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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0000937AI War 1 / ClassicGUIJan 8, 2011 8:58 am
ReportereRe4s3r Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.057 
Fixed in Version4.063 
Summary0000937: Scrolling via screen Edges is not working as it should.
DescriptionNow, that is a brave bug report Title no doubt, but let me explain.

Setup. Start Game zoom in fully. So far, so good.

Now, move the mouse to the top left corner of the view, and start scrolling to the *left* while moving the mouse up (to the top).

What should happen:
Game view moves to the left and, upon moving the mouse up (while remaining on the left side of the edge) to the top left. (upwards and left at the same time) (And then stops moving left if you move the mouse to the right but remains to go up until you reach the right, where it should then go to the upwards and right movement)

What happens instead.
Game view moves to the left and, stays locked moving to the left for a while, then moves UP (not upwards and left)

Alternatively, the area where you can initiate the "upwards and left" scroll is extremely small so that often i end up scrolling left or up, but not both at the same time.

Maybe i am just being daft here, i sure hope not ;)

Edit: Obviously the top/left is just an example, the behavior seems to exist in all the edges, not just the left/top one.
TagsNo tags attached.
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Oct 27, 2010 8:10 pm

reporter   ~0002253

Last edited: Oct 27, 2010 8:12 pm

I don't get the same results when I try... It starts scrolling to the left, and as I near the top edge, it starts scrolling left/up. Move it a bit right from there, and it starts scrolling only up. I've tested both windowed and fullscreen.

I do, however, agree that the corner areas (or even all scroll areas) could be a bit bigger/wider. It's especially hard to scroll using the edges in windowed mode, since you only have a border of about 5px.


Oct 27, 2010 8:29 pm

reporter   ~0002257

Thats Interesting, i already assumed it was something to do with maybe the Background Applications but after some retry i can 100% reproduce it by simply moving the mouse very fast to the left and upwards and around the screen (basically, move the mouse quickly in circles along the edges). At some point you will trigger the "stuck" directional movement that does not go up even though you move up., even though its only for 3 or 4 seconds its still enough to usually have me overscroll, or underscroll.

Can't really specify much more than that apart from me using a 1800dpi mouse with fairly high sensitivity. Maybe thats what makes the issue appear in the first place.


Oct 27, 2010 8:30 pm

reporter   ~0002258

Last edited: Oct 27, 2010 8:34 pm

Hmm. I ran the mouse rather slowly around the edges, I suppose... I'll try it again and really rush it around.

EDIT: That did the trick. Moving the mouse quickly does trigger the stuck movement.


Oct 27, 2010 8:41 pm

reporter   ~0002259

Good to know i am not just seeing things, I seem to have the (bad?) habbit of nudging the mouse to move the screen ever so slightly coupled with the high speed of it triggers this quite regularly. I blame FPS games.

Does not sound like an easy to thing to fix either.


Oct 29, 2010 12:14 pm

reporter   ~0002335

Last edited: Oct 29, 2010 12:17 pm

Mhh was debating with myself whether to bump this or not, but guess posting this is a bump as well ;)

I would consider this a severe issue as it makes scrolling via edges IMPOSSIBLE on my pc/mouse setup. Maybe i should make that more apparent, i can NOT scroll via the edges and have this stuck movement continuously always, all the time.

Help ;)

This is not "trying" to cause it, rather my normal method to nudge the mouse (very low resist mouse pad ;p) makes it an extremely fast movement which the game does often wrongly register :/


Nov 2, 2010 1:06 pm

administrator   ~0002531

Just letting you know that I will be looking at this soon; in the middle of some unstable code right now.


Nov 4, 2010 10:35 pm

administrator   ~0002739

Ok, I've tried and tried, with slow mouse movement and fast mouse movement, with windowed and fullscreen, with the top-left and the bottom-right...

I just can't get it to do something wrong.


Nov 4, 2010 11:37 pm

reporter   ~0002740

Only thing i can tell you is to crank up sensitivity use a mx518 ;P and simply nudge the mouse to the diagonal edges of the view.

