Viewing Issues 9751 - 9800 / 28625

[AI War 2]  Audio Work
Finish voice acting selection of best voice to play.Chris_McElligottParkJan 30, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
Tooltip missing unit name
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 30, 2018
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Cloaking health should be visible
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 29, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
New game setup screen is skipped if "settings" are accessed before pressing "start new game"
closed (keith.lamothe)
BummeriJan 29, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
1500 human ships not visible
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 29, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Game crashes on startupMatruchusJan 29, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Crash/Exception
Crash ReportPepisoloJan 27, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
Sidebar shows me enemy ships even when I can't see them.
closed (BadgerBadger)
Chris_McElligottParkJan 27, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Science generator not rotating on planet with large fleetBadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Crash on Microsoft surface pro 4 when in openglcore mode and hitting start game button.Chris_McElligottParkJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
ActuallyFireSalvo null reference
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
GLSL link error: fragment shaderBadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Modding issues with required fields
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
Can't close warhead menu
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
null reference in UpdateContent: tooltipPanel
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Null refrence excteption in build queue
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
null reference in sidebar
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Guardians have a tendency to glowBadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
crash in voice codeBadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Can't capture science/metal/etc on planet
closed (Michael)
BadgerBadgerJan 26, 2018
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
crash in formation blob handler
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Massive slow down in gameplay
closed (Michael)
RabidSanityJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Stuck/duplicate Zernith Trader
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Controller periodically overlayed with fighter icon
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Wave spawn location tunable
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Bug - Audio
Commands from non-player factions make the "command issues" noise
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Too many clicks in game start causes problems
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 25, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Two arks on a planet!
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 24, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Basic Turretry builds Tachyon Array
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 24, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Guardian missing health bar
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 24, 2018
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
My settings keep getting lost.
resolved (keith.lamothe)
Chris_McElligottParkJan 24, 2018
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Easier xml access to controls and settings files.
closed (keith.lamothe)
Chris_McElligottParkJan 24, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Bug - Other
text error in description of trap master.
resolved (Pepisolo)
crazyroostermanJan 22, 2018
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - New Features
Plague Infection Campaign Type
LthesaurusJan 22, 2018
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Hardened Hull Armor in computer adviser in vanilla
d4rk3rJan 20, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Bug - Other
everything is dead in the two factor mini boss and the game thinks theres something still alive.
resolved (Pepisolo)
crazyroostermanJan 20, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Game starts immediately, skipping Selection Screen
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Inadequate feedback for unbuilt/destroyed turrets
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Dyson visual issues
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
description gets truncated in tooltip
closed (keith.lamothe)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
This patch adds descriptions for all AI structures
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Flair does not show on turrets
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 19, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
damaged squads have wrong number of ships when you switch to that planet
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 18, 2018
[AI War 2]  GUI
Octopus map options mislabeled
closed (BadgerBadger)
tadrinthJan 18, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Shots are not actually getting blocked, visually, by shields.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Chris_McElligottParkJan 17, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
holding down Shift to see move command fails with wormhole traversal
closed (BadgerBadger)
BadgerBadgerJan 17, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Bug - Gameplay
shop keeper gives of fake indicators of damage from pestilant personality outside of combat.
assigned (Pepisolo)
crazyroostermanJan 17, 2018
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Tractor beams don't lerpBadgerBadgerJan 16, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Bug - Gameplay
Circuit roundere boss giving perfect even after taking damage
assigned (Pepisolo)
WhistlerJan 16, 2018
[Starward Rogue]  Bug - Gameplay
have no control over the direction a turret faces (warthog character)
crazyroostermanJan 15, 2018