Viewing Issues 24951 - 25000 / 28625

[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Suggestion: 'Bouncer' boss
c4sc4Oct 7, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Missing rooms (libraries)
infernalmachineOct 7, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Make lighting cheaper and/or more relevantItchykobuOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Remove Double Jump from potion cooldownTerrazielOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Starting a new world gives warp scrolls instead of potionsBossmanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
Typo: Vortex pylon details gives wrong distance to link with other pylons
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BossmanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Alt-tabbing out of the game while in The Deep cause massive screen blur.c4sc4Oct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Too many Pylons seed
resolved (keith.lamothe)
TollOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Pylons guarded by only microbosses?
closed (keith.lamothe)
c4sc4Oct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Starting a new world gives you 30 blue shards
resolved (keith.lamothe)
c4sc4Oct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Fire DoTs are a little extreme.BaleygOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Dungeon map should be on by default.jerithOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
The tiny drops from trash-mobs do nothing!
NenadOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Eagles aren't able to turn around indoorsBossmanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Unable to find spawn point in destroyed buildingIxiohmOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Decoy fireworks attract shard dropsBossmanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Strange spinning light almost off screenmrhanmanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Some boss rooms STILL not spawning bossestigersfanOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Lieutenant is stuck in the far-upper-left corner of the mapTollOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Spell Level\Damage Plateau doesn't take account of mana cost.TerrazielOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Bat form is immune to 'lit on fire' passive damage.c4sc4Oct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Warping into a staircase often puts you into the wallTollOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Enemy stuck inside wallSporkOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Eagle Spawns A Little Excessiveleb0fhOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
New microboss HP too high nowinfernalmachineOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Hit recoveryMoonshine FoxOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Warp to the lowest node from the same node in an indoor area blackens screenSporkOct 6, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
MP costs very lowFallingStarOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Mana costs increase every tier level, renders spells uncastableBaleygOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Heal Scroll II - Power 1ItchykobuOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
Unable to quit to main menuHyfrydleOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Attempt to exit to main menu locked gameBaleygOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Cannot upgrade house all of a sudden
resolved (keith.lamothe)
Moonshine FoxOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Similar trees next to each other look unnatural.jerithOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Tree hit boxes don't change during a WindstormambartosOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Vengeful Spirits do not appear in settlemwnt if you die therekerzainOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Warping while paused locks gameallisonOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Unable to load a world that was 'zipped' while playingArmanantOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
Monsters I've never met show me their health while they die offscreen.jerithOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Potions are way too strong
closed (tigersfan)
TollOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
Same Magic Attack value is both average and above averageBaleygOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Ball lightning level 1 (at civ level 1) - trivial to kill level 1 monsterszebramattOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Spell damage not reduced against high level opponentsBaleygOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Miniboss Bats now too weakFallingStarOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Consciousness nodes in the sea?jerithOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Could we get game resources packaged into the .app bundle on OSX? (Applies to AI War too)SherlockOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Higher level monsters have fewer HPBaleygOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
new abilities not showing up as available
IskanderOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Allow adding notes to tiles
ArmanantOct 5, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Not healing from illari stones
ArmanantOct 5, 2011