Viewing Issues 14251 - 14300 / 28625

[The Last Federation]  Suggestion
Decrease displayed spreadshot DPS by distance to targetcasualsaxMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Spread Shot OPtimfortressMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
after capturing outpost power grid shows wrong valuesalocritaniMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Lessen influence from outsourcing race an outpost of their raceworldstoneMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Outpost outsourcing gives too much influenceHistidineMay 7, 2014
 0014991 Combat: Make best weapon to use easier to see.
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
Jab2565May 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Velociter Type B very OPHistidineMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
strange attitude during "destroy spy probes" contractalocritaniMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Combat: Enemy ship tooltip suggestionsnas1mMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Credit for delivering spacefaring tech should decrease over timewindgenMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Now smuggling missions are too easy--spice them up a littleGC13May 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Graphical Bug
Combat: Invisible Spy Probe (Deliver Spacefaring Tech)?nas1mMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Spy probes don't work properlyHistidineMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Ships and spy probes disappearwindgenMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Graphical Bug
Spy Probes suddenly disappearedKahunaMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Graphical Bug
Spy Probes go invisible in Deliever Terraforming questDrakMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
Cloaking Auto-Wins Spacefaring Tech DeliveryMaxAstroMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Can spam "search for hydral tech in ice belt" missions at manufacturing outpost.topperMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Autoresolve makes Delivering Spacefaring Tech a trivial choiceL4m3nessMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Science outposts give far too much science powerGC13May 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Autoresolve returns incorrect valuesptarthMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Says Failed Quest on Auto-ResolvecasualsaxMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
New quests at game start are already past due their date
ProkofievMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Autoresolve time completely wrongHistidineMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Permadeath setting removes Auto-ResolveZulgainesMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
First mission should always be auto-resolvablewindgenMay 7, 2014
 00149821Typo in Tips and Tricks about 'hostile actions'LaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149801Typo in description of a Federation questLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149791Typo in description of Personnel TransportsLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149771Typo in description of "Mark II Ships: UNI Defensive Upgrade"LaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149741Typo in spy probe descriptionLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149811Typo in Military Deal descriptionLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149761Typo in "Resentful of Assistance" popupLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
 00149751Typo in description of XenotimeLaGrangeMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Note To Test
Burlust WarZone Ground Weaponary cant be destorytimfortressMay 7, 2014
 00149961On harder than normal, the text is sometimes wrong Edit: Please ignoreCricketMaskMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Evucks claiming to be in another allianceHistidineMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Despite having resources in inventory, they can't be sold or gifted
CricketMaskMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Deployed squadrons should not fire immediately
resolved (keith.lamothe)
zharmadMay 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Other
Wrong space power still being displayed
GC13May 7, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Suggestion
Give player ability to create power configuration presets
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
AswinMay 7, 2014
 0014988 Dockable stations should show docking radius on mouse over
windgenMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Ironman + Predeath (still) Can load old saved after death
timfortressMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Spliner attacks mission sometimes can do 2 times in a row
timfortressMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Have sidebar focus on click
AjninMay 6, 2014
 0014978 Error string in Log Book for Tutorial entry on Planetary Raw Resources
LaGrangeMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
How are manifacturing and science ratings related to tech (if any)?alocritaniMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Suggestion
Solar Map: Left-Align Text In Various Screensnas1mMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
Cap RCI valuesPlatypusMay 6, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Research Tech: Should player research speed depend on planet research speed?pepboyMay 6, 2014