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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0017659Stars Beyond ReachGUIOct 3, 2015 11:38 am
ReporterRythe Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.915 (Happy Air, Happy Wallet) 
Summary0017659: New/Different Behavior For All Services Window
DescriptionFor the All Services Window, it's default behavior is only useful if you're lacking in a service in some territory. Generally speaking, it does not answer the question of 'do I have enough of service x to build y?'

So you have to click on the 'Show All Services' option and then scroll through the list of all lists to figure things out. This is also less than ideal.

So. I suggest two new/different modes instead.

'Show Service Deficits' Mode: Only shows territories and services that are running a deficit. This changes the current default All Services window behavior in that the current implementation also shows territories that aren't running a service deficit if some territory is running a deficit of the same service. This 'Service Deficits' mode will be the default behavior if you're running a deficit of something somewhere.

'Show Current Services' Mode: Only lists services and territories where a service need or service supply exists. This will be the default All Services window mode if you aren't running a deficit somewhere.

'Show All Services' Mode: Same as what you currently have under that name because you've already coded it. Personally, it only seems useful as a sort of exploration of what could possibly exist, and I'll never use it in practice. So probably could be scrapped or repurposed into 'Show Current Services'.

On top of these two or three modes, I'd like a way to specify territories displayed, at the very least for the 'Show Current Services' mode. Maybe a drop down or list menu with 'All Territories' and then each territory by name in the list.
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Oct 3, 2015 11:38 am

administrator   ~0043274

Huge new specs for this already here, but it won't be ready until Monday:

I had a lot of the same feelings as you. This is going to garble the formatting, but this is what I'd come up with:


“Building Services Planning” Screen
We have the existing building services screen, and that’s good for certain stuff but really not great for others. I’d like to make this a situation where we have the individual “warning about this service” screens keep going to the current screen like they do now. But the little leaf/warning screen would go to a different screen now (this new one). That said, having tabs to get back and forth between the two would be nice.

This screen will do double-duty in terms of importance to players: on the one hand, it will let them actually do some planning instead of being reactive, which has been a definite complaint thus far. On the other hand, it will also teach them which things are global versus territory-based as resources.

Amongst other things, it will resolve this:
And some stuff suggested/reported by gia, Rythe,

This new screen is going to need to be like the old cities list screen in its overall design: a full-screen affair with a massive grid that can scroll horizontally in that fake way.

