Still playing the same game, I still have this unrepairable merc parasite, but I've also developed an unrepairable mercenary beam frigate. |
Do you have a control group set to your merc space dock and resources set on that control group to be above a certain amount before metal and crystal is spent on building merc units? If so, they also spawn in the same group and engineers won't spend any resources repairing them if your resource pool is below what you have specified. If this is the case, selecting only the merc space dock and reassigning the control group to exclude the units it has built should enable you to repair them without you needing to be above budget for your control group.
Oh, ho! That's exactly what I have, hadn't thought about the effects of that setting. Perhaps there should be some way to have a dock in a control group without the units it builds being added to that control group? (Also, Zenith Medic Frigates don't use resources when they repair, I think? If so, they shouldn't really be prevented from repairing the units, although I suspect that might be tricky to fix) |