Viewing Issues 16251 - 16300 / 28625

[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Different alt-fire key
AquohnOct 9, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Note To Test
Min 30 days math error?
closed (keith.lamothe)
ArnosOct 8, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Avalanche Bot quote plays even before the player has discovered them
assigned (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Crash/Exception
Can't reopen from inventory screen
closed (keith.lamothe)
ArnosOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Balance Issue
Can't select Science ExobytestreamOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Hacking stuff interface doesn't "Feel right"
closed (keith.lamothe)
ArnosOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Suggestion: Bots already go after cryo's, why wouldn't they sabotoge science stations also?
closed (keith.lamothe)
GrimerXOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Progress indicator on goal in missions
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BreachOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion
City View: Have tooltips of HQ, character, shop and robot HQ appear in the same style as bot and exo tooltipsnas1mOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Missing menu icon on the city GUICyborgOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Suggestions on equipment screen
resolved (keith.lamothe)
RekkaOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Active bot highlighting
resolved (keith.lamothe)
IpkinsOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Allow stopping the voiceover, especially for large dialogs.
closed (keith.lamothe)
GrimerXOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Text misalignment on Mission Success screenmrhanmanOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Old Computer Terminals show up green on scannersmrhanmanOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Make shields and power consumption of bot more visible on customization screenorzelekOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Customization View: System protection still shown in item thumbnail on Normalnas1mOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Transfer Repair powerup to random other exo if the Exo you are using is fully healedArnosOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Allow mouse wheel scroll on statsMickOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Weird placement of power usage text sort in inventoryPepisoloOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Issue
Warn when you are in the blast radius of a "heavy" weapon that could do enough damage to destory youArnosOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Give scroll wheel a use on the customization screenPepisoloOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion
Customization View: Make the text area scrollable using the mouse wheelnas1mOct 7, 2013
 0012862 Minor text errors
alocritaniOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Graphics option: Turn off explosions
resolved (keith.lamothe)
PenumbraOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
AvalancheBots can make Overdrive missions unwinnable
resolved (keith.lamothe)
windgenOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Less abrupt transition at mission endwindgenOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Sudden Mission Completion
resolved (keith.lamothe)
AquohnOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Proposed rebalance of duration of hand crafted bot mix
resolved (keith.lamothe)
nas1mOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Idea
Make traps in overdrive missions receive damage bonuses
resolved (keith.lamothe)
AquohnOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Issue
Sentries have too little ammo
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Mines not affected by Welding Laser AoE damage
resolved (keith.lamothe)
nas1mOct 7, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Handcrafted botmix no longer working?
resolved (keith.lamothe)
nas1mOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Trap Skill tooltip says 'exceeds' when it should say 'equals'
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Assault Exo tooltip incorrect
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Weird buffs on sentries
closed (keith.lamothe)
nas1mOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Issue
Don't partially scroll towards recentering after moveGrimerXOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Style of tooltips in the left sidebar of the mission view is very inconsistent
resolved (keith.lamothe)
nas1mOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Bot special effects do not follow sensor rules (go through walls)
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 6, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Suggestion - Interface
Show "New" for newly unlocked missions / new pieces of equipment
resolved (keith.lamothe)
windgenOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Other
ProcessAssertionFailure when selling inventory
resolved (keith.lamothe)
CyborgOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Occasional freezing every couple minutesCyborgOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
"Win game with this commander" achievements not working in saved games
resolved (keith.lamothe)
HistidineOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Pressing two arrow keys next to a terminal causes the hacking prompt to appear
resolved (keith.lamothe)
windgenOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Two mistakes in AvalancheBot hover text
resolved (keith.lamothe)
windgenOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
RazorBot causing issues with other bots in mission
resolved (keith.lamothe)
MiseryOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Gameplay Issue
Show range of Silence Bot's damage redirection
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  GUI
Text overlap in store wtih part level
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
ScorpionBot can counter-attack from well outside its attack range
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 5, 2013
[Bionic Dues]  Balance Issue
Recommend increasing Shield Bot Virus Cost
resolved (keith.lamothe)
WingeOct 5, 2013