42:41 PM (7.047) 3:19:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 3:19:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:42:51 PM (7.047) 3:19:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:43:01 PM (7.047) 3:19:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:43:11 PM (7.047) 3:19:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:43:21 PM (7.047) 3:20:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:43:31 PM (7.047) 3:20:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:43:41 PM (7.047) 3:20:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 56.55 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:43:51 PM (7.047) 3:20:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 56.55 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:44:01 PM (7.047) 3:20:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:44:11 PM (7.047) 3:20:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:44:21 PM (7.047) 3:21:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:44:31 PM (7.047) 3:21:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:44:41 PM (7.047) 3:21:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:44:51 PM (7.047) 3:21:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:45:01 PM (7.047) 3:21:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 70.68 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:45:11 PM (7.047) 3:21:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:45:22 PM (7.047) 3:22:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:45:32 PM (7.047) 3:22:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35.34 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:45:42 PM (7.047) 3:22:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:45:52 PM (7.047) 3:22:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:46:02 PM (7.047) 3:22:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIGuardianRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 3:22:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:46:12 PM (7.047) 3:22:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:46:22 PM (7.047) 3:23:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:46:32 PM (7.047) 3:23:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:46:42 PM (7.047) 3:23:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 3:23:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:46:52 PM (7.047) 3:23:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:47:02 PM (7.047) 3:23:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:47:12 PM (7.047) 3:23:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:47:22 PM (7.047) 3:24:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:47:32 PM (7.047) 3:24:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:47:42 PM (7.047) 3:24:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:47:52 PM (7.047) 3:24:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:48:02 PM (7.047) 3:24:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 49.48 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:48:12 PM (7.047) 3:24:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:48:22 PM (7.047) 3:25:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:48:32 PM (7.047) 3:25:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:48:42 PM (7.047) 3:25:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:48:52 PM (7.047) 3:25:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:49:02 PM (7.047) 3:25:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:49:12 PM (7.047) 3:25:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:49:22 PM (7.047) 3:26:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:49:32 PM (7.047) 3:26:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:49:42 PM (7.047) 3:26:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:49:52 PM (7.047) 3:26:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:50:02 PM (7.047) 3:26:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:50:12 PM (7.047) 3:26:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:50:22 PM (7.047) 3:27:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:50:32 PM (7.047) 3:27:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 98.96 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:4 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:8 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:7 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:50:42 PM (7.047) 3:27:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:50:52 PM (7.047) 3:27:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 70.68 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:6 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:51:02 PM (7.047) 3:27:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:51:12 PM (7.047) 3:27:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:51:22 PM (7.047) 3:28:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:6 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:51:32 PM (7.047) 3:28:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIGuardianRaiderIII quantity:1 (strength-each:96) 7/30/2014 3:51:42 PM (7.047) 3:28:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:51:52 PM (7.047) 3:28:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:52:02 PM (7.047) 3:28:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:52:12 PM (7.047) 3:28:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:52:22 PM (7.047) 3:29:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:52:32 PM (7.047) 3:29:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 35.34 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:52:42 PM (7.047) 3:29:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:53:02 PM (7.047) 3:29:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:TriggerWaveOnPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:53:12 PM (7.047) 3:29:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 49.48 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:53:22 PM (7.047) 3:29:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:53:32 PM (7.047) 3:30:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:53:42 PM (7.047) 3:30:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 56.55 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:53:52 PM (7.047) 3:30:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:54:02 PM (7.047) 3:30:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:54:12 PM (7.047) 3:30:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:54:23 PM (7.047) 3:30:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:54:33 PM (7.047) 3:31:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 28.27 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:54:43 PM (7.047) 3:31:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:54:53 PM (7.047) 3:31:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 3:31:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 49.48 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:55:03 PM (7.047) 3:31:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 42.41 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:4 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:55:13 PM (7.047) 3:31:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35.34 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:55:23 PM (7.047) 3:31:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:55:33 