Viewing Issues 3401 - 3450 / 28625

[AI War 2]  GUI
Tech preview going crazyvincoDec 28, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Game instantly begins erroring on creationZaeronDec 28, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
For StarKelp - CI crash 12.24.21
resolved (StarKelp)
ZaeronDec 27, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
For StarKelp - CI crash
resolved (StarKelp)
ZaeronDec 27, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Bug when swapping individual ship lineswhimseeDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Incredibly out of range coordinates on saving gameStarKelpDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Macrophage gets Fatal Error only after some Hours in mid to late gamedeadone77Dec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Selected fleet failing to show up in bottom-right windowApthorpeDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Memory leak detected at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'Hacking_SelfUnitWithSubSelection_Base-GetMinAndMaxCostToHackForSidebar-eligibleTaRocketAssistedPuffinDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID39 Hit error in ProduceShipsIfNecessary debugCode 710 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside thRocketAssistedPuffinDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
DELAYED10 TID24 Hit Exception in ZA LRP. debugCode 900 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance ofRocketAssistedPuffinDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Memory leak detected at RapidAntiLeakPoolable 'DZ-DoInvasion-newPlanets' of type Arcen.Universal.List`1[Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet]RocketAssistedPuffinDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Hive eyes broken
vincoDec 23, 2021
[AI War 2]  Note To Test
MP testing: test the playeraccount permutations! Are we clearing those enough?Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Balance Issue
Supercat died 3.000MetrekecDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Engineers / Combat factories move out of assist rangeDaniexpertDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Engineers glitched - can't decide what to doDaniexpertDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Regarding new engineer behaviourDaniexpertDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Tech Pane: "Number of Shiplines that use this tech" is incorrectRedPineDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Consider: extra ongoing costs to things that give fleet-wide massive bonuses (turbo raiders, cloaked transports, etc).
resolved (tom.prince)
Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Yet another pathfinder called by two threadsBadgerBadgerDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
"Difficult beachheading" lobby option (forced on in expert mode).
resolved (tom.prince)
Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Fuel balance for expert mode (Strategic Sage notes.
resolved (tom.prince)
Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Expert Mode Fuel UI Consistency
resolved (tom.prince)
whimseeDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
"Insta-claim" option, forced on for expert mode.
resolved (tom.prince)
Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Expert Mode does not properly require two AIs
resolved (tom.prince)
Strategic SageDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Completely redo lobby (parent).Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Lobby V2: better prefab options for color pickers in lobby (to match those used by default for those factions)Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Lobby V2: subsequent players and AIs to actually use their extra colors.Chris_McElligottParkDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Note To Test
Warden manipulation
resolved (BadgerBadger)
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Warden fleet behaves like a 2nd hunter fleet when player loses planet
resolved (BadgerBadger)
FlypasteDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Custom game lobby - minor issuesUFODec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Issue starting a new custom gamepoljik2Dec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Unable to Load Saved GameHarryTDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Left sidebar in planet lobby does not update faction difficultyBadgerBadgerDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Please can last used game settings that load on a new game be saved outside of save files. + bonus bug reportPuppet MasterDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
"Reset to Defaults" in the lobby menu errors out.ParadoxSongDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Mismatch on faction index 15 in types! after opening custom matchMetrekecDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Game sometimes forgets last save settings in lobby and resets to default/other settings.ZweihandDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Game setup and settings not saving.ZweihandDec 22, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
MP test: how often is world baseinfo being sycned? it may not beChris_McElligottParkDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Long Planet Names Have Weird Word WrappingMacDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception in hovertextBadgerBadgerDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Squads not in the central registry but still in the game.Chris_McElligottParkDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Primary key could not be found but its not in death registryBadgerBadgerDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Ui Bug, in both menu and in game.RedPineDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
incorrect ship counts for tech updatesmotaiDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
wave generation error from attempt to counterattack from neutered planetmotaiDec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception during the gameUFODec 20, 2021
[AI War 2]  GUI
Menu "Details of ships upgraded by tech" UIUFODec 20, 2021