Viewing Issues 7451 - 7500 / 28625

[AI War 2]  GUI
Fleet transfer screen revamp
AsteroidOct 25, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Galaxy map - right clicking on system fleet is in doesn't cancel a move order
yupyipOct 25, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Sidebar stretching off screen then compressing to half usual length
RocketAssistedPuffinOct 25, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
More obvious "Disabled"
yupyipOct 25, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Custom Flagships inherit the Command Station mark as their starting markRocketAssistedPuffinOct 25, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Ships in transports don't seem to use energyBadgerBadgerOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Instigator bases no longer appear on the map if you don't have vision of them
resolved (BadgerBadger)
wm46Oct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Allow to waypoint *normal move* -> *normal move* -> *attack move*
BummeriOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
"Mass Combat Engineers" starting Support Fleet Flagship talks about finished ConstructionRocketAssistedPuffinOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
"Ships You Could Capture" section for a Tech has the wrong Turret counts.
RocketAssistedPuffinOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Loading error that stop Wave/Enemy-presence information windows in top-left
ArnaudBOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Zenith trader text is a bit brokenAnnoyingOrangeOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Laser angle wrong when fired from frigate in tutorial practice target
robert_cukOct 24, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Bring Black Hole Generators Back to the Traders Please!
resolved (BadgerBadger)
CaptainTazOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Segmentation fault on run due to NULL Pointer Exception
alexandriaOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
typo in Workhorse Custom FleetVolatarOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Guardians spawning from nowhere
SmaugOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
[QoL] Colouring on techs tooltips for values.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
yupyipOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Proper handholding guidance in tutorials
AsteroidOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
FRD referred to after change to pursuit
resolved (BadgerBadger)
VolatarOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
yupyipOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Audio
Default audio volumes
yupyipOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
[QoL] RMB to quickly close dialogs. Or Esc.
yupyipOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Game setup menu refers to FRD still
resolved (BadgerBadger)
VolatarOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
It is hard to see the boundary of the grav well on some planets
BummeriOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Add an option to change what double clicking unit does : "select all ships on screen of the type clicked"
BummeriOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Typo in Settings-Automation-All units auto kite
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Strategic SageOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Dark Spire error after Overlord and Human Command station are dead.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
OvalcircleOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Moderate Instigator difficulty based on AI difficulty
resolved (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerOct 23, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Dyson Victory Condition -- Hacking Antagonizer like a Superterminal
ZeusAlmightyOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
QOL unit selection -- Holding "C" on planet view prompts controls for quick unit selection
ZeusAlmightyOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Betrayed Hope Scenario - Unreadable galaxy Map
resolved (BadgerBadger)
ArnaudBOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
The ending is super abrupt
LjasOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Cut to the ending screen is too sudden
AsteroidOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Custom Fleets - empty slots count towards ship line limit
resolved (BadgerBadger)
ChromatismOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Bug Report -- Unable to hack ARS because it counts "empty" spots
resolved (BadgerBadger)
ZeusAlmightyOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Typo in Praetorian Guard info in How-to-play
resolved (BadgerBadger)
unicurseOct 22, 2019
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception: Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization.ShotVisualizer.EmitOnAOEParticlesOzoneGrifOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
More obvious tutorial button and tutorial prompt when starting gameAsteroidOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Instigator Bases clarification in tooltip
resolved (BadgerBadger)
ApthorpeOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Records of past wins and losses
LjasOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Visual indicators of explored, explored by nanites, watched, and permanently watched.zharmadOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
(Post-first-DLC) Turning radius and acceleration for unitsAsteroidOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Tutorial 4 hover text is identical to that of tutorial 3xaidOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  GUI
Change the Description of the Dark Spire Ward
resolved (BadgerBadger)
OvalcircleOct 21, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Make all fleets custom via blueprints bank
ApthorpeOct 20, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Starting Choices (flagship, combat factory, battlestation) -- Update needed to reflect new mechanicsZeusAlmightyOct 20, 2019
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Consider: double strength of Golems/Arks, and also AI homeworlds?Chris_McElligottParkOct 20, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Hotkeys for assigning fleet group hotkeys
LjasOct 20, 2019
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Fleet selection - LMB vs RMB
ApthorpeOct 19, 2019