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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0023059AI War 2Note To TestJun 24, 2020 12:18 pm
ReporterRocketAssistedPuffin Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2.012 Populous 
Summary0023059: Journal thing for Chris
Description"One is just a very simple data thing of two tables:
and JournalEntries
Someone wanting to have an event in game would pull a random entry from a category, and write it to the log.
So a relic is discovered, and it calls the RelicDiscovered category and writes one of 10 random things: "Oh look, we found some sort of mysterious alien artifact, etc!"
If they want, they can make FirstRelicDisocovered and it only has a couple of items.
And they might have RelicsAfterCitiesMade and it has more entries.
So that it seems more sensible what is written.
Some of them might reference a person or a place or whatever, but it wouldn't be any sort of permanent cross-game log. Just stuff going into the log itself during a game.
Then there is the OTHER thing which is kind of like a bestiary/wiki for lore in game."

"The journal stuff just gets sent like chats and put to the chat log."

TagsNo tags attached.



Apr 10, 2020 3:32 pm

administrator   ~0056774

Further notes from discord:

RocketAssistedPuffinToday at 3:22 PM
I don't recall journals being in chat
I'm doing a coop with Demo and StarKelp and it's not in chat
-NR-SirLimboToday at 3:23 PM
Yeah, I thought journals had their own menu point back in AIWC, or am I wrong?
RocketAssistedPuffinToday at 3:23 PM
Own menu
OvalcircleToday at 3:23 PM
They do
-NR-SirLimboToday at 3:24 PM
In my opinion, something that the player can re-read if they need to without having to scroll through pages upon pages of chat would be nice
Yeah. They had their own menu mixed in with other menu points.

Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:27 PM
Huh! Well okay then.
That was after my time.
Originally circa AIW 4.0, they were just in chat.
Keith must have done this sometime 5.x or after.
RocketAssistedPuffinToday at 3:28 PM
If 5.x was Ancient Shadows (expansion 4), then I'd imagine so
That one is very heavy on journals.
Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:28 PM
That's correct.
Do the journal entries show up at some point in the chat message, like "new journal entry available" or something like that?
RocketAssistedPuffinToday at 3:29 PM
Not in SP or MP
They show up in the top left
In the little box that says things like "Incoming Exo" or "Incoming Wave"
Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:29 PM
There's like a... "5 unread journal messages" or something?
RocketAssistedPuffinToday at 3:29 PM
Not that exactly
but if you do have an unread one it shows up there
like "Shattered Pillar Found! (Click to read)"
Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:30 PM
Ah, I see.
-NR-SirLimboToday at 3:30 PM
Here, upper left corner

Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:30 PM
Well, we could use our own notifications thing for the same purposes.
Got it. Okay, yeah. That's a pretty different design but not something that is hard for us to mimic.


Apr 10, 2020 3:32 pm


20161107001824_1.jpg (55,810 bytes)   
20161107001824_1.jpg (55,810 bytes)   


Apr 10, 2020 3:33 pm

administrator   ~0056775

Last edited: Apr 10, 2020 3:36 pm

-NR-SirLimboToday at 3:31 PM
I think I'll want to do some. But we would need "triggers" for this to work
Like XML Tags:
So for what I imagine is possible, the easiest way is creating a pseudo-options-menu-structure that can have entries added midgame, either in C# or through XML tags.
This would enable all the functionality for event chains and quests

Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:33 PM
I was originally planning on having this be basically a thing where you could say "show a random journal entry from this category," where each category has 1-n entries in there so it's not identical every playtrhough. You might just have one entry in a category, but the game would remember which one it was if there were multiple. That way you can have things play out a bit differently each time. But then the actual code that says "draw a thing from a category" was something I was largely thinking of making it be based less on xml and more on just code, such as when you found your first spire city or whatever else. More abstract things. That's kind of how the AI taunts work. But we could certainly tie them to specific units without much trouble.


Apr 10, 2020 3:41 pm

administrator   ~0056776

-NR-SirLimboToday at 3:38 PM
I would suggest adding them somewhere in the side-bar. This way they could be accessed with one click

In theory what here is the turrets, other defenses and such could indeed be individual buttons for journal entries that pop up with a similar window to how C-clicking and a number of other things appear.
This might be even less work.


Apr 10, 2020 3:41 pm


unknown.png (465,636 bytes)


Apr 10, 2020 3:42 pm

administrator   ~0056777

Chris McElligott ParkToday at 3:42 PM
I don't remember if on all aspect ratios there would be room for that. Depending on your aspect ratio, the tabs go further or less far down the screen. And depending on your UI scale. The default UI scale is I think maybe 0.8 or something instead of 1, so maybe there is now room for everyone. I will have to verify that at some point, but assuming that is correct then I do prefer the idea of this being over there, yes.


Apr 10, 2020 3:59 pm

developer   ~0056778

Some XML triggers that I came up with just brainstorming:

These are in variants of:

Then are connected to:






so in total 3x19=57 triggers, like
that are 90% copy&paste&mix of one another

Like show_specific_journal_when_first_discovered_by_player="AIOverlordDiscovered" -> Displays a journal to the player with the "Oh, you've found the main AI controller. Go destroy that to win the game" kind of thing.


Apr 10, 2020 4:23 pm

administrator   ~0056780

Thank you for the list! That will be helpful.