PM (7.047) 3:32:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:1 (strength-each:64) 7/30/2014 3:55:43 PM (7.047) 3:32:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 49.48 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:4 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:55:53 PM (7.047) 3:32:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:56:03 PM (7.047) 3:32:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 42.41 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 84.82 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:3 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:56:13 PM (7.047) 3:32:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:56:23 PM (7.047) 3:32:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21.21 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 35.34 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:56:33 PM (7.047) 3:33:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:56:43 PM (7.047) 3:33:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:56:53 PM (7.047) 3:33:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:57:03 PM (7.047) 3:33:30 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 28.27 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 35.34 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:4 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:22 PM (7.047) 3:33:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 56.55 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:32 PM (7.047) 3:33:50 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 120 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 20 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 0 is 0 and the approximation for 100 is 158 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 31 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 96 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 102 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 102 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.01 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 14.14 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 14.14 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 14.14 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:57:42 PM (7.047) 3:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 negativeHackingProgressMultiplier = Mat.One + ( (-HackingProgress) / 10 ) = 9.5 BaseHackingAntagonism = BaseHackingAntagonism * negativeHackingProgressMultiplier = 2460.5 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 12.8 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 179.2 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 49 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 537.59 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 537.59 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:TriggerMiniExo, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 716.79 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 895.99 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 895.99 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 985.58 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 985.58 wild-roll:TriggerMiniExo, spawnStrength = 985.58 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 985.58 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 1164.78 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 1164.78 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 1164.78 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 1164.78 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 1702.37 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 1702.37 wild-roll:TriggerExo, spawnStrength = 1702.37 wild-roll:SwitchToGravityGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 1791.97 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 1791.97 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 1881.57 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 2239.97 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 2419.16 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 2419.16 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 2777.56 wild-roll:QueueAnotherSpawnAfterThisOne, spawnStrength = 2777.56 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 2777.56 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 2777.56 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 2867.16 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 2956.75 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 3135.95 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 3225.55 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 3763.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 4121.54 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 4211.14 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesThree, spawnStrength = 4748.73 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 5107.12 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5107.12 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5107.12 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 5286.32 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5286.32 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 5465.52 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 5555.12 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5555.12 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 5913.51 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5913.51 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 5913.51 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 6003.11 spawnedType:AIRaidStarshipIII quantity:94 (strength-each:64) 3:34:00 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 negativeHackingProgressMultiplier = Mat.One + ( (-HackingProgress) / 10 ) = 9.5 BaseHackingAntagonism = BaseHackingAntagonism * negativeHackingProgressMultiplier = 2460.5 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 12.8 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 179.2 tackleOrBladeCheeseDetected = false engineDamageCheeseDetected = false maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/50) = 49 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 179.2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 179.2 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 179.2 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 268.8 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 358.39 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 358.39 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 537.59 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 537.59 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 537.59 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 627.19 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 716.79 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 1075.18 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 1164.78 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 1343.98 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 1343.98 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 1702.37 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 1881.57 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 1971.17 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 2060.77 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 