Viewing Issues 23901 - 23950 / 28625

[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Wild garden age (Underground illari cave unlocks npcs from that era)DizzardJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Addition to grave plots
TollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Visual bug on World Map when traversing The DeepSmeeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Granite outcrop placementUnderfotJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Road interrupted by evil lairs.
closed (keith.lamothe)
SmeeJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
"Rampaging monster" spawned above surface chunkGrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Empty gem veinIxiohmJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Rampaging monsters stuck on surface featuresmrhanmanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Slowdown on large settlements
closed (keith.lamothe)
ArmanantJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
lieutenents castles not marked as completed
resolved (keith.lamothe)
tbogueJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Lt towers still not always marking as completed (after fixes)
resolved (keith.lamothe)
FallingStarJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Flying bosses keep to stuck in the sky and earth in outside chunksSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
My minimap size doesn't savedSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Crash/Exception
Crash when entering commodity towerArmanantJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Windmill displaying incorrectlyKronicJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Always show civ level on world map
zebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Strategic map - end turn keybind
zebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Message log - one line shows a clip of the next linezebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Failure of storm dash, etc. no longer displays message in logzebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Map editor - colours too similarzebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
When frozen to speed 0, can still jump normallyGrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Lieutenant icon on map didn't change when lieutenant defeated
closed (keith.lamothe)
shinseitomJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Two tweaks to help dual monitor users
FallingStarJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Still living Leutenant reported as dead on worldmapYuugiJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Unclear how to end bat form
ice0009Jan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Add windows to the interior of houses
LCinnJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Death Touch damage not reduced in Bat FormKronicJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Monster generators didn't scale with my level increasingSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Have potions spawn healing puffs
FallingStarJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
large white outlines around zones
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ArmanantJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Anomaly: Storm dash doesn't cause double acid-water damage.BaleygJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Add a consumable to regenerate health / mana over time
ArmanantJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Skelebot Sniper rampaging monsters getting stuckAlexxKayJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
tab target track line sometimes hard to seegoosemanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
"Fast Walk" across roads
PenumbraJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Game needs more unique collectables
lisa107bJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
mouse wheel use
goosemanJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Changing "stash" status come too fastSmiling SpectreJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Boss not spawning in rare commodity towerIxiohmJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Still can't place platforms while tab-targetingmartyn_van_burenJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Gameplay
Cannot place platforms when using keyboard controlled targetting reticleTechSY730Jan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Cave entrance seeded near a cliff with acid water make some weird graphical issueRekkaJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Suggestion
Tooltip showing level when mousing over on the strategy map
closed (keith.lamothe)
HyfrydleJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Issue
Region level should be readily viewable from strategy/overview map
GrimerXJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Bosses try to conceal remaining health.jerithJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  GUI
Clicking map (to warp) launches spells
resolved (keith.lamothe)
zebramattJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Make the first entry room in a building impossible to be a boss roomTollJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Gameplay Idea
Travel map: Graphical display of what has and hasn't been scouted?
AdmiralJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Graphical Bug
Extra blue targeting cursor when descending ladders
resolved (keith.lamothe)
martyn_van_burenJan 27, 2012
[Valley 1]  Bug - Other
Rhino mob appearing in the sea
closed (keith.lamothe)
DizzardJan 27, 2012