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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0007729Valley 1Suggestion - Enemy IdeasMay 12, 2012 8:45 am
ReporterBenMiff Assigned To 
Status consideringResolutionopen 
Product Version1.016 
Summary0007729: Drones and Assemblies (battle machines)
DescriptionThese enemies would spawn in the Abandoned Town (and maybe the Skelebot Junkyard - not necessarily, though, as they're already heavily skelebot themed.) (Maybe it could replace Espers, since they're one of the enemies that are everywhere.)

The rough concept here is that along the same lines as the Urban Crawler, this drone is outfitted with a variety of offensive and "search" abilities to help it track down and kill it's targets.

Basic Model (Eradicator Drone):
x Flight. Higher tiers = faster movement speed.
x Miasma Missile (fires at a 30 degree downward from horizontal path). Higher tiers start to fire multiple shots in succession, about 0.2 seconds apart; each subsequent shot in a salvo fires 5 degree lower (i.e. the second shot fires at a 35 degree downward from horizontal path, the third at a 40 degree downward from horizontal path, etc.) Tiers 1 + 2 would be 1 missile, 3 would be 2 missiles, 4 would be 3 missiles and 5 would fire 4 missiles.
x Searchlights. (The drone produces light centred on itself much like the Inner Light enchants do for you when equipped.) The radius of light produced starts small, and increases in size every tier.
x Resist Earth, Vulnerable Air
x Speed 5 /10, Health 5 /10, Damage 6 /10
x Unlocked at start of game

Basic Model (Assembly Drone:)
x As Eradicator Drone, except without Miasma Missile.
x Gain the ability to create Fighter Assemblies, Bomber Assemblies and Tactical Assemblies. Amount created increases by tier. Tier 1 - 3 may only produce one type of assembly per spawning; tier 4 can produce 2 types at once, and tier 5 all 3 types at once.
x The Assembly Drone has a [(tier x 3) + 10] % chance to spawn an Aggressor Assembly instead of a Fighter Assembly, a [(tier x 3) + 10] % chance to spawn Groundrazer Assembly instead of a Bomber Assembly and a [(tier x 3) + 10] % chance to spawn a Command Assembly instead of a Tactical Assembly.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Fire
x Speed 3 /10, Health 7 /10, Damage n/a
x Unlocked at Defeat 20 Eradicator Drones

Basic Model (Reaper Drone:)
x As Eradicator Drone, except without Miasma Missile.
x Explodes on death - Lightning Burst. Higher tiers = larger radius and more damage.
x Modified Ball Lightning spell. Higher tiers cast it multiple times at once (2 shots at tier 4, 3 shots at tier 5.) On impact with ground, rather than "crawling" along ground, spawns two lightning pillars that move away from the impact site. Lightning pillars start at [(0.5 x Tier) + 2.5] blocks high, and lose 1 block of height for every 4 blocks they move until they dissipate at 1 block high.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Water
x Speed 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Damage 8 /10
x Unlocked at start of game

Basic Model (Sentinel Drone:)
x As Eradicator Drone, but without Miasma Missile. Flight is slower than Eradicator Drone.
x Rotating "shields" - four plates of rock rotate around the drone. These plates block all player projectiles. Plates can be destroyed, but only the destruction of the central drone will result in the enemies death. Higher tiers have larger plates (plates each cover a arc of [(tier x 10) + 50] degrees), more health, and faster rotation speed. Shields may not be healed.
x Modified Launch Rock attack: on impact, also creates a 1 tile wide, [(tier x 0.5) + 2.5] tile high pillar of stone perpendicular to the impact site if there is room. The pillar deals contact damage, and blocks projectiles. Higher tiers also give the pillar more health.
x Resist Light, Vulnerable Entropy (main body); Resist Earth, Vulnerable Water (rotating shields)
x Speed 4 /10, Health 8 /10, Damage 4 /10
x Unlocked at start of game

Basic Model (Assassin Drone:)
x As Eradicator Drone, but without Searchlights or Miasma Missile.
x Cloaking Field. The Assassin Drone is only visible when within 10 tiles of the player. While invisible, the Assassin Drone also moves to the background, meaning it can only be harmed by spells that can damage background objects. (While within 10 tiles of the player, it can be hurt normally.)
x Assassin Blades. Short range attack, Entropy damage, similar animation to whip spells but with a "spear".
x Resist Entropy, Vulnerable Light. (In addition to the normal damage vulnerability, all Light spells also deal significant knockback to the Assassin Drone.)
x Speed 7 /10, Health 3 /10, Damage 9 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 20 Reaper Drones

