Just build 2 colony ships and have 1 wait at the other end of the gate. Change the CC, pause the construction of the CC you just placed and get the other colony ship on the planet. As the "have to build in x range" limitation has been removed from colony ships it doesnt even matter how far away the gate may be from the position you want to deploy the colony ship. |
Feb 19, 2011 8:05 am
Last edited: Feb 19, 2011 8:06 am
But then I 'waste' one colony ship, no? (And why does the other need to be on the other side of the gate?)
I don't think the colony ship needs to be on the other side of the gate, but I understand where he is coming from. When you loose a command station on a planet, mobile builders and colony ships on that planet are also destroyed (personally I think this should not happen if the planet has supply, but its not too hard to replace them in the case that it does)
Strong support on this. Either make command station placement ignore collisions with other command stations, or have an "replace station with..." that essentially builds a colony ship and then rebuilds the station itself (so resources/time are the same) |
Scratch what I said above, you DO lose constructors on the planet when you change your command center. Fixing that should be a lot easier at least |
For what it's worth, the "other colony ships go poof" mechanic was a bug that just got fixed.
I definitely agree with the core idea here, though. Sometimes I like moving the command station like this, but most of the time it's just a hassle. I've also done the double-replace trick a few times to keep an already-optimal position. |