Viewing Issues 19201 - 19250 / 28625

[Shattered Haven]  Bug - Specific Puzzle Issue
Arlene suddenly anxious to give you the key.
resolved (GameMaker24)
GameMaker24Dec 28, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Gameplay
Health/Ammo drops from enemies need fine tuning
GemzoDec 28, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Only "Enter" and "S" for dialogs
Smiling SpectreDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Last hit target name/health display
NanashiDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Gameplay
Allow binding storm dash to a button
GemzoDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Logitech Rumblepad - Can't bind to right or left trigger buttons
DoofmazDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Jumping in game causes projectiles to fire at an upward angle
zaaqDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Not enough blocking for dialogsSmiling SpectreDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Text window for screen resolution is somewhat strangeSmiling SpectreDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Achievement are non scrollableSmiling SpectreDec 26, 2012
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Balance Tweaks
atrotrain seedining needs to be weighted away from th super trains
motaiDec 26, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Gameplay
locking keys for standing firing locationChemuelDec 25, 2012
[Shattered Haven]  Audio Work
Sound effect should play whenever a portal is used.
GameMaker24Dec 23, 2012
[Shattered Haven]  Bug - Gameplay
Arrow to south only works in test mode.GameMaker24Dec 23, 2012
[Shattered Haven]  Bug - Gameplay
Boulders don't sink in deep waterGameMaker24Dec 23, 2012
[AI War 1 / Classic]  Suggestion - Tutorial Improvements
Wormhole label color reference
BoomWavDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - General Idea
No more "Where Are You Going?" notice when there is a Evil Outpost on the tile.MouldyKDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Bat allows flight over building tiles.MouldyKDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - General Idea
Character namesZCaliberDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
The killing blow onto a monster does not display floating text damage calloutskhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Graphical Issue
Screen focus fails when jumping during a freefall sectionkhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Some spells do not leave mana/healthmadcowDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Scrolling to the right on the perks selection menu can cause window to stop functioningkhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Gameplay - Balance Issue
Perks can be repetably picked upnekobaronDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
rocket spells still do variable damagemadcowDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Gameplay - General Complaint
More variety in chunks
BluddyDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Add an option to increase text size
vordraxDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Other
Freefall room glitchIpkinsDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Mercenaries will duplicate when going through screen transitionskhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Gameplay
8-way mouse control
ChemuelDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Artwork
Face to face dialogue
ZCaliberDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Room Issues
You must jump before entering the door
madcowDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Balancing Issues
Make raptor form useful
GemzoDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Boss Ideas
Henchman fights
NanashiDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - UI Ideas
Adjust floating damage display duration.
NanashiDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - General Idea
Make ammo pickup explosions less insignificant
GemzoDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Gameplay - General Complaint
Ice bats are satanspawn
GemzoDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Gameplay - General Complaint
Powerslide is really annoying to useGemzoDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - Spell Ideas
Encouraging ammo use: pt 2
madcowDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Dispatch survivor mission window does not display correct distances when using warp pointskhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Only 11 survivors are able to display on the survivor selection windowkhadgarDec 21, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Monster Behavior
Crawlers dig through the floorGemzoDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Gameplay - General Complaint
Melee damage dealt by enemies/henchmen feels a tad high
nas1mDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Skelebot Research Facilities Re-Hackable
GemzoDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Room Issues
Bad slices
khadgarDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - UI
Scrolling up from the close button on the perks window sets the selection box in a wrong location
khadgarDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Suggestion - General Idea
Encourage use of ammo spells, discourage hoarding of ammo
PenumbraDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Gameplay
Player is able to transform into a bat or raptor then switch classeskhadgarDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Monster Behavior
spawning in monstersmadcowDec 20, 2012
[Valley 2]  Bug - Room Issues
Unable to progressLayZboyDec 20, 2012