May 19, 2020 4:48 pm

developer   ~0057036

So, here's some useful functions when it comes to Journals. I'd probably implement them the same way that Hacking has functions that can be overwritten. The Context passing might be a good idea simply if spawning or similar events have to take place:

doOnJournalFirstQueued(Context context) ---> Executed the first the journal is queued. Will only ever execute once, even if the journal can occur multiple times
doOnJournalQueued(Context context) ---> Executed whenever the journal is queued. Can occur multiple times per game, but only if the journal can occur multiple times
doOnJournalOpened(Context context) ---> Executed whenever the journal is opened to be read by the player, just before the text is displayed
doOnJournalClosed(Context context) ---> Executed whenever the journal is closed


May 19, 2020 7:00 pm

administrator   ~0057049


* Added a major new framework to the game to support modders in particular being able to subscribe to various events that might happen.
** Each hook is defined in GameData\Configuration\ExternalCodeHook, or optionally in equivalent folders for expansions or mods themselves.
*** As we did with the expansion external data, however, we might wind up keeping the expansion ones with the base game for simplicity. That may keep mods in particular as compatible as possible.
** Each hook has a name, which is what event handlers reference.
** Each hook has a description which explains what the heck it is for, in terms that a modder or another developer will hopefully understand. These are not ever seen by players.
** Each hook has a mainobject_is, which defines for the modder what type the "MainObject" parameter will be (so they can cast to that from type object).
** Each hook has a secondaryobject_is, which defines for the modder what type the "SecondaryObject" parameter will be (so they can cast to that from type object).
** Each hook has a additionalobjects_are, which defines for the modder what the heck is in the "AdditionObjects" array parameter (this can be an array of unlike type objects, or a list of multiple of the same type of objects, or more commonly just a null array).
** Each hook has a context_is, which defines for the modder if there is anything unusual to know about the ArcenSimContextBase that is being passed in.
*** Generally speaking there is nothing to say, but sometimes it will always be null, for instance. It will also generally be something you want to cast to ArcenSimContext from ArcenSimContextBase, but we define it as ArcenSimContextBase so that we can call this even from the ArcenUniversal dll.

* Event handlers are defined in GameData\Configuration\ExternalCodeHookHandler, or the equivalent folder for expansions or mods.
** These would typically be what people are actually modding in, rather than adding actual hooks (unless their mod is that huge).
** These just define the dll and class names of the handler, and then the hook that they are attached to, and a name that needs to be unique but doesn't get used for anything.
** It's worth noting that every time a hook handler object is defined, it instantiates a new copy of it that object. So if four different handler entries in xml all reference the same class, there would be four objects of the type of that class. You CAN store permanent data on those, but it's not recommended in most cases. You also can do something like define a static Instance variable to try to have a singleton pattern, but if more than one xml entry calls the same class, you'd have three classes not properly referenced, and then the static Instance pointing to the last-instantiated version. So a static List<> or similar would be better.

* Four hooks have been added to start:
** OnJournalFirstQueued
*** Executed the first time a specific final journal entry is queued. Will only ever execute once, even if the journal can occur multiple times.
** OnJournalQueued
*** Executed whenever a journal entry is queued. Can occur multiple times per campaign, but only if the journal can occur multiple times.
** OnJournalOpened
*** Executed whenever the journal is opened to be read by the player, just before the text is displayed.
** OnJournalClosed
*** Executed whenever the journal entry is closed.
** Al of these are related to journals, as you may notice, but overall the functionality of hooks is unrelated to journals. It can be used for many different things in the future, but this is just what it happens to be first used for.

Thanks for suggesting these four events and thus inspiring the whole new hooks system! :)

I have provided example usages in there.


May 19, 2020 7:00 pm

administrator   ~0057050

Oh, and I've tested and all the hooks do work.


May 22, 2020 1:19 pm

administrator   ~0057101

Badger notes:

Hey Chris, would you be willing to make some Journal entries for things that are Lore-important to the game? For example, maybe a Journal entry at the beginning of the game, when you claim your first Ark, first Golem, first time you see the AI Overlord... stuff like that? I think stuff like that is important, but they feel sufficiently fraught with Lore stuff that it would probably be best for you to tackle it.

Plus examples will make it easier for modders.


May 22, 2020 1:19 pm

administrator   ~0057102

My response:

Sure, I think that does make a lot of sense. If there are other examples of where you'd like to see lore pieces come in, then I'm all for hearing about it. I don't mind putting in some stuff that will be good thematically for people in particular, and I still have some more journal hooks that are needed.

I've also been thinking about ways to try to incorporate knowledge of potential alternative victory conditions at game start, aka from the fallen spire, but I can't think of exactly the best way to do it. I can think of a SIMPLE way, but it's a lot less efficient. I think that modders will inevitably wind up using the simple approach, so I've been thinking I will just make that more efficient with an extra data structure that quickly can do that sort of check, and then not worry about it.


May 26, 2020 2:50 am

manager   ~0057123

Journals are both a way of A. imparting Lore/background/depth to the world and B. also as a teaching tool.

Possible example: when the first Golem is spotted, have a small Journal entry talking about the Zenith (what your science/history officer might know), and pointing out that claiming the Golems would give the player powerful tools against the AI. Same sort of thing with the Arks (you'd need to invent some backstory though).

Another example: When certain unique and powerful AI things are discovered (the Superterminal? Those new Fleet enhancer things?) giving a journal entry with something like "It looks like this structure might be a way to interface directly with the AI's internal network and cause chaos, which would lower AIP. It might have a very powerful response though, so we would probably need to have a significant force (and maybe even build some turrets)" might be good.