Basic Model (Artillery Drone:)
x As Eradicator Drone, but without Miasma Missile. Flight movement is much slower.
x Searchlights are modified so that they "light" up the player as well with a similar radius of light provided the player is within (5 x tier) + 15 tiles of the Artillery Drone.
x Modified Energy Orb and Energy Slice spells - as normal, but much greater range (range equal to (5 x tier) + 15 tiles.)
x Prefers to maintain distance; if within 15 tiles of the player, will attempt to move away.
x Resist Light, Vulnerable Earth
x Speed 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Damage 9 /10
x Unlocked at start of game

Spawned Enemy (Fighter / Bomber / Tactical Assembly:)
x Only created by enemy spawn powers.
x Small harassment enemies - relatively low health, but usually several of them to deal with.
x Flight. Higher tier = faster movement speed.
x Fighter Assemblies can fire "machine gun" bursts of bullets; higher tiers create a longer burst (more bullets). Bullets are Earth type damage.
x Bomber Assemblies can drop bombs directly below them, which explode in an AoE attack on impact. The explosion and bomb both deal Fire type damage.
x Tactical Assemblies have no attacks of their own, but instead provide support to all other enemies within a set radius. They have two spells, Accelerate and Potence; both affect all enemies within a set radius when cast. Higher tiers increases the size of effect, radius of spell and duration of spell's effects. Accelerate reduces cooldown for enemy attacks (so they attack more frequently.) Potence increases the damage of enemy attacks.
x All are vulnerable Air, resist Fire.
x Fighters have Speed 5 /10, Health 2 /10, Damage 6 /10, Bombers have Speed 6 /10, Health 2 /10, Damage 5 /10, Tacticals have Speed 4 /10, Health 3 /10, Damage n/a.
x Fighters and Bombers are unlocked at start of game. Tacticals are unlocked at Defeat 5 Assembly Drones. Until unlocked, Tacticals can't be spawned; if a monster would spawn them, they spawn something else they can spawn instead.

Spawned Enemy (Aggressor / Groundrazer / Command Assembly:)
x Improved Fighter / Bomber / Tactical Assemblies.
x In addition to normal Fighter Assembly abilities, Aggressor Assembly machine gun bursts shed light (small radius - larger radius per tier), and the final shot of a burst explodes on impact, firing bullets in every direction (equally spaced). (Number of bullets in the burst is equal to 8 + (8 x Tier).)
x In addition to normal Bomber Assembly abilities, Groundrazer Assembly bomb drops drop 3 bombs instead of 1. The extra bombs are "dropped" at a 30 degree from horizontal starting path (one to each side), and then arc down as they are affected by gravity.
x In addition to normal Tactical Assembly abilities, Command Assemblies gain an additional Spell - Sacrifice. Sacrifice is only used on an Assembly when it is near to the player and within range, and will always target the nearest valid Assembly to the player when used; the Assembly then stops moving and flashes 3 times, dying and exploding on the 3rd flash. (These flashes are spaced 0.1 seconds apart, so you have 0.3 seconds to get away.) The explosion is fire similar to Explosion Espers for Bombers / Groundrazers, and a bullet burst similar to the last shot of the Aggressor Assembly for Fighters / Aggressors. Tactical and Command Assemblies may not be targeted by Sacrifice. Damage dealt receives a % bonus proportional to the health of the sacrificed Assembly; this bonus goes of straight health, not % remaining, and so makes sacrificing Aggressors and Groundrazers worthwhile compared to Fighters and Bombers.
x All are vulnerable Entropy, resist Air.
x Aggressors have Speed 6 /10, Health 3 /10, Damage 8 /10, Groundrazers have Speed 8 /10, Health 3 /10, Damage 6 /10, Commands have Speed 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Damage 7 / 10.
x Aggressors are unlocked at Defeat 50 Fighter Assemblies. Groundrazers are unlocked at Defeat 50 Bomber Assemblies. Commands are unlocked at Defeat 50 Tactical Assemblies. Until unlocked, if any enemy would spawn one of these they spawn the basic version instead (so Fighters instead of Aggressors, etc.)

Elite Model (Oblivion Drone:)
x Improved Eradicator Drone - Use Eradicator Drone base.
x Miasma Missile upgraded to cast 3 Miasma Missiles at tiers 1 + 2, 4 at tier 3, 5 at tier 4 and 6 at tier 5.
x Entropic Presence. Aura of entropic energy causes Entropy damage over time while in it. Higher tiers increase damage and aura radius.
x Oblivion Protocol. As the Oblivion Drone is damaged, it's Miasma Missiles travel faster and it can be cast more often. Increase in speed and times cast per minute both are equal to (% of health lost x (tier + 5) x 0.1).
x Resist Entropy, Vulnerable Air
x Speed 5 /10, Health 5 /10, Damage 6 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Eradicator Drones

