View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0015095The Last FederationGUIMay 21, 2014 10:56 am
Reporterwindgen Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.016 (Finish Him!) 
Fixed in Version1.021 (Of Armadas And Outposts) 
Summary0015095: Lots of typos caught by spell checker
I ran the game's text file through a spell checker and found about three dozen typos. The report is attached as a text file.

Also, I attached the shell script I used to generate the report. It filters out XML tags, underscores, multicapitalized words, and a few manually selected words like the race names that seemed like they were right despite being in the initial report.

The code's a bit messy, but it works.
TagsNo tags attached.
Internal WeightNew


related to 0015013 resolvedChris_McElligottPark Solar Map: Typo In Planet Details 



May 10, 2014 8:14 pm


spell.txt (11,927 bytes)   
activites -> activities
1206:<ln id="Story_Politics_Skylaxian">The Skylaxian Senate is an interplanetary body that makes all decisions for their race.  The Skylaxians are seen as fair brokers by all the other races, and thus a good relationship with them can help you backdoor other races into the federation even if the other races hate you.  Trouble is, the Skylaxians are likely to take issue with many of your activites...</ln>

actution -> Acutian
5099:<ln id="BribeType_Desc_KE43Yacht">Actution engineered, this luxury yacht will get you across the galaxy in a flash.</ln>

againt -> against
7316:Regardless of relationships outside of battles, when there are multiple parties in a particular fight, everyone has specific stances againt everyone else: allied, enemy, or neutral.  On the bottom left of your screen, you can see little colored indicators showing which races are allied against you, which are neutral, and which are enemies.  You can hover over them for more information, and to see how each of them feels about the OTHER races involved in the battle.  Just because two races both hate you doesn't mean they aren't also at war with one another.

ambience -> ambiance
327:<ln id="AmbientTrackVolume">Ambience Volume:</ln>

arborted -> aborted
7129:<ln id="Consequence_Result_PlanetBlewUp">Arborted dispatch because planet was destroyed!</ln>
7131:<ln id="Consequence_Result_PlanetBlewUp_MineUncolonizedMoon">Arborted dispatch because somebody blew up the moon!</ln>

cannont -> cannot
6388:<ln id="ContractInvalidatingReason_CV_CannotStopAttackingDuringTurmoil">Hello, you have reached the skull-throne office of [#fffc26]{0}[#ffffff], Burlust Warlord, Esquire.  Another Warlord recently died, so I'm currently in the middle of the resulting [#fffc26]gigantic bar fight[#ffffff] and cannont answer the phone right now.  If you're calling about a peace treaty: [#fffc26]FORGET[#ffffff] about it.  Try again in [#fffc26]{1} months[#ffffff], I don't think this bar will survive longer than that.</ln>

commodo -> Comodo
394:4. When using a VPN client (Hamachi, Commodo, etc), the client will need to type in the VPN IP address of the host (often these are in the format 5.x.x.x).

demonaica -> leftover from AVWW2, reword/delete?
740:<ln id="KeyBind_Description_OpenReference_StrategicOverview">Opens the Strategic Overview menu, where you can see the current state of your resistance efforts against Demonaica.</ln>

diesase -> disease
4385:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_PlanetGainsVaccineForDisease">This race has gotten the vaccine for a diesase. That disease will never infect this race again.</ln>

eachother -> each other
4326:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_SoldierInfightingBrawl">Soldiers are fighting with eachother. Expect high numbers of casualties.</ln>

embarassing -> embarrassing
1481:Your save is automatically updated any time something [#ffffff]really embarassing[#999999] happens to you.
1556:Your save is automatically updated any time something [#ffffff]really embarassing[#999999] happens to you.

embargos -> embargoes
6739:<ln id="PlanetInventoryTooltip_Soldiers">Ground troops are required for a successful invasion of another planet.  Space combat can set up embargos and suppression, and can bomb from orbit, but it cannot actually take over a planet.  The Andor train no soldiers, and refuse to invade other planets.</ln>
6764:<ln id="AdvancedDetailsTooltip_PopulationType_GroundSoldiers">Ground troops are required for a successful invasion of another planet.  Space combat can set up embargos and suppression, and can bomb from orbit, but it cannot actually take over a planet.  The Andor train no soldiers, and refuse to invade other planets.</ln>

exisitng -> existing
2902:<ln id="AdvancedSection_BuildingDetails">Exisitng Buildings</ln>

