Viewing Issues 15951 - 16000 / 28625

[The Last Federation]  Suggestion
Add flagship icon to combat UICyborgMar 11, 2014
 0013187 cv_requiresvalidevidenceselection when negotiating with the burlustCyborgMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Needs way to assess battles prior to a contract and retreatCyborgMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Crash/Exception
Exception when selecting more than one flagship ability of the same typeCyborgMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Need a way to get ships to haltmrhanmanMar 11, 2014
 00131603Some settings in the extras tab are about Bionic DuesjerithMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
It's possible to roll a very bad ship combination on quick start and lose the first missionCyborgMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Flagship speed controljerithMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Cancel deployment or dock squadronsjerithMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Infinite amount of battles to win contractwaylon531Mar 11, 2014
 00132151Clicking OK on the new race introduction can hit solar map UIjerithMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Graphical Bug
Sprites pile up on top of ships
resolved (keith.lamothe)
waylon531Mar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Crash/Exception
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objectCyborgMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
Burlust missions involve bargaining pointsCyborgMar 11, 2014
 00132301Everything is Hydral in tickerYoukaiCountryMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Contract side effects not always correctApatheticMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Increase Gigacannon damageMiseryMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Clicking on contract changes side effectsApatheticMar 11, 2014
 00132331Drop zone listed as ship
resolved (tigersfan)
MiseryMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Pirate ship not doing anything (system map)MiseryMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Health display for defence contract objectivesjerithMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Graphical Bug
Cutter graphical glitchwaylon531Mar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Idea
Metor mission improvementsGrimerXMar 11, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Balance Issue
Defend GPS from meteorite contractApatheticMar 11, 2014
 00132601Why are the evucks attacking me?ApatheticMar 11, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Game Mechanics
Allow hacking sabotage of co processors
VacuityMar 7, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Neinzul Youngling Mk V ships, Self-Attrition, and Neinzul Regeneration Chambers.
MondSemmelMar 6, 2014
[Bionic Dues]  Bug - Gameplay
Pistol can be fired twice.
MondSemmelMar 5, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Spire starship cant get attack boost
raybitMar 1, 2014
 00132131Chatter screen displays behind Start Combat windowjerithFeb 18, 2014
 00132541Confusing contract rewards
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ApatheticFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Government in exile
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Negative BP from unknown cause ends all options
resolved (keith.lamothe)
JAlfredGoodwinFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Informant AWOL
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Pirate defence contract offers spacefaring tech reward
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Audio
Combat music stops during combat
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ApatheticFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Invisible outposts
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Fruitless ship research
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
 00131884Nonsensical chatter messages
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BillickFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Complaints about losing nonexistent armada after smuggling spacefaring tech
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
 00132161Peltian diplomacy uses Voting Proxies, but displays Current Bargaining Power
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Able to cheat on spacefaring smuggling mission (first mission)
resolved (keith.lamothe)
CyborgFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Planet with Negative populationEndless RainFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Pirate contracts appear to do nothing while paused
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 17, 2014
 00131981Missing bounty information
resolved (keith.lamothe)
CyborgFeb 17, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Non-spacefaring races are sending out Assassins,no rewards given
resolved (keith.lamothe)
CyborgFeb 17, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Balance Tweaks
VampireClaw and Zenith Hydra - Regen but not repair immune
alocritaniFeb 16, 2014
[Skyward Collapse]  Bug - Gameplay
Revolution doesn't consider large cities and building levels
MasterTouanFeb 15, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Zombie zenith hydra spawn normal head
alocritaniFeb 15, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
BP cost mismatch allows going into debt
resolved (keith.lamothe)
jerithFeb 15, 2014