Viewing Issues 23851 - 23900 / 28625

[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
"Successfully equipped xxx" --> "Equipped xxx"GrimerXJan 28, 2012
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Interface Ideas - Visual Indicators, Tooltips, and Summaries
Include forcefield overlapping "one damage" changes in 5.015 into description
assigned (keith.lamothe)
Spikey00Jan 28, 2012
[Valley 1]  Balance Issue
Intro Mission -- Cavern With Gem 0000007 too difficultGrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Add a more obvious 'enter building' indicator to intro missionGrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Intro mission, warp potion chest container "disappearance" potentially confusingGrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Monster Behavior
No normal bosses in cavesArmanantJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Placing wooden platform on monster delays placement until monster moves (or dies)GrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Windstorm oddity?TollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
[MP] Creeping Death hurts friendly NPCsleb0fhJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - Balancing Issues
Give new players (to a server) a boost
tigersfanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Indicate on the dungeon map where possible unscouted map nodes might be
TheodisJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Village micromanagement becomes very tedious
TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Former heroes and de-glyphed npcs who are left in new settlements can't spend TUs
closed (keith.lamothe)
wyvern83Jan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - Balancing Issues
Off screen spawning instead of monster nests
BluddyJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Integrate map screen and strategy screen and allow orders from every tile
BluddyJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
"Guarding Monsters" report is incorrect.
closed (keith.lamothe)
BaleygJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Cleared commodity tower shows up on world map.
closed (keith.lamothe)
BaleygJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Exploring while Paused
closed (keith.lamothe)
TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Using outdated materials and pacifying regions.
UnderfotJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - Enemy Ideas
Desert Burrower movement could use a tweakJMAndersonJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
"Sell" spells, scrolls, consumables, craftables, etc.
zebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Better information regarding tactical resources
TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Settlement resource trading.
closed (keith.lamothe)
jerithJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Add region information to the reference area re: shards
tigersfanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
Eagles are annoying for the following reasons...
Gallant DragonJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Bat Microboss (and higher?) pathing needs updatetigersfanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Minimap sometimes has wrong zoom when changing area.TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Make Settlement name a dropdownlist.
TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - Boss Ideas
red amoeba boss too easytbogueJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
lvl 2 lieutenant in lvl 257 chunk?tbogueJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Enemy went into window.tigersfanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Moving NPCs between settlements.
jerithJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Stashes in the lava flatsUnderfotJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Plum trees are not spawning in Grasslands w/ Groveswyvern83Jan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Scrolling in Tactical View, windowed mode
TNSeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Lava flats enemyUnderfotJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Show remaining warp items in warp dialog
KDR_11kJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Anti-gravity botsSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Shot magic attack value doesn't match magic power
BossmanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Giant flying amobea camps in sky.IxiohmJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
When changing message-log mode, give a notify which mode is activeTollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
The "repop when in water" works without spawnerTollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Tab-targetting targets dead bossesTollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Intro mission notes - some bug some balance some other.FallingStarJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Fire touch/monsters generator: hitbox is too smallSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Mouse scrolling should be disabled with menu openHearteaterJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Settlements in Lava Flats: Ilari calling wandering NPCs fails
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ambartosJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Player Written Epitaphs for Deceased Characters for AVWW
Teal_BlueJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
No settlement at a settlement location.
closed (keith.lamothe)
UnderfotJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Show current/maximum health and mana in tooltipTayrtahnJan 27, 2012