Viewing Issues 2851 - 2900 / 28625

[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Bonuses for fleet composition types.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Weapon targeting restrictions
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Multiple tiers of zombification.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Implement a No-Cloak Radius on Spire Spy Cradles.
feature for later
ParadoxSongFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Rogue Mini AI Nest: Fights anyone on this planet.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Unable to add Dark Spire Faction in Lobby
resolved (StarKelp)
DarkshadeFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Wiki
Few Typos on Steam Store Page for AI War 2RyanFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Ludicrously Dense Invisible Gas (damage down)
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Bonuses: things that do more damage from center or outsides of gravity well
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Bonuses: things that have a chance to explode when shot
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Ability for ships to share caps with other types.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
increased damage to elites (high strength ships)
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Momentum: reload speed improves with each shot fired, for a time.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Trebuchet: reload speed and/or attack improves based on amount of time stationary.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Martyr: When killed, boosts power of nearby ships.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Avenger: Gains a bonus to itself when friendlies die on its planet.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Revenge: Powerful weapon system that is only able to fire at enemies with recent kills.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Saboteur: Bonus against AI-ships-only based on unspent hacking points you have.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Motivator: Gains movement speed every time it fires.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Long Range Sensor Array: Gives scouting intel X hops out.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Interstellar Shipyard: Can build Fleetships and Starships at a faster rate, and swarms of repair bots fix...
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Gravitational Destabilizer: lowers gx of all ships on planet.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Planetary Cloaker (malfunctioning and regular).
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Hackable: Ludicrous Range Observatory: gives partial knowledge from all adjacent planets.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Experimental Fabricator.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Armor Resonance Field.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Extreme Ambient Energy
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Network Sniffer: cheaper hacks on that and adjacent planets.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Doomsday Beam Cannons
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Targeting Scrambler
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Maybe: Derelict AI Guard Post: Just like the AIs, but slightly weaker
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Power Enslaver: (Tractor units only) Gains weapon damage for each unit it has caught in tractor beams
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Lockpicking: Is cloaked for a time after entering a wormhole.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Leech: (Tractor units only) Slowly steals the life of ships it has currently held in tractor beams.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Benevolent Vampirism: Same as Vampire effect, but uses it to heal allies nearby instead.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Explosive Ammunition: Shots gain a small AoE
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Crowd Boost: Gains X amount to X stat for each similar ship on same planet.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Blinder: Reduces range of ships it hits.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Relentless : Ignore the first X amount of shots with slowing/paralysis
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Maybe: Bully/Mob: Deals more damage if attacking the same target as more of itself.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Obstacle: king of the hill with specific weaknesses per hill.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Obstacle: enemy things that have to be taken out at same time on planet.
feature for later
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Capturable: Shield Amplifier (malfunctioning and regular).
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Ability to turn off the galaxy visual effects even more completely.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
make the large ships work like forcefields in terms of blocking the movement of tiny ships through them.
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
How about a Zero-K style line move?
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
DarlothFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
During press period: ship encyclopediaChris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
During press period: LoadoutsChris_McElligottParkFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Golems pushing can get other units stuck (and other problems)IncognitoFeb 22, 2022
[AI War 2]  Balance Issue
Destroying enemy ships should provide some positive benefit other than survivalBob KovakFeb 22, 2022