Viewing Issues 25251 - 25300 / 28625

[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Killed boss, left room, came back almost immediately, boss was back
mrhanmanSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Dragon boss and evil tower.. mishaporzelekSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Firing while jumping looks silly
stblrSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
When first entering a boss room, a long list of bosses appear, not just the one in the roomTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
Teleport-back-home checkpointsSpikey00Sep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Increase minimum height a bitTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Falling through platforms when jumping towards walls
ItchykobuSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Shortcut from top of rare commodity tower to bottom
TollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
You sometimes get "freebie" gem veins in cavernsTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
Infinite duration for Ball of LightSpikey00Sep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Is The Deep supposed to look like this when you move?TollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Update description for 'Underground Cavern with Gem Vein' after they have been minedBobTheJanitorSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Visual distinction for gem veinsdumpsterKEEPERSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Make Ilari Stones colored in another colorTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Add lack of a snow/heat suit to the bat tooltip.BobTheJanitorSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
Message log removes the first entry instead of last when full.TollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Oops! The game crashed.TollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Better Rewards for Exploring Maze Rooms
BomberJacketSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Some sort of reward for killing basic enemies.
SherlockSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Monster nests should respawn on turn advancementwigglestickSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Fatal Error: At deathkerzainSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
Spell Timers Make Spell Selection PointlessMaxAstroSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Magic potions restore too much magicTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Color-code player-placed lights on mini-mapwigglestickSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Infinite Warp Scroll exploit with Advisor StoneMiserySep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Carastafrosyx should move fasterGrimerXSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Programming Todo
Show EXP/Health/Magic changes on local player as popups.Chris_McElligottParkSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Paralysis when loading new areaFiskbitSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Way to see resources on dungeon map in fog of war
stblrSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
monster generators- kill 'em allIskanderSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Allow players to demolish existing structures to recover resources
closed (keith.lamothe)
oobleckthegreenSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
STRATEGIC BALANCING: (1) Lower food consumption and (2) allow players to demolish existing structures to recover the resources.
closed (keith.lamothe)
oobleckthegreenSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Low-level bosses don't give experienceTollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Confusing monster names
ArnosSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
stuck in a room and I can't get out
CyborgSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Spawned in the black after passed a door
RicesSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Unable to find spawn point!mithrandiSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Add a way to make comments on regions
TollSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Notes for regions?
martyn_van_burenSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Restarting with new character is not carrying over stat levels.
Jab2565Sep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Mouse Underlay is distracting
leb0fhSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  GUI
'keybord' instead of 'keyboard' when setting keybindsarceeSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
"Finishing Move" or "Melee Strike"mitosisSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
On game load, Trial button shows up while game is still loading.ArnosSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Another Unhandled Exception
ArnosSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
UnhandledException on Main Menu
ArnosSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
delayed spawning underground can put you in an acid pool
CyborgSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Make it easier to understand if there are unexplored locations behind a doorGrimerXSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Random Unhandled ExceptionmrhanmanSep 28, 2011
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
dead NPC still eats and sleeps
resolved (keith.lamothe)
arceeSep 28, 2011