Viewing Issues 13701 - 13750 / 28625

[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Evuck Crystal City causes overflow in troop strengthThaseroJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
researching wihtout supply
resolved (keith.lamothe)
motaiJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Science Labs gather Knowledge outside of supply
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ZairJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Other
science labs still noted as requiring supply
resolved (keith.lamothe)
motaiJun 30, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Crash/Exception
Black screen while entering a combat missionPoulpeJun 30, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Crash/Exception
Black Screen on Help Destroy Pirate BasesamnainocardJun 30, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Crash/Exception
Game screen goes black and stops responding on accepting a questasdfssenJun 30, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
Solar Map: Ship unlocks (Model T, Racial Flagships etc.) do no longer happen in recent versions!nas1mJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - New Unit Ideas - Bonus Ships
weapon jammer
motaiJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Interface Ideas - Visual Indicators, Tooltips, and Summaries
many champ modules missing emp immunity?
motaiJun 30, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Balance Tweaks
Hardened Force Fields: Make them Different
RanakastraszJun 29, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Campaign Management And Setup
Champion + Helper Mode
RanakastraszJun 29, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Ships attacking player-owned outpost count as allied in battle
Miikka RyökäsJun 28, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Unit Abilities And Behaviors
Devourer Golem Ate my Spirecraft
RanakastraszJun 27, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
Deploy Orbital Bomber flagship operation does not actually seem to do anything after battle
TheDarkMasterJun 26, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Other
up to x5 amount of ore in Raid trader convoy
PoulpeJun 26, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Gameplay Issue
Boarding Freighters is not listed as an option
ptarthJun 26, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Unit Abilities And Behaviors
Devourer Golem Scrap
RanakastraszJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Interface Ideas - Unit Selection, Management, and Orders
Team Selection, mainly champion
RanakastraszJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Balance Issue
mime uses human raid starships in reprisal wave..
resolved (keith.lamothe)
malkielJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Interface Ideas - Game and Menu Controls
Player View Hotkey
RanakastraszJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Exile Hacker not working
resolved (keith.lamothe)
orzelekJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Incorrect harvester placement
resolved (keith.lamothe)
BurnstreetJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Campaign Management And Setup
Improve starting Exile journal
resolved (keith.lamothe)
vincoJun 25, 2014
 0015480 Easier access to relation screens
jukeloJun 25, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Other
alt planet names do not show up in the host game screen
BurnstreetJun 24, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
target overflow. too many targets not sorted correctly into target list
motaiJun 24, 2014
[The Last Federation]  Bug - Gameplay
RCI Changes Unexpected - University?
ptarthJun 24, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Units preferring to travel through nomad sometimes
resolved (keith.lamothe)
orzelekJun 24, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
resolved (keith.lamothe)
motaiJun 24, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - New Features
Resource Generating Structure for Nomads
resolved (keith.lamothe)
MaxAstroJun 23, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - New Features
suppressing free roaming defender
motaiJun 23, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Nomads Still Getting Metal Deposits in Multiplayer
resolved (keith.lamothe)
MaxAstroJun 23, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Gameplay Issue
AI thinks my homeworld is an AI world ... and sends an exogalactic strike on it within 10 seconds.
resolved (keith.lamothe)
OreliusJun 23, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Interface Ideas - Cheat Codes
cmd:activate expansion 6
resolved (keith.lamothe)
TheokGrundorJun 23, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion
Text on "Harvester Autobuild Ignores Cloaked" needs updating
vincoJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Encapsulated map splits homeworld selections
closed (keith.lamothe)
vincoJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Campaign Management And Setup
Objectives for nomads and Exodian blade not shown in objectives screen.
vincoJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
Fortresses will Repair Broken Beacon
resolved (keith.lamothe)
Draco18sJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Game Mechanics
Sandbox game ZB no Exo
resolved (keith.lamothe)
CinthJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion
Some minor text cleanup in Destroyer of Worlds.
resolved (keith.lamothe)
ElOhTeeBeeJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Gameplay
ships moving to nomad redirected to new entrance point during swap.
malkielJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Audio
Some of the AI taunts don't work
OreliusJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - AI Type Ideas
AI Type that reclaims lost territory
ShoatJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Bug - Other
Dancing ARS
Draco18sJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Graphical Bug
Tractor Beams Persist After Tractoring Unit Death
Draco18sJun 21, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Unit Abilities And Behaviors
Attritioners that reclaim
crawlersJun 20, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - New Unit Ideas - Turrets and Defenses
Candy tech: Commandstation Exo-forcefield
LancefighterJun 20, 2014
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Crash/Exception
Nomad Planet + Untangle map crash
resolved (keith.lamothe)
DrFranknfurterJun 20, 2014
 00154481Nomad controller hack HaP cost/used HaP not shown
resolved (keith.lamothe)
orzelekJun 20, 2014