2239.97 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 2239.97 wild-roll:TriggerCounterWave, spawnStrength = 2239.97 wild-roll:TachyonPulse, spawnStrength = 2239.97 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 2419.16 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 2508.76 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 2508.76 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 2598.36 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 2956.75 wild-roll:SwitchToRaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 3046.35 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 3225.55 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 3315.15 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 3404.75 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 3494.35 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 3494.35 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 3583.95 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 3942.34 wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 3942.34 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 4121.54 wild-roll:SwitchBackToNormalSpawn, spawnStrength = 4211.14 wild-roll:SwitchToZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 4300.73 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 4390.33 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesTwo, spawnStrength = 4748.73 wild-roll:SwitchToCombatGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 4838.33 wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 4838.33 wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 4927.92 wild-roll:AddStrength_PreRollStrengthTimesOne, spawnStrength = 5107.12 spawnedType:AIGuardianRaiderIII quantity:54 (strength-each:96) 7/30/2014 3:57:43 PM (7.047) 3:34:01 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:57:44 PM (7.047) 3:34:02 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:57:45 PM (7.047) 3:34:03 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:57:46 PM (7.047) 3:34:04 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:57:47 PM (7.047) 3:34:05 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:48 PM (7.047) 3:34:06 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:49 PM (7.047) 3:34:07 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:57:50 PM (7.047) 3:34:08 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:57:51 PM (7.047) 3:34:09 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:57:52 PM (7.047) 3:34:10 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:53 PM (7.047) 3:34:11 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:54 PM (7.047) 3:34:12 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:57:55 PM (7.047) 3:34:13 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:57:56 PM (7.047) 3:34:14 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:57:57 PM (7.047) 3:34:15 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:57:58 PM (7.047) 3:34:16 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:2 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:4 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) 7/30/2014 3:57:59 PM (7.047) 3:34:17 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:2 (strength-each:9.6) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:58:00 PM (7.047) 3:34:18 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:58:01 PM (7.047) 3:34:19 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) 7/30/2014 3:58:02 PM (7.047) 3:34:20 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:3 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:58:03 PM (7.047) 3:34:21 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:VorticularCutlassIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.09) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:5 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) 7/30/2014 3:58:04 PM (7.047) 3:34:22 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:2 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6) 7/30/2014 3:58:05 PM (7.047) 3:34:23 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:EyeBotIII quantity:3 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:InfiltratorIII quantity:1 (strength-each:1.2) spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:1 (strength-each:4) 7/30/2014 3:58:06 PM (7.047) 3:34:24 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Cavecoash (playerNumber:9) spawnStrength = base value = 14 spawnStrength *= handicap = 14 spawnStrength *= Game.Instance.Options.GetDifficultyCausedSpecialDifficultyModifier = 14 multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 1 = 1 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 BaseHackingAntagonism = GetTotalHackingProgressSpent() = 220 since hacking spent > 100, applying alternate formula to part above that alternateResult = linearityThreshold * 2 = 200 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 alternateResult -= Total_hacking_earned = 65 partOverLinearityThreshold = hackingSpent - linearityThreshold = 120 now approximating partOverLinearityThreshold ^ 1.1 without using floating point (since that's non-deterministic between platforms and thus forbidden due to MP sync) the approximation for 100 is 158 and the approximation for 200 is 340 so exponentialFactor = the linear interpolation = 194 alternateResult += exponentialFactor = 259 minimumResult = linearityThreshold + ( ( hackingSpent - linearityThreshold ) / 10 ) = 112 BaseHackingAntagonism = Max(alternateResult,minimumResult) = 259 HackingProgressEarned = AIProgressionLevelTotal = 135 ShipDesignHackingCost = (for each hack, 52.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 35 KnowledgeHackingCost = (for each 3000 knowledge hacked, 29.3 * 1.5^n, where n is the amount of knowledge hacked previously divided by 3000 and rounded down) = 0 SuperterminalHackingCost = (for each 20 AIP hacked, 3000 * 1.5^n, where n is the AIP hacked previously divided by 20 and rounded down) = 0 FabricatorHackingCost = (for each hack, 67.5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 75 AdvancedConstructorHackingCost = (for each hack, 150 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 100 DesignCorruptionCost = (for each hack, 20 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 DesignDownloadingCost = (for each hack, 50 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 UnitSabotagingCost = (for each hack, 5 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 SensorHackCost = (for each hack, 10 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 BeaconHackCost = (for each hack, 100 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 0 ExileSurveyCost = (for each hack, 15 * 1.5^n, where n is the number of previous hacks) = 10 since this is a post-response and HaP is actually negative, show some mercy in case they just simul-hacked their way into the negative thousands: BaseHackingAntagonism += hackingProgress = 174 since totalAntagonism > 100, multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn += ( totalAntagonism - 100 ) / 200 = 1.37 spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 19.18 spawnedType:ZenithBeamFrigateIII quantity:2 (strength-each:4) spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:1 (strength-each:2) spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:1 (strength-each:9.6)