Other ideas:
Foreach Golem, give a bit of Lore/detail when captured. Could even just be something as minor as "Commander, this Zenith Golem is <describe the visuals>, and looks like it might be really good at <whatever it does well>. These ancient Golems are <positive adjective>!"
Foreach Ark, give a bit of Lore/detail when captured.
Foreach spire city built, give some Lore.
A journal entry when the first CPA and wormhole invasions are detected, giving some lore and mechanical explanation.

We also should get some Lore/gameplay description for the minor factions at either game start time, beacon invocation time or "when you find them on the map" time.


May 26, 2020 3:05 pm

developer   ~0057131

Agreed on all the above.

If you guys want me to write some of these, I'd be down for that.


Jun 8, 2020 10:03 pm

manager   ~0057236

I'd be happy to have some help, SirLimbo; at least having a first pass at the journal entries would be great, since its easier to edit than to do a first draft.


Jun 9, 2020 2:26 pm

developer   ~0057241

Then I think I'll write some "combination of a bit of lore and tutorial" stuff for encountering and defeating certain units.

Overall I think all of these could have a journal, but not all need to do. It depends on clutter, time and "not overdoing it" reasons.
--- High Priority = Absolutely should have a Journal (Mostly for Tutorial Reasons)
--- Medium Priority = I think they should have a Journal (Mostly for Lore/Game Mechanic Reasons)
--- Low Priority = They could have a Journal, if it doesn't clutter too much and there's time: (Mostly for Lore or Flavor, some linear story telling)
This is only a list of everything I could think of right now, split into 3 sections: Super-base-vanilla (Player VS AI), Vanilla Minor Factions and DLC 1 The Spire Rises.

Player VS AI only:

High Priority
--- Discovering an AI Overlord Stage 1
--- Defeating an AI Overlord Stage 2
--- Destroying the first AI Command Station
--- Capturing the first Strike Fleet
--- Capturing the first Battlestation/Citadel
--- Capturing the first Support Fleet

Medium Priority
--- Discovering the first Ark
--- Discovering the first FRS
--- Discovering the first [Fortified] Data Center
--- Discovering the first Distribution Node
--- Discovering the first/last Coprocessor
--- Discovering a Major Data Center
--- Discovering a Minor Data Center
--- Discovering a Superterminal
--- Discovering a Spire Archive
--- Discovering/Capturing the first Golem/Lost Spire Frigate
--- On Spawn of the first AI Wormhole Attack
--- On Spawn of the first Extragalactic Unit

Low Priority
--- Some flavor for discovering/capturing special Human, Zenith or Spire stuff (Arks/Golems/Lost Spire Frigates). As in "hey, we discoverd a huge Zenith Relic and it's very good at X and through it we found out that the Zenith did Y in the past [...]"
------- The Human Relics (Potentially all types of Arks, FRS, IGCs, etc) each reveal something about the past before and during the Human Civil War
------- The AI Relics (Potentially: AI Overlord (both stages), Data Centers, Distribution Nodes, Corprocessors, Major Data Centers, Superterminals, Extragalactic Units) each reveal something about the AI and how it works inside
------- The Zenith Relics (Potentially all types of Golems. Can't really think of anything else) each reveal something about the Zenith, possibly hinting towards the Zenith Onslaught DLC
------- The Spire Relics (Potentially Lost Spire Frigates, Spire Archive) each reveal something about the Spire, possibly hinting towards The Spire Rises DLC
------- Some lore for every non-Player-controlled Merc unit when hacked from a Mercenary Beacon

Minor Factios:

High Priority:
--- An entry for every minor faction on Spawn (be it at game start, when they invade the galaxy (by means of beacon or otherwise), basically whenever they begin to exist)

Medium Priority:
--- When discovering the Beacon of a faction
--- Capturing the first AI Risk Analyzer
--- Destroying the first Astro Train
--- Destroying the first advanced Astro Train (= any of the stronger ones when enough normal ones have been killed)
--- Discovering/destroying the first Dark Spire Vengeance Generator
--- On first Dark Spire Vengeance Strike
--- When discovering/destroying the first Devourer Golem
--- When discovering the first Telium of every Spawning Option (Default/Lone/Clustered)
--- When hacking the first Telium
--- When first attacked by the Marauders
--- When the Marauders first take control of a planet
--- When discovering the first Nanocaust unit
--- When discovering the first Nanocaust Center
--- When discovering/destroying/hacking the first Nanocaust Hive
--- When discovering the Dyson Sphere
--- When having hacked the Dyson Sphere and having to deal with the Antagonized variant
--- When discovering/destroying the first Dyson Sphere Antagonizer
--- When first discovering the Zenith Trader

Low Priority
--- Encountering/Destroying the first of every Astro Train-spawned unit (with some lore to it)
--- When hacking the first of every Dark Spire ship line
--- When first supported by the HRF
--- When first having hacked a Dyson Sphere ship line

DLC 1: The Spire Rises

High Priority:
--- An entry for every minor faction on Spawn (be it at game start, when they invade the galaxy (by means of beacon or otherwise), basically whenever they begin to exist)
--- A progressing Story line similar to AIWC Spire City building
------- On every Relic Discovery
------- On every City being built
------- When the first City hits Mk5
------- When the first City hits Mk7
------- When starting/finishing the alternate victory condition hack

Medium Priority:
--- When discovering the Beacon of a faction
--- When discovering/destroying/hacking the first Scourge Laboratory
--- When discovering the first Scourge unit
--- When discovering/destroying the first Nemesis

Low Priority:
--- Some lore for every Scourge race when first discovering an spawner/fortress of theirs
--- Some lore for first encountering a Scourge hybrid
--- Some lore for whenever for the first time each faction captures Spire Debris, and potentially some lore when first encountering/destroying the unit it results in
--- When first discovering every type of minor capturable (really low priority!)