I have a video demonstrating it but... i need to encode it first ;(


Nov 4, 2010 11:57 pm

reporter   ~0002745

Last edited: Nov 5, 2010 12:12 am
(That video is unlisted so only findable via this link)

Thats the link sorry for low quality but i had no motivation to encode a h.264 video at full HD quality.. (not to mention upload it) ;P The issue is visible either way, when mouse cursor is at the edge i am CONSTANT applying movement to the edge, notice how nothing happens.

Only thing of relevance is that its Vista x64 - Nvidia card and besides that nothing unusual, happens no matter what is open or not open. (when i recorded that vid only winamp firefox and fraps was active).

Can't really give more info than that as i am befuddled what causes this.


Nov 14, 2010 10:00 am

reporter   ~0003438

So any hope this gets fixed (or is it not findable?) As is evident in the video that bug makes playing AI War pretty much impossible for me ;(


Nov 14, 2010 11:21 am

reporter   ~0003441

Last edited: Nov 14, 2010 11:23 am

I have this problem sometimes too. Seems easy to reproduce by moving the mouse cursor REALLY fast to a corner. Sometimes it only scrolls either vertically or horizontally, a few times there was no scrolling at all. The cursor is definitely in the corner, as attemping to move the cursor further in the direction of that corner does not help the scrolling to trigger correctly.

I use mostly zooming only, so I can play with this, but I can imagine it ruining the game for the edge-scrollers. :/


Nov 14, 2010 1:32 pm

administrator   ~0003448,7533.0.html


Nov 14, 2010 3:24 pm

reporter   ~0003458

then i shall have patience ;)


Dec 1, 2010 2:45 pm

reporter   ~0004798

So... any updates on this? As can be seen on that (horribly encoded) youtube vid scrolling does not work at all for me. And continues not to work at all for me. This means i can't actually play AI War for nearly 2 months already. ;(


Dec 1, 2010 2:48 pm

administrator   ~0004799

I was just looking down here, actually, been focusing on stuff I can reproduce and is breaking the game (or parts thereof) for larger groups of people. But I really do want to fix this one. The problem is that I just can't reproduce it at all. I think I'll try implementing some optional totally-different-handling of edge-scrolling and see if that works.

Can you humor me by trying a lower-dpi mouse?


Dec 1, 2010 3:02 pm

reporter   ~0004801

Last edited: Dec 1, 2010 3:04 pm

Yeah ;) by simply reducing the DPI (all hail the mighty MX518) - its not happening then, but that makes the mouse twice as insensitive/slower. It has 4 settings and i play on the 2nd

If it helps, i use "standard" sensitivity in windows with mouse acceleration, maybe that has something to do with it.


Dec 1, 2010 3:33 pm

administrator   ~0004806

Ok, I've put a change in for 4.043 that may help by forcing it to re-check the mouse position every. single. frame. rather than whenever it jolly well feels like it because a gui event happened.

I'm guessing this is going to cause other problems, but in general it was bad that stuff was not (for example) recomputing mouse position during zoom or pan events because the mouse wasn't actually moving (just the world under it).

So you may have company shortly in the "I can't play this game!" group, but in my testing everything's fine thus far.


Dec 1, 2010 4:37 pm

administrator   ~0004811

Ah, rats, had to revert that one out. Fixed another long-standing bug while I was at it, though. Working another angle on the scrolling thing...


Dec 1, 2010 5:49 pm

administrator   ~0004818

Last edited: Dec 1, 2010 5:50 pm

Ok, when 4.043 comes out, here's what I'd like you to do:

1) Retest with your desired DPI setting. I did make at least one change that has a _chance_ of making it better. Not counting on it though.

2) If that fails, retest with the lower-DPI setting that works currently. I just want to make sure I didn't make it worse ;)

3) If 1 failed, go to the advanced tab of the settings window and check the "Enable Edge Scrolling Debugging" toggle that I've added for 4.043, then press F3 to enable debug-mode when you're ready to test the edge-scrolling and try to scroll at various points along the edge, then press F3 again to disable edge-scroll-debugging. You don't want to leave that on ;)

While the toggle and F3 are on at the same time it will basically be writing the results of every mouse-position and mouse-scroll update to a "EdgeScrollingDebuggingInfo.txt" file in your RuntimeData directory, and using that info we can at least get a more specific idea of what's failing.


