Viewing Issues 6351 - 6400 / 28625

[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
When loading the save into the lobby for editing the map shows four homeworlds and cannot be regenerated.GeeberApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
sub optimal pathing
resolved (BadgerBadger)
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Moving throught enemy planets
resolved (BadgerBadger)
UFOApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Alarm post does not alert garrisoned units
resolved (BadgerBadger)
GreatYngApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
World Deserialization Error shortly after an Unhandled ErrorGreatYngApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Crashes on or soon after opening on MacOS Catalina on iMac 2017
witchdoctorApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Error when friendly Scourge acquires Spire Debris
resolved (BadgerBadger)
EndoviorApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Countdown Timer for Reserve Response
resolved (BadgerBadger)
RocketAssistedPuffinApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Deep Striking punishment can fire instantly upon the player losing a nearby command station.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
IocaineApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
CTD on unit swapBobApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
New Extragalactic War unit names seem wrongFluffiestApr 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
AI Reserves disabledBadgerBadgerApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception: Can't get planet faction for faction after game loadBadgerBadgerApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Achievements retriggered on every loaded save and none of them register to GoGGreatYngApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Balance Issue
Scourge make poor use of space.
closed (BadgerBadger)
EcthelonApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Make scourge scale on enemy power level
resolved (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
ExceptionLord Of NothingApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Idk what this meant, but i could still play fine.
AzuresoulApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Alternate achievement namesDEMOCRACY_DEMOCRACYApr 6, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Ship weapon issues at extremely high ship counts
swizzlewizzleApr 5, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Forcefields still moving to move in the wrong ways
ArnaudBApr 5, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Battlestations being excessively aggressive
ArnaudBApr 5, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Flenser appears to be stuck on a Macrophage; definitely not attacking or moving
GreatYngApr 4, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Allow structures to be rebuilt if the only enemy present is the Devourer Golem
closed (BadgerBadger)
GreatYngApr 4, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Allow the Imperial Spire and Spire Plasma Driver to automatically fire on and destroy the Devourer Golem
GreatYngApr 4, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Newly zombified units get propelled to the edge of a planet and remain there
ynofApr 3, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Cant play the Helping Hands Quick Play ScenorioArkTheSparkApr 2, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Save loading bug: ArcenDynamicTable<MercenaryGroupData>.GetRowByName() called with null/empty nameMalformataApr 2, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
AI infrastructure
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
MK7 Ion/Mass Driver hack tooltip missing
IocaineApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Remember new game faction settings between gamesHistidineApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Lobby V2: have the Options tab remember its values between runs of the game.Chris_McElligottParkApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Settings are not save on "Factions" tabdeoApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Lobby pane shows last used settings, but setup is defaultptarthApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
XML Modding bug: First default starter fleet is frozen until changed at least onceNRSirLimboApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Bug with Faction interface: Choice Boxes revert to default icon despite displaying otherwiseNRSirLimboApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
GUI Bug in Hacking Menu
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Arc-3N-4BApr 1, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Enabling Extragalactic War: Ignore Player-Allied Minor Factions causes exception
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Greatmar2Mar 31, 2020
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Unusable ScreenmvegaMar 31, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
ARS ship line sizes do not take Strikecraft Coordinator into account
FluffiestMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Imperial Spire doesn't shoot Devourer despite both being hostile to each other
OvalcircleMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Give 5000 science immediately when nanocaust is set to invade at game start
closed (BadgerBadger)
FlypasteMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Add some/lots of drones to the Mothership
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Mercenary Group Data error & AI owned Outguard Flagship
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Visible but uncaptured GCA turrets dont appear in the tech tooltip
gigastarMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Some Outguard descriptions still mention a cost, but they no longer cost metal to hire.
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Some Outguard groups don't send all of their listed ship types
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Flagship under repair temporarily disappears when under repair in large battle
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Add to Dyson Antagonizer description that it levels up over time
GreatYngMar 28, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Allied Nanocaust atrittion unnecessarily drains metal income when 'Repair Allies' option is active
GreatYngMar 28, 2020