That's all I can think of for now, but I think that's a pretty BIG list for now. Hence the "priority lists".
Feel free to add if you can think of more.


Jun 22, 2020 7:24 pm

developer   ~0057420

Hopefully this is the Marauders in entirety.
CMP_Journals_Marauders.xml (49,085 bytes)   
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Shortcut: AMPE = Anti-Marauder Phlebotinum Emitter
Though in the long term this would make sense to change to just "Phlebotinum Emitter", as within the Journals the "threat" that's on the outside is not revealed before the Marauders invade. -->

<!-- Displayed upon: Starting the game with hostile-to-player and/or AI Marauders
Faction: None
Faction Color: None
Planet: None
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Start" sidebar_text="Parametrium background-radiation detected" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// Parametrium background-radiation detected"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Parametrium background-radiation detected

during regular scans we detected Parametrium radiation. While harmless to humans this warrants further investigation, as there is no natural source known to us.

Parametrium-based radiation is often used to 'whirl' space-time, that is to say create worsen natural faults in space-time to create wormholes, or even manipulate the gravity of high-mass objects. Or in other words: It's a potential spin on Warp Drive technology.

It was theorized during the Human Civil War that drive technology could be built to travel between planets using Parametrium-rays, opening an artificial wormhole to a predetermined location, but scientists were still doing baby steps when an accident caused the entire research station to fold, well, who knows where even if it even stayed in one piece. While proving that the drive could work it also showed just how dangerous messing with the space-time continuum can be, and research was dropped to improve existing drive technologies.

To sum it up: If we're detecting traces of it around us we're due to a visit from who-knows-what. Just in case it's enemies we should be prepared to defend any planet in our territory, at least until fleets arrive.

Head of RnD
George Murphy" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Starting the game with the AMPE
Faction: None
Faction Color: None
Planet: None
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Beacon_Start" sidebar_text="Phlebotinum background-radiation detected" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// Phlebotinum background-radiation detected"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Phlebotinum background-radiation detected

during regular scans we detected Phlebotinum radiation. While harmless to humans this warrants further investigation, as there is no natural source known to us. Thus we conclude someone or something is flooding the galaxy with it for unknown purposes.

Phlebotinum-based radiation is often used to 'flatten' space-time, that is to say resolve the stress that forms wormholes, and in higher concentrations disrupt the gravity of high-mass objects. It's too weak to affect any natural wormholes, but it prevents any and all unnatural ones from even opening fully, that means to allow living entities to travel through. While specifically fortified machines can pass the dimensional stress on our bodies would instantly kill anyone.

It was theorized during the Human Civil War that drive technology could be built to travel between planets using its anti-radiation, so-called Parametrium-rays to turn stress points in 3.5-dimensional space into a fully-fledged 4-dimensional rift, opening an artificial wormhole to a predetermined location, but scientists were still doing baby steps when an accident caused the entire research station to fold, well, who knows where even if it even stayed in one piece. While proving that the drive could work it also showed just how dangerous messing with the space-time continuum can be, and research was dropped to improve existing drive technologies.

We will continue to monitor the situation and inform you when new information comes up.

Head of RnD
George Murphy" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Scouting the planet with the AMPE
Faction: None
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: Planet the AMPE is on
Unit: AMPE
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Beacon_Discovered" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; found on {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; found on {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; found on {PlanetName}

we have located an unknown device on {PlanetName}. Initial scans show that it is built from mostly Human technology, with some components unknown to us and dating around 400 years of age. It also is the source of the Phlebotinum background-radiation we detected earlier, in fact the entire purpose of it seems to be saturating the known galaxy with it.

A carefully calibrated monitoring system keeps a constant check on the radiation levels, adjusting output into all directions as to not destroy natural wormholes, assuming it is capable of this level of power, but to prevent any formation of artificial rifts using Parametrium-radiation. Whoever built this seems to have done so to keep something out of this galaxy.

From a scientific standpoint analyzing the as of yet unknown parts would yield some very interesting insight, but this would require taking the device apart. Forcibly. It's unlikely we will be able to replicate this complex of an emitter for a while, so if whatever this keeps away still exists it may very well arrive.

From a military standpoint this could be enemies or allies, but given that we haven't seen any of the known alien species develop this technology and its complete uselessness against the AI it's a good bet that this keeps away humans.

After talking to Tactical Adviser Leev we are certain that, should we decide to destroy this thing, whoever or whatever it keeps away could enter anywhere in the galaxy, at any point. With fully-fledged Parametrium-Drives there are certain limitations, but arriving is no problem. The biggest issue may be that retreat is impossible. After opening an artificial wormhole it can only stay open for a very short time after which the space-time continuum in this region needs time to restore itself, stranding the traveler.

If we indeed decide to scrap the {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; for science we should have the defenses to last a while even if enemy forces arrive on planets far away from the frontline, at least long enough for our fleets to arrive. This goes double for Economic Command Stations.

In any case, the decision is yours Commander. But choose wisely.

Head of RnD
George Murphy" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Destroying the AMPE if the Marauders are hostile to the player
Faction: None
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: Planet the AMPE is on
Unit: AMPE
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Beacon_Destroyed" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; destroyed" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; destroyed"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; destroyed

immediately after destroying the {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; our scanners picked up spikes in Parametrium-radiation in all the known sectors, though not strong enough to open artificial wormholes this clearly indicates we've stirred up someone.