Dec 3, 2010 6:36 am



Dec 3, 2010 6:57 am

reporter   ~0005024

Last edited: Dec 3, 2010 7:04 am

Its not worse, but its not fixed either. I attached the compressed log above ;)

What is fixed is that it now scrolls at the screen edges (the horizontal and vertical ones) properly no matter what speed, and it doesn't get stuck scrolling anymore. Thats good.

What doesn't work

- When moving quickly to the diagonal screen edge areas nothing happens, no diagonal scroll. Often it just scrolls to one area. - This is particular bad when the mouse passes over GUI elements (Message log button for example) when i quickly browse that way i can 100% all the timer trigger "no scroll"
- When moving the mouse quickly to the left and up (into the diagonal area) the scrolling no longer becomes stuck, but still does not notice when LEFT and UP together should scroll to the upper left, and not just up OR left.

Lowering DPI does not fix that particular issue, the diagonal edges issue is what makes the entire viewport scrolling feel unresponsive. As i often "trail" to the left and up to scroll up-left at the same time, and the game only notices one of these, never the diagonal scroll. (in fact, i haven't actually got the game to scroll diagonal *when moving the mouse like i am used to)

And often when it then scrolls diagonal, there is no transition from that to just up or just left - it feels as if there should be a gradient zone of "left and up" values that the close i get to the left side of the top left edge become stronger, and thus scroll more to the left than the top if the mouse is more to the left than the top ;) Hope that made sense.


Dec 3, 2010 9:36 am

administrator   ~0005029

On the corner thing, do you see any difference between the behavior of the top-left and any of the other corners? We actually have to ignore the exact top left of the screen (coordinate 0,0) because sometimes that means "invalid location" or some such and it crashes if we try to use it... it's weird. But I may be able to put in a less disruptive workaround for that. But if the other corners are doing the same thing there's not much point.

Will take a look at that log, thanks :)


Dec 3, 2010 9:38 am

administrator   ~0005030

"We actually have to ignore the exact top left of the screen (coordinate 0,0) because sometimes that means "invalid location" or some such and it crashes if we try to use it... it's weird."

That wasn't actually why. The problem, which you fixed (though it was a while ago, heh), was that on some OSX machines, the trackpad jumps to 0,0 whenever it is not actively in use. That mean that whenever players weren't actively moving the mouse, the game would scroll up-left.


Dec 3, 2010 9:40 am

administrator   ~0005031

Ah, right, I should have been clearer about the log: it can't really tell me much unless I know what you were actually doing with the mouse during a given game second; normally I'd just ask the game to tell me but evidently it doesn't know it's rump from its elbow when it comes to reading input from your mouse :)

So you can load a game, note the game second, pause, enable the logging (I'd suggest deleting the file before doing all this), and then execute a specific scrolling case, disable logging, unpause, let it run a few seconds, note the new game-second, pause, try a different case, etc.

Sorry, should have been clearer on that ;)


Dec 3, 2010 9:42 am

administrator   ~0005034

Chris, thanks for the clarification, I was hoping you'd tell me what that was for ;) And I supposedly was the one to write that, ah well.

I may just have it only execute that early-out when application.platform is one of the mac values, then.


Dec 3, 2010 2:37 pm

reporter (16,018 bytes)


Dec 3, 2010 2:42 pm

reporter   ~0005059

Mhhh, i attached 3 separate logs with the game paused and added what i did at the beginning of each log. I hope this makes it easier for you. I can't make head or tail of that log output ;p

The funny thing is though, that when i enable debugging i can't trigger the - LEFT moving Upwards - stuck. Situation all that well. It must be something to do with the framerate which is extremely high (125fps) . Still i tried my best ;p

Also, again sorry for only testing the left and up , for some reason thats the direction in can do the easiest - but its the same for all edges. When i enable logging scrolling works generally better than without it though - how is that for weird. ;( This is just like me to have like the most unique problem and then not even one easily solvable... gah It must the Winter weather ;/


Dec 8, 2010 12:27 pm

administrator   ~0005635

Ok, taking another look :)


Dec 8, 2010 12:35 pm

administrator   ~0005639

Weird. Log 1 says
"Mouse was near top left and upon pressing f3 i quickly moved the mouse to the top left corner twice, in both instances no scrolling happened.
Happened over the course of 1 second ;) Game was paused."

