View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0027967AI War 2Crash/ExceptionOct 20, 2023 9:04 am
Reporteralocritani Assigned ToDismiss  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.562 Woah There Buddy 
Summary0027967: Exception on Unit Encyclopedia when sorting for line strength
DescriptionApplying filters as in attachment, an exception appears

I tried to reproduce the issue even restarting the game but no luck: I cannot reproduce it constantly.
TagsNo tags attached.



Aug 23, 2023 12:34 pm


Filters.jpg (176,113 bytes)   
Filters.jpg (176,113 bytes)   
ArcenDebugLog.txt (13,456 bytes)   
8/23/2023 6:22:52 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
8/23/2023 6:22:53 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.2780s)
8/23/2023 6:22:53 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19045) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
graphicsDeviceID: 26520
graphicsDeviceVendor: ATI
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4098
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 3051
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G with Radeon Vega Graphics 
processorCount: 8
processorFrequency: 3593
systemMemorySize: 16312
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
8/23/2023 6:22:53 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.562
8/23/2023 6:22:53 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.5330s)
8/23/2023 6:22:54 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name
8/23/2023 6:22:54 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.7041s)
8/23/2023 6:22:54 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Found 616 xml files in 135 folders in 80ms
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (2.1132s)
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	616 Xml Files Parsed in 2,026ms
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s)
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s)
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0330s)
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (NOT INSTALLED)  Zenith Onslaught (NOT INSTALLED)  The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED)  
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Mods:  AchievementRestorer (Disabled)  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Disabled)  AzaranEmpire (Disabled)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  DireMacrophage (Disabled)  DpsHud (Disabled)  DysonSidekick (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExowarVarietyLON (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  facc_fleet_names (Disabled)  facc_ASF (Disabled)  facc_ASF_plus (Disabled)  facc_GSF (Disabled)  facc_GSF_plus (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  Generator (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  JuicyJournals (Disabled)  Leere (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  NecroParty (Disabled)  OutguardParty (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  Poi (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RadiantMaps (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  Reclaimers (Disabled)  SapperAlterations (Disabled)  ShipLineUpgrades (Disabled)  SimpleOptions (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  Xushido (Disabled)  
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0510s)
8/23/2023 6:22:56 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	616 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms
8/23/2023 6:22:57 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4740s)
8/23/2023 6:22:57 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
8/23/2023 6:22:57 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
8/23/2023 6:22:57 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
8/23/2023 6:22:57 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.6701s)
8/23/2023 6:22:58 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8901s)
8/23/2023 6:22:58 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.3890s)
8/23/2023 6:22:59 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.5220s)
8/23/2023 6:22:59 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
8/23/2023 6:23:00 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.7931s)
8/23/2023 6:23:00 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0280s)
8/23/2023 6:23:00 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0870s)
8/23/2023 6:23:00 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1650s)
8/23/2023 6:23:00 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0490s)
8/23/2023 6:23:01 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Sucking In Starfields (1.0471s)
8/23/2023 6:23:02 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Digitising Distant Planets (0.7831s)
8/23/2023 6:23:02 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0160s)
8/23/2023 6:23:02 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.4470s)
8/23/2023 6:23:03 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1100s)
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Reassembling All Ships (4.4324s)
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0285s)
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Scourge> that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED2 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Sappers> that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED3 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Elderlings> that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED4 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <ChromaticHorror> that is eligible to be random for Chaotician
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED5 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Zenith Miners> that is eligible to be random for Chaotician
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED6 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <NeinzulCustodiansParent> that is eligible to be random for Chaotician
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED7 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Elderlings> that is eligible to be random for Chaotician
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED8 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Dark Zenith> that is eligible to be random for EmpireBuilders
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED9 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Dark Zenith Svikari> that is eligible to be random for EmpireBuilders
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED10 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Zenith Architrave> that is eligible to be random for EmpireBuilders
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED11 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Scourge> that is eligible to be random for EmpireBuilders
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED12 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Zenith Miners> that is eligible to be random for MapAlterer
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED13 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Nomad Planets> that is eligible to be random for MapAlterer
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED14 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Sappers> that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED15 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Elderlings> that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED16 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <NeinzulCustodiansParent> that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED17 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <MigrantFleets> that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED18 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <NeinzulWildHives> that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED19 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <FallenSpire> that is eligible to be random for SpireRelated
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED20 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <ChromaticHorror> that is eligible to be random for SpireRelated
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED21 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <SplinteringSpire> that is eligible to be random for SpireRelated
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED22 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <SpireSphere> that is eligible to be random for SpireRelated
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED23 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Dark Zenith Svikari> that is eligible to be random for ZenithGalaxy
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED24 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Zenith Architrave> that is eligible to be random for ZenithGalaxy
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED25 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Dark Zenith> that is eligible to be random for ZenithGalaxy
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED26 TID28 Could not find a faction with name <Zenith Miners> that is eligible to be random for ZenithGalaxy
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0650s)
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0340s)
8/23/2023 6:23:07 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.3660s)
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.3060s)
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.1810s)
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	DELAYED27 TID28 Info: will dump 745 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	We got 19 campaign's data when deserializing
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.5170s)
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0090s)
8/23/2023 6:23:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	16.1 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.3s)
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.5s)
Inspect Aft Hatches (0.7s)
Check For Extra Modules (2.1s)
Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.5s)
Remembering Alamo (0.7s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (0.9s)
Briefly Panic (0.4s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.5s)
Late Axionic Computations (0.8s)
Sucking In Starfields (1.0s)
Digitising Distant Planets (0.8s)
Holding Ship Parts For Comfort (0.4s)
Reassembling All Ships (4.4s)
Windshield Wiping (0.4s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.3s)
Order Cores By Seniority (0.5s)
8/23/2023 6:23:09 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'arl85'
8/23/2023 6:23:13 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/5_56/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
8/23/2023 6:23:13 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
8/23/2023 6:23:14 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 663ms
8/23/2023 6:25:08 PM	5.562	SINGLEP	List Sort Error: System.ArgumentException: Bogus IComparer:Arcen.Universal.FunctorComparer`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData]
  at Arcen.Universal.Collections.IntrospectiveSortUtilities.ThrowOrIgnoreBadComparer (System.Object comparer) [0x0001d] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Collections.GenericArraySortHelper`1[T].Sort (T[] keys, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, Arcen.Universal.Collections.IComparer`1[T] comparer) [0x00012] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Collections.ArraySort`1[T].Sort (T[] array, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, Arcen.Universal.Collections.IComparer`1[T] comparer) [0x000d3] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.List`1[T].Sort (System.Comparison`1[T] comparison) [0x0003c] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.List`1[T].Sort (System.Comparison`1[T] comparison) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.DoubleBufferedList`1[ItemType].SortConstructionList (System.Comparison`1[T] Comparison) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.UnitEncyclopediaSortStyle_Main.SortAllCategories (Arcen.AIW2.Core.UnitEncyclopediaSortStyle Style) [0x00000] in <07519c149cd942328596db6bb7300b71>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_UnitEncyclopedia+dSort.HandleSelectionChanged (Arcen.Universal.IArcenUI_Dropdown_Option Item, Arcen.Universal.DropdownSetType SetType) [0x00000] in <6e1e76df3cef4149860819bdada183b7>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Dropdown.SetSelectedIndex (System.Int32 Index, Arcen.Universal.DropdownSetType SetType) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Dropdown.OnUpdate_Subclass (System.Single DeltaTime) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Element.UpdateFromUI (System.Boolean ShouldDoFullUpdate, System.Single DeltaTime) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateWindow (System.Single AddedDeltaTime, System.Boolean InvertMouseWheelUIScrolling, System.Int32 scrollSpeedForMouseUI) [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <8a44e07f531d4c569f44f5378a77d9fb>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in <380f18dd04e241b4a754c67f861d89c6>:0 
  at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <102c18f0c1db401fb0a09896b663a537>:0 
ArcenDebugLog.txt (13,456 bytes) (118,522 bytes)