I heavily suggest to, if we haven't already, put sufficient defenses on any world, especially those with important or irreplaceable structures. We have no way of knowing if this is friend or foe but just to be safe we should assume they are hostile.

But, on a positive note, I've received word from our Head of RnD, Parum, that he and his team have analyzed the wreckage on {PlanetName} and made some important discoveries. I'll append his report for you:

Research Log {PlanetName}-67_B

Analysis of the remains of the {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; is complete. Very interesting technology, though we are unable to entirely understand it yet.

It seems that the Phlebotinum-radiation was being produced as a byproduct of the quantum-radioactive decay of Tri-Mesons. The process seems to be unending, somehow the decay continues even after the catalyst has been depleted. I fear that without the original catalyst we will not be able to reverse-engineer the device and bring it to life.

The rest of the report is plain scientific data that I doubt any normal mortal can understand. Something about the emitter structure and control technology being highly advanced and usable for our own RnD. You get the idea.

In any case, I hope it was worth potentially opening our doors for invaders. Me and my crews stand ready to intercept should the need arise.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Destroying the AMPE if the Marauders are allied to the player
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: Planet the AMPE is on
Unit: AMPE
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_Beacon_Introduction" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged

immediately after destroying the {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName} our scanners picked up spikes in Parametrium-radiation in all the known sectors, and shortly after received a communication from a faction calling themselves the '{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;'. They demanded to speak to president Reman.

After a short discussion they announced that we had successfully negotiated the terms for an alliance against the AI. These are the terms for you and your crews.


Treaty {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;-PT-1_D

This treaty hereby binds both signing parties to the following terms:

1. Prohibiting the use of force, deadly or otherwise, on the respective other.
	a) Any individual(s) of either party breaking this term and being judged guilty a lawful court are to be punished by having done to them what was done to the victim(s).
	b) Such punishment is to be executed by the faction they belong to.
	c) Punishment includes anything up to the death penalty.
	d) Should the party in question deny or delay punishment without either approval of the other or plausible reason this results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3.

2. Sharing the access to planetary resources if sharing the ownership of a planet except for what is excluded under section 5. item b) and c).
	a) This includes metal, energy and any other kind of resource that may be found.
	b) Monopolizing by any means, which includes secrecy, results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3.
	c) Any individual(s) breaking these terms are to be punished by replacing all resulting damages.
	d) If the individual(s) is/are unable to pay the entire sum the party they belong to is to pay the remainder.
	e) If payment is refused or impossible this results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3 only if the other party demands payment in full and no agreement on a partial sum can be made.

3. Keeping any of the terms above and below until this treaty is broken, be it formally resolved or by breaking any of its terms.
	a) Any party has the right not to demand the resolution of this treaty if broken by the other, therefore keeping it in effect.
	b) If one party breaks the treaty the other is immediately released from all its obligations if they so desire.
	c) To formally break the treaty it must be resolved in negotiations between both parties.
	d) Until the time items 3.a), 3.b) and/or 3.c) apply this treaty is considered valid.

4. Both parties have the right to call a leadership assembly and negotiate changes as well as exceptions to this treaty.
	a) Until formally signed by both parties the current terms apply.
	b) Any violation to the treaty is to be judged and executed upon based on the rules of the treaty which was in effect at the time.
	c) If any such violation lasted over multiple changes to this treaty the damaged party may chose one of the treaties in effect as the base for action.

The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alone hereby are bound to the following terms:

4. Fighting the AI as well as any further enemy the other party designates as such with all means available.
	a) This includes potential splinter-, subgroups or insurgents of their own and the other parties faction.
	b) The parties military will operate independently in all fields.
	c) The parties economy will operate independently in all fields.
	d) The parties government will operate independently in all fields.

The Human Remnant alone hereby are bound to the following terms:

5. Sharing all gained intel on the enemy whether deemed relevant or not.
	a) This includes scouting, intelligence reports and data gained by hacking.
	b) This also includes information gained on other factions, including the AI and its sub-factions, and their relations to any other faction.

6.) This party lays claim to certain resources and objects:
	a) Hacking and Science Points entirely belong to this party.
	b) All forms of Capturable or Hackable Objectives entirely belong to this party.

We hereby commit ourselves and our subordinates to all of the above terms, knowing their full effect and meaning.

President Christopher Reman
representing the Human Remnant

{FactionColor}Dread Pirate 'Wraith'
representing the {FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;

We expect you and your crews to follow these terms upon taking notice. Violations will be dealt with according to the treaty.

Chief Secretary
Kirak Brover" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Starting the game with Player-Allied Marauders
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: None
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_Start_Introduction" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alliance forged

while out scavenging supplies our crews were confronted with other Human ships. First contact was peaceful and have now established communications with the {FactionColor}{UnitTypeName}&lt;/color&gt;.

After a short discussion they announced that we had successfully negotiated the terms for an alliance against the AI. These are the terms for you and your crews.


Treaty {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;-PT-1_D

This treaty hereby binds both signing parties to the following terms:

1. Prohibiting the use of force, deadly or otherwise, on the respective other.
	a) Any individual(s) of either party breaking this term and being judged guilty a lawful court are to be punished by having done to them what was done to the victim(s).
	b) Such punishment is to be executed by the faction they belong to.
	c) Punishment includes anything up to the death penalty.
	d) Should the party in question deny or delay punishment without either approval of the other or plausible reason this results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3.