But there are quite a few entries in that file like this one later on:

12/3/2010 8:28:16 PM (4.043)
Game.MouseScroll(), game second: 2488
ScreenPoint: (1,1)
WorldPoint: (-34009,30795)
Input.mousePosition: (0.0, 1023.0, 0.0)
moveAmount: 17
Original centerX: -31690
Original centerY: 32649
X Case Left, centerX: -31707
Y Case Left, centerY: 32632
Called SetViewportCenter

The "Called SetViewportCenter" thing means it did indeed call the method that changes the center of the viewport, otherwise known as "scrolling". It didn't scroll _at all_ during that test?


Dec 8, 2010 1:24 pm

reporter   ~0005642

Mhh your question makes me realize that i forgot to add an important detail to my bug report ;)

When i moved the mouse to the diagonal edge i often trigger either left or up movement. In this case this happened too (i think) (which is why i quickly repeated the same movement). But often it also happens that i move the mouse to the diagonal edge and nothing happens UNTIL i move the mouse away from the edge. Since this is nearly impossible to tell apart in that situation i am actually not sure what happened exactly. ;)

I am not even sure which one happened the first time. Most of the time when i say no scroll i mean "not the intended scroll" and with the diagonal edges, that'd be "nearly" all the scrolls.

What happens is usually that...
1) The diagonal edge doesn't trigger at all, literally becoming "stuck" scrolling in 1 direction even if you move the mouse upward to the top/left (it continues scrolling left!). This happens every so often. But - Only when you quickly hit the diagonal edge, edge scrolling (left/right/up/down) works fine - just not the diagonals.
2) The diagonal scroll works once (literally once if on fast DPI, but works even with low DPI not 100% of the time)
3) The diagonal scroll doesn't work, is literally "dead stuck" until i move the mouse away from the diagonal edge and it "jumps" in the diagonal direction (but doesn't scroll more than that)

Sorry but, its really impossible to describe this, the youtube vid i posted shows what happens but it doesn't show all the issues. ;P

It always scrolls in some way, just not how it should (i guess you see how i came to the bug title ;) )


Or put really easy. When i trigger a scroll, its often delayed, sometimes gets stuck, does not smoothly transition from left to diagonal to up (example) and sometimes when hitting the diagonal edge very quickly is literally stuck and then "jitters" to the top/left for a millisecond when the mouse cursor leaves the edge.

So this log might actually show a viewport update and yes, it scrolls. just "not how it should" and not in the direction i want! ;)

Sorry, can't be of more help with this ;(


Dec 26, 2010 9:29 pm

reporter   ~0007082

Soooo ;p now we have the 27th Dec (just saying, its now been 8 weeks and 5 days since i posted this bug (on the 27th Oct ;P) , and its still there +.+)

I assume the bug is not yet found ;(

Anyhows, as for adding to the Post - current version still has it. And i am nearly 100% positive that this bug is related to the fact that AI War does not scroll at all when you move the mouse outside of the window (when you play it in a window). I tested it now a lot and in windowed mode i can't scroll at all, like really, not a single inch. Its actually the same "erratic" stuttering kind of not scrolling i have in fullscreen sometimes as well.

Needless to say with each passing week it becomes more depressing, because i can not do anything more than i already did to help find the cause. And while i see the point of fixing high priority bugs, i would call me not being able to play the highest of all priorities!

Anyway, happy xmas/new year and all that.


Dec 26, 2010 9:35 pm

administrator   ~0007083

I've made several attempts to find the bug, and several attempts to fix it despite not being able to find it ;) Actually I pretty well broke the game trying to fix it one time, though thankfully that was reverted before that patch went out. I will take another look at it at some point, but I don't have a lot of leads.

I'm happy to buy a less a sensitive mouse and ship it to you if it comes to that ;) But I'm guessing you just don't want to use inferior hardware ;)


Jan 7, 2011 2:02 pm

administrator   ~0007725

Okay, I think I found the actual bug, at long last: it doesn't seem related to anything we thought it was. However, every time a tooltip is shown, the screen stops scrolling. Hopefully a fix to that will fix the larger issue as well -- fingers crossed!