The first column should bit called Territory, and should be 200px wide.
Then after that we should have columns with the icons for each of the building services and pseudo-services that are of any relevance (aka that would appear on the existing building services screen when that is showing everything with its checkbox checked). These should each be 80px wide.
In terms of rows, the first one should always be called Global and should have a [#ecff6e] in front of that text.
Then after that we should have an alphabetized list of territories. These rows should be no more than 24px tall at the most; 20px might actually be the right number, I’m not sure. I’ll polish that bit up.
The building services and pseudo-services columns should be ordered into three groups, and then alphabetized within each group:
Group 1: Any service that has a problem in any of the rows ([#ff4545] on the cells that have that problem, by the way).
Group 2: Any service that has a warning in any of the rows ([#ffc85f] on those cells that have the warning).
Group 3: All the rest of the services.
In each cell of a row/column combo, it should either show a number (with the colorization based on the above things), or it should show the text “[#797979]N/A” if it is not relevant.
For the Global Row:
Anything that is a global stat, like food or trash or whatever, should have numbers here. Anything that is a territory-based stat (all the services, basically), should have the N/A.
For the territory rows:
Anything that is a global stat should have the N/A, whereas all the stuff that is territory-based should have a number for that territory.
One little exception, actually: if the number for that territory would be zero because there is none of that service needed or provided in the territory in question, please just have that cell show the zero with the colorization [#6e6e6e] in front of it.
The actual numbers to show:
For building services: the net balance of the provided minus the needed in that territory.
That should be based on the total provided and needed with CalcFlags.UnderConstruction.
It should show red as a problem if that number is negative.
It should show orange as a warning if the net amount is still positive, but is less than (10% of the total amount needed, or 500, whichever is lower).
When hovering over these cells, it should show a tooltip that says:
“Territory Name: Service Name”
“Needed/Provided Now: Value / Value”
“Needed/Provided Under Construction: Value / Value”
“Needed/Provided Disabled: Value / Value”
For trash and graves, it should show the net balance of the provided minus the amount stored and loose in that territory.
That should be based on the total provided with CalcFlags.UnderConstruction.
It should show red as a problem if that number is negative.
It should show orange as a problem if there is any litter or unclaimed bodies (respectively) AND the above number is not negative.
If there is a low amount where it would be showing the “turns left” warning on the outside bar, then please have it show as an orange warning.
The tooltips for these should be the same tooltips from the outer bar.
For pollution:
This is per-territory, with N/A on the global row.
It should show the number based on the calculation that you already use on the outer bar (using the same logic, but only for one territory rather than adding it up from all of them).
However, we should allow it to show what would normally be less than zero in terms of showing the balance, and we should flip the sign (so positive is good -- excess cleaning -- whereas negative is bad -- excess pollution).
This should show up as red problem if it has a negative number (more pollution than cleanup can handle).
This show up as an orange warning if it has a positive number less than 1000 (less than 1000 extra cleaning compared to the pollution there now).
For food/water/housing/unemployed
This should show the net balance on the global row, and be N/A on all the territory rows.
It should be red if the balance is negative (aka people are starving or actively unemployed or whatever).
Food, water, and housing should show up as an orange warning if their specific provided value is less than 60% of whatever the highest value is out of the 3 of them.
So if I have 1000 food but only 500 water and housing, water and housing would both be orange.
The tooltips on all of these should be the same as on the outer bar.
Showing the power balance (CalcFlags.UnderConstruction). Global only, territories are N/A.
Orange warning if the balance is less than 1000 (CalcFlags.UnderConstruction).
Red problem if balance is less than 0 (CalcFlags.UnderConstruction).
Tooltip of this should be the same as on the outer bar.
Neural Implants:
Showing the actual count of that inventory type. Global only, territories are N/A.
Showing it as orange warning if there are 0 of these but also zero “reduces this per turn” buildings right now (CalcFlags.All).
Also show as orange warning if there are “reduces this per turn” buildings, but there are some number of these that will take less than 10 turns to remove all of given the current buildings (CalcFlags.None).
Showing it as red problem if there are > 0 of these and whatever the case with the “reduces this per turn” buildings will take either > 10 turns to remove all of them (including infinite turns if there are none of that sort of building).
ExpatriateHousing and PrisonCells
Showing the net balance of that inventory type vs the capacity. Global only, territories are N/A.
Showing it as orange warning if there is zero capacity of PrisonCells in act 1 or above, and zero capacity of ExpatriateHousing in act 3 or above.
Showing it as red problem if there is a negative balance at any time.
Same tooltip as on the outer bar.
Showing the net balance of your capacity for unemployed minus the actual number of unemployed (don’t go into the negatives on unemployed count if you’re not fully staffed). Global only, territories are N/A.
Showing it as red problem if there is a negative balance.
Same tooltip as on the outer bar.

MistakeErrors vs MistakeWarnings
On the top bar where we have the little NoMistakes leaf, there actually should now be three states and possibly two icons. How this gets calculated and what exactly it shows in the tooltip should be different now, too.

Calculating warnings and errors:
This should simply calculate the data for the “Building Services Planning” Screen, and then look at the data that would be red or orange.
If there is data that would cause a cell to be red, then that’s one error. If it would cause a cell to be orange, then that’s a warning.
If there are no warnings or errors calculated, then just show the green leaf like you do right now. Happy!
If there are warnings or errors, then don’t show the leaf icon but instead show either the imgMistakeWarnings icon or the imgMistakeErrors icon or both, depending on if you have warnings or errors or both.
For each of those, please show the number of specific cells that would be red or orange, respectively. So it’s not a count based on the overall services number, but instead is a count based on the number of cells -- a lot more informative in terms of “a little bit wrong” versus “a lot wrong.
In the tooltips, it should say:
“Number of {Warnings/Errors}:”
And then a row per type of service or pseudo service, with a count of cells that are orange/red (as appropriate) in their column.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Oct 3, 2015 9:38 am Rythe New Issue
Oct 3, 2015 11:38 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0043274