2. Sharing the access to planetary resources if sharing the ownership of a planet except for what is excluded under section 5. item b) and c).
	a) This includes metal, energy and any other kind of resource that may be found.
	b) Monopolizing by any means, which includes secrecy, results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3.
	c) Any individual(s) breaking these terms are to be punished by replacing all resulting damages.
	d) If the individual(s) is/are unable to pay the entire sum the party they belong to is to pay the remainder.
	e) If payment is refused or impossible this results in a breach of treaty as described in section 3 only if the other party demands payment in full and no agreement on a partial sum can be made.

3. Keeping any of the terms above and below until this treaty is broken, be it formally resolved or by breaking any of its terms.
	a) Any party has the right not to demand the resolution of this treaty if broken by the other, therefore keeping it in effect.
	b) If one party breaks the treaty the other is immediately released from all its obligations if they so desire.
	c) To formally break the treaty it must be resolved in negotiations between both parties.
	d) Until the time items 3.a), 3.b) and/or 3.c) apply this treaty is considered valid.

4. Both parties have the right to call a leadership assembly and negotiate changes as well as exceptions to this treaty.
	a) Until formally signed by both parties the current terms apply.
	b) Any violation to the treaty is to be judged and executed upon based on the rules of the treaty which was in effect at the time.
	c) If any such violation lasted over multiple changes to this treaty the damaged party may chose one of the treaties in effect as the base for action.

The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; alone hereby are bound to the following terms:

4. Fighting the AI as well as any further enemy the other party designates as such with all means available.
	a) This includes potential splinter-, subgroups or insurgents of their own and the other parties faction.
	b) The parties military will operate independently in all fields.
	c) The parties economy will operate independently in all fields.
	d) The parties government will operate independently in all fields.

The Human Remnant alone hereby are bound to the following terms:

5. Sharing all gained intel on the enemy whether deemed relevant or not.
	a) This includes scouting, intelligence reports and data gained by hacking.
	b) This also includes information gained on other factions, including the AI and its sub-factions, and their relations to any other faction.

6.) This party lays claim to certain resources and objects:
	a) Hacking and Science Points entirely belong to this party.
	b) All forms of Capturable or Hackable Objectives entirely belong to this party.

We hereby commit ourselves and our subordinates to all of the above terms, knowing their full effect and meaning.

President Christopher Reman
representing the Human Remnant

{FactionColor}Dread Pirate 'Wraith'
representing the {FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;

We expect you and your crews to follow these terms upon taking notice. Violations will be dealt with according to the treaty.

Chief Secretary
Kirak Brover" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders invading the planet of the player or one of their allies
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_PlayerOrAllyInvasion" sidebar_text="&lt;color=#dd3333&gt;ALERT:&lt;/color&gt; {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// &lt;color=#dd3333&gt;ALERT:&lt;/color&gt; {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: &lt;color=#dd3333&gt;ALERT:&lt;/color&gt; {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}

There is an attack in progress from a faction calling themselves the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; targeting {PlanetName}.
If planetary defenses are overwhelmed it may very well fall. To make sure we're not outgunned I advise defending it immediately with our fleets or constructing additional turrets.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders invading the planet of the the AI
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_AIOrEnemyInvasion" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attacking {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attacking {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attacking {PlanetName}

There is an attack in progress from a faction calling themselves the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; targeting {PlanetName}.
This planet currently belongs to our enemies, but that doesn't mean we're allies because of that. As far as their FFID goes we'd be involved in a 3-way war.
I will continue to observe the fight and notify you on its result.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-only Marauders invading the planet of the player or one of their allies
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_AIOrEnemyInvasion" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;attacking&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}

The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; are on the move, targeting {PlanetName}.
I will continue to observe the fight and notify you on its result.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-only Marauders settling on an AI planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet settled
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_HostilePlayer_AIPlanet_Settling" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}

The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; are on the move, settling on {PlanetName}.
They have begun building up their outposts, harvesting metal and energy to increase their fighting strength. If there is a reason to attack this planet we better do it soon.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Ally-to-player Marauders settling on a Player planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet settled
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_PlayerOrAlly_Settling" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; settling on {PlanetName}

The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; are on the move, settling on {PlanetName}.
They have begun building up their outposts, harvesting metal and energy to increase their fighting strength. Our defenders can breathe a little easier with the added support, but especially while the build-up is still ongoing we shouldn't let down our guard.

Let's hope they play by the rules, otherwise we'll have an enemy militia in our own backyard...

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders taking over a player or ally planet planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_PlayerOrAllyInvasion_Defeat_HostileToAll" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}

Our defense of {PlanetName} was successful. All {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; were destroyed and only wreckage remains. But I doubt this is the last we've seen of them.

With their ability to travel everywhere and exploit weaknesses at literally a moment's notice we should expect the enemy to show more frequently, whenever an opportunity arrives. Especially Economic Command Stations would make for a good target due to their limited planetary defenses.

I have also spoken with our Logistics and Economy Adviser Katt Horra and we have concluded that these pirates are starving. Their ships are ancient, in many cases. How old is hard to say, some components are faily new while others might be over 170 years of age. Or in other words: They can't even afford to take ancient ships offline and must rely on repairing and recycling.

Based on this we assume that they will set up mining operations if they ever get to occupy a planet and use these resources to build up a fleet, trying to conquer more territory. We should deal that sooner than later.