Aug 23, 2023 3:06 pm

developer   ~0067875

The sorting process indeed has some issues, and they are all threading related making them not reproducible in specifics but just messing around with ency one can get it to do odd things it shouldn't.

So far it's quirks haven't stopped me from getting the info I wanted from it without kicking it a few times, and prior attempts by me to make it 100% reliable have fallen short of that.

If you find yourself blocked from getting some info from it, that it should have, do feel free to add on to this issue.


Oct 20, 2023 9:04 am

developer   ~0067967

Several updates ago i made some ency changes and i have not seen nearly so many sorting related issues since then, so i'm marking this as resolved.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Aug 23, 2023 12:34 pm alocritani New Issue
Aug 23, 2023 12:34 pm alocritani File Added: Filters.jpg
Aug 23, 2023 12:34 pm alocritani File Added: ArcenDebugLog.txt
Aug 23, 2023 12:34 pm alocritani File Added:
Aug 23, 2023 12:39 pm alocritani Description Updated
Aug 23, 2023 3:06 pm Dismiss Note Added: 0067875
Oct 20, 2023 9:04 am Dismiss Assigned To => Dismiss
Oct 20, 2023 9:04 am Dismiss Status new => resolved
Oct 20, 2023 9:04 am Dismiss Resolution open => fixed
Oct 20, 2023 9:04 am Dismiss Note Added: 0067967