Jan 7, 2011 2:10 pm

administrator   ~0007727

Hmm, I actually found something else when searching for the cause of that, and have one fix already for the next version:

* Fixed a bug where very high-sensitivity mice could actually have their inputs periodically rounded down to zero when edge scrolling, or where having a very high performance profile could cause this even with normal mice.


Jan 7, 2011 2:18 pm

administrator   ~0007728

Well, that didn't fix the whole thing, and it appears to be a larger issue than even just having tooltips up. I'm able to reliably duplicate the issue now, for whatever reason, though -- but only in the standalone windowed builds of the game, not in the Unity Editor at all. Now that I can duplicate it, hopefully I can get this fixed today, though.

Thanks for your patience, eRe4s3r! With this sort of thing we're just shooting in the dark until we're able to duplicate the issue ourselves. I'm not sure why I'm able to duplicate it so reliably now when I couldn't at all before, but maybe I just wasn't trying QUITE the right thing or something.


Jan 7, 2011 2:20 pm

administrator   ~0007730

Weird, I tried it in the standalone build too, but no soap. Perhaps my upending of the GUI system shook something out of hiding ;)


Jan 7, 2011 2:22 pm

administrator   ~0007731

Yeah, or perhaps the update to Unity 3.1, or something like that. I'm not really sure what, because I couldn't duplicate it no matter what I did in the past, but now it's kind of instantly staring me in the face. A good thing, all considered -- a reliable bug is my favorite kind! ;)


Jan 7, 2011 2:24 pm

administrator   ~0007736

Reproducible bugs are short-lived bugs ;)


Jan 7, 2011 2:25 pm

administrator   ~0007737

Exactly. :)


Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm

administrator   ~0007847

Many theories, from all of us, and all of them wrong. Scratch everything I said earlier. Know what the problem was?

Well, first let me back up: there are two coordinate systems, and two input devices for mice, in Unity. One for the GUI, and one for the regular "game input."

In the past we had used game input, but that led to some crash problems because we were incorrectly handling some undocumented exceptions that the underlying engine was throwing as errors, but which were really just "informational" in nature (uh... whatever, I guess). So, during our process to avoid those crash-issues based on the informational errors that we didn't need to halt on in the first place, we stopped using the game input and just used GUI input.

That still didn't fix it, but with some clever wrangling we got it better. Then the Unity guys finally escalated the issue and one of their developers cleared up the thing about the nature of the errors thrown from the unity engine (in other words, "don't try to handle them, just ignore them, they mean nothing."). Again: whatever works, I guess, though that's more than a bit odd.

Anyway, so we stopped handling those errors, all was well, and we stayed where we had landed, on the GUI mouse handling.

NOW, eRe4s3r, your issue comes from the fact that the GUI mouse events don't get thrown when the mouse is outside of the game window... but this doesn't happen in the Unity editor that we code in. And in the past it wasn't seeming to happen for us when we tested it, either. Kind of odd, but I can't remember exactly how or when we tested versus when we made other updates to the application, so most likely it was just a confluence of events that prevented us from seeing it. But at any rate, neither Keith nor I could duplicate, but then today I could, 100% of the time.

Oh -- actually, I got a new mouse in the intervening time, so that might have done it. I moved up from a Microsoft Intellimouse optical sensor to a DeathAdder laser sensor, so the sensitivity went way up. Could be that's what made the difference for me, right there.

Anyway, back to the story at hand (after all this time, I figure you deserve a good explanation of the actual issue -- and if it ever resurfaces, I want to be able to consult this to remember what the heck was going on). So, anyway, the GUI mouse events are basically unusable when the cursor is not in the window in Unity standalone builds. In non-windowed mode, I strongly suspect that you were still getting slightly "out of the window" when you were in certain corners, but I can't be sure on that.

What I've done is made a hybridized approach that uses both the GUI and game input mouse devices. In each event, it re-updates the mouse position based on the latest data it has. This should prevent any new issues from cropping up in the GUI stuff (we were needing to use the GUI one for those for a reason), but it also means that in the absence of those GUI events, the game input is still tracking the mouse outside the game window, and thus the edge scrolling is still able to happen.