There's one more item of note: They're hostile to the AI too. This can be used to our advantage: If we neuter a planet inside AI territory it will bait them into attacking, which is a simple way of pitting two of our enemies against each other, hopefully taking the pressure off us for a while.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player Marauders taking over a player or ally planet planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_PlayerOrAllyInvasion_Defeat_HostileToPlayer" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;defeated&lt;/color&gt; on {PlanetName}

Our defense of {PlanetName} was successful. All {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; were destroyed and only wreckage remains. But I doubt this is the last we've seen of them.

With their ability to travel everywhere and exploit weaknesses at literally a moment's notice we should expect the enemy to show more frequently, whenever an opportunity arrives. Especially Economic Command Stations would make for a good target due to their limited planetary defenses.

I have also spoken with our Logistics and Economy Adviser Katt Horra and we have concluded that these pirates are starving. Their ships are ancient, in many cases. How old is hard to say, some components are faily new while others might be over 170 years of age. Or in other words: They can't even afford to take ancient ships offline and must rely on repairing and recycling.

Based on this we assume that they will set up mining operations if they ever get to occupy a planet and use these resources to build up a fleet, trying to conquer more territory. We should deal that sooner than later.

We've also analyzed their FFID signal and it's bad news. It seems the Marauders have struck a deal with the AI to attack us. I'm not sure what the AI offered but we'll have to deal with them combined now.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders taking over a player or ally planet planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_PlayerOrAllyInvasion_Defeat_HostileAll" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}

Our defense of {PlanetName} failed. The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have managed to destroy our command station and begun to set up bases of their own.

We should prepare for reconquest immediately. Scans indicate that they are harvesting the planetary resources and will most certainly begin to build up a fleet of their own. Then they will proceed to attack hostile planets nearby and expand.

Even if we manage to defeat them we won't be able to beat back their invasions entirely. We should begin to increase planetary defenses even and especially on remote planets. It will force them to reconsider their targets and even if they attack buy more time for our fleets, if not outright destroy them.

There's one more item of note: They're hostile to the AI too. This can be used to our advantage: If we neuter a planet inside AI territory it will bait them into attacking, which is a simple way of pitting two of our enemies against each other, hopefully taking the pressure off us for a while.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player Marauders taking over a player planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_PlayerOrAllyInvasion_Defeat_HostilePlayer" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;occupying&lt;/color&gt; {PlanetName}

Our defense of {PlanetName} failed. The {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have managed to destroy our command station and begun to set up bases of their own.

We should prepare for reconquest immediately. Scans indicate that they are harvesting the planetary resources and will most certainly begin to build up a fleet of their own. Then they will proceed to attack hostile planets nearby and expand.

Even if we manage to defeat them we won't be able to beat back their invasions entirely. We should begin to increase planetary defenses even and especially on remote planets. It will force them to reconsider their targets and even if they attack buy more time for our fleets, if not outright destroy them.

There's one more item of note: According to their FFID they have allied with the AI, which means that their invasions will only act as the initial wedge before the AI's main forces attack. They can also settle on and fortify AI planets against us.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders failing to take over an AI planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_AIOrEnemyInvasion_Defeat" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; failed to take over {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; failed to take over {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; failed to take over {PlanetName}

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have failed their invasion of {PlanetName}.

They will now, most likely, wait for another chance to invade in the hope of taking over the next target. Just in case we should improve our defenses so it's not our planets which fall prey to them.

I have also spoken with our Logistics and Economy Adviser Katt Horra and we have concluded that these pirates are starving. Their ships are ancient, in many cases. How old is hard to say, some components are faily new while others might be over 170 years of age. Or in other words: They can't even afford to take ancient ships offline and must rely on repairing and recycling.

Based on this we assume that they will set up mining operations if they ever get to occupy a planet and use these resources to build up a fleet, trying to conquer more territory. We should deal that sooner than later.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders taking over an AI planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_AIOrEnemyInvasion_Success" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; take over {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; take over {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; take over {PlanetName}

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have succeeded their invasion of {PlanetName}.

They've already begun setting up mining operations and are producing brand-new ships to attack nearby planets. Which means that if they are bordering ours we should be ready to defend or simply exterminate them. If not they may see our planets as easy targets and attack, be it by conventional wormholes or outside invasions.

on the other hand we could simply leave this to the AI and have its forces deal with them for a while. It would take a bit of pressure off our shoulders and keep both factions occupied.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player-and-AI Marauders taking over a neutral planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_NeutralCapture_HostileAll" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have managed to set up their bases on {PlanetName} which, in the wake of recent battles, was left ownerless.

According to our analysis they are already in the process of building up fleets there. If we leave them alone for too long they may begin to attack and conquer nearby planets, potentially our own if adjacent. This is in addition to more invasions from the outside.

There's one more item of note: They're hostile to the AI too. This can be used to our advantage: If we neuter a planet inside AI territory it will bait them into attacking, which is a simple way of pitting two of our enemies against each other, hopefully taking the pressure off us for a while.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Hostile-to-player Marauders taking over a neutral planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_NeutralCapture_HostilePlayer" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; now occupying {PlanetName}

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have managed to set up their bases on {PlanetName} which, in the wake of recent battles, was left ownerless.

According to our analysis they are already in the process of building up fleets there. If we leave them alone for too long they may begin to attack and conquer nearby planets, potentially our own if adjacent. This is in addition to more invasions from the outside.

There's one more item of note: According to their FFID they have allied with the AI, which means that their invasions will only act as the initial wedge before the AI's main forces attack. They can also settle on and fortify AI planets against us.