gladitorial -> gladiatorial
4725:<ln id="NodeBuildingType_Name_GladitorialArena">Gladitorial Arena</ln>

goverment -> government
3420:<ln id="AttitudeFactorType_Desc_WarinessFromFearEmpire">The Federation, the Fear Empire... we are no longer so sure that any sort of interplanetary goverment is going to be in our interests as a species.</ln>
3969:<ln id="InfluenceFactorType_Desc_WarinessFromFearEmpire">The Federation, the Fear Empire... we are no longer so sure that any sort of interplanetary goverment is going to be in our interests as a species.</ln>
7484:<ln id="GameMechanicType_Page_AlliancesIncludingFederation_4">[#999999]4/7:[#ffffff] Bear in mind that [#8db3ff]it DOES matter which goverment you approach[#ffffff].  This same deal that was so cheap when approaching the Andors to form a federation with the Peltians is not something you can afford in Peltian Voting Proxies on the other end of the bargain.

greeeetings -> greetings
4038:<ln id="QuestType_Desc_SpacefaringThroughDestruction_Andor">Greeeetings!  I am {0}, of the official aerospace arm of our government.  As I am sure you know, we are still struggling with the final bits of mastering manned spaceflight.  There is currently some sort of military operation going on in our upper atmosphere involving races that are already spacefaring.  They seem to have found some sort of abandoned technology of yours, as best we can tell from the radio chatter.

guture -> future
5360:<ln id="Consequence_Result_AddedCreditCostFromTechThefts">[#ff72f7]+{1} Credit Cost[#ffffff] to het info out of informants for all guture tech thefts from {0}</ln>

heloooo -> hello
4024:<ln id="QuestType_Desc_ExamineHydralTechToGainNewTech_Andor">Heloooo!  I am {0}, of the official Think Tank of our planet.  We're right on the cusp of a technological breakthrough, and we think that the key to the solution lies in the Hydral technology you have on board your ship.  We'd like to get a closer look -- and of course, we'll happily share our results with you!  The downside is that the {2} wish to stop you from reaching us, so...</ln>

het -> get
5360:<ln id="Consequence_Result_AddedCreditCostFromTechThefts">[#ff72f7]+{1} Credit Cost[#ffffff] to het info out of informants for all guture tech thefts from {0}</ln>

indepdence -> independence
2778:<ln id="RaceAction_Desc_FormedUnionOfIndependentStates">Very bad news.  A band of races that fear the growing power of your federation have formed an alliance bent on preserving their sovereign indepdence.</ln>

istallation -> installation
4397:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_SuddenCollisionWithSpaceJunk">Space junk has hit an istallation. It's less effective until repairs can be completed.</ln>
4405:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_RadiationBurst">Radiation has damaged an istallation. It's less effective until the damage can be repaired.</ln>

judgement -> judgment
1248:<ln id="Politics_Explanation_Boarine">Each planet belonging to the Boarines has a regent who runs it.  The regent uses her best judgement to determine where priorities should lie; the current situation of her planet and her race are her sole concern when it comes to brokering political deals.

marshalled -> marshaled
6888:<ln id="Scenario_Desc_Quest_BringSomethingToRaceWhileBlockedByAnotherRace">You've made it to the destination planet, but third-party enemy forces have marshalled to prevent you from reaching the race you are trying to help.  You'll have the benefit of the local planetary defenses on your side, but no friendly armadas.</ln>

messagese -> messages
558:<ln id="KeyBind_Description_OpenChatPopup">Opens the chat popup for sending chat messagese.</ln>

motherload -> mother lode
4436:<ln id="NodeEventType_Name_ResourceMotherloadFound">Resource Motherload Found</ln>

occuring -> occurring
4333:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_AgroSharesBoom">Agro shares are booming, the economic health on this planet has recently jumped up, and won't go down while this is occuring.</ln>

palatte -> palate
5089:<ln id="BribeType_Desc_OorulGoat">Fairly rare creature, but, not that special... unless you have the palatte of a Thoraxian</ln>

percetage -> percentage
4449:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_DrugResearchGoneBadKillsMillions">A bad clinical trial has killed a large percetage of the population.</ln>

populaiton -> population
4451:<ln id="NodeEventType_Desc_DrugResearchBreakthrough">A new drug has made the populaiton healthier!</ln>