In terms of things like the popups, etc, here's why I thought it was those: when the mouse exited the screen, the speed at which it exited and the load the application was under at the time made a huge difference in performance. As you move the mouse, the game only gets certain "snapshots" of where it is as the GUI events are thrown. If you are moving toward the top of the screen, and the last event was at y = 31, then when you went off the top of the screen, that's where it would leave the cursor. If that overlapped a popup, of course it would stay "stuck" on the screen, but the problem was with the mouse, not the popup.

The reason it sometimes worked was that if the last event was at y = 10 or less, then it would stay "stuck" in that scroll region at the top of the screen, and so it would SEEM to be working properly, even though the mouse cursor was stuck and we just couldn't tell because it happened to be stuck in the region that did what we wanted it to do.

Anyway... so that's the incredibly long explanation. Fingers crossed that this fixes the whole issue for you, but it does for me, so I'm hopeful!


Jan 7, 2011 10:06 pm

reporter   ~0007850

... Wow. Just wow.

Remind me to never code in Unity, please?


Jan 7, 2011 10:13 pm

administrator   ~0007852

Actually this isn't a big negative on Unity's part. It's not ideal, sure, but this is one of the worse issues we run into with the engine and this is _nothing_ compared to the crap I've gotten from other development environments that will remain nameless.

I'm one of those guys who really wants to just write his own engine and all that (and I still have that craving when working with Unity), but I have to say that the Unity engine itself and the Unity company's support and such are well within the acceptable range. If someone was looking for an engine for game development, I would recommend giving Unity a try.

(2 to 1 odds Chris ninja'd me on this...)


Jan 7, 2011 10:15 pm

administrator   ~0007853

And congrats on fixing this one, Chris, I must've tried and failed 5 times by now :)


Jan 7, 2011 10:16 pm

administrator   ~0007854

It's actually a super good system and really sensibly designed. That's one of the rare WTF parts of their system. If you figure how many platforms they support, and all the complexity that goes into that, I think it's a miracle they don't have more of that sort of thing.

I definitely don't want to give the impression of just slamming Unity with that last post -- that one thing is nonideal, but we use it in a bit of a nontraditional manner and I think just stumbled into some stuff they weren't expecting. Most game developers don't put in their own layer of error logging on top of their layer, but we already had our layer from the SlimDX side and it had the benefit of persisting between runs of the program, so we ported that on top of their stuff. Hence the issue.

At any rate, I still think that Unity is the best engine around at the moment for productive cross-platform development (and by productive, I mean "not in C++"). It has its bugbears like anything, but there are blessedly few of those.


Jan 7, 2011 10:17 pm

administrator   ~0007855

Oops, Keith ninja'd ME! ;)

Thanks for the congrats, Keith. The only reason I succeeded when you didn't was that I was actually able to duplicate the problem, when you never were. I guess we can thank DeathAdder for the fix, really, then. ;)


Jan 7, 2011 11:13 pm

reporter   ~0007883

Thanks for keeping at this ;) Will report back whether it works once patch 63 is out ;) But if you can't replicate it with a deathadder anymore I am sure it fixes the issue for me as well ;P


Jan 7, 2011 11:30 pm

administrator   ~0007888

Absolutely! :)


Jan 8, 2011 4:37 am

reporter   ~0007964

So can confirm this is fixed ;) Huuraaay ;)

Also diagonal scrolling, windowed scrolling, all works as it should ;)

x4000 and keith deserve a big hug for finally allowing me to play this game again! ;P


