Viewing Issues 6651 - 6700 / 28625

[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception Popup: "RenderShip error"
NRSirLimboFeb 15, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Force field simplification: remove the shrinking
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
AsteroidFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Hacking an Outguard beacon does not in fact cost 10 hacking points; it's actually free
resolved (BadgerBadger)
GreatYngFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Spurious Announcement - AI targetting homeworld
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Sigma7Feb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Friendly AI Civil War: Green AI is not shooting the (now rogue) Orange AI's command station
OvalcircleFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Error during ReactToShotHittingSquad
OvalcircleFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Friendly AI Civil War: 200 strength Warden fleet sits on my homeworld
OvalcircleFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
Friendly AI Civil War: Green 3k strength threat keeps going between 2 planets
OvalcircleFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
You can find the location of stealthed units by clicking on their sidebar icon
closed (BadgerBadger)
Daw11Feb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Option to Adjust Lighting and Bloom EffectsSoundsFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Devourer Golem counting as Threat
resolved (BadgerBadger)
PireciterFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
AI Civil War: Green AI does not shoot Orange AI's Raid engine
resolved (BadgerBadger)
OvalcircleFeb 14, 2020
[AI War 2]  Balance Issue
End game AI respawn grind
acknowledged (RocketAssistedPuffin)
yupyipFeb 13, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Marker for Spire Cities with Slots
resolved (BadgerBadger)
AstiliousFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Pathfinding ExceptionyupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Autosave exceptionyupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
AIP misreporting
resolved (BadgerBadger)
yupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Balance Issue
Over-strong enemies spawning
resolved (BadgerBadger)
yupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Improved default keyboard shortcuts
yupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
super terminal hacking
yupyipFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
XML Modding bug: copy_from does not copy tagsNRSirLimboFeb 12, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Idea
Hardened: All damage taken above X is reduced to X.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Chris_McElligottParkFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Balance Tweaks
Neinzul Commandos still underpowered
acknowledged (keith.lamothe)
SunshineFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Unit stays tractored after tractoring array got destroyed
Binary BlitzFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Units not loading because they think they're tractoredRyulongFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Units able to get the damage bonus for a target inside a bubble, against the bubble itself.RocketAssistedPuffinFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Great Shield and Reactor Issues
AstiliousFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Switching out of Beta kill profile
ArnaudBFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Warden fleet base belongs to the Hunter fleet??
resolved (BadgerBadger)
OvalcircleFeb 11, 2020
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Forcefields are not showing up / engineers are working on invisible shipsSoundsFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Build issue - Window_ModalDualTextboxWindow ?SoundsFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Gameplay Issue
2 raid engine problems
OvalcircleFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Sim speed drops to 5%RyulongFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Some sort of minor bugarsdorFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception: Called pathfinder again before it finished finding the first pathmaluraqFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
Font choice or a clearer font for the game.Olivier RojonFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  GUI
AI Taunt text color does not reflect the Actual AI color in-game
OvalcircleFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
DoShotMovement: Error at debug stage 3200OvalcircleFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Graphical Bug
Warp Gate missing the green "core" if under forcefieldRocketAssistedPuffinFeb 10, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Warping-in Guard Posts already have functioning weapons
resolved (BadgerBadger)
NRSirLimboFeb 9, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Other
Relic Train Doesn't Spawn Relic
resolved (BadgerBadger)
AstiliousFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
HunterFleet exceptiondeoFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Devourer Golem does not Attack the Zenith Trader Part 3
resolved (BadgerBadger)
OvalcircleFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Bug on building first spire city
resolved (BadgerBadger)
AstiliousFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
AI waves not going to Dyson sphere
GeeberFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Crash/Exception
Exception Popup: "Command.RelatedPoints.Count < 1 in GameCommand_MoveManyToOnePoint!"NRSirLimboFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Suggestion
Empowering custom fleets
arsdorFeb 8, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
AI keeps jumping between 'Hunker Down' and 'Run Away Like A Smart Coward' logic
StarKelpFeb 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Energy costs for turrets under construction are counted twice, sort of
resolved (BadgerBadger)
Chthonic OneFeb 7, 2020
[AI War 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Energy cost for buildings under construction is used twice.
resolved (BadgerBadger)
NRSirLimboFeb 7, 2020