Elite Model (Carrier Drone:)
x Improved Assembly Drone - Use Assembly Drone base.
x May spawn Assemblies more often, and spawns more Assemblies when it does so. May spawn all 3 types at once from tier 1.
x May cast Accelerate and Potence as Tactical Assemblies.
x On death, produces 1 of each type of Assembly at tiers 1 + 2, 2 of each type at tiers 3 + 4, the Carrier has a [(tier x 4) + 10] % chance to spawn an Aggressor Assembly instead of a Fighter Assembly, a [(tier x 4) + 10] % chance to spawn Groundrazer Assembly instead of a Bomber Assembly and a [(tier x 4) + 10] % chance to spawn a Command Assembly instead of a Tactical Assembly.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Fire.
x Speed 3 /10, Health 7 /10, Damage n/a
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Assembly Drones

Elite Model (Pale Reaper Drone:)
x Improved Reaper Drone - Use Reaper Drone base.
x Can spawn Fighter and Bomber Assemblies.
x Reaper Protocols. When the player character takes damage while within (tier x 10) + 10 tiles of the Pale Reaper Drone, it gets a (tier x 5)% increase in the times it can cast spells per minute and the damage it deals. Where the damage from doesn't matter.
x The Pale Reaper Drone has a [(tier x 1) + 5] % chance to spawn an Aggressor Assembly instead of a Fighter Assembly and a [(tier x 1) + 5] % chance to spawn Groundrazer Assembly instead of a Bomber Assembly.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Water
x Speed 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Damage 8 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Reaper Drones

Elite Model (Guardian Drone:)
x Improved Sentinel Drone - Use Sentinel Drone base.
x Improved Rotating "shields" - gain a second shell of shields outside the first shell. The second shell rotates in the opposite direction to the first, and rotates at two thirds the speed of the first. Shields may not be healed.
x Regeneration. Slowly regains health over time. Taking damage it is vulnerable to disables regeneration for 5 seconds.
x Gravity Well. Shots that pass within tier + 3 tiles of the Guardian Drone are "sucked" into it. Shots sucked in still deal damage to what they hit. Shots are drawn towards the centre, so they may still get past the rotating shields.
x Can spawn Fighter Assemblies.
x The Guardian Drone has a [(tier x 1) + 5] % chance to spawn Aggressor Assembly instead of a Fighter Assembly.
x Repair Towers. These are set up when the "shot" impacts with solid ground. Repair Towers provide a Repair Aura; higher tier causes the aura to have a larger radius. Repair Auras may stack. Repair Auras heal (tier x 5) health to all enemies in their aura every 2.5 seconds. Repair Towers are background objects that may be destroyed similar to Boss Towers. When the Guardian Drone dies, all Repair Towers also die. Each Guardian Drone may only have 1 Repair Tower created at a time; if it uses Repair Tower while it still has one, the old one dies.
x Resist Light, Vulnerable Entropy (main body); Resist Earth, Vulnerable Water (rotating shields)
x Speed 4 /10, Health 8 /10, Damage 4 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Sentinel Drones

Elite Model (Liquidator Drone:)
x Improved Assassin Drone - Use Assassin Drone base.
x Temporal Slowdown Field. While within tier + 5 tiles of player, the players movement speed, cooldown duration and mana regen all suffer a - [25 + (tier x 5)] % penalty.
x Assassin Blades gain reduced cooldown.
x Shadow Warp. As long as the Liquidator Drone is 10 or more tiles away from the player (i.e. in the background), it may teleport (tier x 2) + 10 tiles. This teleport may not be to anywhere within 7 tiles of the player character.
x Resist Entropy, Vulnerable Light. (In addition to the normal damage vulnerability, all Light spells also deal significant knockback to the Assassin Drone.)
x Speed 7 /10, Health 3 /10, Damage 9 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Assassin Drones

x Elite Model (Fusillade Drone:)
x Improved Artillery Drone - Use Artillery Drone base.
x Near constant fire; Energy Orb and Energy Slice both get vastly reduced cooldown, and the Fusillade Drone has massive mana regen to be able to keep on spamming these. Each should be fired [1 + (0.2 x tier)] times a second.
x Area Denial. Energy Orb and Energy Slice attacks are no longer always fired directly at the player; instead, they fire at a randomly chosen angle between + 10 degrees and - 10 degrees from the player.
x Can spawn Bomber Assemblies.
x The Fusillade Drone has a [(tier x 1) + 5] % chance to spawn Groundrazer Assembly instead of a Bomber Assembly.
x Dominance Towers. Shots spawn as Dominance Tower on impact with solid ground. Dominance Towers act as turrets, firing Energy Orb and Energy Slice shots as Artillery Drones. In addition, they provide a Suppression Aura; players deal - [10 + (5 x tier)] % damage while within the radius, and the Fusillade Drone deals + [10 + (5 x tier)] % damage while within the radius. Radius size also increases with tier. Multiple Suppression Auras stack with one another. Dominance Towers are background objects similar to Boss Towers, and can be destroyed in a similar manner. When the Fusillade Drone dies, all Dominance Towers it created die. The Fusillade Drone may only spawn 1 Dominance Tower at once; if it tries to use Dominance Tower while it already has one, the old Dominance Tower dies.
x Resist Light, Vulnerable Earth
x Speed 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Damage 9 /10
x Unlocked at Defeat 50 Artillery Drones