Jan 8, 2011 8:58 am

administrator   ~0007973

Awwwweeeesssooome! :D

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Oct 27, 2010 7:58 pm eRe4s3r New Issue
Oct 27, 2010 8:06 pm eRe4s3r Description Updated
Oct 27, 2010 8:10 pm Toll Note Added: 0002253
Oct 27, 2010 8:12 pm Toll Note Edited: 0002253
Oct 27, 2010 8:29 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0002257
Oct 27, 2010 8:30 pm Toll Note Added: 0002258
Oct 27, 2010 8:34 pm Toll Note Edited: 0002258
Oct 27, 2010 8:41 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0002259
Oct 29, 2010 12:14 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0002335
Oct 29, 2010 12:14 pm eRe4s3r Product Version 4.000 => 4.021
Oct 29, 2010 12:17 pm eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0002335
Nov 2, 2010 1:06 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0002531
Nov 4, 2010 10:35 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0002739
Nov 4, 2010 10:35 pm keith.lamothe Assigned To => keith.lamothe
Nov 4, 2010 10:35 pm keith.lamothe Status new => feedback
Nov 4, 2010 11:37 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0002740
Nov 4, 2010 11:37 pm eRe4s3r Status feedback => assigned
Nov 4, 2010 11:57 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0002745
Nov 5, 2010 12:11 am eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0002745
Nov 5, 2010 12:12 am eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0002745
Nov 14, 2010 10:00 am eRe4s3r Note Added: 0003438
Nov 14, 2010 11:21 am HitmanN Note Added: 0003441
Nov 14, 2010 11:22 am HitmanN Note Edited: 0003441
Nov 14, 2010 11:23 am HitmanN Note Edited: 0003441
Nov 14, 2010 1:32 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0003448
Nov 14, 2010 3:24 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0003458
Dec 1, 2010 2:45 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0004798
Dec 1, 2010 2:48 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0004799
Dec 1, 2010 3:02 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0004801
Dec 1, 2010 3:04 pm eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0004801
Dec 1, 2010 3:33 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0004806
Dec 1, 2010 4:37 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0004811
Dec 1, 2010 5:49 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0004818
Dec 1, 2010 5:49 pm keith.lamothe Status assigned => feedback
Dec 1, 2010 5:50 pm keith.lamothe Note Edited: 0004818
Dec 3, 2010 6:36 am eRe4s3r File Added:
Dec 3, 2010 6:57 am eRe4s3r Note Added: 0005024
Dec 3, 2010 6:57 am eRe4s3r Status feedback => assigned
Dec 3, 2010 7:02 am eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0005024
Dec 3, 2010 7:04 am eRe4s3r Note Edited: 0005024
Dec 3, 2010 9:36 am keith.lamothe Note Added: 0005029
Dec 3, 2010 9:38 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0005030
Dec 3, 2010 9:40 am keith.lamothe Note Added: 0005031
Dec 3, 2010 9:42 am keith.lamothe Note Added: 0005034
Dec 3, 2010 2:37 pm eRe4s3r File Added:
Dec 3, 2010 2:42 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0005059
Dec 8, 2010 12:27 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0005635
Dec 8, 2010 12:35 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0005639
Dec 8, 2010 1:24 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0005642
Dec 26, 2010 9:18 pm eRe4s3r Product Version 4.021 => 4.057
Dec 26, 2010 9:29 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0007082
Dec 26, 2010 9:35 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0007083
Jan 7, 2011 2:02 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007725
Jan 7, 2011 2:10 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007727
Jan 7, 2011 2:18 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007728
Jan 7, 2011 2:20 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0007730
Jan 7, 2011 2:22 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007731
Jan 7, 2011 2:24 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0007736
Jan 7, 2011 2:25 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007737
Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007847
Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm Chris_McElligottPark Status assigned => resolved
Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm Chris_McElligottPark Fixed in Version => 4.063
Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm Chris_McElligottPark Resolution open => fixed
Jan 7, 2011 10:01 pm Chris_McElligottPark Assigned To keith.lamothe => Chris_McElligottPark
Jan 7, 2011 10:06 pm Toll Note Added: 0007850
Jan 7, 2011 10:13 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0007852
Jan 7, 2011 10:15 pm keith.lamothe Note Added: 0007853
Jan 7, 2011 10:16 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007854
Jan 7, 2011 10:17 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007855
Jan 7, 2011 11:13 pm eRe4s3r Note Added: 0007883
Jan 7, 2011 11:30 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007888
Jan 8, 2011 4:37 am eRe4s3r Note Added: 0007964
Jan 8, 2011 8:58 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0007973
Apr 14, 2014 9:28 am Chris_McElligottPark Category Bug - UI => GUI