I'm sure your head is already buzzing with various strategies on how to deal with this new threat.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Ally-to-player Marauders defeated trying to invade
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_AIOrEnemyInvasion_Defeat" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;failed&lt;/color&gt;" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;failed&lt;/color&gt;"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;failed&lt;/color&gt;

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have failed in their assault on {PlanetName}.

It's not as bad as it may sound, with our support ships can be replaced but we've lost the chance to make our work on this planet easier, if only neutering its defenses.

Also, if we give the Marauders sole access to the planetary resources and a bit of help at the start they will be able to start attacking our enemies with their own fleets.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Ally-to-player Marauders on successfully invading a planet
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: The planet invaded
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_Allies_AIOrEnemyInvasion_Success" sidebar_text="{FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;succeeded&lt;/color&gt;" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;succeeded&lt;/color&gt;"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; attack on {PlanetName} &lt;color=#55dd55&gt;succeeded&lt;/color&gt;

the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; have succeeded in their assault on {PlanetName}.

We can now consider this planet owned by allies, and once they have fully begun harvesting the resources we can expect them to aid us in a much more direct way in addition to their normal invasions.

Especially during the build-up they are vulnerable, so if possible we should continue to stand watch until they can fend for themselves.

Tactical Adviser
Alan Edwards" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Game End when the Marauders were allied to the AI
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: None
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_End_AIAllied" sidebar_text="The fate of {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from [email protected] /// The fate of {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;"
        full_text="From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: The fate of {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;

with the threat of the AI defeated now I wanted to inform you regarding the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt;. According to my analysis they are doomed, and rightfully so.

Without the AI protecting them from us and other faction they are but a small fish in a big pond. And we've just elevated ourselves to becoming the Luce that took down the big ol' Great White.

That might have been their reason to ally with the AI despite knowing that they'd be killed off anyway once their usefulness runs out. At least that's what we assume the AI would have done.

Anyway, there might be some pockets here and there, and in deep space, but we now have the ability to exterminate them from our galaxy. In due time we will surely be able to reverse-engineer their Parametrium-Drives and crush what's left of them.

Good hunting!

Logistics and Economy Adviser
Katt Horra" />

<!-- Displayed upon: Game End when the Marauders were allied to the Player
Faction: Marauders
Faction Color: Marauders
Planet: None
Unit: None
<journal name="GC_Marauder_End_DoubleCrossing" sidebar_text="&lt;color=#dd5555&gt;Hello Commander&lt;/color&gt;" can_record_another_copy_if_already_recorded_in_this_campaign="false"
        chat_text="New Mail from &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;NULL POINTER EXCEPTION&lt;/color&gt; /// &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;Hello Commander&lt;/color&gt;"
        full_text="From: &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;NULL POINTER EXCEPTION&lt;/color&gt;
To: [email protected]
Subject: &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;Hello Commander&lt;/color&gt;

Hello there, Commander. Glorious slayer of the AI. I'm the 'Wraith', Dread Pirate of the {FactionColor}{FactionName}&lt;/color&gt; and I've personally wanted to declare &lt;color=#dd5555&gt;war&lt;/color&gt; on you for some time now. With the AI out of the picture we no longer need your protection, we'd much rather own all your planets now than 'share' or whatever you call it. It's bad for our business to be allies with the rich guys. Consider this precious little 'treaty' broken and void, tell the sucker of a 'president' you have he can throw it out the airlock. Thanks to our bases behind your lines we'll be in a good position to take you out. Nothing personal, really. If you want to switch sides to the winners I might even welcome you, if you bow low enough and kiss my boots. But you won't do that, you're the proud big new star of Humanity. At least until my fleets blacken the sky of {PlanetName}." />


CMP_Journals_Marauders.xml (49,085 bytes)   


Jun 24, 2020 12:18 pm

manager   ~0057428

I do not anticipate having time to review this for the next few months or so

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Mar 25, 2020 7:16 pm RocketAssistedPuffin New Issue
Mar 25, 2020 7:16 pm RocketAssistedPuffin Status new => assigned
Mar 25, 2020 7:16 pm RocketAssistedPuffin Assigned To => Chris_McElligottPark
Apr 10, 2020 3:32 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0056774
Apr 10, 2020 3:32 pm Chris_McElligottPark File Added: 20161107001824_1.jpg
Apr 10, 2020 3:33 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0056775
Apr 10, 2020 3:36 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Edited: 0056775
Apr 10, 2020 3:41 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0056776
Apr 10, 2020 3:41 pm Chris_McElligottPark File Added: unknown.png
Apr 10, 2020 3:42 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0056777
Apr 10, 2020 3:59 pm NRSirLimbo Note Added: 0056778
Apr 10, 2020 4:23 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0056780
May 19, 2020 4:48 pm NRSirLimbo Note Added: 0057036
May 19, 2020 7:00 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0057049
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May 22, 2020 1:19 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0057101
May 22, 2020 1:19 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0057102
May 26, 2020 2:50 am BadgerBadger Note Added: 0057123
May 26, 2020 3:05 pm NRSirLimbo Note Added: 0057131
Jun 8, 2020 10:03 pm BadgerBadger Note Added: 0057236
Jun 9, 2020 2:26 pm NRSirLimbo Note Added: 0057241
Jun 22, 2020 7:24 pm NRSirLimbo File Added: Marauder Journal Path V4.png
Jun 22, 2020 7:24 pm NRSirLimbo File Added: CMP_Journals_Marauders.xml
Jun 22, 2020 7:24 pm NRSirLimbo Note Added: 0057420
Jun 24, 2020 12:18 pm BadgerBadger Note Added: 0057428