x Boss Model (Dominator Drone:)
x Massive drone
x Flight. Higher tiers = faster movement speed.
x Miasma Missile as Oblivion Drone.
x Modified Ball Lightning spell as Reaper Drone.
x Entropic Presence as Oblivion Drone.
x Domination Protocol. As the Domination Drone is damaged, it's Miasma Missiles and Modified Ball Lightings (both shot and pillars) travel faster and it can be cast more often. Increase in speed and times cast per minute both are equal to (% of health lost x (tier + 5) x 0.1).
x Dominance Towers. Shots spawn as Dominance Tower on impact with solid ground. Dominance Towers act as turrets, firing Energy Orb and Energy Slice shots as Artillery Drones. In addition, they provide a Suppression Aura; players deal - [10 + (5 x tier)] % damage while within the radius, and the Domination Drone deals + [10 + (5 x tier)] % damage while within the radius. Radius size also increases with tier. Multiple Suppression Auras stack with one another. Dominance Towers are background objects similar to Boss Towers, and can be destroyed in a similar manner. When the Domination Drone dies, all Dominance Towers die. There is no limit to how many of these Towers may be created.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Water
x Speed 4 /10, Health 6 /10, Damage 8 /10
x Unlocked at Find Stash In Townhouse (in Abandoned Town) T3

x Boss Model (Manufactory Drone):
x Massive drone
x Constant production of Fighter Assemblies, Bomber Assemblies and Tactical Assemblies. Higher tiers produce Assemblies more often. Only 1 Assembly is produced at a time, but it should be a fairly consistent stream of Assemblies coming out.
x Improved Rotating Shields as Guardian Drone. 4 layers, with layers 1 and 3 rotating in a different direction to layers 2 and 4. Each layer moves at 80% of the speed of the later inside it. Shields may not be healed.
x Co-ordination Towers. These are set up when the "shot" impacts with solid ground. Co-ordination Towers provide a Co-ordination aura; higher tier causes the aura to have a larger radius. Co-ordination auras may stack. Co-ordination auras provide a + [10 + (tier x 5)] % increase in the number of attacks per minute Assemblies make in them. Co-ordination Towers are background objects that may be destroyed similar to Boss Towers. There is no limit to how many of these Towers may be created. When the Manufactory Drone dies, all Co-ordination Towers also die.
x Repair Towers. These are set up when the "shot" impacts with solid ground. Repair Towers provide a Repair Aura; higher tier causes the aura to have a larger radius. Repair Auras may stack. Repair Auras heal (tier x 5) health to all enemies in their aura every 2.5 seconds. Repair Towers are background objects that may be destroyed similar to Boss Towers. There is no limit to how many of these Towers may be created. When the Manufactory Drone dies, all Repair Towers also die.
x On death, spawn (tier x 2) + 2 of each type of Assembly.
x The Manufactory Drone has a [(tier x 5) + 15] % chance to spawn an Aggressor Assembly instead of a Fighter Assembly, a [(tier x 5) + 15] % chance to spawn Groundrazer Assembly instead of a Bomber Assembly and a [(tier x 5) + 15] % chance to spawn a Command Assembly instead of a Tactical Assembly.
x Resist Air, Vulnerable Fire (main body); Resist Earth, Vulnerable Water (rotating shields)
x Speed 5 /10, Health 8 /10, Damage 5 /10
x Unlocked at Find Stash In Townhouse (in Abandoned Town) T3

EDIT: Added suggested speed, health and damage output (as totals out of 10; consider the ratings rough comparisons to existing monsters of that grade i.e. compare basic monster ratings to existing basic monsters, elite monster ratings to existing elites, etc.)
Added suggested unlocking paths.
Modified locations slightly to focus more on Abandoned Towns.
Small clarification to Rotating Shields to ensure they can't be healed back.
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Internal WeightFeature Suggestion


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
May 11, 2012 5:45 am BenMiff New Issue
May 11, 2012 7:43 am tigersfan Internal Weight => Feature Suggestion
May 11, 2012 7:43 am tigersfan Status new => considering
May 12, 2012 8:45 am BenMiff Description Updated