sizeable -> sizable
2199:That's where Security Goons Incorporated (based at the black market) comes into the picture.  Our personnel may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but if you pile up enough of them you can hold off sizeable armadas.  Be sure to replenish any losses after an attack.  A rule of thumb for how many you need is roughly 1 goon times your space power multiplier for each point of effective power level of attacking armadas.  Oh zark that sounded complicated.  Goons buy you plenty of time, so if you have 10-15 and they seem to be outmatched, you can just buy more at the time.
2471:<ln id="Contract_Desc_Skylaxian_PrisonerExchange">COMPUTER REPORT: In combat it's possible to rescue pilots in escape pods left behind after the carnage.  Here you can return those pilots to their own people.  The Prisoner Exchange option isn't out of the goodness of your heart.  Instead of improving relations, this will net you a sizeable reward.</ln>

stoeln -> stolen
2731:<ln id="RaceAction_Desc_TechnologyHasBeenStolen">{RelatedTech} has been stoeln from the {RelatedRace}.  This usually happens either when planets are captured, or when the Evucks use their spy probes.</ln>

submitions -> ???
4296:<ln id="TechType_Name_BombletSubmitions">Bomblet Submitions</ln>
4298:<ln id="TechType_Name_FragmentationSubmitions">Fragmentation Submitions</ln>
4300:<ln id="TechType_Name_DelayedBurstSubmitions">Delayed-Burst Submitions</ln>

techincal -> technical
4716:<ln id="NodeBuildingType_Name_AcutianIndustry_TechincalSupportCenter">Techincal Support Center</ln>

tnformants -> informants
5361:<ln id="Consequence_Prediction_AddedCreditCostFromTechThefts">Will [#ff72f7]permanently increase credit cost[#ffffff] to get info out of tnformants for all future tech thefts from {0} [#ff72f7]by {1}[#ffffff] </ln>

trascended -> transcended
3960:<ln id="InfluenceFactorType_Desc_HorribleBeing_PositiveLikesIt_Acutian">It appears that you have trascended the outmoded notion of "morality."  Perhaps you are someone we can do business with, after all.</ln>

turbulets -> Turbulents
1281:<ln id="Story_EvuckGasGiantIgnition_Start">Yeah, you want to listen to this.  The Evucks are on a gas giant, and feeling cornered.  A war isn't going well, or they're dying from some disease, or something.  Whatever it is, go kick them off any gas giants they may control (Dense Turbulets, Equatorial Rings, Gauss Gas Giants, and Hypertonic Gas Giants) -- before they finish igniting their entire planet!  (Oh, did I mention that's what they're doing?  They're likely to take out half the solar system.)</ln>

unavailble -> unavailable
1450:port {0} was unavailble.</ln>

unfurlough -> ???
2516:<ln id="UnfurloughButton">[#ffcd21]Unfurlough [#999999]{0}[#ffffff] (${1} to hire crew)</ln>

volcanos -> volcanoes
2114:<ln id="Contract_Desc_Skylaxian_PrioritizeTheEnvironment">HYDRAL: You know that planet?  The thing you live on?  The thing that sustains your life?  Has there been anything... unusual, lately?  Global cooling, perhaps?  Typhoons?  Volcanos?  Mutant squirrels multiplying en masse?  These sorts of things are usually a sign that you ought to divert some attention to the place you live.  There are no downsides to this other than the fact that whatever other RCI trend your populace had going will stop, and instead your environment score starts going up.  So get going!</ln>

whoah -> whoa
71:<ln id="ExitDidYouSave_Header">Whoah There!</ln>
77:<ln id="SaveOverwrite_Header">Whoah There!</ln>
2073:<ln id="Contract_Desc_HireBioTerrorists">COMPUTER REPORT: Whoah there, hold on!  There's a disease ravaging the planet, and you want to make it WORSE?  You must really have it in for these guys.  Well, it's your call...</ln>

spell.txt (11,927 bytes)   


May 10, 2014 8:14 pm

reporter (2,810 bytes)


May 21, 2014 10:56 am

administrator   ~0038246

Whew, thanks a lot!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
May 10, 2014 8:14 pm windgen New Issue
May 10, 2014 8:14 pm windgen File Added: spell.txt
May 10, 2014 8:14 pm windgen File Added:
May 10, 2014 8:24 pm windgen Relationship added related to 0015013
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Internal Weight => New
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0038246
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Status new => resolved
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Fixed in Version => 1.021 (Of Armadas And Outposts)
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Resolution open => fixed
May 21, 2014 10:56 am Chris_McElligottPark Assigned To => Chris_McElligottPark